Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


Great Old One
Chapter Seven: Rally Ho!

What do you think of the story so far?
I like it. Hopefully there will be more story soon X) Right now it's kinda village - fights - village - fights - village etc and I'm hoping for some juicy plot twists.

There are quite a few changes in setting in this chapter. What do you think about the places? How did you do against Armodulluhan in Fossil Roo?
I loved Fossil Roo! Exactly my kind of place. I grew addicted to the whole holding up flower - riding insect thing. Also that noise it makes when it lets you ride it, aaaawww <3 Also the music is awesome. I tried digging for stuff but I mostly got Ore and Potions. One Hi-Potion. Was kinda lame. Armodulluhan I fought a few times, then I grew tired and managed to pretty much run away from him without being caught.

Catch any more frogs on your latest visit to Qu's Marsh?
Yeah, one. >_> Those frogs were hard to catch.

Conde Petie somehow has Scottish people in it. The accents are actually quite well done. What do you think about the village?
I really like that village.

DAT BLACK MAGE VILLAGE MUSIC <3 How much do you love this place?
Haha, that music IS kinda addictive, I agree! I found it a bit annoying at first, but now I like it. How much I love that place? Well, I'll give it a 7/10, because it's too small for my liking. Also I kept running through doors I didn't intend to go through. Annoying.

That scene where Zidane starts telling the story about 'the man' was really really cute. Finally he's sharing something personal (though in third person) instead of just joking and grabbing Dagger's ass. I found that moment incredibly sweet. Finally we're getting to know Zidane. That was a highlight for me.

Other things:
* Learned Goblin Punch
* Zidane now has a piece of equipment with +20%, meaning his HP is now twice as high as Dagger. That's kinda ridiculous.
* The encounter rate walking to Black Mage Village was just ridiculous. I felt like turning off the game, seriously. It was that boring.
* Spent all my gil synth'ing, I expect to find everything I bought in treasure chests in the next chapter :monster:

Also OMG I just saw Olizandri on YouTube is doing a playthrough of IX right now! I absolutely love his XIII series playthroughs. Awesome.


Hey guys, what's goin on? The chapter update will be up later today.

Chapter 8: That Damn Fairy Flute - finishes at the end of Disc 2. I'll be on Skype at 7pm GMT like normal but I have a few things to do before then so I won't be around until 6pm (I'm usually floating around before that, Saturday is my "cut yourself off from the whole world" day).

See you later!


Chloe Frazer
Late as always, Chapter Seven:

What do you think of the story so far?

I'm still loving it. After the heavy chapter last week this one was significantly more lighter which I like because so many feels last week.

There are quite a few changes in setting in this chapter. What do you think about the places? How did you do against Armodulluhan in Fossil Roo?

I didn't get lost which was surprising and in retrospect foreshadowed my adventure after reaching the Outer Continentbut holding the flowers was annoying. The fights with Armodulluhan and Lani were rather easy for me and I stole from them too without any problems.

Catch any more frogs on your latest visit to Qu's Marsh?

All of them actually, it was a little hard but in the end they were no match for Quina.

Conde Petie somehow has Scottish people in it. The accents are actually quite well done. What do you think about the village?

I'm not Scottish, I wouldn't know. :monster: I like the village and it has one of my favorite moments of the game but that happens in the next chapter, if you've played the game I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. :monster:

DAT BLACK MAGE VILLAGE MUSIC <3 How much do you love this place?

First I'm sure Lex, Masa or Marcus will be very happy to tell you guys how I spent more than 30 minutes extremely lost trying to reach the village, then quit in defeat to play Uncharted multiplayer, guys I hadn't gone to Conde Petie first that's why no matter what directions you gave me I couldn't enter the village. :monster: As for the village itself I loved it though that may have something to do with all the time spent trying to reach it. I feel really bad for the Black Mage that knows about death though at the same time he shows how Black Mages can evolve into true sentient, living beings capable of the same fears and emotions as us. The scene were Zidane tells the sotry of the man to Garnet is really sweet and it begins shows to show the depths of his character and growing feelings for Garnet. Oh and Zidane remembers a blue light from his childhood, that totally isn't going to be important later or anything.

Ready for the next chapter and I'm not getting lost this time. :monster:

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i'm a bit behind (i'm almost out of Fossil Roo, shame on me) and i'll miss this skype session (and i'll join late the next one) so i'll probably wont have time for updates.
sorry guys :(


Chapter Eight: That Damn Fairy Flute


This chapter takes us up to the end of Disc 2 - Halfway there guys!

  • Who got married? XD
  • See chapter title. I actually seem to get this on every playthrough but it can be phenomenally hard to get it from Hilgigars - did you?
  • What do you think about Madain Sari and the Iifa Tree? I love the story in Madain Sari.
  • We meet our final party member in this chapter. What do you think of him?
  • What do you think about the story events that transpire in this chapter? Specifically jtowards the end?
  • How are you finding the combat? Do you feel prepared enough level, equipment and ability-wise for the battles?


Waiting for something
Phew apologies for the lateness in responding to chapters, but well unfortunately I&#8217;ve been very busy and very knackered lately. As there&#8217;s a lot to go through in this chapter I&#8217;ve kinda split it up a little into the main areas.

Chapter 6

So to start Cleyra:

I actually don&#8217;t mind the climb, I think it feels longer than it actually is because there&#8217;s a lot of detours for switched whereas when you go through it again, it&#8217;s much easier. I don&#8217;t mind the monsters as they&#8217;re a good opportunity for experience and the Zuu is valuable for learning White Wind, which I made sure to do.

Cleyra is a beautiful place, peaceful and relaxing definitely a place to go if you wanted to get away and get your head showered for a few days, I think the music does it justice to portray that feeling. I know it&#8217;s optional but I always enjoy the tour at the start of the village, don&#8217;t know why but it just feels fitting to do it when Zidane and Vivi have never been to Cleyra before it&#8217;s just such a pity what happens to that beautiful place. I did indeed visit stiltzkin and paid him for some items. Oh and I did watch the ATE&#8217;s and got the Silk Robe and Magicians shoes thought I&#8217;ve missed it before in the past, once because I didn&#8217;t take Quina with me and once because I didn&#8217;t watch the ATE&#8217;s in time.

So during Cleyra we get a little bit of insight on what Brahne is planning for her daughter, you have to wonder how someone who was apparently so sweet and kind could become so filled with greed, I expect Kuja used her vulnerability and she must have felt vulnerable without her husband by her side to help her rule which in turn probably made her a bit paranoid about whether other nations would attack her and Alexandria without it&#8217;s other ruling half. So I guess in someway I do feel a bit of sympathy for her, but at the same time, her part in destroying Burmecia, Cleyra and then Lindblum and not feeling any remorse is inexcusable.

Back to Cleyra and I too like the &#8220;Riverdance&#8221; scene too and of course first time I played it that was exactly what I thought of it. Poor Freya though, I really felt for her when Fratley reappeared and I know she says she&#8217;s happy to see he&#8217;s alive again, but her heart must have broken when she realised he couldn&#8217;t remember her. Finding out that Puck is actually a prince as well is interesting mostly because you&#8217;d never ever expect that, I wish he&#8217;d stop knocking Vivi over though, I&#8217;m not a particular fan of Puck anyways, I find him quite obnoxious really.

So the Red Rose scene gives us a bit of insight into Beatrix&#8217;s character. I can see some parallels between her and Cecil from FFIV, the whole conflicted knight and unable to act of their own free will ideal. I really like Beatrix as a character, I think there&#8217;s a lot of depth to her, but I also like that her character isn&#8217;t explored too much, she&#8217;s still left so the player can make up their own mind about the kind of person she is.

Cleyra Bosses
Antlion: I managed to steal everything but it took a long time to get the Gold helm so I kept focusing Vivi, and using Freya&#8217;s Reis Wind and Quina&#8217;s white wind any time the Antilion used it&#8217;s sandstorm attack. I actually wasted a trance on Zidane&#8217;s part because I was trying to steal the Gold Helm so much but when I finally got it, Vivi&#8217;s magic was so powered up from the amount of focuses that Blizzara got it in one shot :D.

Beatrix: Not hard actually, I kept using Reis Wind and White Wind and kept Vivi on Standby for extra healing, reviving or focusing. Again her attacks weren&#8217;t doing too much damage because my characters are well levelled. Shock was able to kill off Quina and Vivi but wasn&#8217;t doing enough to finish off Zidane or Freya. Unfortunately I ran out of time before I could steal the Ice Brand, so my main problem here was not Beatrix herself but because the battle is timed so I couldn&#8217;t steal everything I wanted although I know the Ice Brand is available in Alexandria anyway so it&#8217;s not too troublesome to miss it apart from it adding to Zidane&#8217;s thievery skill.

Alexandria: It&#8217;s good to see Steiner come into his own here as more than just a bumbling idiot, he finally opens his eyes to the truth and becomes the captain he&#8217;s meant to behave as, it&#8217;s definitely a turning point for him, I feel sorry for him though when you can see how angry he is and unable to understand why Brahne would ever hurt her daughter.
This is also the first point where you see Zidane isn&#8217;t always this upbeat happy character which definitely makes him more realistic and less one dimensional.

Zorn and Thorn: very easy to beat as long as you know the sequence of attacking them. I only ever steal from Zorn though as he has the Stardust Rod and Partisan while Thorn&#8217;vs are only mythril items, but it did take a while to steal the Stardust Rod.

Beatrix: I managed to steal the phoenix down and the Survival Vest but didn&#8217;t bother with the Ice Brand as I&#8217;d just obtained one. Defeating her was pretty easy, she didn&#8217;t even knock any of my characters out this time.

Tantarion: I never fight him at this stage, he&#8217;s definitely too difficult and the battle can take a while to strategise properly, it&#8217;s much easier later when you&#8217;ve more time.

Pinnacle Rocks:
A very small place but nice all the same and the nods towards previous FFs are awesome, I love the Parallels between this Ramuh and the FFVI Ramuh, great stuff.
Poor Garnet having to watch Lindblum getting destroyed at the hands of her mother and her own Eidolons especially after having just gained a new one although I do love that FMV because just like with Cleyra you get to see the sheer power of the Eidolons. It&#8217;s always been an interesting one because up until I played FFIX I never really thought of summons as being able to wipe out civilisations, just being used in battle to annihilate monsters, so seeing the true power of them is a real eye opener

Annnnd that&#8217;s about that it for this chapter, next write up coming soon, sorry I know I&#8217;m far behind, but I&#8217;m actually ahead in the playthrough itself, just not the write ups :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I finally started Cleyra. I'm probably about a third of the way through the chapter, and I'll try to get it finished tomorrow. I'll catch up with you guys one day...


Waiting for something
I just realised in my last write up I left out one particular boss: Ralvuimago! I can&#8217;t really say much about him, except that he&#8217;s a bastard to steal that Oak Staff from and the only saving grace is that you can use the battle in your favour to take as long as you need without getting your arse kicked thanks to it&#8217;s defense mechanism when physically attacked. My usual strategy is to have Garnet attack it while Vivi focuses and keep that up until Zidane steals all possible items then go all out with Vivi and Blizarra but like I said that can take time as Ralvuimago seems very reluctant to give out that Oak Staff!

Chapter 7!
Story so Far&#8230;
I am loving it, did I mention before that FFIX is my favourite? Yes I believe I did, I&#8217;m sorry but there&#8217;s so much in this story and the characters and I could go on but I&#8217;ll leave it to my write ups, but one of the things that struck me about FFIX was that I was desperate in my first playthrough to get to the next destination quickly to progress through the story, I just wanted to find out what was happening next. At this point Kuja, although we know there&#8217;s something more to him that just a weapon dealer, it&#8217;s what I like, that he&#8217;s still very mysterious and you don&#8217;t quite know what his motive is just yet. We also get a first glance of the full world map, it&#8217;s meant to resemble the original FF world map which is pretty cool and when you actually look at the two in a comparison you can see the similarities.

Fossil Roo
Love the music, love the setting, love how the group actually find it and I love that you use the Gargants to get around it. Similar to Cleyra, I think it feels longer because you have to move around a lot changing switches about and there&#8217;s quite a few battles that crop up.

Armodulluhan: completely avoid him, he&#8217;s really not worth it and he&#8217;s just a pain in the arse before the main boss battle with Lani.

Lani: No trouble really with her, I held off full on attacking her until I stole Gladius which was rather difficult although I got the Coral Sword straight away. The only thing I&#8217;m not fond of in FFIX is how some of these boss battles you have to go through like Beatrix and Lani, you don&#8217;t get awarded anything after and I know it fits in with the story but still, would be nice to get an award for this sort of stuff.
So I did a little bit of treasure hunting afterwards and you&#8217;re supposed to be able to get a Madain ring, but I&#8217;ve never ever found one and I spent a good while this time on the walls smashing different bits several times, at most I got some Ore and a hi potion or two but that&#8217;s about it.

The Outer Continent:
It&#8217;s good to be somewhere a little bit brighter for a change, I almost wish though that there&#8217;d been some sort of introductory sequence to it and showing no mist on it or a group discussion rather than a small line from Zidane about it but oh well. So first things first, I went and called a chocobo to finally get the next chocograph dug up that&#8217;s been in my bloody inventory since early disc 1. I bumped into a Cactuar as well and after a couple of failed attempts, finally managed to learn 1000 needles and then headed to Qu&#8217;s marsh and did a little bit of Frog catching before going back to the main story.

Conde Petie
RALLY HO! Indeed, another nice little FF reference here. I love this place, the dwarves are hilarious and some of the dialogue here is just awesome and makes a change from the more recent doom and gloom and we&#8217;re also back to the characters performing their victory poses too. That&#8217;s another thing I really liked, that the victory poses after battle depended on how the character was feeling at that moment, a nice little touch.

Black Mage Village
It&#8217;s probably one of my favourite places to visit in FFIX but at the same time it&#8217;s so hard not to want to hug Vivi. Just watching him trying to come to terms with himself, the other mages and his identity, it&#8217;s brilliantly done, in fact the whole theme of identity and existence in FFIX was really well done. There&#8217;s something so beautifully sad about how the black mages come to terms with death or how they understand it and any sort of resentment you had for them in the past goes completely out the window when you see their innocence and naivety to the world around them. After being used for so much, you honestly can&#8217;t blame them for being afraid of humans or wanting to hide away from them.

I just love Zidane and Vivi&#8217;s friendship and how Zidane treats Vivi almost like a little brother. I think Zidane sees a lot of himself in Vivi in that he&#8217;s trying to find out who he is and understand more about where he comes from but at the same time is scared about it. For me one of the reasons I think they bond so well and understand each other is because they both just want the same thing at the end of it all.

BMV has some pretty amazing weapon and armour upgrades here too, the first in a long time, so I usually go a bit mental on the spending here and buy/synth as much as possible :monster:

Wooo another chappie done, I&#8217;ll probably get my next write up and caught up with everyone in the next few days :D


Pro Adventurer
The climb up to Cleyra can be a pain in the hoop - how did you find it?
I really dislike Cleyra, which is one of the reasons this chapter has taken me so long. It's dull, repetitive and sandy. Sandy places are rarely much fun. It just occurred to me that both VII and VIII place their prisons in deserts - that can't be a coincidence.

What did you think of Cleyra village proper? What about the story events that unfold there? Did you meet Stiltzkin? I'm a huge fan of the Riverdance scene (Also Sir Fratley could possibly be a Michael Flatley reference, which is lulz).
I really dislike Cleyra, which is... hang on, I already said that. Yes, I think the town is boring as well. Snoozeville. I took the tour once, and I can tell you, I'll never be making that mistake again (though I very nearly did this time, because I was mashing the X and Square buttons to skip the dialogue). I understand the reason behind the design of the place, but what do people actually do there?

If you have Quina in the party, you can get two chests after watching ATE's and he/she jumps in the pit. Did you?

Steal anything interesting from the bosses? (Antlion, Beatrix, Zorn and Thorn, Beatrix again, Ralvuimago)
I stole everything from Antlion, Zorn and Ralvuimago. I stole as much as I could from Thorn and Beatrix (twice). I was speed running this chapter, so I couldn't hang around all day; Zidane only got one steal in before Limit Glove took care of Beatrix in Cleyra, for example. My target was to be in and out of Cleyra before my game time hit 14 hours, which gave me 56 minutes. I took 50. I didn't have a target for the rest of the chapter but I did it quickly anyway.

There's an optional boss in Alexandria castle's library - it's difficult at this point in the game due to the timer and general outlevelled-ness, did anyone try to fight it?
No, I was in too much of a hurry to waste time getting... running shoes.

Did you obtain the Eidolon at Pinnacle Rocks?
I will answer that question in the form of a

Only two more chapters left until I'm caught up -_- I don't suppose you lot fancy taking a break for a week, now that you've reached the half way point? No? Alright, carry on then...


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Oh nice...this looked very fun to join in on, but alas, I've found this thread far too late. (New here) Have fun guys!


It's never too late to join in.

Also, people falling behind - the next chapter is fairly short. The chapter after that can be considered a break week for people wanting to get caught up, since it consists of a story segment that lasts for 20 minutes and the rest is entirely optional and can be done much much later. If you do do everything (and I plan to) it's all chocobo hot and cold, getting blue magic and stuff (this'll take it to around the 1-3 hour mark as usual, depending on what you do).

So that chapter will be time for eveyone to catch up if they're behind.


Pro Adventurer
My self-imposed restriction for chapter seven is a bit silly: I'm not allowed to run :lol: Apart from on the world map, that is, because walking is impossible there. If I'd thought ahead, I could have left my Chocobo outside Lindblum's Dragon's Gate, so I wouldn't have needed to run there either, but I didn't do that because I came up with the "challenge" just as I started playing the chapter.

I just thought it would be a nice contrast with the speed run I did in Cleyra. I had to fight Armodullahan four times :monster: I'm at the first save Moogle in Fossil Roo now.


Come on people, WHERE IS YOUR SENSE OF COMPLETIONISM!? (it's a thing, i just decided)

Really though, it's all optional so this gives people time to get up to speed. And it's not until next Saturday!


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Come on people, WHERE IS YOUR SENSE OF COMPLETIONISM!? (it's a thing, i just decided)

Really though, it's all optional so this gives people time to get up to speed. And it's not until next Saturday!

I'm very embarrassed to say... I'm still on chapter two. :doh::sigh:

Honestly, IX has never been a favorite. I just - don't like it as much as the others.

I want to finish though! Just... I'm going to be really late.

Are we still getting together on Skype for chats? I'd love to get in on that again!


Pro Adventurer
^ I'm still on chapter 2 as well, but at the moment I'm just so busy with school applications and preparing for entrance exams, plus with my university courses, that I just don't have the time to play. I think I warned everyone about this when we started the playthrough though.


Chloe Frazer
Chapter 8:

Who got married? XD

This is the part I was referring to last week as one of my favorites from the game. Obviously Zidane and Garnet got married which I love so much and it's so fucking hilarious, from Zidane thinking Garnet has finally fallen for him and saying "I'm such a stud", to his obvious ulterior motive of using the marriage to get Garnet into bed and then trying to kiss her which looks more like an attempted glomp when they're declared husband and wife only Garnet is having none of it, turns around and walks away and Zidane slams face first into the floor, epic fail bro. :monster: Of course then there's the even more hilarious marriage of Vivi and Quina, how could I not marry those two? Best part about it is that Vivi has absolutely nothing to say and just goes "....." over and over and Quina saying " happy..", almost died laughing.

See chapter title. I actually seem to get this on every playthrough but it can be phenomenally hard to get it from Hilgigars - did you?

I got it, I didn't find it too difficult for some reason.

What do you think about Madain Sari and the Iifa Tree? I love the story in Madain Sari.

I loved Madain Sari, Eiko is so cute and wise beyond her years, she was ridiculously good at noticing Zidane and Garnet's feelings for each other but that neither is aware the other has them. We finally learn the truth about Garnet's past, oh look Garnet's dream in the intro was important, shocking. Oh yeah I hate the Iifa Tree. -_-

We meet our final party member in this chapter. What do you think of him?

We do? Who? Oh wait right Amarant, he totally isn't forgettable. Isn't it final two party members since we also meet Eiko in this chapter even though she had a cameo in the one before.

What do you think about the story events that transpire in this chapter? Specifically towards the end?

I really loved it, learning about Garnet's past and of course the plot twist with Brahne and Kuja. Things are gonna get fun in Disc 3.

How are you finding the combat? Do you feel prepared enough level, equipment and ability-wise for the battles?

Well something good came out of me getting lost trying to find the Black Mage Village :monster:, I'm in a pretty good level and the battles are easier.

Ready for the next chapter, I'm gonna kill the Scottish bastard for what we have to do.


Waiting for something
Next chapter, just in time before the next chapter kicks off :monster:

Conde Petie again
I love the exchange between Zidane and Garnet in the marriage scene, brilliantly done and very funny. I didn&#8217;t marry Quina and Vivi this time though, I&#8217;ve done it before and it is quite funny but for all story canon purposes, I didn&#8217;t chose it because the two of them marrying is just plain bizarre!

I love her as a character, her crush on Zidane is so cute, she&#8217;s very mature for her age but also acts at times like a typical six year old which is endearing about her but I also feel sorry for her. Living on her own after her granddad died apart from having the moogles at such a young age and having no human contact really must be really tough and she really must be lonely and as Zidane rightly says, she puts on a brave face. You have to admire her for it though, there aren&#8217;t many kids her age who would be able to cope with that at all, sure it&#8217;s not exactly realistic but her this is Final Fantasy after all :monster:
As for Eiko in Battle, while her summoning pool might not be as big as Garnet&#8217;s I love that she&#8217;s given the ability to change the effect of her summons depending on the gem you equip to her and the fact that she&#8217;s the only character to be able to unconditionally use Holy in the game works for me!

What a total bastard this boss is in terms of stealing items. I&#8217;ve never once in the entire time I&#8217;ve played FFIX EVER been able to steal the Fairy Flute, so I thought I&#8217;d have a go at it this time. Not once in the time I spent on this boss (nearly 45 minutes) before I lost all sense of reasoning and patience with the steal command and AI of this monster was I able to steal the Fairy Flute, it is unbelievable difficult to steal even with my character&#8217;s on good levelling. The Mythril Fork and Phoenix Down, no trouble but the Fairy Flute&#8230;honestly this is the only battle in FFIX where I feel it&#8217;s fixed so you can&#8217;t steal it or the success rate is something like 1% because even with the bandit ability equipped which is supposed to help Zidane steal better items there was no joy. In the end I got fed up, had Dagger and Vivi hitting trance and just let loose with them to convey my rage.

After battling, I went and did that little mini quest to gain a moonstone. I believe if you don&#8217;t manage to get the moonstone off Brahne in the beginning of the game, this is the next time you&#8217;re able to actually get one of these but it is handy for synthesising a Pearl Rouge later on so better to have more than one anyway.

Madain Sari
Did I put the Oglop in the cooking? Nope, but I always before this little bit correctly anyway so that the conversation lasts longer. I know from previous playthroughs that if you don&#8217;t do the cooking ATE correctly then you don&#8217;t get the best conversation.

Zidane and Vivi peeing outside at night :lol: It&#8217;s one of these kind of scenes that always seems to crop up in every FF that makes you go&#8230;.did that just really happen?

So Garnet&#8217;s past is finally revealed here and also there&#8217;s some lovely scenes between Zidane and Garnet too. The thing I love about Zidane and Garnet&#8217;s relationship is that it&#8217;s done so well, it just becomes stronger throughout the game and yet it doesn&#8217;t take centre stage like Squall and Rinoa&#8217;s did in FFVIII

It&#8217;s times like these I wish they&#8217;d made Blank or Marcus a main character, at least they&#8217;re more entertaining and actually have some personality. I get that Amarant is there to act as almost a counter balance to Zidane&#8217;s personality, but honestly he is the single most uninteresting and annoying character in the game. He&#8217;s not bad in battle but that&#8217;s the only thing that prevents me from totally writing him off as a character

Iifa Tree
So in the opening area I always wondered and it&#8217;s probably something along those lines but I wonder if the reason Garnet couldn&#8217;t hear Carbuncle was because it was directly communicating with Eiko, or because she has no horn has she lost some of the abiity to telepathically communicate with the Eidolons. I know she&#8217;s able to unseal Leviathan and talk to Ramuh, although the whole group does that but it&#8217;s never exactly mentioned that Garnet was ever able to communicate with her Eidolons before they were extracted from her only that she feared them and had thought about killing them which is an interesting point in itself.
We&#8217;ve already seen in the game that extraction as process of forcibly removing Eidolons from their master could kill the summoner, and we&#8217;ve also seen that those who aren&#8217;t born as summoners can use the Eidolon&#8217;s power temporarily through gems and Dark Matter, so what would happen if Garnet tried to kill her Eidolons when they&#8217;re fully connected to her, would it harm her too, or would she be able to extract them herself and destroy them or do it through summoning, I just always wondered how would she kill her Eidolons exactly.

The Iifa Tree itself, a beautiful, haunting location and interesting as the prime source of Mist. It&#8217;s also finally interesting to get a general picture of what the Mist in the Mist Continent is actually there for.
Vivi shows a lot of bravery in this chapter by choosing to destroy the Soul Cage and ultimately prevent the birth of any more Black Mages, must have been a hard decision considering the Black Mages are the only others of Vivi&#8217;s kind he knows and the fact he chooses for the Mist to stop, essentially wipes them out as a race for the future.

Soul Cage
Without a doubt the easiest boss to face&#8230;unless of course you want to steal his items, then it becomes a little more complicated. The items of course aren&#8217;t exactly difficult to steal considering all of them are obtainable before the actual battle, I decided not to steal as I had them all and ended the battle immediately with a Life Spell.

The final events of disc 2
SO first of all I&#8217;m guessing the Brahne just got greedy and Kuja just got bored of playing nice with her now that Garnet&#8217;s Eidolons have been extracted. I dunno again it&#8217;s never fully explained what happened to make them go against one another, great insults though. Kuja&#8217;s true nature finally being revealed makes you realise just how dangerous he is and the fact that he turns Bahamut against Brahne is definitely a turning point on how he is perceived as a character. It&#8217;s sad that it took Brahne in her final moments to come to her senses and become the person Garnet remembers her as again, I think what&#8217;s also moving about the scene is you see how Vivi feels during it and what he feels about death again.

The final FMV gets me every time and the accompanying music track to it is just so beautiful and sad. The FMV is really short but I&#8217;ve never known an FMV to convey in the game more about how one character feels apart from the cargo ship FMV for Vivi. You just get a full sense of Garnet&#8217;s grief about her mother&#8217;s death and her fears and doubts about ruling Alexandria on her own, it makes you realise just how much weight she has to carry as the new Queen.


OK guys, the Chapter 9 skype is proceeding as planned (right now :D) even though it's starting a little later than usual.

I haven't had the time to post a chapter update yet, but this chapter is simple and short. I'll make a full post about it later tonight.

You start this chapter (beginning of Disc 3) in Alexandria, then you automatically head to Treno then again back to Alexandria. Save at the first available point after the return to Alexandria (the hint is in the chapter title). There are a few optional things to do in Treno but you're talking about a max 20 min increase in overall chapter time.

This is shorter than most other chapters have been, and it's also the precursor to next weeks "catch up"/ almost completely optional chapter, so everyone should be able to get up to speed by 2 weeks today, even if you're really behind (SPEEDRUN!!)


Chapter Nine: Holy Judgement


So this chapter is very story heavy, there aren't even any bosses, just a few story related chain fights. And some kick ass FMV's. There is a small load of optional stuff you can do once you get to Treno, but none of it is entirely essential.

We finish in Lindblum again, which is just a sad time for everyone because at this point I'm sick to death of the place. Thankfully after this there aren't any compulsory story visits here again.

  • Alexandria is now stocked up with all the latest gear. How are you playing the equipment side of things? Focusing on power and defense or learning abilities?
  • There's a great deal of character development going on in Alexandria - what do you make of Zidane's general attitude?
  • Treno provides an opportunity to return to Dali and get the Mayor's Key, and the final coffee beans. This can only be done while the card tournament is happening, did you return?
  • There's a special scene with Vivi if you encourage him to visit home during his ATE and visit Quan's Dwelling, although doing this forfeits the opportunity for a rare Namingway Card - what did you tell him to do?
  • The weapon store fight club has a new monster - did you fight it?
  • The second visit to Alexandria in this chapter is the very last opportunity to fight Tantarion in the castle library (He's a book sitting on top of one of the shelves) - You can steal a Demon's Mail from him and get the Running Shoes for winning the battle, which teaches you Auto-Haste. Did you do this?
  • This chapter contains (IMO) one of the best FMV/story sequences in the game. What did you think of Alexander?


Oh wow, no one's even posted their updates from last week!? YIKES!

Anyway, this week is catchup week. I'll be posting a chapter update after Saturday, and for the first time ever (and also last) I won't be able to make the usual Skype and play this Saturday. I have to go to my cousin's engagement party, sorry my loves <3.

This week's chapter covers the short story segment in Linblum and anything optional you want to do with the new shiny vehicle you'll have. Those of you who have fallen behind should use this week to catch up, because it's back to normal chapters the week after and there won't be another optional one until the week before the final chapter!


Chloe Frazer
You know I always post my updates on Friday cause I'm lazy like that. :monster:

Awww man, who's gonna help me now if I get lost? Have fun at the engagement part, get drunk and shit. :monster:


I'm going out tomorrow night after the final day in uni, staying with a mate, I'll then be home for about 2 hours on Saturday during which I have to get ready, leave again and go to this party. I'm then working at 9 on the Sunday morning :monster:

This chapter is really easy. You're just in Linblum finding stuff for a little while then the world is your oyster :monster:

I'm sad I can't be there though, I was looking forward to a bit more Uncharted after it. Have fun without me!


Waiting for something
Apologies for no write ups, busy and stuff but will have something on Tuesday when it's my day off work :monster:
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