Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


It's legit. Also Shademp posted that in the Weekly Roundups thread yesterday and Flint put it in this week's roundup XD.

Shad also linked to a gameFAQ's thread with a list of sidequests from a Japanese FAQ, some of which a lot of people didn't know about.


I've just sent a message to Shademp saying to come here and discuss it if he's got anything to say. I'm really amazed about it to be honest, the amount of detail people have gone into for VII, VIII, IX and X and an entire sidequest was missed?

From the looks of it it was detailed in a Japanese FAQ or maybe their official strategy guide. The official western guides just linked to playonline (even the Piggyback one, allthough that was only for some random sidequests) so they weren't detailed in that. It's amazing really.
The guide Kusabi translated from (with the sidequest stuff) was the FFIX Ultimania.

Sadly, I don't have much to say about the topic. It's been years since I played FFIX and I don't actually own the game. If I could successfully make an american PSN account (followed the guides exactly but the broadband always disconnected during a crucial part of the process), I *might* buy it.


Pro Adventurer
Chapter Eight: That Damn Fairy Flute

I'll admit that I'm a tiny bit late with this. I don't want to be a quitter :monster: And besides, I still have challenges to complete!

Who got married? XD
Zidane, Vivi, Quina and Dagger. Not in that order.

See chapter title. I actually seem to get this on every playthrough but it can be phenomenally hard to get it from Hilgigars - did you?
My "challenge" for this chapter was simply to steal the Fairy Flute. It took me about twenty minutes of solid stealing, but I was expecting it to take longer, so I was happy with that. It took me almost as long to steal everything from Soulcage, in fact. I grabbed both of Amarant's items in just two attempts.

What do you think about Madain Sari and the Iifa Tree? I love the story in Madain Sari.
Yeah, it's pretty great, although I feel like I'm having to play as a babysitter quite a lot at this part of the game while Eiko and Vivi do some growing up :P I think the story Zidane tells about Ipsen and Colin is a bit underwhelming, too. To paraphrase: "Why did you come with me?", asked Ipsen. "Because I wanted to come with you", replied Colin. And nobody knows what happened to them after that.

We meet our final party member in this chapter. What do you think of him?
Meh. I agree with everything Avec wrote here, basically. I feel less attached to Amarant than any other playable character in the game. I think Zidane was pretty stupid to ask him to tag along - there should have been some extra dialogue between the party and Amarant before they accepted him in, I think. I can't deny his usefulness in battle, especially once he can give everyone auto-life status, but the game wouldn't really have been any worse if he had been merely a boss/NPC. I guess the developers would have had to re-think the Hill of Despair scene with an odd number of characters though.

What do you think about the story events that transpire in this chapter? Specifically jtowards the end?
I think I've written some thoughts on Brahne elsewhere on this forum before, but basically I've never liked her and thought she deserved to die. I could even say that she needed to die in order to move the plot on and drive Dagger's character development. I understand if that sounds a little cold, but honestly, despite her death-"bed" repentance, she was past the point of no return for me.

How are you finding the combat? Do you feel prepared enough level, equipment and ability-wise for the battles?
I'm still underlevelled (currently 16-18), as I have been for the whole game, yet nothing is really causing me any difficulties - unless I impose some extra restrictions on myself. Speaking of which, any ideas for chapters 9 and 10?


Save your valediction (she/her)
I actually had so much fun playing through the first part, writing my thing, and reading all of yours, I was super bummed when life became too busy for me to keep up.

So you go, Flint! Once I get settled in Toronto I plan to play FFIX ("me-time," motherfuckas!) and I'll finish my ridiculously lengthy and thorough analyses. Maybe I'll post 'me all here!

I wonder if there's a way to create a "community playthrough" that isn't time sensitive.


None of them are time sensitive really, it's just a general guideline for people to follow. The questions are all in this thread if people want to play through the game and answer them at any point in the future. The same is true for the old VII playthrough.
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