Also I really don't understand how this scene could be re-re retconed to not include Genesis. As much as a lot of people on here don't like it.. Genesis is apart of the Compilation and is canon. Him being at the Nibelheim incident is canon.
What's there not to understand? As I find myself saying again and again - if they're fine with ret-coning things once, why would they not be fine with doing it again?
Saying "it's canon" is completely vapid when SE has already proven they
do not care about what is canon.
Also they are rewriting the remake to have it flow with the compilation, and this would be one of those parts they would need to clarify.
That's actually not what they said. They said there were things unclear about the compilation specifically, which they might want to address in the remake. That suggests that the compilation material that they consider using for the remake is just as open for reinterpretation and change as the material of the original.
The problem with this is that when Cloud starts the Kalm Flashback he sees this whole part through Zacks eyes. If you remember Cloud himself doesn't actually go into the Reactor at that point. Everything he explains is from Zack's POV. Why would Cloud's mind just erase Genesis from it, and remember everything else?
I don't know if this has ever been explicitly clarified. From the original alone though, I was under the impression that Cloud was simply building a story based on second-hand knowledge combined with his own memories - not that he was actually accessing Zack's memories and seeing things exactly as he saw them - so discrepancies like that can easily be written off simply on the basis of Cloud being an unreliable narrator whose memories cannot be trusted one way or the other.
I know some/a lot of people here hold to the idea that the Jenova cells have actually infused him with the memories of Zack which they read off of him prior to Zack dying - but I just don't see that argument holding water in context of the original alone, meaning that even if it's true given later material trying to fill out gaps, it's something they could very easily address in the remake by simply dropping it.
Also, as I've said before - Genesis, at least the Genesis as we know him, will not be in this game unless they can renew their licensing agreement with Gackt. Now, if despite a failure to renew the license the character still does pop up, he'll have to be redesigned and cast with a new voice actor, at least in the Japanese edition, at which point SE might simply consider it too much of a hassle to get into, or they might be tempted to do some changes to his character/story given the other changes they would have to do with him.
After all, how confusing would it not be for fans of CC etc. to suddenly have a guy with a new face and voice, called Genesis, popping up as if nothing's changed?