Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


Chloe Frazer
It's Friday. :monster:

Chapter 9:

Alexandria is now stocked up with all the latest gear. How are you playing the equipment side of things? Focusing on power and defense or learning abilities?

Both? I have no idea. Boy does that say a lot about how much I've been paying attention to the gameplay.

There's a great deal of character development going on in Alexandria - what do you make of Zidane's general attitude?

Poor Zidane you finally realized you're in love with Garnet but don't worry buddy she loves you too but you won't realize that just yet. It was great to see more of the depth of Zidane's character, he's emotional and more introspective in this chapter which is something we hadn't seen so far in the game.

Treno provides an opportunity to return to Dali and get the Mayor's Key, and the final coffee beans. This can only be done while the card tournament is happening, did you return?

Yes I did everything and Lex didn't even have to remind me to do so. :monster:

There's a special scene with Vivi if you encourage him to visit home during his ATE and visit Quan's Dwelling, although doing this forfeits the opportunity for a rare Namingway Card - what did you tell him to do?

Screw the card, there's very little chance I'll play any more card games after the tournament. Vivi visited his home which was sweet.

The weapon store fight club has a new monster - did you fight it?

I did, I lost.

The second visit to Alexandria in this chapter is the very last opportunity to fight Tantarion in the castle library (He's a book sitting on top of one of the shelves) - You can steal a Demon's Mail from him and get the Running Shoes for winning the battle, which teaches you Auto-Haste. Did you do this?

Yes I did, first time was a disaster so I rage quit and played Uncharted multiplayer, it was the best decision I could make when I tried again on Sunday I managed to win the card tournament and beat Tantarion rather easily. I was very surprised I managed to accomplish that.

This chapter contains (IMO) one of the best FMV/story sequences in the game. What did you think of Alexander?

The scene with Alexander is one of my favorites in the game, it was so beautifully done, everything about it was perfect and we're introduced to Garland, he can't possibly be important or anything.

Scottish bastard you will be missed tomorrow.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i'll play this night. will we start soon?
also, i was very busy this two week, so'll probably just write random idea instead of answer at the usual question for the last two chapters


A reminder guys, you don't have to answer my questions every week - they're just a starting point for a chapter write up.

Does anyone want to Skype during the week this week? I'm working in the office but other than that I'm completely free, no more uni assignments or anything. Happy times :)



Chapter Eight

Who got married? XD

Zidane and Garnet, and Vivi and Quina. Is there even any other way to do that?

See chapter title. I actually seem to get this on every playthrough but it can be phenomenally hard to get it from Hilgigars - did you?

Nooooooope. The steal success rate in this game is ridiculous. Well, for the good items, anyway. I can't think of any recent battles in which we've been able to steal what we most wanted from anyone :sigh:

What do you think about Madain Sari and the Iifa Tree? I love the story in Madain Sari.

I like Madain Sari, and I like Eiko. She's so over the top and persistent and matter of fact, which I guess would come from being raised by moogles in the ruins of your home. But I've always liked the mix of seriousness in getting the hints of Garnet's past and silliness in Eiko's determination to make the perfect dinner to impress Zidane :lol: Madain Sari is the kind of place that I would love to explore - ruins of a once proud city filled with secrets of magic and summoning - I'd love to see that Eidolon Wall up close, you know?

I've always found the Iifa Tree to be a bit creepy, to be honest. I do like, however, that Eiko is the only one who can hear the eidolon calling out to her. I've always thought that it was because she's been so much more in touch with the old summon magic that Garnet, and because her summoner horn is still intact. It just seemed to make sense to me.

We meet our final party member in this chapter. What do you think of him?

Ah, Amarant. Completely unnecessary and forgettable as a character. He has some really cool abilities that can make him a really good party member if you play him right and use him, but I just don't care about him. It's like the writers tried too hard to make him the brooding mysterious bad boy, hoping to intrigue the players, but I find it more annoying than anything. I know that he comes into your party when all you have is Zidane and a bunch of magic users who can't do a lot of physical damage, but honestly, you could get through the battles here without Amarant if you want to. Or heck, the developers could have just catered the enemies to the strengths of your current magical party and have eliminated whatever need they thought they had that Amarant was filling. Smeh.

What do you think about the story events that transpire in this chapter? Specifically towards the end?

I love it. I love that everything that we've been seeing escalate comes to a head here - Brahne thinks that she is in control, and wants to utilize ultimate power to continue her spree of destruction and control, and has everything flipped on her. Honestly, though, I've always thought I'd like it better if Brahne would have just died when Bahamut blasts apart her ship. Seriously, when does she have time to use her escape pod? The FMV certainly makes it look like she'd be toast. But I'd rather that happen than her pitiful "I see clearly now/remorse" moment with Garnet just before she dies. For me, I never see Brahne as the good mother that Garnet claims she was. The game starts off with her being batshit crazy, and so in my mind, she always has been. Her character design does nothing to help that perception of her. She's terribly ugly, terribly repulsive, so it's hard to imagine her as anything other than a terrible person. I'd rather believe that Garnet has always had a little bit of a Stockholm Syndrome thing going on concerning her "mother".

How are you finding the combat? Do you feel prepared enough level, equipment and ability-wise for the battles?

Yeah, I'm not having any troubles with combat. I feel like this game's ridiculously high encounter rate keeps your levels up where they need to be without having to go out of your way to grind. Now, if only the steal success rate were higher....

Chapter Nine

Alexandria is now stocked up with all the latest gear. How are you playing the equipment side of things? Focusing on power and defense or learning abilities?

Abilities definitely come first. Once someone has learned all of the abilities they have available to them in a certain item category, then we'll go on power/defense stats.

There's a great deal of character development going on in Alexandria - what do you make of Zidane's general attitude?

We see a different side to Zidane now, one which makes me feel bad for him, but at the same time, frustrates me. So you like her. So you miss her. So you want to talk things out with her. So you're conflicted. Get off your butt and go do it, stupid! I know that feeling these kinds of emotions must be a new thing for Zidane, but he's never seemed this cautious throughout the rest of the game. He's always kind of just pushed ahead, damn the consequences. Now he pauses? Guff. :P

Treno provides an opportunity to return to Dali and get the Mayor's Key, and the final coffee beans. This can only be done while the card tournament is happening, did you return?

Yes! Got the key and the coffee beans. I have to be honest, when the old man you give the coffee to said "I am ready to join my dearly departed wife now." I was incredibly afraid he was going to go jump off the cliff or something :X

There's a special scene with Vivi if you encourage him to visit home during his ATE and visit Quan's Dwelling, although doing this forfeits the opportunity for a rare Namingway Card - what did you tell him to do?

As we care more about Vivi's story than Tetra Master, we told him to go visit his old home :)

The weapon store fight club has a new monster - did you fight it?

Yup. Killed it in two hits, I believe :D

The second visit to Alexandria in this chapter is the very last opportunity to fight Tantarion in the castle library (He's a book sitting on top of one of the shelves) - You can steal a Demon's Mail from him and get the Running Shoes for winning the battle, which teaches you Auto-Haste. Did you do this?

We did! Of course, as I've previously mentioned, we had no luck stealing the Demon's Mail, and eventually just gave up and defeated him.

This chapter contains (IMO) one of the best FMV/story sequences in the game. What did you think of Alexander?

This is also one of my favorite FMVs in this game. Alexander is so freaking bitching, and I love the way he takes out Bahamut. I get really mad when he's defeated by Garland, though :(


Chloe Frazer
A reminder guys, you don't have to answer my questions every week - they're just a starting point for a chapter write up.

Does anyone want to Skype during the week this week? I'm working in the office but other than that I'm completely free, no more uni assignments or anything. Happy times :)

Yes pls. :monster:


How about tonight? (In about 3 hours or so?) or any other night really, as long as it's before Friday since that's the deadline :monster:

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
so, as promised, here some random thoughts. tonight i'm a bit elated:

-the black mage village is... fuck yeah, if i can't live in lindblum, i'll spend here my last days. it's inredible because you're used to see these balck mage like mindless unlimited minions which can destroy everything feeling nothing and we see that, when they aquistance coscience they're a bunch of 5 years old hippies (i love the two mages with the chocobo egg, and the scene between they and quina is fucking funny).

-Eiko, i just needed a scene with her and i knew she was going to be my healer/summoner. she's, imo, a well-done yuffie, a 6 years old girl in the body of a 6 years old girl. she can be 'annoying' but, hey she's just a kid, of course sometimes kids are annoying and her crush on Zidane is funny but also nice, because it's absolutely realistic. who, when was a kid, never had a crush on somebody? maybe a older boy or a actor? and still she's very strong and, yes, mature. i mean, she lives alone (ok there are the moogles, but still..) in a ruined village and she simply doesn't care.

-i hope i will never came back in Ilfa Tree. i can't say excatly why, but i dislike this place. maybe because of the abuse of zombie. but the battle sequence between brahne and kuja was really cool. maybe because Kuja was cool( i'll talk later about Kuja). i didn't knew hot to react at
brahne's death
. i mean, i hate that bitch (she fucking nuked a town and tried to destroy another in 2 days, and these town where Cleyra and Lindblum) but i felt like was wrong be happy.
still, the best part was Amarant and Zidane betting on who would win the battle. this is ho i like to imagine the scene
Garnet: c'mon ma! you can beat him! just use one of my summons on him while killing his monster with the cannons! c'mon mama!"
Amarant: i'm sorry girl, but your mother can't win this fight. i bet on Kuja.
Zidane: yeah, sorry Garnet but Amarant is right. C'MON KUJA, BEAT THAT BITCH! SHOW THAT HUMAN WHAT A GENOME CAN DO! GO BRO!"
everybody: EH!?
*follows Garnet breaking with Zidane*

-everybody know i was sure that Garnet was adopted. no need to talk about this.

-lol Quan is probably funnier than Quina XD

-Cid is THE boss. nothing new.

-i think that Garland has one of the best villain entry in the whole final fantasy serie. we see this old man from nowhere who basically says "Kuja, stop acting like a idiot. you too Zidane." and evilly push the big evil buttom of death (ok, not literally but almost) and Kuja is all "wait, what!? what the hell is going on?! it it can't be..GARLAND?! fuck, if is garland i'm fucked!" and we are all "wait! what's going on!? who is that old man!? why does he know Zidane!? what does it means ' came to Gaia'? and oh shit Kuja fear him!". and so we are in the middle of hell knowing that now shit is going to be really hard.
as minor funny fact, i like to think Kuja crying because he just lost Alexander and now he can't complete his eidolons collection.

-Cid's moustache are so awesome that you can change Cid's body into whatever you want, and they will still be there. that's moustache pawah!.

-the blue Narcisiss is probably the fastest mean of transport i ever used. THAT.BOAT.IS.SO.FUCKING.FAST.THAT. IT. ALMOST.DRIFT.IN.WATER!
i bet the Fenrir isn't as fast.

-black mage village again ^^ . the couple of the egg is even better now.
isn't ironic that Kuja gained minions promising them a longer life? and the minions are black mage.

-i exped (from the verb to exp, gaing experience) a lot because Freya was to weak so now i'm rich (100.000 gil babies)

-some part of my castle will look like the desert castle.Lava thing probably included. and i like Kuja's studio. i was like "lol, i'm going in his studio? wow, i'm really going in his studio it's the typical mage studio. it just miss of Kuja sitted on a throne a la Frank N Furter. i like this place"

wait for tomorrow for my review on Kuja.


Chloe Frazer
Can we do it tomorrow then?

Also as always I'll post my chapter update on Friday. :monster:


Yeah we can do it tomorrow (now today for me, but I do still need to sleep :monster:) - I finish work at 5 so I'll be home around 6. I'll send you a message on Skype when the time comes. Anyone is welcome to join, as usual, although I don't expect many will :monster:

This is super late for me. I haven't really done a proper chapter post for this "catch up" chapter and don't know if I will, considering the next one is so close. If anyone's writing it up just talk about all the optional stuff you did :monster:

Normal chapter posts and the Saturday skype & play starts again this weekend, when the optional chapter deadline is up. Then we're off to do many a wondrous thing. Which I'm actually quite excited about, because every time I play IX I end up stopping when I get the Blue Narciss for some reason. Too many options.



Chloe Frazer
I'm still working on the optional stuff, stupid Chocobo Hot & Cold. -_-



I have another save file where I've kinda done most of it. I think I'll use that one so I can skip it, then level up the abilities for a bit.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
And now, as promised i'll talk about Kuja.
let's make this clear, i love this villain. I was pretty much meh at the beginning because of Dissidia, but now i love him and i want to explore more his past and and his relationship with Zidane and Garland.I love him becasue he's a magnificent bastard with a cool theme who live in a cool palace and should became more interesting once the game start focusing on Zidane and the Genome story.
he know he's superior and enjoy it. in Dissidia he act like a woobie evil overly-gay bard and i was like 'meh, he's really a villain?' but now i see that's just the usual one-sided characterization of Dissidia.
(tbh when he told me to go to Oeilvert i was "ok, but first you came here and fuck me. i don't care if you're gay, a woman or a trans!")
and talking about go to Oeilvert, why there are monsters in the hangar?! he's trying to kill be before i can try to help him? and then they leave me on the other side of the continent whitout a very logical reason.
also, why he can't sit on his flying dragon? even if is almost immortal it's not a wise idea stay on your feet while flying on a dragon. especially since that silver dragon doesn't seem too large.
also i like how everything it's turning out as a man behind the man behind the man.

like you guys can understand, i just finished the whole Oeilvert part because a) saturday i'm in mountain so no skype session and b) i want to go on with the story. it totally draw me.


Chloe Frazer
I forgot to post here yesterday, blame GoT. :monster:

I know that technically there isn't a chapter update for last week but I want to comment on a few things:

-After many, many hours of frustration which were expressed before my chocobo's level is high enough that Hot & Cold is no longer that infuriating, I even found 4 Chocographs treasures.

- I always been iffy on the Garnet becoming mute for a while as a result of all the shit that happened and her randoms "can't concentrate in battle" are annoying. On the other hand the whole thing leads to one of my favorite scenes in the game.

- Ok this is one thing that really annoys me about the game, instead of wasting our time with the useless Amarant why wasn't Blank made a party member? Really he's just gonna drive the 'airship' and that's it?

- So we have an airship that neither flies or works on land so why is it called an airship again?

- I loved our latest visit to the Black Mage Village especially seeing how determined Vivi is, you can clearly see the character development he has gone through and the chocobo baby and the Black Mages watching over it was so cute.

I'm ready for today's chapter.


Chapter Eleven: The Desert Crossing


And we're back to the story ::). Hopefully you've all had a chance to catch up or grind from last week's chapter. For me personally, this is where the story starts to get really interesting. I love the game at this point and beyond.

  • Who did you choose to go and who did you choose to stay? I hope you made the decision with care :desu:
  • Did you visit the 4th Qu's Marsh? You can also dig up two chocographs on the Forgotten Continent.
  • What did you think of Oeilvert? The place gives me the creeps tbh. How did you fare against Ark?
  • TAh, the desert palace. This place can be challenging if you didn't choose your characters carefully. How did you do here?
  • How easy did you make your battle against Valia Pira?
  • How about those friendly creatures? There's one in this chapter. Did you find it?

Skype and play will proceed as normal tonight at 7pm. See you then :monster:


Consumed By Darkness
You think I could speed run this and catch up to you all? would probably make one long post but I do have 4 days off work thanks to Easter :monster:

Also I'm ready for skype tonight!


~The Other Side of Fear~
I must say, this is a hell of a lot of fun to listen to. Wish I'd gotten into before, but I'm content to listen to the folks as they run around. :P


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Aww, I wish I'd joined the site earlier and got involved, too. Ah well, there's always the next community playthrough, right? I do love hearing Lex and Carlie bitching on Skype, though. :awesome:

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
Prince Lex said:
  • Who did you choose to go and who did you choose to stay? I hope you made the decision with care :desu:
i went with Freya (since she's already part of my team), Amarant (for his level) and Quina. i've left behind the three mages and Steiner (i thought i needed strong guys in Oeilvert and Steiner was more or less level 20).
Prince Lex said:
Did you visit the 4th Qu's Marsh? You can also dig up two chocographs on the Forgotten Continent. i didn't spent time in sidequests (also, my chocobo's level is quite low)

  • Prince Lex said:
    What did you think of Oeilvert? The place gives me the creeps tbh. How did you fare against Ark?
Terra things:joy: thanks to Freya i could use regen on my team, which was really usefull sometimes. i teached her Chemistry, so she's now my second official healer (the first is Eiko). since i used a lot of potions and i hate being without a way to heal my party at one point I bought 30 or more hi potion, so i had 80 hi potions with me :monster: (yes, i was crazy prepared).
after being almost killed by the monsters in the hangar, Thorn and Zorn left me on the other side of the continent waiting for me getting lost in the canyons (which almost happened). maybe they didn't really get that i was working for them..
tbh, it was really easy against Ark. he confused me only twice and always only two members, leaving the other two fighting.

  • Prince Lex said:
    TAh, the desert palace. This place can be challenging if you didn't choose your characters carefully. How did you do here?
did i said that i'll go and living here? (of course i would remove all the puzzles for other rooms and the two gargoyles because they started scarying me at the end)
Vivi and Steiner opened the way while Eiko healed and Garnet...did things.
one thing i love about this game is attetion putted in every thing related to the villain, not only the villain himself. I already said i think Thorn and Zorn are the perfect minions for Kuja and i said this before knowing that they were really Kuja's minions. the desert palace too is perfect as Kuja hideout. it's big, elegant, refined and luxurious but if you pay enough attetion you realize some hellish details (like the two gargoyles near the angel, some of the plaques under the statues, the torture room..), which is basically Kuja made as palace (at least for what we know now).

  • Prince Lex said:
    How easy did you make your battle against Valia Pira?
very easy. i took every item from the bloodstones and my battle basically was (water + water sword)X5 turns

  • Prince Lex said:
    How about those friendly creatures? There's one in this chapter. Did you find it?

also, now i don't know if go foward by my own for the story or wait for the skype sessions.
maybe i'll do both. any suggestions?


Double Growth
Who did you choose to go and who did you choose to stay? I hope you made the decision with care :desu:

Zidane, Steiner, Freya, and Amarant. I saw a suggestion to take Garnet as she's just a liability to the mage team and someone like Steiner could really help the mages back at the Desert Palace.
But I've always liked charging onto the Forgotten Continent with a team that's just going to go all out brute force and charge through everything. I've always had fun with it. It's the only time in the game I use Amarant, really, and it's rare that I have Freya and Steiner on the same team, so that's fun.

Did you visit the 4th Qu's Marsh? You can also dig up two chocographs on the Forgotten Continent.

No, I didn't visit the marsh. Saw it, just wasn't interested.
Thanks to Avec, I'm actually seeing results of Chocographs. As I've said, I always liked the Chocograph part of the game, finding that area of the map, but the game itself is insufferable. But it was great getting Freya's ultimate weapon and letting her go to town. I always look for excuses to have her in my lineup because she's one of my favorites but Steiner just does more damage, usually.

What did you think of Oeilvert? The place gives me the creeps tbh. How did you fare against Ark? idea what it was. What's with all the holograms?
Arked summarily trounced me because of confusion. Put Clear Headed on everyone and summarily trounced him. Also, in an incredibly rare turn of events, I stole the Holy Lance on my very first attempt (probably because I got her ultimate spear this time)

Ah, the desert palace. This place can be challenging if you didn't choose your characters carefully. How did you do here?

I like this place and all ,the little puzzle is enjoyable. Although I have to wonder if Kuja has to go through all those hoops every time he wants to get anywhere :P
As I said I didn't take any physical fighters so I have to rely on Quina for physical damage, but it's manageable. Garnet's racket also does semi-decent damage. I've had Auto-Reflect on Vivi almost the entire game, something I've never done before, it's working out pretty well, those three head things seemed intent on silencing Vivi and kept silencing themselves. The only enemy that was a serious problem was, as it is in every game, the enemy that uses that damn Blaster move (not Coeurls this time, some other name).

How easy did you make your battle against Valia Pira?

Well I got all the bloodstones if that's what you mean. But I remember from my first playthrough of nine after he creamed me once. Carbuncle makes the fight a breeze. So no problems there.

How about those friendly creatures? There's one in this chapter. Did you find it?

No, I haven't been having a lot of luck with this guys this playthrough. I haven't really been looking for them, but the last time I played I didn't have too. Every time I set foot in a forest I got quizzed and I was being asked for Ore constantly. Not this time though.


Chapter 11!

Who did you choose to go and who did you choose to stay? I hope you made the decision with care

Took Steiner, Amarant, and Freya. Pretty good brute team there, haha.

Did you visit the 4th Qu's Marsh? You can also dig up two chocographs on the Forgotten Continent.

Nope, didn't visit the marsh, but I did dig up the chocographs, which yielded (among other things) a really good weapon for Amarant, and I also found Freya's Ultimate Weapon (only had two dried peppers, and the first time we tried to use one, we weren't close enough to the crack, so that was rather nerve-wracking, haha). So now Amarant and Freya are the two most powerful characters in the party. I'm up to a mountain chocobo now, and I'll probably do a little more Hot and Cold before we play through the next chapter :)

What did you think of Oeilvert? The place gives me the creeps tbh. How did you fare against Ark?

It's an intriguing place, really. Those talking heads are quite creepy, yes, haha. As far as Ark went - the first time we tried, he confused everybody. Yay. So then we went in for a second go after equipping clear headed on everyone, and Ark went down rather quickly after that.

Ah, the desert palace. This place can be challenging if you didn't choose your characters carefully. How did you do here?

Didn't really have too much trouble with the encounters here, except for that creature that Force already made mention of. I remember getting rather lost and turned around a lot during my first play through, but Force was at the helm this time, so it wasn't really that bad. :P

How easy did you make your battle against Valia Pira?

We retrieved all of the blood stones, so the fight wasn't bad at all! I can only imagine how horrible it must be if you don't get all of the blood stones, though...that list of augments it tries to use is quite long and terrifying, haha.

How about those friendly creatures? There's one in this chapter. Did you find it?

Didn't run into any. Lames.


Nice to see some updates guys :monster:

Skype and play will be proceeding tomorrow at 7PM GMT as normal Loki if you want to join. I've rejigged the next chapter to include the rest of the story up until just before Zidane and co take the plunge into the shimmering island, just so people are prepared. The next chapter is another one that can be longer if you decide to do a lot of optional stuff :)


Pro Adventurer
I'm still playing! I've given up on trying to meet the deadlines, as this chapter seven update probably suggests. It's difficult to keep up when I'm busy every Saturday evening, when the rest of you are Skyping.

What do you think of the story so far?
For the whole game so far? You know I think it's great. No other Final Fantasy game has managed to make me care about the characters as much as IX. The interaction between Vivi and the other Black Mages is particularly touching.
There are quite a few changes in setting in this chapter. What do you think about the places? How did you do against Armodulluhan in Fossil Roo?
Like I said, I had to fight Armodullahan many times, because I was walking, not running, through this whole chapter. Luckily, he's very easy to defeat. Fossil Roo is a bit annoying. I realised right at the end that I had missed a chest early on - the one that's visible, but inaccessible, from the screen with the pond - so I went back to do it all again.
Catch any more frogs on your latest visit to Qu's Marsh?
Yeah, I'm up to 28 now.
Conde Petie somehow has Scottish people in it. The accents are actually quite well done. What do you think about the village?
I like the accents, and the dialogue there in general. Quina's "Rally-Ho yourself" always cracks me up. The music is nice, too. A pleasant place all around, really.
DAT BLACK MAGE VILLAGE MUSIC <3 How much do you love this place?
I like the music, but not as much as most other people, it seems. It's probably not in my top ten songs for the game. But like I said, the events of the village are very moving, and there are lots of good shops there too, so I'm always happy to visit.


Chloe Frazer
Forgot to post yesterday:

Chapter 11:

Who did you choose to go and who did you choose to stay? I hope you made the decision with care

I took Steiner, Quina and Garnett (as Lex said she's useless either way so better to take her with you). Freya, Eiko, Vivi and Amarant stayed and yes I made the decisions with care, I wnated to do it the best way possible.

Did you visit the 4th Qu's Marsh? You can also dig up two chocographs on the Forgotten Continent.

I did not do either one of those.

What did you think of Oeilvert? The place gives me the creeps tbh. How did you fare against Ark?

That places is annoying, I had to turn back several times because I hadn't viewed everything so the lift wasn't working. It's also weirdly and creepily fascinating because you're learning about Terra and the talking heads, so weird and creppy. Ark was a bitch, it took forever to steal everything.

TAh, the desert palace. This place can be challenging if you didn't choose your characters carefully. How did you do here?

It was fine since I picked the correct party, even Amarant was useful.

How easy did you make your battle against Valia Pira?

That was an easy battle, only took me around 2 minutes.

How about those friendly creatures? There's one in this chapter. Did you find it?


I'll like to add that I thought I couldn't hate anything more than Hot & Cold in the game, I was very wrong. Fuck that stupid mini game with Cid, FUCK IT A BILLION TIMES.
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