Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


Double Growth
Oh, it's not that bad :awesome:

Seriously though, it is frustrating, but it is most certainly not worse than Chocobo Hot and Cold. You only have to do it once.


I actually failed that minigame for the first time ever on this playthrough. I think it's because I played it on ePSXe with a forced framerate of 80FPS (I was grinding), I had to do it twice.

I enjoy chocobo hot and cold. It gets less annoying when you level up a bit and start finding things really fast. Also when you find everything in the forest, because the lagoon is so much faster and smaller. That stupid Cid minigame pisses me off, but you do only have to do it once (if you don't suck like me and fail XD).

I'm also really excited about this and next week's chapters because they're my favourite parts of the game.


Waiting for something
Alright finally got this chapter written up, apologies for the delay but well you know, busy, busy. I wish I could be present more for the skype chats and playthroughs so I apologise for that too :(

Alexandria before the summoning.
Bought my new equipment including synthesising an Angel Blade for Zidane and a few other items. The first couple of times playing FFIX I used to update my equipment right away and it was all about being really powerful, but now it’s all about gathering my equipment and having it ready for when the abilities are finally learnt. The process can be quite long and on-going but there’s so much equipment in the game that have different abilities that sometimes not equipping the most defensive or strengthening is ideal. It’s nice to see Vivi taking the lead again for a little while, I wish it was his theme playing again, not that there’s anything wrong with the Tantalus theme but I associate Alexandria most of the time with Vivi’s theme and the first time we meet him. It just would have been nice to have it come back to his theme again. The other theme that plays during this is Unrequited Love but I have to admit it’s one of the tracks I’m not a fan of although it does seem to suit quite well when Zidane appears rather drunk and talking about soaring.

Zidane’s depression over Garnet is really sweet, you can tell he thinks he’ll never see her again and that it’s more than just some crushy flirting, he really is in love with her and when he doesn’t say anything to her because he knows he’d just be lying to her when they go to the castle awwwwwww.
You can tell Garnet doesn’t want to be Queen just yet and similar to Zidane you can see her feelings for him changing. I can understand why Steiner and Beatrix don’t want her to see Zidane but I wish they’d let her at least to put her mind at ease. I imagine, they wouldn’t have seen one another from since they got back and with the funeral preparations and the coronation preparations I’m going to guess that it would have been at least a few days they were separated.

Steiner and Beatrix make an awesome couple plus all the stuff leading up to them realising how they feel about one another, the love letter etc is very funny.
The fights against the Mistodon’s coupled with Something to Protect and Steiner going into Trance just makes me feel all good inside . Steiner, Vivi and Zidane are also I realised the only party characters that canonically go into trance in the game, I assumed that Freya and Garnet would have good reasoning at some point to do it too but they don’t which is a pity, there’s a couple of scenes later on that I thought would be ideal for Garnet to go into trance but hey what can you do. Something to Protect is a great music piece and I like how it is something more upbeat and hopeful sounding rather than being more about the danger.

I always go to Quan’s Dwelling to find Vivi, I like that scene and the backstory you get with Vivi, it’s funny how Quan’s original reason for keeping Vivi was to eat him but I guess he did really take care of Vivi and Vivi obviously cared for him too. At anyrate I know you miss out on the namingway card but there’s another opportunity to get one later so it’s ok.

Grabbed my Coffee Beans and Mayor’s Card and then couldn’t figure out why Morrid wouldn’t give me the Prima Vista then I realised I hadn’t grabbed any beans from Eiko’s house, so it’ll be back there at a later stage to grab them. As for the Card Tournament, I had to reset twice on the final round as I made some dopey mistakes and I really wanted that Rebirth Ring, who doesn’t after all and that Oglop Card to add to my collection.

Alexandria again
Definitely one of my favourite parts in the entire game, Alexander is awesome in this and the backstory of how the crystal used to summon him was separated because he’s so powerful is a nice touch, plus it’s nice to see another summon apart from Bahamut being shown as immensely powerful and let’s face it, he kicks Bahamut’s ass.

I didn’t face Tantarion, I just didn’t feel like it this time around, it’s not that he’s really hard or anything, I just didn’t feel like going into battle with him this playthrough but the running shoes and Demon’s mail are both easily gotten later so it’s no biggie to miss them at this point.

Zidane saving Garnet is my utmost favourite FMV at this point oh and it also blows FFVIII’s Squall saving Rinoa FMVs out of the water and LOLs at Eiko’s jealous little face at the end of it. Seriously it’s amazing how the FF story that’s not focused on romance is the one that makes the romance work so much better because it’s not so involved, it’s done really well as a sub-plot but it never takes away from the the main focus of the story, I just love this couple so much they’re one of my favourite FF Couples.

So we meet a mysterious old man on a strange ship just before he blows Alexander and Alexandria to smithereens , he’s an interesting character and you’re not quite sure what his intentions are in the beginning, is he a good guy? bad guy? why did he destroy Alexandria and how does he know Zidane and Kuja. Kuja seems fairly unnerved by him at any rate, kind of good to see that even kuja’s feathers can be ruffled from time to time.

Garnet losing her voice, unsurprising due to all she’s suffered, I know it can be frustrating that she can’t use all her commands on a random basis but I find the fact she’s unable to concentrate in battle to be great in relation to the story, the same way that Trance automatically takes effect in certain battles and that the characters don’t always perform their victory poses, it’s one of the things I like about IX that when the battles happen they don’t just forget about what’s happening to the characters on an emotional basis.

Poor ‘Froggy Woggy’ Cid, poor guy just doesn’t catch a break. It’s a mini side quest I don’t like because I think it’s a bit time consuming and pointless but it adds comic relief which I guess is the main point of it during all the bad stuff.

Technically the end of the chapter but I’m going to include all my sidequest stuff and catchup stuff in this chapter.

Getting the Blue Narciss is always one of my favourite bits in the game as you can finally take a break. FFIX up until disc 3 is quite linear in that you can’t do much except go forward in the story with an occasion side quest or mini game to complete along the way, but getting the Blue Narciss, you can finally explore the world and take some time out from the story, so here’s the stuff I did.

Immediately went to play Chocobo Hot and Cold and got as many chocographs as possible for this point in the game, it took several hours to do but it’s got to the point where I’ve now got an Ocean Chocobo and am fast enough at digging to get Limit points on nearly every dig at the Lagoon. It’s a little trickier to do in the forest as climbing up the two mini cliffs to check for a dig spot does shave off a couple of valuable seconds however it’s well worth it when you do get it as the limit points can be massive, I love this mini-game so I can easily spend hours and hours on it without frustration.
I finally also managed to build up enough points to get a Robe of Lords and a couple of Protect Rings, it’s actually easy enough once you get into the rhythm of digging. In terms of normal items, I was luck to dig up an Elixir at one stage and 5000gil, yep that’s possible but rare I’m guessing, I’ve never managed it since but it was nice to know what you can get. I also went to accessible mountain cracks and bubbles to get all dead pepper items so that’s done too.
The only thing I’m missing is a final chocograph piece to create the Mist Ocean chocograph in order to get to the Air Garden but I’m having a hell of a lot of difficulties in getting it right now. Mene hasn’t actually said that Choco can’t find anymore chocographs right now in either areas so it must mean it’s still accessible but I’ve hunted for hours in both forest and lagoon and can’t get it, I’m just wondering if it’s specifically stopping me from getting it until later as that probably undermimes an event later and areas that aren’t accessible until later become accessible so maybe that’s why or because I don’t have the gold chocobo yet and I’ve dug up a couple of the chocographs I can’t access until I get a gold chocobo that’s why Mene hasn’t said about Choco not finding anymore.

Went around accessible areas looking for friendly monsters that I could still encounter. I found the Garuda, Nymph and then the Feather Circle, I love the AP drops on these creatures! I only need to encounter, the Jaberwocky on the next chapter and then the Yan later. I’ve already encountered the Mu, Ghost, Yeti and Ladybird, I thought there were 10 but I was wrong on that there’s only 9 so just 2 more to go before I can face a certain superboss later on.

Next on the list, it was back to the Iifa Tree to learn Level 5 Death and then off to fight some Grand Dragons and it took a few hours to do as Quina and Zidane have to stay in the party meaning you can only switch two others at a time but my characters are very well levelled now and have learnt a ton of abilities. There’s no strategy for fighting the Grand dragons at this point but I highly recommend the Level up and AP up abilities equipped, I also recommend Antibody to protect from the Venom status and to equip Lightning absorbing items as the Grand Dragons at this point can still wipe a party out with a single Thundaga-All spell and keep your characters in the back row to reduce the damage from the Physical attacks. After that it’s all about speed and getting Quina in there as quick as possible to get his Level 5 Death Spell on it, that’s the best strategy until you start reaching higher levels from my perspective anyways.

Caught some Frogs with Quina to boost his Frog Drop ability and also went looking for Monsters for Quina to learn some new abilities and finally went back to Treno and traded in the four key Items Griffin’s Heart, Rat Tail, Unne’s Mirror and Doga’s artefact and then rebought them at auction.

It doesn’t actually look like on paper that there’s a lot to do but Hot and Cold can take hours alone especially if you start it from scratch and fighting grand dragons and getting all your character up to good levels can take time too.

Anyways that’s everything from me, next chapter write up coming soon :monster:


Chapter Twelve: A Melody of Ice and Fire


Ooooo lots to do! You can grab some of the best items in the game at this point. I also love the "Four Mirrors" song, even though it is a little jarring :)

  • What did you think of Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug?
  • What did you think of Ipsen's Castle? How about that surprisingly low encounter rate? If you've been keeping up with your Blue Magic, this place has an enemy that teaches the last spell :)
  • Dem bosses yo. How did you fare against them? Steal anything from the Earth Guardian etc?
  • How do you feel about the story segment covered in this chapter?

Onward to Terra! I was actually really sad finishing this chapter because my favourite sequences in the game are coming up :monster:
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Waiting for something
Prince Lex said:
What did you think of Oeilvert?

I believe you mean Esto Gaza :awesome:

Also perhaps you should mention that this is the last chance to do some stuff before Going to Terra as there are some inaccessible places after you come back :monster:


Waiting for something
Ohh look at that I'm being all productive and stuff and got two chapters written up in one day :D

Who did you choose to go and who did you choose to stay? I hope you made the decision with care
My group is always Zidane (obviously) Freya, Garnet and Amarant. Honestly I usually take Garnet for the sheer reason that Zidane would probably do that anyways, I mean think about it would he really keep her in the Desert Palace after everything Kuja has just done to her, somehow I really don’t think so, even though everyone is in danger at this point anyway. I kind of got used to bringing her anyways as from playthroughs years back before I started ass-kicking Grand Dragons, she had several new Eidolons to learn and it was a good opportunity on the journey there to earn some AP so I got used to it. Amarant’s fine to use once you’ve got a strong weapon from him plus his Flair ability isn’t regarded as magic, same with Freya, she’s a good all rounder and her Dragon abilities don’t count as magic. I generally keep Garnet as my standby healer but when equipped with the Tiger Racket she can actually do a fairly decent amount of damage physically. Battles are a bit hit and miss every game for Garnet, there’s some playthroughs I’ve had where she’s barely used a command and others where she’s been fine, this was one of the times she was fine and less frustrating.

Did you visit the 4th Qu's Marsh? You can also dig up two chocographs on the Forgotten Continent
Visited the Marsh and collected a few Frogs and grabbed all possible chocograph treasures and opened the two mountain cracks. Did you know that if you have a Mountain or Ocean chocobo at this point you can go to Ipsen’s castle and you can enter the area but not the actual castle, it’s sealed off at this point. In the original Japanese version there was a glitch so that you could visit it if you had a Gold Chocobo which was originally obtainable at this point in the game. You’d bypass a lot of disc 3’s story but that’s about one of the only advantages of it, it’s why it was fixed for later releases so that’s why Ipsen’s is sealed and probably why I can’t get my gold chocobo right now.

What did you think of Oeilvert? The place gives me the creeps tbh. How did you fare against Ark?

I don’t mind Oeilvert, it’s an interesting place, it’s structure and style is really quite unlike any of the other places we’ve seen so far, a bit more futuristic and I like the variation of ‘The place I’ll return to someday’. I’ll admit the heads are a bit weird but they kind of remind me of old style theatre masks in a way. In terms of enemies, I really dislike that damn Epitaph monster, especially since the easiest way of killing it doesn’t reward you with any EXP.

Ark, I held back on in the beginning because I really wanted to steal the Holy Lance which I think is another notoriously difficult item to steal, it took a long time to get it anyway. The battle itself isn’t hard as long as you equip the Clear Headed ability, wind nulling/absorbing equipment and heal where necessary.

• TAh, the desert palace. This place can be challenging if you didn't choose your characters carefully. How did you do here?

The Cid mini-game dislike must be catching this playthrough because I stuggled with this one too which I never do, my thumb kept jumping on my controller so I kept getting caught or just not timing it right and the friggin monster seemed to stare at Cid for ages everytime. Then of course I stupidly decided to inspect the weights, I didn’t mean to do it and I was running out of time, so it went something like this;

“Wait, hang on why is he inspecting those, I didn’t-OH FUCK SAKE”

So it was panic stations to get those weights up on time, I made it with about 20 odd seconds left on the timer, that’s how much time I wasted trying to get past the Hedgehog Pie unbelievable!

Desert Palace itself is ok, the monsters can be quite challenging but thankfully they’re pretty susceptible to magic. One of the reasons I never take Steiner is because his Magic Sword ability comes in handy especially as I’ve learned Flare for Vivi and it’s handy to have at least one Physical strength character on board her. Eiko learning Holy early is one of the best things I’ve ever done in this playthrough, getting through the palace was a breeze with her, Vivi, Steiner and Quina, it always it :)

How easy did you make your battle against Valia Pira?

I made the battle very easy, the items you get from each bloodstone are all really good pieces of equipment too so I’d be stupid to pass that all up, I might one day just challenge myself and see what happens if you don’t get any of the bloodstones, I reckon it’s be quite a challenging boss without the aid of them. I also like how there’s two ways to beat this boss, either Magic Hammer it’s ass or just take it down. Personally I prefer the go all out method but to each their own.

How about those friendly creatures? There's one in this chapter. Did you find it?
Technically there’s two if you didn’t visit the Lost Continent before the Desert Palace, there’s the Feather Circle there and then there’s the Jabberwock on the Forgotten Contintent which I did encounter after a while of looking for it, just one to go and trust me it’s by far the worst one to try and encounter those Yan’s are cute but scary little shits.

One more thing to mention before I wrap this up: Kuja is by far my favourite FF Villain.
He’s so composed in everything he does, there’s an air of “na-na-na-na-naaahh” in the way he taunts the characters, he’s always one step ahead of the group and he says stuff like this.
Farewell my sweet, lovable morons
That’s up there with some of my favourite FF quotes, I’m telling ya Kuja has some great one-liners in there. I’d love to put him and Kefka in a room together and watch them rip someone apart with insults (I for one loved their interaction in Dissidia)


Ohai guys.

I won't be available for the Skype and Play today, but I can do it tomorrow. Have to go to a birthday party.

This chapter is all about dat Terra, so when you've finished with the place and are back in mistymist land of doom, save. I'll create the usual chapter post at some point in the next 2 days.

We're very close to finishing. Next week is the pre-ending prep week, so this weeks chapter is technically the last story segment before the end :monster:


Gotta do my write up, but I just wanted to say that I've done nearly everything there is to do for Hot and Cold. Pretty much all that's left is going to Chocobo Paradise. I guess I could also keep playing for points, but I was reading up on the Robe of Lords and it didn't sound worth my time at all. But my goodness did I hate Hot and Cold in the Air Garden - too much dead time during the rounds! Other than that, I regret nothing!


Double Growth
Prince Lex said:
What did you think of Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug?

Kinda frustrating, lots of doubling back to deliver the Mognet letters. (I mean seriously, can't they just go and talk to each other? They're basically right next to each other!) And the enemies are annoying. Those cannon things have too much defense, those...things that keep jumping out and startling you have too much health and kept killing Vivi. Smeh.

Prince Lex said:
What did you think of Ipsen's Castle? How about that surprisingly low encounter rate? If you've been keeping up with your Blue Magic, this place has an enemy that teaches the last spell

It has it's interesting little gimmick of attack power being inverse. I...don't think I noticed the lower encounter rate at the time, but I believe you. Tonberries are as terrifying as ever, and three at once? I just started fleeing, wasn't worth the effort - most of them ran away before I could kill them anyway.
Amarant continues to be annoying. He's such a meaningless part of the cast, I'll never understand why he's there. Just because they needed another physical fighter on the team? Why not Beatrix then? (I know, she and Steiner share a bunch of abilities, but that could have been altered)

Also, I know you said you liked Four Mirrors, but as much as I love FF9's soundtrack on the whole, it's really lacking in dungeon themes, imo. There are exceptions of course, like the Ice Cavern, but even those are no Intention of the Earth, Phantom Forest, Lurking in the Darkness, or Silence before the Storm.

Prince Lex said:
Dem bosses yo. How did you fare against them? Steal anything from the Earth Guardian etc?

It was nice to finally be rid of Zorn & Thorn. As for the guardian, no, especially since Avec's done all the Chocobo Hot & Cold, I'm awash with loot and have very little patience for the crappy steal rate.
I had a ton of trouble with the Earth Fiend in my original playthrough, because I never used Quina, and I though for sure the way I steamrolled him in my second playthrough was with L4 Holy. But now I find that that doesn't I'm kinda puzzled as to what I was remembering from my second playthrough...

Prince Lex said:
How do you feel about the story segment covered in this chapter?

Good stuff, things are coming along. I like how the reference before that it was important that Garnet be of age before the Eidolon Extraction Spell ends up being important when Kuja, now more desperate, tries to use it unsuccessfully on Eiko. Nice little bit of foreshadowing from earlier in the game. It's nice to have the proper Cid back. Running into Hilda where you do is a little random, but I guess they had to wrap up that plot thread already :P
The whole sequence of attacking the four shines simultaneously is exciting and fun, reminiscent of taking out the Goddesses in FFVI. I do wish you could fight all four fiends though with those parties, I think it would be fun, as the battles themselves would be very different.
I know you fight all the fiends later, but that's just a cheap re-run, I think it'd be more fun to fight them there and then not again.

Don't know why this write-up had so many complaints in it, I am enjoying it :monster:


Waiting for something
Force when you mentioned about Quina’s Level 4 holy not working, was it possibly, Level 3 Def-less you used? It would have crashed his defences and made the battle a lot easier in that sense, Earth Guardian is on level 54 so it would be the only Level calculating spell that would work against it. Also I too agree on what you were saying about battling the shrine guardians at the same time, I mentioned it in my own write up too :monster:

Yay next chappie write up, I must admit in terms of extra stuff you can do with the Hilda Garde in possession this chapter can actually be quite weighty, I’ve actually been on the area for over the last month or so, I took a break from it so I only actually started this chapter a couple of days ago. Also I completely forgot to mention in the last chapter of what I thought of the Desert Palace, all I can say is that it’s very suited to Kuja’s tastes and there’s an air of Renaissance style to the décor of it, there’s a beauty to it but it hides some deadly and dangerous secrets, kinda like the man himself.
What did you think of Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug?

Esto Gaza: Very calm and peaceful place though probably quite cold to live in, the music is even slow paced and sort of tranquil. I imagine the Shimmering Isle gives off light in a similar way to the Northern Lights so it’s probably very pretty at night there. Finally also able to get the Octagon staff and teach Vivi the ‘aga’ magic they’re the only one’s apart from Doomsday that I’ve yet to finish learning.

Mount Gulug: Awesome music homage to the original FF. That’s what I love about this game just the sheer amount of allusions to the previous FFs musically and in game wise.

As for Mount Gulug itself, the only other place with an extraction circle in the game. It also feels longer because there are quite a few diversions to get all the items in the area and a lot of running back and forth. It’s a pretty good levelling source however and the monsters are easy enough to beat, even those dragons are a cinch if you have the correct equipment.

So several revelations in the area, Zorn and Thorn were never really twins and Mog was never really a moogle and we finally meet Hilda. I must admit as far as scripted battles are concerned it’s one of my favourites in the game Madeen is an awesome summon and gives you one of the best accessories in the game as far as I’m concerned, I also like that despite being a holy summon it doesn’t have the look of a holy type summon, it’s just one awesome beast.

Hilda and Cid are quite funny as a couple, I can’t believe Cid was stupid enough to cheat on someone as lovely and sweet as Hilda, he deserved being turned into an Oglop at any rate. I wonder what sort of ‘mage’ Hilda would be classified as, she’s clearly has some magic in her blood at any rate, the fact she can use status changing magic suggests to me she’d be some sort of status effect mage. There’s a nice homage again to the Frog status in that Cid is only cured with the use of a “Maiden’s Kiss”.

Onto another one of my favourite FMVs and it’s a lovely parallel to the last FMV on Disc 2, the first one representing Garnet’s fears and doubts of becoming queen, this one her renewed hope and I love how it all comes back to the Dagger again. I always got the sense that Garnet’s asking of Zidane to remember how she used to be for her was her way of telling him to remind her if she ever forgot how far she had come from who she used to be and that cutting her hair was her final way of letting go of the old her.

Short haired Garnet is so cute, she’s also special in that she’s one of only a handful character’s in the FF series to have a new character portrait during their original game, the other characters in the series I believe are Cecil, Rydia and Cloud (someone check that for me if there’s anyone else)

While I’m on the subject of Garnet and her character development, a couple of years ago I posted a response to someone on here who thought Garnet was a terrible, indecisive, stupid character, so I found the post I made and here was the response, ignore the Rinoa bits, actually no don’t because it highlights such a difference in the two main female leads in two FF titles that came one after another. I dare anyone to ever say that Rinoa was a better heroine and developed character than Garnet, (spoiler tags if anyone doesn’t want to read it)

What do you expect from Garnet? She was raised as a Princess and lead a very sheltered life, enclosed in the castle with the odd short trip to Lindblum every once in a while. Of course she's ignorant and naive of the world around her in the beginning but her ignorance vanished as her personality develops. Look at how she develops from disc one right up until the end of disc 4, its a complete transformation that's done gradually and really well over the space of the four discs, it certainly doesn't just appear after a couple of discs.

Garnet's anything but indecisive or stupid. If she was stupid and indecisive she wouldn't have made the decision to leave the castle and seek help about her mother or have been suspicious of her in the first place and she certainly proves many times throughout the game that she's no pushover or doesn't need to rely on others all the time.

If anything Garnet's the complete opposite of Rinoa who wasn't just stupid but also indecisive and ignorant. Even Squall at one point tells her that she can't make a decision without the input of the SeeDs.

She goes off on her own to try and stop Edea, knowing that she's a powerful and dangerous sorceress (stupid much??) and she constantly relies on other people to help her. Squall and Irvine have to go and help her and she even says a few times she's scared to fight on her own whereas Garnet is willing to do things on her own and even states she can't depend on other people all the time, she's a fantastic FF heroine, one of my favourites in fact.

That’s still how I feel about Garnet’s character development to this day.

What did you think of Ipsen's Castle? How about that surprisingly low encounter rate? If you've been keeping up with your Blue Magic, this place has an enemy that teaches the last spell.

Ipsen’s castle is another interesting place although I don’t like the music for it, I find that particular variation a little agitating. I imagine first timers to this place definitely get a shock when they realise their most powerful weapons are useless, I know I did.

The one thing that bothers me about Ipsens though is that it only seems to take into account the character stat for strength rather than taking into account what the damage is when equipped with your best weapon, for example Zidane definitely does less damage with the Dagger equipped in Ipsen’s castle than when he does equipped with the Sargantas anywhere else, the same goes for Steiner it just feels like a little bit like you’re being duped here in terms of attacking enemies.

Amarant again just aggravates me, he really is just boring there’s only a small amount of character development with him I feel and while I do appreciate his change of heart from loner who only really fights for himself, to beginning to follow Zidane’s line of thinking I feel he’s still not a character I care for, I sort of wish he’d told Zidane they had met before a few year ago in Treno, I think it could have been interesting dialogue between both characters but it’s a pity it doesn’t happen.

As for the low encounter rate, I didn’t find it that low, the only time it feels low for me is when Zidane goes back for Amarant, I didn’t encounter a single fight during that part, but when I had a full party it was perfectly normal encounter rates. I haven’t learned all my Blue Magic spells yet so I’ll be coming back here at a later date with Quina in the party to learn them so I didn’t bother learning Doom just yet.

Taharka was easy enough, I held back until I stole the Orihalcon which only took 2 tries thankfully so I focused with Vivi during that time, killed Taharka off pretty easily with some fire element attacks and Vivi entering Trance so it was a pretty simple battle.

Now Normally when it comes to a point where the characters split up, I’d use this as a good opportunity to level Quina up or get it some Blue Magic. Quina is levelled enough so that was ok, but Zidane was about one attack away from entering Trance so I figured even though the battle isn’t hard, this would be the perfect opportunity to use it against the Earth Guardian, so I went straight to the Earth Shrine.

Earth Guardian was pretty easy, I stole the Avenger but not the Rubber Suit, Both my characters had Auto-Float, Auto-Reflect and Auto-Regen equipped, so honestly the only damage they got was physical attacks which wasn’t much, it only took two to get Zidane to Trance, so I used two Grand Lethals and then had Quina Eat it to learn Earth Shake, done and dusted.

Something I would have liked to have seen during this section of the game was all 8 Characters going into a boss battle, I don’t think they would have been tricky if you had the correct equipement, in fact the only one probably tricky would have been the Water Guardian as you’d be limited to summon attacks mostly only with Dagger and Eiko but hey at least healing wouldn’t be a problem.

How do you feel about the story segment covered in this chapter?
I guess I’ve sort of explained how I feel about the story segment above. I guess my favourite parts of this chapter is Dagger cutting her hair and the splitting of the characters and their own little storyline with each boss the face in the Shrines. It may only be a small amount of story but it’s nice to see how each character is getting on, again I would have preferred to have fought each guardian myself but oh well not much can be done about that.

Finally, I also gained my final Chocograph Pieces and assembled Mist Ocean, I went to Aerial Garden and completed Hot n’ Cold’s main goal but I can still go and dig for points, there’s still one treasure to find which isn’t accessible yet and I’ve still to go to Chocobo’s Paradise but the main side quest is complete. I also haven’t forgotten that Ozma is there but I’m nowhere near ready for that AND I’ve yet to go and find the friendly Yan so still some stuff to be done but I am kinda sad I’ve pretty much completed Hot n’ Cold the most fun sidequest I’ve ever had the pleasure to play in the FF series.


Sorry about the lack of a chapter update for today's target guys, I haven't played it myself yet but will do so tonight.

The chapter that should be done now is the Terra chapter. The chapter for this weekend/ target next Friday is the pre-endgame preparation chapter (i.e. you can either not do it or do a shit load of stuff) then it's the grand finale :).

I'll be on tomorrow for the pre-endgame chapter and tonight for the Terra chapter (which in my case is super late, ABNORMURU!!). Regular chapter updates will be posted tonight and tomorrow night.


Chloe Frazer
Forgot to post this last week:

What did you think of Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug?

Fucking annoying, the monsters and the delivering letters to moggles that were basically next to each all very annoying.

What did you think of Ipsen's Castle? How about that surprisingly low encounter rate? If you've been keeping up with your Blue Magic, this place has an enemy that teaches the last spell

Oh great now Amarant is not useless but annoying, fuck him if could've left him in that Castle I would've. I did notice the low encounter rate which was surprising but some of the monsters were hard so I guess that's why. No I have not been keeping up with my Blue Magic so I did not get it.

Dem bosses yo. How did you fare against them? Steal anything from the Earth Guardian etc?

Weak boss, had to keep my attacks simple until I could steal everything which took forever.

How do you feel about the story segment covered in this chapter?

One of my favorites scenes happened in this chapter that being Garnett cutting her hair, after that is when I really start loving her character. Honestly the story is sloppy in this chapter, the whole fast travel thing Garnett and Zidane did from Linblum to Alexandria and back was a bit ridiculous and Zidane trying to reach Beatrix not funny at all. I don't remember them explaining why she disappeared from the story after the attack on Alexandria either which is annoying, it just seems like she had to disappear so she couldn't become a permanent party member. Out of curiosity shoould Garnett be able to use Eidolons at this point? Because we're nearing the end of the game and I still have none available for her. The party diving in pairs to fight the guardians was fun, the whole party dynamics were very funny. Cid and Hilda are a very funny couple. Also yay an actual airship in my possession.

Oh damn I haven't done my Terra chapter yet and I have Bioshock Infinite to play, gonna have to play FFIX first.


Chapter Thirteen: You're Not Alone



And I'm doing it more than a week late myself :monster:

As you'll no doubt notice, the target time for this chapter has come and gone because I was too busy to deal with it last week. But here we are. You should already have completed this chapter on Friday there, here are some random questions to get the ball rolling on your chapter update.

  • This chapter is full of pretty FMV's. Talk about those.
  • What a magical place we've ended up in. What do you think of it?
  • This chapter contains two of my all-time favourite Final Fantasy tracks. What do you think of the music here?
  • And the story?
  • We have a gauntlet of mid-level fights and then a gauntlet of boss fights - how did you fare?

Well, that's that chapter update. The next one will be up in an hour or so once I'm there myself!


Chapter Fourteen: A World of Mist


This is the end game-prep chapter. I.e. that chapter where you can do everything or nothing. Having kept up with your sidequests provides you with a few benefits here - I just beat Ozma and completed all the last pre-Memoria sidequests in about an hour and a half.

What follows is a list of things you can do to prepare for the final battle this coming Saturday (and the week that follows).

I'd really REALLY like it if people could be there for the final chapter playthrough! Not 100% necessary of course, but I'll be streaming it as a kind of "farewell" to this glorious playthrough.

What follows is a list of things you can do :desu:

  • Chocographs - did you finish these?
  • Did you beat Ozma?
  • Did you collect all the Stellazzio coins?
  • How about collecting 99 frogs for Quina's ultimate weapon?
  • Did you solve the mystery of Mognet Central?
  • How about that magical fingertip for the Excalibur?
  • Friendly Creatures? (doing this helps with Ozma!)
  • Stilzkin can be found in his final place back in the old Alexandria steeple. Did you get the Ribbon?
  • One final showdown in the Knight House Fight Club?
  • Anything optional in Daguerro?
  • Ability learning, level grinding, Quina's Blue Magic?
  • There's also that weird beach sidequest after you dig up everything with a chocobo, but I've never bothered with it.

And there you have it. Go forth and LEVEL THE HELL UP because the endgame chapter is not easy :)


I'm a little behind, so...update time!

Chapter 12

What did you think of Esto Gaza and Mount Gulug?

I've always been frustrated by the first person you run into in Esto Gaza, that incredibly unhelpful priest. After getting past that, it's fine. Glad to get the Octagon staff, of course; reflecting those off of yourself is always fun :)

Mount Gulug was a bit frustrating, what with all of the backtracking, and the enemies that used the tornado or whirlwind move or whatever it was always killed Vivi, which was rather annoying. >_>

The desperation that Kuja portrays in his attempt to extract Eiko's eidolons really gives you the feeling that he's actually a lot more fragile than you're led to believe at first. He obviously has a breaking point, and it seems that he is definitely nearing it now. Fighting Zorn and Thorn for the last time was satisfying - it's about time those conniving beings were put in their place, which we did :P

Finding out that Mog is actually a summon in disguise is always a bittersweet moment for me...I get sad that she won't be with Eiko in moogle form anymore, though I know Madeen is a good summon.

I've always been a little frustrated by Hilda's take on the fact that Kuja basically tells her his whole plot. She seems to think it's just because he's haughty and doesn't care...I've always thought it was more likely that he was telling her because he had absolutely no plans for her to survive and tell anyone else. To me, it makes Hilda seem kinda dumb. Smeh.

What did you think of Ipsen's Castle? How about that surprisingly low encounter rate? If you've been keeping up with your Blue Magic, this place has an enemy that teaches the last spell

I have the feeling that when I originally played IX on my own, I didn't "get" the whole inverse attack power thing. I can't remember for sure, because it was several years ago, but I feel like I had a lot of trouble here the time that I played it, which would mostly be explained by that going completely over my head, in spite of it being pretty much explicitly explained to you :P

Since getting Lvl 4 Holy, we haven't really bothered with getting any blue magic. There have been a few things, but nothing we've really tried for.

Dem bosses yo. How did you fare against them? Steal anything from the Earth Guardian etc?

We did quite well against the bosses in this chapter. Having auto-reflect on Vivi has made this whole game so much nicer, haha. And like Force said, we didn't bother with stealing anything from them.

How do you feel about the story segment covered in this chapter?

Sneat. Like I said before, it's interesting to see Kuja starting to break down in desperation now, leaving you wondering how much worse it will get as he continues in his downward spiral.

I really like the sequence of events with the four shrines, although I've always been a little disappointed that you don't see anything of the battle of Eiko and Garnet vs. the Water Fiend. As Force pointed out during our playthrough, it would probably have been really awesome to see glimpses of it, as it would have been heavily summon based. We get to see snatches of stuff of the other pairings, but nothing of them, other than them making their way through the entrance hall of the shrine.

Chapter 13

This chapter is full of pretty FMV's. Talk about those.

FFIX has so many of my favorite FMV's in general, if you'll recall from my post in the "7 best FMV's" thread. :monster: I like the one where everyone is floating off/jumping off of the airship to go through the portal to arrive in Terra, and of course the one of Kuja destroying Terra is pretty insane. Terra looks rather delicate, a stiff breeze could knock down any of those tree structure things :P

What a magical place we've ended up in. What do you think of it?

It's definitely different. Like I said above, the structures are rather odd. The location itself has never really impressed me, but the story elements here are what it's about.

This chapter contains two of my all-time favourite Final Fantasy tracks. What do you think of the music here?

You're Not Alone ftw. Seriously, it's one of my favorite FF tracks to hear Distant Worlds play.

And the story?

Goodness. There's so much that comes together here. Garland revealing what Zidane is, why he was made, Zidane's refusal to help him and yet feeling like he doesn't belong anywhere anymore, the famous "You're Not Alone" sequence (in which I am always surprised at how nasty Zidane can be to his friends!) Kuja's relation to Zidane (and the fact that you're told that Zidane has the potential to become, and will become, stronger than Kuja is pretty bitchin', as far as the fact that you've constantly been working up to be able to face off against Kuja at all this entire game), Kuja flipping shit and killing Garnet...

We have a gauntlet of mid-level fights and then a gauntlet of boss fights - how did you fare?

Did alright - there were a couple of times that one or two characters died, but never got a game over or anything :)

Man, we're getting so close!


Chapter Fifteen: A World of Memories


Here we are folks, after 3 months of hard work it's the end! I finished the game a couple of hours ago. Just talk about the ending, how you found Memoria, how you found the bosses and your strategies and endgame levels etc. And congratulations!

On to the next community playthrough! (Run by someone else, after a respectable mourning period XD).

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
about the bosses? a pice of cake, honestly. i had max thievery and vivi knew flare, so basically every fight was thievery+flare+ Freya's regen/Eiko's curaga+ random Eiko's/Freya's attack. even Hades wasn't so difficult at the end. all i needed was the body temp ability on.
my team was lvl 60 (more or less). garland pissed me off, all his lines where "i'm telling you something important, but soon i'll know the truth" in every single room.
the ending.... no word. the Kuja and Zidane scene is wonderful and Mikoto was like "i know you're crying but i'll make you cry more" and the little Vivis are too cute.
best ending ever.


Waiting for something
Finally, a chapter post up, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make the final playthrough or almost all of them, Anyway I’ve got Terra this week to post, I’ve only got as far as the start of disc 4 so I won’t have another chapter update for a while.

This chapter is full of pretty FMV's. Talk about those
The FMVs in this chapter are fantastic, I think disc 3 really outdoes itself for the sheer amount of FMVs it provides us with, my favourites are the party heading into Terra and when Kuja destroy’s Terra, beautiful both visually and they really take you in emotionally, I kind of wish they’d included a final FMV of all the characters seeing the world completely covered in mist, it’s just such a shocking moment at the end of the disc and really shows the impact the destruction of Terra has on Gaia.
• What a magical place we've ended up in. What do you think of it?

Truly a very unique place indeed . The area of Terra itself before you enter Bran Bal with it’s blue light, the trees, borderline futuristic look and ruined landscape; there’s something really eerie yet ethereal about it, I particularly like how certain areas of bridges and so forth glow as Zidane steps on them, almost as if it welcomes him there.

Bran Bal
Then we come into Bran Bal and there’s the hints of an ancient civilisation that once was great and probably very powerful, you get the notion of time just standing still here. The water doesn’t move, everything is surrounded again in blue light it seems peaceful enough. Then you go underground and there’s a lab with Genomes in machines, weird glowing stones and a general creepiness to it, it just doesn’t feel right.

Pandemonuim, is almost the complete opposite of Terra’s outer world, it’s red, feels chaotic, the architecture feels like a mixture of medieval and futurist designs all in one, and the atmosphere gives off a general feeling of dislike. For that reason I really like it, there’s not many places in FFIX that give me a general air of dislike except this place, you just know something is going to go down here.

• This chapter contains two of my all-time favourite Final Fantasy tracks. What do you think of the music here?

And I’d be right in saying that it’s ‘Terra’ and ‘You’re not Alone’ They’re also my two favourites. As I write this chapter I’m currently listening to the FFIX soundtrack, I felt like it was appropriate.

‘Terra’, is so beautiful, I almost forget it’s a variation of ‘The place I’ll return to someday’ it’s so subtle. It’s got an ethereal, melancholy tone to it and it fits the area so well, I couldn't fit another track any better than the one it’s given just aghh it gives me feeeeeellllliiiinnnnggggsss.

‘The Castle frozen in time’ and Garland’s theme
Wonderfully slow versions of the original FFII piece. As for the songs themselves, they fit where they play so well. They’re creepy, tense has the sense of something dangerous being plotted and revealed all in one. I thought this song deserved a mention just because of its connections to FFII.

‘You Are not Alone’
Ohh I could gush and gush about this song, you’ve no idea how many emotions I went through the first time I played the section of the game where this plays, in fact I reset the game and did the whole thing again just so I could hear it play. This song expresses sadness, hope, the will to keep fighting, Zidane’s despair, his friends desperately helping him all in one, my favourite part where it plays is when Garnet heals him, just such an amazing song. Nobuo Uematsu really outdid himself here.

And the story?

Where do I begin?? This part of the story is such a mindfuck from the word go that there’s several times you ask yourself if that really happened and what the hell is going on and there’s so much going on at once which doesn’t help. So first of all we have Garland make an appearance and start asking bizzare questions about Zidane’s identity, then we have Mikoto and all the genomes that look exactly like Zidane. Then we have what really destroyed Madain Sari, Garland’s master plan and how Terra and Gaia are connected, Zidane going off the rails, Kuja’s background and his connection to Zidane being revealed, Kuja going off the rails and the destruction of Terra all in one chapter and all in roughly 1-2 hours gameplay tops. Head hurt much? Alright let’s break this down a little.

To start with I’ll talk about the one character that I think all the events come back to…Garland.

He’s such a piece of work and yet he doesn’t actually seems like a bad guy in the beginning, he believes he’s doing everything for the good of Terra but when you look at all the stuff he does concerning Gaia and it’s people then you realise how sinister he actually is. The genomes were created to house the souls of the Terran people when their time came, but the fact that he created them just for that is sickening in itself, here’s a race of people that don’t have any uniqueness about them save for 3 of them who have souls of their own. They all look alike and talk in that detaches emotionless state, at least the Black Mages when they woke up and became aware had their own personalities, these poor people will take a long time before they ever become like that but it’s also no wonder that in the end the Black Mages take them under their wing, reminded of what they used to be I guess and in the end they’re both still discovering a new world, who’s also to say what the lifespan of the Genomes Garland created is either. Zidane and Mikoto were created with full lifespans but whether the other Genomes have one as long is the question.

You know what? You almost wanna thank Kuja for abandoning him on Gaia even if he did do it in a jealous rage because he grew up in Tantalus surrounded by people who loved him. Can you imagine how dangerous and worse than Kuja he probably would have been had he still been in Garland’s care and I doubt he’d have had the same personality, all you have to do is look at Mikoto and know he probably wouldn’t have been the person he is now. The build-up to Terra always made me think that it was all about Zidane, that Zidane was going to find something really important there and he does, the first thing he mentions is the blue light, the same blue light he’s thought about for the last 12 years of his life. Then he finds out the truth and it almost destroys him, you can’t blame him for that. He came back to the place he was born only to find out who he was supposed to be was pretty much a lie, it’s a little bit of a shock to find Zidane who always was so strong for everyone breaking down like that and you also have to hate Garland for doing that to him.

It’s funny though that Kuja never killed Zidane as a child because he wanted to prove to him in every way that he was the better one when really it was Zidane who was to become Garland’s chosen one. I was surprised that even with his soul removed Zidane still managed to retain quite a bit of himself, I wasn’t even sure if his soul had been removed except for when he had that weird disjointed speech for a bit after. I guess even with the removal of his soul, the fact that he had something to live for and protect kept him going. I love when Garnet has that heart to heart with him after they fight the Shell Dragon, I don’t think Zidane realised until then how much he meant to the team and how much he needed them in the same way that they need him, it might be friendship and love speech but it’s done so well it doesn’t even seem clichéd. On a side note, love that Steiner finally recognises Zidane as his friend not just someone fighting alongside him and also pretty much tells him it’s ok if he wants to go for it with Garnet yay!!

So essentially it’s Garland’s fault for the way he turned out. I’m not saying that you can excuse anything Kuja did in the game but you can excuse the fact that the reason he’s unable to feel any remorse for his actions is Garland fault for creating him as an adult and not letting him grow up from childhood like Zidane. The fact that Kuja is a Genome however is a surprising turn of events because he looks nothing like them, his tale only appears for instance when he’s in Trance other than that you’d never guess it. Kuja is apparently in denial about being a Genome but you can see his own creation was influential in him creating the Black Mages, tools of war like him that eventually become aware of their own existence and once their purpose is served their life is ended. I must admit Kuja’s reason in the end for wanting to destroy the world is one I like, it’s a bit different to the whole wanting to become a God or ruling the world, it’s simply, “If I can’t live then why should the world?” and what better way to start that little theory of yours by destroying your own home and throwing Gaia into chaos.

We have a gauntlet of mid-level fights and then a gauntlet of boss fights - how did you fare?
Yeah the monsters throughout this entire area can actually be quite tough and navigating through the areas to get to your goal while fighting them can make it feel really long and a bit tedious especially in Pandemonium. As for the bosses themselves, they were ok, facing three in one go isn’t exactly the most fun but it does provide a bit of a challenge, as long as you’re well equipped and have the correct abilities in place you can get through them alright. I kinda took a bit of pleasure in successfully stealing all the items off Garland and Kuja using Zidane, while I was at it.

So that’s it we’re almost there, my next chapter will probably be quite short, there’s still a few sidequests for me to complete I think the most detailed one will be letting you know how my battle with Ozma went and I’ll probably mention the story part in the Black Mage village too so it’ll probably be a rounded enough chapter.


Chloe Frazer
I keep forgetting I haven't done the last three chapter updates even though I finished the game. :monster:

Chapter 13:

This chapter is full of pretty FMV's. Talk about those.

The first one when they get swooped from the airship into Terra and at the end when Kuja destroys Terra were my favorites, they're both visually stunning.

What a magical place we've ended up in. What do you think of it?

Terra looks so completely and alien to Gaia, the whole time I was there I kept trying to imagine how their civilization function in the planet, how life must've been there. It's a fascinating place though I wish we could've seen more of it.

This chapter contains two of my all-time favourite Final Fantasy tracks. What do you think of the music here?

I also loved Terra and You're Not Alone, they quickly became some of my favorite tracks from the game. Terra definitely added to the mystique of the planet and You're Not Alone helped make the scene with everyone trying help Zidane more emotional and powerful.

And the story?

Finally learning the truth about Zidane's origins is very interesting, knowing that the laid back, funny pervert Zidane was created for destruction is rather funny and ironic. Seeing everyone rally around Zidane as he has done for them was very sweet. I felt a bit bad for Kuja especially when he finds out he's going to die, how terrified he is of death enough to want to destroy both Terra and Gaia, it's still utterly ridiculous and he's still a massive asshole but he became a tragic villain with that. As for Garland I can't say I felt bad for him when Kuja killed him, after all the damaged he cause and the way he revealed the truth to Zidane, yeah he had his death coming, speaking of which I giggled a lot when Garland said "Zidane you came." thanks to Yop and when he said "You know nothing Zidane" thanks to GoT. :monster:

We have a gauntlet of mid-level fights and then a gauntlet of boss fights - how did you fare?

It was rather easy but I had been level grinding before I went to Terra.

Chapter 14:

Chocographs - did you finish these?

Surprisingly yes especially after the incident were I had spent 3 hours looking for Chocographs and the treasures then the power went out and I had forgotten to save and I lost everything, you can guess how I reacted to that.

Did you beat Ozma?

Lets just say the battle ended in 2 minutes and leave it at that. -_-

Did you collect all the Stellazzio coins?

Nope and I forgot to check if I had the last 3 coins before I finished the game.

How about collecting 99 frogs for Quina's ultimate weapon?

Nope, didn't really see the point of it since I didn't use Quina for the last part of the game.

Did you solve the mystery of Mognet Central?/quote]

I did do that yes, I was bit annoying having to go to different places to give the moogles the letters especially Burmecia and Fossil Roo.

How about that magical fingertip for the Excalibur?

The what?

Friendly Creatures? (doing this helps with Ozma!)

I stopped bothering when I didn't have what they wanted.

Stilzkin can be found in his final place back in the old Alexandria steeple. Did you get the Ribbon?

Yes I did and I got another one at the auction.

One final showdown in the Knight House Fight Club?

Yep, it was easy.

Anything optional in Daguerro?

Did all of it.

Ability learning, level grinding, Quina's Blue Magic?

Most of the abilities were learned, did a lot of level grinding, my party was in their 70s when I did the final chapter, I did most of Quia's blue magic.

There's also that weird beach sidequest after you dig up everything with a chocobo, but I've never bothered with it.

I don't know what it was.

I'll do the final chapter later.
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