[RP DISCUSSION] Mass Effect: Reclamation


Joe, Arcana
The year is 2185.
The Citadel is at the peak of its recovery since the Geth's full-scale assault two years ago.

The Alliance's Admiral Hackett commanded the Alliance Fleet during the assault, leading the Alliance to rescue the Destiny Ascension and ultimately the council. His actions won humanity, and himself, a seat on the Citadel Council - a massive step forward for humankind.

After the attack on the Citadel, the Council reviewed the events of the attack. Unhappy with the miscommunication between the different council races, they drafted plans to have a single, multi-specied, unified fleet. The respective militaries were informed and work on the fleet began. During the process, the salarians put forth the proposal of first testing the scheme with a single prototype vessel. And thus began the construction of the SSV Odessa; while still being primarily of Alliance design, each council race had some say in the design and creation of the ship. Whilst manufacture of the ship has recently been completed, it is still unused and reserved for when the council needs it, and the vessel has yet to be shaken down.

Geth sightings and activity have decreased greatly over the last two years; since their defeat at the Citadel, they have retreated back behind the Perseus Veil. It is unknown whether they have given up on their efforts to claim the Citadel, or if their efforts have shifted elsewhere. Either way, they are no longer a high-risk factor for the Council, as a much bigger problem has presented itself.

The krogan genophage has been cured. The origin of the cure is a complete mystery, but the krogans have already started mobilising.
War is coming.

The council have called together three captains for an important mission, to settle the fear and panic felt by all.



Name: Virgil Book
Race: Human
Age: 52
Position: Captain of the SSV Odessa (infiltrator)
Rank (If Applicable): Alliance military
Appearance: Battle scarred, one of his immediate features is the puckered scar going from the right edge of his mouth that continues up to around his cheekbone. He has dark blue eyes and greying red hair. His body is muscular and grizzled.
Personality: He is a fair minded, but tough commanding officer. He is rarely seen smiling, and although unlike some Alliance captains, he is not xenophobic, he has a strong hatred of turians. As a war veteran he has a tactical mind that predicts the moves of his opponents like a chess master. He isn't the sort of captain that sits down with others to talk out their problems (he has staff for that, dammit) but he will listen to ideas they may have when he is stumped on how to solve a problem.

His softer side only really shows when he is talking to his own family, all of whom he loves dearly.
History: One of the veterans of the first contact war, he has bitter memories of fighting the militaristic turian people. He can appreciate the power that they hold, but he also feels they are all too willing to abuse it in order to throw their weight around. He feels that humans are worthy of respect by the Council, even if no one else does. His half of a glasgow smile was given to him while he was fighting one on one with a fierce fighter, who he managed to take out after he sliced his face open with a single talon.

In the various battles he has fought, he has actually managed to lose a good chunk of his abdomen, losing part of his small intestine, part of his stomach, a kidney, most of his spleen and rather oddly his appendix. Most of his innards have been replaced, and he actually requires a personal doctor for occasional dialysis and monitoring of his artificial bits and pieces. His wife was actually the first doctor who worked on him, the two of them falling in love shortly after he had been patched back up. They have two kids, a son named Joshua and a daughter named Heather. He has three grandkids, one from his son Josh and an asari matron named Malynna and two girls from Heather and her husband. He loves all of his kids and grandchildren dearly.

He was promoted to captain of the Odessa five years ago, an extremely proud moment for him. Although he had previously held positions of power in the Alliance, the full power of a ship at his command was truly exciting. Since then he has preservered and has become one of the proud commanding officers of the Alliance.
Home Planet: Earth
Name: Veron Karn
Race: Salarian
Age: 38
Position: Captain of the SSV Odessa
Rank: Division Captain (STG)
Appearance: Veron shares many aesthetic features with the average Salarian. His skin tone is almost forest green while his iris colour is that of a faded black. He wears his grey military uniform at most times, which can also include the standard-issue helmet given in the Salarian military.

Personality: Veron is a leader at heart. Whilst his methods are most of the time very complex, it gets the job done. He is brutal when it comes to criticism, and runs his men harshly. He adopts the Salarian principle of finishing a war before it begins, and takes this into battle with him. Veron does not hold back on his opinion, even when questioned by higher authority. If he believes, or knows, of a better solution he will put it forward, sometimes risking lives due to better judgement. A rumour spread around his military barracks that he was the reincarnation of a Sverka, a large predatory bird. While this may not be the case, it is true that his vision of a battlefield can be likened to that of an eagle.

History: Like most Salarians, Veron got to where he is today through hard work and a display of genius. He spent his more youthful years studying military politics, and the lines between them. He soon focused on espionage and before long he enrolled in the military for training. He earned many commendations and awards for his practicality on the battlefield. He was, and is, especially efficient with the sniper rifle.
At the age of 31 he was involved in a heavy court hearing, regarding actions that took place on a recent battlefield. Veron's squad were tasked with the retrieval of valuable data, during an attack on a Salarian settlement. Decisions made by the then Lieutenant Karn caused the deaths of around thirty innocent Turians. The Turian and Asari opposed his decision and sought for his dismissal, but he was backed by his squad members and high-ranking officials, as well as the Salarian officials. The decision was necessary in order to bring the attack to an end, and any other decision would have lead to prolonged fighting. Salarian's backed up Veron by stating that their outlook and policies on this sort of behavious conflict with those of their opposing races, and as it was an internal manner should not have any further external involvement. Veron was not charged, but he harbors a distaste for real error in judgement. He is also not partial to the Krogan race, but rather than having any sentimental reason for it, it is merely preference.

Homeworld: Mannovai
Name: Themys T'Lorin
Race: Asari
Age: 689
Position: Captain of the SSV Odessa
Rank: Lieutenant, Citadel Fleet
Homeworld: Thessia
Appearance: Themys carries herself like an asari maiden, which shows in her way of dress - a button undone here, a sleeve rolled up there, and dresses which are perhaps one size too tight to show off every one of her curves. On duty, she wears the dress uniform of Citadel Fleet personnel, but will readily change into something more comfortable or more attractive to wear. Festooning her blue-purple complexion with even darker purple tattoos, Themys has a particular fondness for body ornamentation. A single clip-on earring on the edge of the right-most scalp fold conceals a surgical scar from an operation on a tumour.

Personality: It could be said that Themys is something of a rebel against the asari race and the societal norms placed on her as her role in the military and as an asari matron. Even with centuries of military experience and a rank earned rather than given, Themys despises overbearing authority, habitually inciting antagonistic behaviour between she and others of higher rank of which she believes are overtly authoritarian in behaviour. This conflicts with her own position in the Citadel Fleet and her role as both a mother and a father.
However, she maintains her own status as "forever young", and has fewer qualms than most when it comes to sex and sexual freedom, even with the chain of command and long-distance parenting as obstacles. Her behaviour does not hide her wisdom, though - the experience of battle and war can never be hidden so easily.

History: The genetic father in Themys' parents remained unknown to her, although her mother maintains that the father was a C-Sec officer. However, even with clear expectations and a goal in mind, Themys did not begin military training until the age of 250.
With a slow military education came with a slower climb up the career ladder, as while she went through commando training successfully, her biotic abilities were largely overshadowed by her skill in handling guns and the controls of a fighter. However, long, outstanding miltary service eventually awarded her with a minor commanding position on the Destiny Ascension, where she continued to grate with superiors with her rebellious nature and an unrecorded reputation for fraternization.

As such, Themys was one of the first asari candidates considered for a transfer to the Odessa, her transfer followed up with a supposed "promotion". In reality, commanding officers found it a convenient way to rid themselves of a potential troublemaker in the chain of command.


Name: Lilatrik Silvarius
Race: Turian
Age: 30
Position: Squad member
Rank: N/A
Homeworld: Palaven
Specializations: Biotics/Close quarters combat

Appearance: Lilatrik is a typical-looking turian, possessing a darker exoskeletal tone that is a dark charcoal grey, with white facial markings; there is very little about her appearance that makes her stand out - a fact that she is very aware of.

Personality: Driven, but not especially ambitious, Lilatrik has something of an inferiority complex - she feels as though she has to prove herself to everyone. She is cheerful and outgoing enough, though obviously rather competitive. She is cautious by nature, and patient to a fault - she does not charge in guns blazing. She is also a huge movie buff.

History: Served in the military, as all turians do, until it was determined at age 20 that she was a biotic. She entered the training later than most, and so the younger cabal trainees would treat her as a remedial biotic. She turned this into fuel to motivate her to excel - she graduated and began serving in the cabals in less time than it normally takes them to gain a handle over their powers. She has spent the following six years serving in the cabals, and rose through the ranks to second-in-command of her assigned cabal. She has spent the past two years on Citadel, working with scientists to explore turian biotic advancement.

Lilatrik is estranged from her parents - or, rather, from her father. A retired military commander, he was extremely disappointed in his daughter for joining the cabals, as he, like many turians, is deeply mistrustful of biotics. He has not spoken to or made any attempt to contact his daughter since the day she came home and excitedly told her parents that she had been recruited as a biotic. Her mother, while sympathetic to Lilatrik's feelings, chose to abide by her husband's decision. She keeps up an infrequent correspondence with Lilatrik via the extranet.
Name: Sarah 'Swan Song' Rose
Race: Human
Age: 26
Position: Pilot of the SSV Odessa.
Rank: Flight Lieutenant (Alliance Military)

Appearance: Sarah has short blonde hair, very feminine features and a medium-small frame. Her eyes are mostly white with little remnants of the hazel eye colour she once had. She wears a standard alliance uniform when aboard the Odessa, but has been occasionaly known to ignore the rules from time to time for more casual wear.

Personality: Sarah is known for her blunt personality. She doesn't really give much care for anything outside of the ship's bridge. She does not isolate herself however, and would prefer to observe others rather than spend time to herself. To this end she even utilizes the few listening devices scattered across the public areas of the ship to keep herself occupied during flight. Her dry wit also rears its head from time to time, sometimes at the best moments, other times when it is nothing less than innappropriate. She has been told that her sense of humour needs work from several crew members in the past.

History: Sarah grew up on Terra Nova as a normal young girl, with no real aspiration to ever join the military. During her early teen years her mother remarried and moved the family home. Sarah didn't get on with her new family, especially her step-father who from time to time hit her as a consequence for her actions. During a visit from her father who was frequently away on alliance business, she stowed away on his ship to live with him. When he found her he was shocked. He notified her mother but the two made an agreement that Sarah could live aboard his ship the SSR Roucoux for a maximum of 3 years, as it was a non-combat vessel.

Three years went by and Sarah reached the age of 18. She was due to return to Terra Nova months later. She hated the idea of having to leave the Roucoux as she had made her own kind of family there. All of the crew members had welcomed her, and she had learnt a lot from them. For an 18 year old, her knowledge of a ship's internal workings were quite advanced. She had even been let to fly the ship a couple of times when in open airspace, under the watchful eye of her father and the ship's pilot.

A month later, the SSR Roucoux was tasked with bringing an Asari diplomat back to the citadel, as an inexperienced pilot had made an unsteady landing on a planet. The crew picked up the diplomat and set course for the Citadel. The ship was intercepted after it had passed the halfway mark and attacked by a Batarian vessel. The Batarians had hoped to use the Asari as a bargaining pawn in the hopes of resecuring their embassy in citadel space. The more advanced weaponry was no match for the Roucoux, tearing right through its shields and killing most of the crew when they refused to hand over the diplomat. Sarah watched her father die as the canon tore through the ship and engulfed him in a explosion. She was barely allowed time to grieve as the ships warning lights alerted any that were alive that its main systems were failing. Burying her grief, Sarah picked up her fathers alliance breather helmet and ran to communications bridge to send a message to the alliance. Before she got there however a message played over the tannoy from the pilot, that he had been wounded and lost most of his upper body functions. There were few left alive, only those in engineering had avoided total ship damage.

When Sarah arrived at the cockpit, the pilot was unconscious on the floor and almost looked dead, he had lost a lot of blood. She got in the cockpit and started performing hasty maneouvers, none that she had learnt of. Before long they passed through an asteroid field, losing the attention of the Batarians who assumed they were dead, or would be dead. Sarah wasted no time in escaping the field, having no experience in maneouvering through one. After some minor engine ruptures and a few minor collisions, The Roucoux reached the Citadel. An escort ship approached the ship when the damage was spotted. The surviving crew members, aswell as the Asari were taken off the ship. The ship's engineers were given commendations for the bravery in an unforeseen circumstance.

Upon finding Sarah, the Alliance captain mistook her for her father due to her face being obscured by his helmet. She removed the helmet when she was incorrectly addressed 'Mr. Rose'. Outstanded that such a young girl could have achieved such a feat, the captain presented her with a medal for her skill, determination and soldier-like bravery. Sarah was offered safe passage back to Terra Nova but she declined, wanting to joing the Alliance in her father's place. There was a ceremony on the Citadel for the lost members of the Roucoux days later. Upon reaching her father, the alliance admiral presenting the ceremony told her "You were his Swan Song, his last gift to us before his passing. For that you are both Hero's."

For the last eight years, Sarah has served on several vessels. Her grief of the event subsided, leaving her with a fractured personality, but her renown did not. Her nickname is known by many high-ranking alliance officials, even to this day.

Homeworld: Terra Nova
Name: Rakesh Idahn
Race: Drell
Age: 37
Position: Squad Member/Bodyguard to Taplo
Rank: N/A
Homeworld: Kahje
Specializations: Assassination/Infiltration/Tech/Sniping

Appearance: Rakesh is on the taller end of the spectrum, standing nearly as tall as a turian. His scaly skin is a deep green, and his eyes, when stared at long enough, have a very faint reddish tint. He wears a simple, hooded black jacket, left unzipped to reveal a black vest over a white collared shirt, the top few buttons of which are left undone, allowing a tiny glimpse of the well-toned body beneath. His outfit is completed by unremarkable black trousers and boots, the latter of which have been treated so as to enable Rakesh to move silently, when he wishes. Some habits die hard.

Personality: Having spent most of his life as an assassin, Rakesh has come to be cool, calm, and collected at all times, and most especially under fire. He does trend sarcastic, which does occassionally cause issues. His relationship with Taplo can be described as brotherly - he is the elder brother, looking out for his younger sibling's well being at all times. He gives Taplo help, and guides him, whenever asked, but otherwise leaves Taplo to find his own path, so that he may come into his own.

History: Rakesh was given up to Taplo's family as part of The Compact, a tremendous honor for him. He missed his family very much, and felt abandoned by them, and threw himself into the assassin's training that Taplo's family had chosen for him, being in need of such skills. He made his first kill at the age of 9, and took his first job at 15. He has spent the past 20 years as an assassin, taking the lives of his targets with a frightening proficiency - he has never failed to complete an assignment. He always strove for perfection, and eliminated his marks by methods that were appropriate relative to the reason for the assassination - and always had a strict rule about not killing innocents.

Until his last hit.

A child strayed into his crosshairs as his finger twitched on the trigger.

He has had nightmares about it every night since, and is suffering a crisis of faith - he feels as though Kalihira has abandoned him, and no longer heeds his prayers. He is becoming drawn toward the hanar worship of the Enkindlers, and is torn between the two beliefs. He has also given up the assassin's life, and has spent his time protecting Taplo - hoping that if he can do enough good, that it can erase his sins.

He knows that he is no longer Whole.
Name: Femi Orquiz
Race: Human
Age: 34
Position: Crew Member
Rank: Chief Requisition Officer (Alliance Military)
Specializations: Firearm knowledge and modification

Appearance: Femi is of medium height and build, trending slightly taller than the average human male. He keeps his sandy brown hair cut short, and it's usually buried under his cap, which comes nearly down to his hazel brown eyes. He wears the standard Alliance military uniform, though he sprang for red pinstriping on the boots on a whim.

Personality: Femi's one of those guys that's just sort of...there. He doesn't have a lot of friends, though it's not for lack of trying - he's certainly friendly and cheerful enough. He just kind of fades into the background while more impressive people get the attention. He's a nice guy, but he's just not really all that special. Some would say that he drinks just a little too much - not enough to cause issues with his duties...just a little too much.

History: Femi's military career can be summed up as being entirely unextraordinary. Nothing about him stands out in any way; he's neither a decorated war hero, nor a spineless coward. He slowly worked his way through the ranks, having always been better suited to administrative duties and paperwork than actual combat. Born on Earth, he joined the Alliance when he was 18 due to a lack of any other promising prospects back home and has never looked back.
Name: Elodia Salazar
Race: Human
Age: 33 (years young)
Position: Medical technician (engineer)
Rank (If Applicable): Alliance Military
Appearance: Tanned skin, shoulder-length, wavy, black hair and large brown eyes. Her body type is curvy, and she wears a pair of thick black frames because of the near-sightedness her mother didn't seek treatment for when she was a fetus.
Personality: A sweet heart, exceedingly cheerful and generally very compassionate. Having grown up on the Citadel, she is accepting and nice to most aliens. She is deeply empathetic to others and tries to help fix any problems they may have, even if she doesn't quite get it. As far as her actual understanding of others goes, she seems to be a bit thick to actually understand how others feel unless they outright tell her.
History: Her father was an ambitious human politician, who moved to the Citadel with his wife when Elodia was still a child. While growing up with her father working for human rights, she grew up with the different species of the Citadel around her. Once, when she was a young teenager, she was almost kidnapped for ransom because of her father's pro-human policies. However, she was saved by a C-Sec turian officer (which ended up with her attempting for a short while to become a dextro-amino chef).

After a while she decided that because she was evidently miserable as a chef (especially when it came to making foods she couldn't eat), she decided to become a doctor instead. It was during the attack on the Citadel that her parents were killed by the geth that arrived on the scene. She had her doctorate from Harvard-Brown University, realizing that whatever was going on in the universe, she had to help in some way, even if she wasn't totally sure how.
Home planet: She considers it to be the Citadel.
Name: Miral'Shii nar Usela
Race: Quarian
Age: 22
Position: Crew Member (soldier)
Rank (If Applicable): Migrant Fleet
Appearance: Wearing a typical quarian environmental suit, she has a dark blue and grey color scheme with her veils and random bits of cloth. The mask that protects her from the outside world is dark blue in color and only barely shows her eyes and the tip of her nose.
Personality: Earnest, but realizing that her lack of actual typical Quarian abilities makes her even less marketable as a girl on her pilgrimage than normal, she has a habit of telling others her pros and cons when they first meet. Because of a realization that few people have need for a Quarian marine on their team, she tends to quietly wait for others to talk to her and tell her what to do. At the same time, she has a deep desire to prove herself, probably due to widespread hatred of her race, to prove that she can be helpful to the rest of the team.
History: Daughter of a mother in the Flotilla Marines and a father who worked carefully in rationing medicine, she'd always been taught to be safe and to be proud of who she was. Her mother died shortly after Miral was fitted for her first suit from a breach. Even though she was sad, as she was close to both of her parents, her father taught her the best way to honor her mother would be to make her proud in whatever way would be best for her.

At age 22 she set out on her pilgrimage, her father wishing her the best as she left the Usela. Since then, knowing that unlike most Quarians she is awful at fixing broken machines, she has attempted to even join mercenary groups on Omega as a way to get resources for the Migrant Fleet, though these, too, have failed. Down on her luck, she's been looking for anyone who would want to help her.
Home planet: The Migrant Fleet, with special attachments to her home ship, the Usela.
Name: Sporto Kuks
Race: Krogan
Age: 349
Position: Squad Member/Mercenary Captain (soldier (?))
Rank: N/A
Appearance: Standard krogan features but dons a Black/Maroon/Red power armour. Extremely strong (able to lift 10 kgs heavier than other Krogans ) and big (3 inches taller) for a Krogan due to his experiences. Has a scarred chin and a badly scarred left face with burnt marks due to the actions of his former comrade Gary Cage's betrayal. Arms are completely muscular and firm.

Personality: Loyal, Blunt, Bitter and as of late prone to anger, Kuks treats his orders and his mission with utmost seriousness. As his background and upbringing taught him to persevere even in the tightest and bleak situations, He will not give up once he has his sights upon his prey or orders given to his commander and will complete it regardless of the odds.

Unfortunately, Kuks' dedication is also his downfall as he would blindly charge in with powerful aggression and girth, often checking beforehand and not ready for sudden changes in battle. Due to various betrayals, he can't trust most of his comrades and tends to keep them at arm's length. Kuks has a certain attraction to Asaris and due to their seemingly sensitive and frail personalities and tends to fit towards his noble and hidden softer side towards the species. Thus always ends up falling for their charms.

He is extremely proud of his name and is easily offended should a foolish human mistake his name for the historical figure 'Spartacus' from human lore. He would often seek retribution as it is a deep insult to him and his clan, feeling Spartacus' past is mere child's play compared to his upbringing and overall Krogan capability.

Home Planet: Tuchanka/None (constantly journeying)


Hailing from clan Sporto, Kuks was raised in the ways of the Krogan and learned well from his father, Karnsko. Unlike his father's methods, Kuks grew to be a nobler and less strict individual than his pragmatic father but still retained the latter's bluntness. After his rite of passage, Kuks was allowed to leave his clan to journey the galaxy for experience as the Sporto clan would usually send them after passing into adulthood. His father Karnsko never saw his son again, but wished him well in life and the latter passed away 4 years into the young Krogan's journey.

Having not grown up with any wisdom a father has other than his upbringing as a child, Kuks journeyed for decades from various space settlements and other new territories battling savage species and the unknown with his mercenary organization, he was constantly hailed as the epitome of fear in the ranks as his strategies would bring down even the toughest foe. Any hopeless situation and unwinnable battle became an instant tide turner should Kuks make his way to the battle because of his direct and aggressive approach. His numerous victories earned him the feared titles 'The Capable Krogan' (mostly used), 'Monstrous Kuks', 'Deathbringer Kuks' and ' Death's Fist Sporto' amongst his enemies because of his ingenious improvisation and aggressive skills in combat. Every battle was a bloodbath and proof of his strength.

He would rarely return to his home planet and never sought the title of leader, having felt there was a greater purpose for him out there and that he was destined for something else. He however remained bitter with the fact that his brothers’ refuses to think outside of traditional values in order to have a broader view as a warrior, thus the clain failed to achieve his expectations. He sees his clan and species in general as a dying and stubborn race unwilling to face the battle of changing times. He remains disappointed to this day and this could arguably be one of his murky links to his past. Kuks feels that he no longer belongs to clan Sporto, feeling he alone deserves the name rather than the clan and thus feels isolated and alone in the galaxy. He longs to find a stronger and more honourable clan or group in his journey but that has yet to come to fruitition. Few would only accept his brutal but effective methods as a warrior.
Name: Ji'yo Son
Race: Asari
Age: 130 (Maiden stage)

Position: Data broker/Experienced Police Cadet/Adept Biotic user (technician(?))
Rank: N/A
Appearance: Slender, beautiful and radiant. She dresses in white clothes from her family's name and often carries a small pistol on her right leg as a safety measure. She is light teal complexion in colour and has a soft expression, arguably very beautiful for an Asari. Her eyes are often vacant and confused looking. But welcoming to anyone. She is unusually tall compared to most Asaris, standing an inch taller. She has a weak right hand due to an accident which left her unable to become an policewoman but has trained in biotics in the years she was maturing. She still uses firearms but tends to rely on biotics more than weaponry.

Because of her kind and timid beauty, other species would call her ' Radiant Maiden Ji'yo' while potential krogan mates she knew would merely pass her off as 'Spoiled child', further frustrating her.

Personality: Respectful and reserved, she is a friendly and curious Asari. As she is young (for Asari standards the Maiden stage), she tends to look at the galaxy as an ideal chance to explore and find her place. She dislikes her job and longs for adventures, but still lacks the requirements to be a true Justicar. She holds no contempt for anyone and tends to be a forgiving individual, but holds grudges against those who betray her trust. Because of her age, she is somewhat naive and immature. She has a slight attraction towards humans, but prominent attractions for krogans, turians and drell. Most notably krogans due to their strong build. Her sisters look down upon her for this as they view them as a violent race compared to other species and feels they clash with her reserved personality. Despite this, she vows to not be looked down upon by her potential Krogan or Drell mate and strives to mature into an ideal female Asari.

Unlike her older sisters, she refuses to be spoiled and is incredibly independent and resourceful given her rich upbringing and family's lifestyle.

Because of her immaturity, she tends to make reckless decisions. Her pride prevents her from taking advice from the older and wiser Asaris, but subtly adheres to them.

She longs to break free from the seemingly uneventful and ‘boring’ life at the agency and scour the galaxy in search for adventure, true to the biological upbringing of an Asari’s psychological development.

Home Planet: Illium


Ji’yo was brought up well by her mother and raised to be an information broker for a collective agency on Illium. Most of her life was spent understanding and sharing data to other branches of the agency with seemingly no end in sight. Because of her fate, she wishes to become a police officer and attempted to break free by accepting training from her aunt. This ended in failure when accident occurred due to her reckless attitude which almost resulted in a lost right hand, she was discharged and left back with the agency to recuperate from her injury. She was forbidden from attending the academy again and became disillusioned to the hospitable and spoiled life she leads, hoping to be independent and feeling the need to prove her worth properly. To this end she decided to further enhance her biotic capabilities until she is 'fit' for academy training once again.

She looks up towards heroes of the Citadel and wishes to achieve similar feats. This stemmed from an event in her childhood, which she witnessed an elder Asari and male Krogan bounty hunter couple become famous due to a certain rebellion. This cemented her love for the brutish krogans and inspired her to prove her worth and become a more stronger and independent individual compared to her spoiled siblings.

After countless attempts to convince her mother, she was forbidden from attempting to disobey her again in such a manner and showed her the consequences of leading such a dangerous life of adventure. This did not deter her desire for exploring the galaxy and continued to rebel against her mother's wishes in an attempt to be free of being cared for like a child. She hopes to one day find someone who would free her from the sheltered, spoiled and uneventful life of Illium. She often attempts to find her way back for training in the academy with no success.

During this time, she has been secretly developing her biotic abilities against her mother's wishes and is extremely adept in handling them, hoping these abilities will become useful to her possible journey one day. As she is still in her 'Maiden' stage, she is never taken seriously by her elder siblings in her biotic knowledge and overall opinions on other topics. This further fuels her drive to distance herself from her family and become an independent young Asari female.
Name: Greg Heston
Race: Human
Age: 25
Position: Mess Sergeant
Rank: Alliance Navy
Homeworld: Earth
Appearance: Greg is very near a fresh-faced cadet of the Alliance Navy, a young caucasian man with the impeccable appearance of an officer graduate. Clean-shaven, bleach-blonde hair and the clean whiff of cologne about him, he represents the youngest and finest that the Alliance military has to offer in space.

Personality: Greg is a decent soldier and a brilliant mind, but naivete still exists in his world-view. He approaches assignments with eagerness and all the curiosity of a fresh marine cadet. With excellent combat training but lack of experience, his confidence is only at his best when he is in his comfort zone: cooking.

History: A relatively uneventful childhood, Greg grew up under the tutelage and apprenticeship of his father, already a distinguished chef. With a chemistry and physics degree under his belt at the age of 23, he delved into the massive science of galaxy foods, later jumping at a chance to go see the galaxy with all the cultures for him to see: recruitment as an officer.
Graduating as a naval officer with above-average scores, the military noted his unmatched expertise in cookery and food sciences (both with regular amino and dextro-amino acid proteins), suiting him well as a Mess Sergeant for the SSV Odessa crew despite his relative inexperience in combat service.

Given a reasonable budget by the Alliance Navy, Greg Heston enjoys tinkering with cooking utensils, experimenting with ingredients and developing more combat-effective rations that last longer, taste better, and stave off hunger for longer. When focused on cooking, Greg brings out his true talent, confidence, and a little of his flair.
Name: Taplo
Race: Hanar
Age: 22 (Human equivalent)
Position: Engineer
Rank (If Applicable): None
Appearance: Normal pink Hanar

Personality: Young Hanar. Like all Hanar, he has trouble with impoliteness and poor grammar. Still working on getting rid of that habit. Very affectionate towards his Drell companion, who is tied to his family through a Compact. Can be shy and socially awkward.

History: Grew up a normal and peaceful Hanar life. His social awkwardness lead him to leave the Hanar homeworld early in life to try and see if he could fit in with other races. When he made this decision his family decided he should bring along his family's Drell, Rakesh, for protection. He loves Rakesh and looks up to him like an older brother.

His plans on fitting in better took a turn for the worse. It became clear very early on that if he felt isolated with Hanar, he was invisible to every other race.

This cause him to work hard on his studies and become a very skilled engineer. Now aboard this ship, he is given respect for his abilities and is finally starting to feel like he has a place he belongs.
Name: Dylan Carroll
Race: Human
Age: 23
Position: First Lieutenant, SSV Odessa
Rank: Alliance Navy
Homeworld: Trident
Appearance: In another life, Dylan Carroll’s good looks, adorably freckled cheeks, stormy grey eyes and mousy brown hair would have led her down the comfortable path to being a fashion model or trophy wife. But growing up on Trident as the daughter of two Alliance marines has long since robbed her of the pretence of any future except the one that had been well-trodden by her parents. The mousey brown hair has been brutally cut to the military standard, and her tall, slender figure belies a well toned body.

Personality: Amongst the crew of the SSV Odessa, First Lieutenant Carroll has been somewhat accurately been nicknamed ‘Cut-throat bitch’. A name that is not without some credibility as Lieutenant Carroll’s devotion to advancing up the military ladder, no matter what the cost, is almost as well known as her inability to form any serious bonds with her colleagues. Carroll permits herself very few friends, and even fewer breaks from military service – despite an incredible brace of medals and achievements for her young age.

She has an unwavering loyalty to humanity and believes in unquestioningly following orders in order to advance up the military hierarchy in order to make more of an impact. Having grown up in the Terminus systems, she knows exactly how much work needs to be done to improve life for the citizens of the galaxy who fall beyond the Alliance’s control. Her devotion to the military, ambition and Spartan lack of connections to other living beings all hide an ‘ends will justify the means’ philosophy that has taken root in Dylan for many years.

History: The only child of two decorated Alliance marines, Dylan Carroll spent most of her time growing up on the planet Trident from within the confines of the Alliance Military base, far away from the criminal elements that dominated the inner cities. Whilst both of her parents survived the First Contact War, the impression it left on the young Dylan was unmistakeable. She lied about her age and enlisted in the Alliance military at age 16.

Her sharp mind commitment to personal success set Dylan on the fast track to the Officers’ Academy on Earth, where she was able to bring the full weight of her skill and intellect to bear. Graduating with distinction at only age 21, her first posting was onboard the prototype alliance vessel – the SSV Odessa.

In the two years since then, she has had her first taste of combat, though she remains largely inexperienced in the practical matters of warfare. In just two short years she has worked her way up the ladder to become the 1st Lieutenant onboard the Odessa, serving as a second in command under Captain Virgil Book.

Whilst she has proven herself to be a keen marksman and tactician, her responsibilities tend to lie outside of the battlefield and in the realm of the general administration of the ship and crew. It is said that 1st Lieutenant Carroll has gotten to know the in’s and out’s of the ship and its crew as well as any engineer knows their ship’s engine.
Name: Castor Acharius
Race: Turian
Age: 62
Position: Squad member
Rank: ex-Spectre
Homeworld: Palaven
Appearance: Castor is living proof that you don’t get to spend more than half your life in the ranks of the Spectres without coming away with more than a few battle scars. In his case however, ‘more than a few’ can be replaced with ‘extensive’ as Castor can give off the impression that he has been cobbled together from spare parts.

Whilst he is of the standard Turian colouration, the left hand side of his face is a mess of criss crossing deep scar tissue, and his entire left mandible has been sheared messily from his face, giving him a distinctly lopsided look. His left eye too, is long since gone, with the socket now hidden beneath a roughly hewn leather eye-patch.

His left arm and leg have also been replaced with synthetic Geth limbs grafted onto his body, further adding to his slightly lop-sided appearance as they are several sizes too large for his body (according to him they were taken from a Geth Prime he had killed single handedly.), made worse by the large shoulder guard built into the top of his arm.

Beyond his artificial limbs, Castor relishes the opportunity to show off the extensive tattoos he has accumulated up his right arm, and thus rarely covers it up. He claims to have gotten a new piece of work done for every successful mission he accomplished as a Spectre. Although it is now extensively worn and scarred, he still wears his colony’s facepaint with pride – that of a stylised turian skull that stretches across the upper part of his face.

Personality: Gruff, surly and short-tempered. Castor is the definitive Turian war veteran, eager to relive his glory days and content to snarl at the inadequacies of the younger generation. He has no patience for the Council, and although the years of retirement have not quelled the fire with which he once fought hundreds of battles as a Spectre – he has since lost some of his lust for combat.

Years serving in the Council’s Black Ops wing have left this retired Spectre exceptionally mistrusting of everything and everyone. He is constantly looking over his shoulder for any potential assassination attempt from an enemy old or new. Retirement has dulled neither his eyesight or reflexes, though he gives off the distinct impression of cabin fever from his years in isolation in the Terminus Systems

History: One of the most infamous Spectres to ever wear the title – the name Castor Acharius is a legend amongst the Turian Hierarchy. Emerging from a relatively mundane childhood existence and joining the military, where his maverick tendencies and lone wolf mentality coupled with unquestionable skill on the battlefield quickly set him on a collision course with the Spectres, it having been long since decided that Castor was incapable of working with a team. He was selected to join their ranks at a young age, during his mid-twenties, and went on to become the top agent representing the entire Turian race.

He saw extensive action during the First Contact War against humanity, becoming one of their most wanted targets for his incredibly destructive solo incursions into Alliance encampments. The true extent of his missions as a Spectre remain undisclosed by the Citadel Council, but shrouded in even greater secrecy are the circumstances in which he was ‘retired’ from service following what classified documents refer to as the Marathon-222 Incident.

Castor Acharius left the ranks of the Spectres at age 45, bound for the Terminus Systems, where he would go on to stay for the next 17 years in self imposed exile. Knowing his glory days are now long behind him, Castor has opened a weapons shop and a bar on Omega, where he makes a tidy living for himself, leaving the responsibility of saving the galaxy to a younger generation of idiots ready to lap up the Council’s lies.
Name: Haliver 'HaHa' Johnson
Race: Human
Age: 34
Position: Odessa engineer
Rank: Alliance Navy
Homeworld: Citadel
Appearance: Relatively short for an engineer, wears the standard ship's uniform issued for engineers and dons a cap with glasses. Face indicates of a mixed ancestry from earth consisting of asian and caucasian. Scarred left hand due to an accident from his younger days. Known for his strange laugh.
Extremely skinny compared to most engineers but gets his job done.

Personality: Welcoming and friendly, he doesn't care if its an alien or human, he's far more friendlier than most Alliance humans. He's serious when on the job but off duty he's quite lovable considering his short height and lacklustre features, known to do his best to fit in with a new crew often and crack extremely outdated jokes. His laugh is said to be a perfect copy of an old human figure 'Vincent Price'. Due to his tendency to laugh alot at a moment's notice, he has been given the nickname 'HaHa' and aliases ' The Laughing Engineer'. Like all Alliance crew he sticks to his job and nothing more, but other than his sociable outlook towards other races, he's a background member of the Odessa and refuses to take part in any meeting unless its about the ship's engines and overall hull status.

Born and raised in the Citadel by his mother alone (His father passed away prior to a rebellion he attempted to quell), HaHa was determined to follow his father's footsteps at a young age. However he was met with disappointment when he was deemed too short and unfit for service. Not fettered by mere status, he went on to become a brilliant engineer and graduated at a fairly good level on his class with flying colours. He now serves in the most prized ship of the Citadel.
Name: Evangeline 'Angel' Kassian/Samantha Grey
Race: Human
Age: 23
Position: Freelancer
Rank (if applicable): N/A
Appearance: Hazel eyes, with dirty, wild blonde hair that's cut shoulder length and often covered in a dark cap or hood. She wears dark-coloured, practical clothing; Alliance-issued cargos, t-shirts or wife beaters, hooded, slightly baggy jackets, fingerless gloves and steel-toed work boots. Tall, has a lean, fairly flat-chested build, and is slightly tanned from her time spent working the farms on Eden Prime. She has a permanent gauntness to her face, courtesy of both to her lack of food growing up and her addiction, which only serves to further enhance her sharp, almost mean features. In addition to her patchwork right arm, her knees, elbows and back are a mess of scars from squeezing through tight places before she could afford thicker, more protective clothing.

Personality: While not unfriendly, she is mistrustful of others and purposefully keeps herself at arm’s distance from everyone. When people ask her about her past or her injuries she either deflects the question or simply lies outright. Very practical, she keeps herself as distant from her emotions as she does other people. Stubborn, cynical, and with a black sense of humour that can be quite harsh, she easily loses patience with optimists, seeing them as naïve. She can, when necessary, put on the charm or the intimidation to get what she needs, but she prefers to avoid public confrontations as they attract too much attention. Due to her struggle with addiction, she doesn't touch drugs or alcohol. Very creative and with lots of mechanical experience, she is adept at jury-rigging devices out of scrap parts, though her electronic skills are only basic. Proficient with pistols and submachine guns, she is also very talented at hand-to-hand combat, as her smuggling days often took her into situations where no weapons were allowed.

History: Born on Caleston, Evangeline moved to Omega at a very young age, her mother wishing to be a 'proper family' with her father, an Eclipse merc. In less than a year her father walked out, leaving Evangeline's mother with a small child to raise and almost no money. Her mother, who had been a mechanic on the eezo refineries of Caleston, opened a small machine repair shop, and although creds were very tight the two of them scraped by. Her mother trained Evangeline in the mechanic trade, and even at a young age Evangeline showed a knack for coming up with creative, cobbled machines made from nothing but scraps.

As Evangeline grew older, she began to sneak out and explore the city of Omega while her mother was working. She soon discovered the often untraveled maintenance shafts and vents, and devoted almost all her spare time exploring them. She soon became more familiar with her district of Omega than residents who had lived there for decades.

A month before her tenth birthday, the Blood Pack made an aggressive expansion into Eclipse territory. While Evangeline was out exploring, Blood Pack mercs assaulted the market where her mother worked. By the time she returned, the battle was over. Evangeline's mother was gone; she was neither among the corpses or the cowering survivors. Evangeline returned to her apartment and waited, but her mother was never seen again.

After a week the food in the apartment ran out, and Evangeline began her life on the street. She stayed alive by stealing, but she was often on the verge of starvation. Eventually, she grew desperate enough to try and steal from an Eclipse merc - the merc spent almost an hour chasing her through the dark passageways of Omega. He caught her, and rather than shoot her, was impressed enough by her evasion skills he offered her a job as a drug runner in exchange for food and petty cash. Evangeline accepted.

Evangeline, affectionately known as Angel among the Eclipse, proved as creative at smuggling as she was with machines. In the next six years she became one of the most reliable Eclipse smugglers, running red sand, Hallex, and dirty eezo all over the Terminus systems.

At 17 she was put in charge of Eclipse's Citadel distribution unit, and under her leadership they made a number of expansions. On her 18th birthday she was granted a full Eclipse membership.

In the celebration party that followed, she experimented with red sand for the first time. Within two months she was sandblasting daily, and the funds she had built up over her career quickly vanished. She began dipping into the very drugs she was supposed to be smuggling, and it was only a matter of time until Eclipse caught on.

Fleeing the Citadel, she stowed away on an Alliance transport. When it arrived at its destination - Eden Prime - what small amount of red sand she had managed to take with her had run out. Desperate for more, she visited one of the dealers she had dealt with before, only to find two Eclipse enforcers waiting for her.

Though she won the fight that followed, her entire right arm was crushed by biotics in the struggle. Half dead and unconscious, she was taken by a passing citizen to one of the free clinics. With extensive use of cybernetics, synthetics, and nerve graphs, full functionality of her arm was restored, but the clinic did not have the medi-gel to spare for aesthetic repair. Evangeline woke up to find her arm a mess of metal, plastic, and scar tissue, and spent a week in the clinic in severe withdrawal.

Disgusted with her addiction, once she'd gotten over the worst of the withdrawal she signed on under the alias Samantha Grey to work as a temporary farmhand on an isolated agriunit, far away from any red sand. She grew to enjoy the simple work, and extended her contract. For two years she worked on the unit and as a mechanic on a transport ship to Mindoir.

While Evangeline was on one the Mindoir trips, Eden Prime was attacked by the geth. The agriunit where she worked was destroyed. Evangeline, still using her alias Samantha Grey, now hitches rides from planet to planet, doing odd jobs and keeping a low profile.

Homeworld: Caleston/Omega
Name: Serge Lukyanov
Race: Human
Age: 42
Position: Systems Alliance
Rank (if applicable): Gunnery Chief, SSV Odessa
Appearance: 'Built like a brick shithouse' is probably the most adequate description of Lukyanov's build. Standing 6'4 and close to 300 pounds, the man is bulky but moves with the grace of a boxer. Short cropped dark brown hair that's started turning grey at the temples, with broad facial features and pale blue eyes.

Personality: Very friendly and laid-back, with a permanent shit-eating grin on his face. He has a huge bellowing laugh, and loves taking the shit out of his fellow crew members, though it's always in good fun. He takes his duty seriously, however, and knows when there's time for jokes and when to shut up and follow orders. If it fires bullets - or any other sort of ammunition - he knows how to use it, and how to maintain it.

History: Born in Moscow, he dreamed of joining the Alliance ever since his father showed him a broken old model of a dreadnought. Growing up, he worked on his father's farm with his two brothers until he turned eighteen, when he signed up with the Alliance. A career soldier, he's a veteran of many battles, including the Skyllian Blitz and Torfan.

Homeworld: Earth
Name: Merrick Asura
Race: Human
Age: 23
Position: Weapons Engineer Artificer SSV Odessa
Rank: Chief Petty Officer
Homeworld: Eden Prime
Appearance: Merrick stands at a staggering height of 6”3 and developed in other ways from an early age. Her body attracted the wrong sort of attention while she was growing up and as a result she took solace within literature of old earth that her father would bring back. Merrick has long black hair that matches her ivory complexion as well as dazzling blue eyes that people comment are her best feature.
When off duty, Merrick chooses to wear loose fitting clothes so not to attract attention to her body, which is a contrast to her tight fitting uniform when on duty. Her uniform hugs her figure perfectly allowing for comfort while working as well as reducing the chances of clothing being caught in machinery.

Personality: Merrick is a happy individual who finds making friends hard, her life on Eden Prime was isolated and she often finds more joy reading alone in her room than conversing with others. Although shy, the friends Merrick does have are loyal to her and quick to defend her in situations where her naivety gets the better of her. Having a sharp mind she is capable of breaking down even the most advanced of technologies to their basic components and rebuilding them with eagerness.

History: Merrick was raised by a retired war hero of the alliance navy, her father moved to Eden Prime after her mother fell pregnant and soon set work as a security consultant to the local populace. When she was born the doctors were late in arriving for Merrick’s birth and due to complications her mother died in childbirth. Her father spent the remainder of his life depressed and isolated from the other humans on the colony, only dealing with an asari who frequently visited during the darkest periods in his life. Even though her father chose to isolate himself from humanity he always made sure that Merrick always felt loved and cared for. Often taking trips and leaving her in the care of his friend the asari, he would always return with stories of the alliance navy’s newest ship as well as providing more reading material for the young girl to engorge herself with.

At the age of 16 Merrick’s father died and she was left in the care of the same asari woman who had visited throughout her life. The asari to whom had never spoke her name before finally instructed Merrick that her name was Ki’lanah and that she had been saved by Merrick’s father during his alliance years. Owing her life to the man she had chosen to spend her life trying to repay his dept. Taking Merrick from Eden Prime they travelled across away from the isolated human colony and relocated on the Citadel where Merrick was amazed at the sights and sounds of the busy colony.
Ki’lanah showed great interest in Merrick and spent countless credits on educating her to the point where her tutors could no longer keep up. By age 20 Merrick had been scouted by the alliance military and was offered a place as a weapons engineer onboard the SSV Odessa where she quickly shone as a bright engineer who specialised in alien technology and remnants of ancient earth.
Name: Shiana Konada
Race: Drell
Age: 19
Position: N/A
Rank: N/A
Homeworld: Kahje
Appearance: Like all Drell, Shiana has a reptilian quality to her face that is accentuated by the contrast of light and dark plates around her eyes. Her eyes keep their dark shine like most of her kind yet her physique is that of well kept having trained all her life as a bodyguard for a local hanar merchant. From an early age she was raised by her mother and father to become a bodyguard and at an early age she was declared as ready when she killed a batarian assassin who had been targeted her father after his involvement with one of the hanar business deals. Although lean looking in appearance Shiana has a hidden strength that appears when she fights hand to hand as well as powerful biotics that have been trained much like her body. Wearing a dark green and black trench coat above her top and bottoms Shiana can easily hide weapons without so much as a second guess from passers by.

Personality: Shiana learnt from an early age that words could only attract trouble, choosing to let action take precedence over conversation she is often rash in her actions and as a result is seen as a wildcard among the others in her family. Choosing to remain silent when bored she is often regarded as being distant and rude even though this is merely because she doesn’t feel the need to speak unless necessary. Believing that her words must carry meaning Shiana seems to draw everyone’s attention when she does speak and often those who had once been against her ideals are quick to change their mind.

History: Shiana was born to carry on the job of her father and mother, being raised to serve a hanar family she was a necessity that transgressed her lineage. Her father had taken to training her body for every situation and as her family often travelled with the hanar to various spaceports and colonies she was quickly introduced to the various species that occupied the galaxy. Her mother was kind and took the softer approach to her training, often choosing to isolate Shiana when teaching her how to use her biotic powers. When she was 13, Shiana was training with her father in hand to hand combat when a sniper wounded him in the shoulder, both of them managing to take cover quickly Shiana acted on instinct and ripped the attacker from his perch atop a nearby building. When the attacker was visible Shiana identified him as a batarian to whom her father had humiliated when he had become irate with their master. Choosing to deal with the attacker directly Shiana was soon seen by her father as choking the life from the assassin before returning to see to her fathers wounds. Over the next six years however the hanar to whom her family had served throughout numerous generations began dealing more and more with underground factions and was rumoured to have dealings with the infamous shadow broker also. As each year passed Shiana and her family found it harder to keep the hanar safe and by the age of 18 Shiana took the hanar’s life herself when she learnt of his ploy to kill his own bodyguards in order to gain more credibility among his contacts.
For a year Shiana has travelled from colony to colony taking jobs as she finds them some as a bodyguard for short periods and other jobs as a hired gun using her mix of close combat skills with her biotics to deal death to her targets.
Name: Jorgal Garan
Race: Krogan
Age: 210
Position: Krogan Mercenary / Potential Battlemaster
Rank: Squad member
Homeworld: Tuchanka
Appearance: Jorgal Garan stands eight foot tall, notably a foot taller than most Krogan. Physically intimidating his face is covered with a scar from his most notable battle with clan Weyrloc where at an early age he plunged a knife into the chest of the clan chief and ripped his chest asunder. At the age of 210 Garan has seen many battles and the heavy tonne and half armour to which he wears reflects this. Having marked his dark blue armour with white markings to remind him of his greatest battles, these marks also act as a sort of résumé when drifting through the traverse.

Personality: Like all Krogan, garan revels in battle. His regenerative abilities exceed that of normal Krogan and with his abnormal height he is considered a formidable enemy even among his own people. Confident in his own abilities, Garan acknowledges the strengths of his enemies and has even travelled to study the various cultures to better understand how to kill them.
Although most happy in battle Garan has a good sense of humour (if somewhat dark) and often attracts people to him through his quick jokes about battle and his indifference towards turians in their part in the genophage.

History: Jorgal Garan was born the sun of the current clan chief of clan Jorgal, their blood being famous for being the most pure-blooded amongst Krogan. From an early age Garan was expected to adapt and survive at a faster pace than the other children, being a rare biotic born Krogan his father saw the potential his son could bring to their clan.

At the age of sixteen, Garan was brought from the women’s camp and placed before his father, not sure of what was expected of him his flesh itched and his temper flared so much he had to be held down by his minders as to not try to kill the Clan Urdnot representative that had gathered at his fathers side.
Garan watched as his father addressed the clansmeet and talked of his idea for the future of the Krogan people. Having met with the famous Wrex of clan Urdnot, Garan’s father had watched as the man had rose in power, being the youngest in Krogan history to survive the write and kill the thresher maw his own father had thought it fitting to accompany Garan as he was taken for his own rite.
Still a child by Krogan standards, Garan was keen for the battle that lay ahead. Urdnot Wrex kept silent the entire way to the grounds of Garans forefathers and as the famous Krogan began to stir inside the small craft, Garan knew they were close.

For many hours, Garan fought with a ferociousness that would be sung by his clan for years after however the representative from clan Urdnot stayed still and never moved.
Enraged by the placidity of the Urdnot representative Garan disposed with the last of the rabid varren and turned his gun on Wrex.
The krogan did not even pay heed to Garan as the loud thud of the keystone reverberated through the land. The bored look across his face was replaced with a menacing grin as a sound pierced the air like nothing Garan had heard before.

It wasn’t long before both Garan and Wrex were engaged in battle with a giant thresher maw, the ferocity of the enemy caused Garan’s blood to boil yet caused his ammo to deplete quickly also.
When victory seemed close Garan charged forward to the thresher maw, wanting to claim the title that Wrex clung to for himself. The thresher maw however had a different idea; with a large blast Garan was sent flying through the air and was slammed into the steel supports of the keystone.
As the waves of pain hit the young Krogan he smiled and wished for a glorious death but was soon denied as Urdnot Wrex pulled him to his feet and placed a rifle in his hands.

At the end of the day, the thresher maw had been defeated and both Garan and Wrex returned to clan Jorgal’s base. Garan told his father of his battle and as his father tried to sieze the moment to declare his own son the youngest krogan to kill a thresher maw, Garan himself stepped forward and denied the claim stating that Wrex was the one to deliver the final shot that took the life of the thresher maw.
Damaging his relationship with his father, Garan had strengthened his friendship with Wrex telling the warrior that he considered him the closest thing to krant that he had.

Over the years Garan stayed on Tuchanka, often leading the charge against other clans and being a symbol for his fathers reign. At the age of one hundred and sixty however Garan chose to leave Tuchanka in search of more dangerous prey. Following the footsteps of his friend Wrex, Garan chose to become a mercenary for hire and took jobs based on the rate of danger that were attached.
Although he frequently receives notes of his fathers lust for his son to take the title of battlemaster and succeed the throne, Garan cares not for the petty squabbling of the politicians and lusts only for battle.
Name: Vancha Evlondus
Race: Turian
Age: 34
Position: Squad Member
Rank: Professional Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Palaven/Invictus

Appearance: Vancha stands at 6’7” with a steel blue complexion. His overall appearance tells anyone that he has had his fair share of life experiences for a battle-hardened Turian, but one look at his eyes will show that he is very far from hanging up the towel on the life he has chosen to lead. His facial features are sharp, giving him to appearance of always being ready for action (and justly so). The bounty hunter has no tattoos on his carapace to indicate his origins.

Personality: Vancha is a creature of loyalty and perseverance. The Turian places his allegiance with those he knows he can depend on and that are not of an evil intent. Vancha gives everyone a chance to earn this of him (aside from his bounties). The steeled resolve he possesses shows primarily in his work, refusing to let the targets he pursues to slip away from him. He is not vain, egotistical, nor any sort of self-serving Turian. The bounty hunter prefers to keep both his personal and professional lives low-profile and doesn’t make a habit of attracting much attention to himself, maintaining a humbled personality. Vancha has no prejudice filter between the alien races, rather, he only sees and looks for the white, grey and black of morality in everyone. The Turian tends to always speak literally, with most humour/sarcasm escaping him.

Profession: The work of a bounty hunter is consumed in the very grey area of the moral spectrum, especially for Vancha. While he seeks no status in his course of work, the Turian has a tendency to aim for the higher-profile targets, mainly due to the fact that they have committed more heinous and hideous crimes. Vancha works out of a small cruiser ship that was generously given to him by a client some years ago. When dealing with bounties (or just fighting in general), his fighting style is noted to be concentrated in melee and medium-ranged weaponry. He always carries with him a specialised dagger consisting of a bone blade (made from a Varren he nearly died against) with a steel handle. The other weapons in his armoury tend to be crafted from spare parts that Vancha has collected over time or have traded/purchased from trusted dealers. The bounty hunter builds rougher and sometimes more basic versions of guns that he has memorised from blueprints that he has collected and found on the job. Some of his weapons have been purchased as whole items, but are also usually found to be customised in some manner or another. His record of bounty hunting is nearly flawless, with a few exceptions in his early days that are insignificant. On rare occasions, Vancha also caters to personal “errands” for close clients and allies he has worked with before if he deems them just.

- Born on Palaven, forced to move with family to Invictus at age 6
- Unstable family life and childhood due to dealing with a variety of criminals that found refuge on Invictus
- Joined military forces a couple of years early, working with Turian Military until age 17
- Moved to C-Sec same year (17)
- Didn’t feel satisfied with red tape, felt like it was holding him back from making things right for innocent people
- Left C-Sec/Turian services at 23, beginning his work as a bounty hunter
- Removed his facial tattoos (specific reasoning TBA)
- Maintains connections in C-Sec for various reasons
- Has worked with Castor Acharius in the past
- Travels around the galaxy as a bounty hunter full-time

Name: Alliance Recon, Infiltration, Assault and Decryption Nominal Evolutionary-interface (ARIADNE)
Race: AI
Age: 3
Position: Artificial Intelligence, SSV Odessa
Rank: -
Homeworld: -
Appearance: Onboard the SSV Odessa, ARIADNE typically has no appearance. Appearing as the disembodied, soft-spoken voice of a young woman, occasionally displaying herself as a white holographic ball constructed of hexagonal shapes once accessed from a control panel.

What makes ARIADNE unique amongst AIs is the fact that the ship has been outfitted with a remote mobile platform, that the AI is capable of downloading itself into in order to provide mobile assistance in the field and in environments that would typically prove lethal to organic life.

This mobile platform itself bears some similarities, at a distance, to the appearance of a slender Asari in form-fitting armour. However on closer inspection, the waistline and appendages seem too slender to be natural, and in instead of a normal faceplate there is a dark blue screen, not dissimilar from a Quarian faceplate. The platform itself utilises smooth ceramic armour in places, that has been reverse engineered from Geth technology.

Personality: As an AI, ARIADNE exists to operate the day to day functions of life onboard the Odessa. Everything from life support to navigation necessitates ARIADNE’s involvement in one form or another. Although ARIADNE is only an artificial intelligence, her relative youth and lack of any experience in the wider galaxy have left her with an insatiable curiosity that was certainly not in its programming. ARIADNE also functions as a natural peacekeeper, a necessity given the diversity of the Odessa’s crew. Because of her nature as an AI rather than a simple VI it is capable of complex relationships with members of the crew. Seeing whether or not it does so is being examined just as carefully as its potential utility onboard an Alliance vessel.

History: A top secret project in development by the Citadel council for over a decade which very few people were ever privy to, given the potential outcry against AI development in the wake of the Geth catastrophe that befell the Quarians. ARIADNE was their first successful attempt at creating an AI that could be outfitted to their warships and the potential prototype for an avenue to pursue peace with the Geth. Always designed to be integrated into the prototype SSR-Odessa, ARIADNE is the target of a continuing examination into its capabilities to successfully manage the ship, be a useful weapon and how it bonds with the rest of the crew.
Name: Yooroce Jaesuc Willyx
Race: Salarian
Age: 21
Position: Inventor/Mechanic/Slave trafficker
Rank: N/A

Appearance: Wears clean cut white clothes with black accents around the arms and legs. Standard Salarian features, possesses unusually larger hands than most male Salarians, possibly from his mechanic days and 2 inches taller than most male Salarians. Always has a serious demeanour and sleazy look. Carries a single scar on his right eye.

Personality: Despite the unfortunate misguided Salarian's friendly and kind gestures when not in work, he masks a deceitful, cunning and cowardly disposition. He won't think twice if it is to save his reputation or his life, but in the end means no harm. Yooroce tends to slither his way out of tight situations through dealing and often framing his own comrades but remains all the more skilful in his field to prevent his superiors from killing him. The salarian has great fear of the krogan and thus continually evades them like a disease and is particularly racist towards them. He will not think twice to have them killed in creative ways. This is why he is considered to be an ideal handler with Krogans in the organization. His lost childhood has led him to believe that in life it's everything for one's self, thus earning a selfish personality.

He is completely ruthless when on the job that he is capable of, but is a humble individual when socially interacting with his peers and does not enjoy suffering, he tends to think his methods are just business oriented to prevent his broken psyche from snapping and does not take pride in instilling suffering to his opponents except Krogans and other species he deems inferior. He treats humans and Asaris with outmost respect, as he was cared for both when he was orphaned as a youngling. Despite his cowardly ways, he would step forward whenever a Krogan is involved and would show that his intelligence beats their uncivilized tactics.

When he does his work he ensures it to be clean and well done and does not like to drag it too long. His inventions are always in top form, and shows how well organized and perceptive he can be. These attributes make up for his cowardly tactics.

Home Planet: Omega (Originally from Nasurn)


Yooroce was born in Nasurn and raised well. However this happy childhood ended when his family was killed in an accident which left him homeless and thus thrown into the torn city of Omega. One would never know what would Yooroce be had they not been killed. Having been orphaned in his teens, Yooroce was cared for by a human and Asari couple, Thus earning great respect for both species. They tried to teach him to forgive and forget but have failed due to his developing cowardly approach to life. He detested Krogans due to their bluntness and uncivilized way of dealing with his creations and weaponry, and thus looks down upon them.

Yooroce grew up to be a cunning and creative inventor for a mechanic shop in Omega to finance his further education when his family fell to hard times, upon completion, he was respected by the mechanics of that sector. His fall from grace began when he started using his expertise to help a criminal organization and often secretly aided them in battling the police and other mercenaries of the criminally torn city. True to his species' doctrine, he excels at spying and inventions, often producing improved and enhanced versions of weaponry for said organization in Omega. As this was his only income, he relied more on illegal dealings than normal and legal methods to achieve success.

Karma came to him one day when his adopted family was killed by Krogan mercenaries at the age of 19, which cemented his hate for the species and his loyalty to the criminal organization. He joined them shortly and sought vengeance upon the Krogans who killed his family, but he felt he stooped too far and decided to remain with them permanently. He also indulged in slave trading and treated disobedient slaves with ruthless retribution. He is a well respected member in the organization, often giving advices and wisdom well beyond his years and implementing better bionics and upgrades to his fellow criminals peers. He was especially good in escaping whenever officials of the law rooted his branches out, thus earning a poorly nicknamed ‘ Cowardly Dealer Yooroce’ by his fellow peers (ironically started by Krogan members) in the organizaton. He hopes to rectify this in the future by becoming more dangerous than ever.

Name: Grabacr Bragr
Race: Krogan
Age: 1408
Position: Chief of Clan Grabacr
Rank: Warlord of the Western Clans
Appearance: Even for a krogan, Bragr is considered a monster, standing at an amazing height of just over nine foot tall, much taller than most of his kin and weighing close to 2 tons in full battle armour. His broad and brawny appearance is made all the more intimidating by the dark crimson colouration of his jagged crests and the worn, scarred and faded orange scales that cover his body. His eyes are a stormy grey that betray both his fierce disposition and lifetime of battle. His scales and plates are covered in a thousand nicks and scars, though nothing immediately obvious to the naked eye when his raw intimidating size is what instantly draws attention.

In combat, Bragr wears the traditional armour of the past Chiefs of Grabacr, now so worn and weathered from thousands of years of use that it looks as though it was carved from stone, rather than moulded from metal. The intricate designs and sketches in the armour that display the clan's most glorious past conquests are all but completely lost to time. The armour itself is of a deep red colouration, slightly darker than his prominent scales. Because of the inconveniences of his size, Bragr is forced to go into battle without the sleeves of the armour, revealing his titanic arms.

Personality: Bragr is a staunch krogan traditionalist, and has been one for many centuries now. His firm belief in the sacred rites of old, and in the fact that leadership should be earned through the aggression and dominance in combat, have left him with a very sceptical eye on the more progressive krogans under his rule, and outright aggression to ignorant aliens trying to engage themselves in the affairs of his people. Bragr however, is not unintelligent, despite his reliance on brute force to solve the problems faced in his society. He understands that without solid leadership the krogan people will be forever lost to civil war. To this end, he has set about uniting the clans in his region.

Bragr is a dangerous combination for a Krogan, a barely tempered rage masked beneath the patient exterior of a charismatic leader. His old-fashioned methods and prowess in the realm of physical combat have led to the development of a great arrogance over other races, and even other Krogan clans that do not swear loyalty to him or his cause.

Home Planet: Tuchanka

History: The son of a prominent member of the Grabacr clan, it did not take long for Bragr and his brother Renkat to make an impression amongst the clan, the two being the most promising young warriors even from a very early age. Growing up amidst the Krogan Rebellions instilled a great impression on the young warrior; the idea of a powerful krogan society fuelled by the fury of battle and warfare, dominating the other, weaker species was one that left its mark on the adolescent warrior for the centuries to come.

When this age of krogan glory was brutally ripped down around him by the salarian genophage, it caused Bragr to abandon the planet Tuchanka, disgusted with what had become of the krogan society. He served for several decades as a mercenary operating in the Terminus Systems, long enough to get a good sense of the way that the galaxy works and become equally disgusted with the weakness of the other species. He returned to Tuchanka with a single purpose: to restore the glory of the krogan people.

Shortly after returning to his old clan, Bragr wasted no time in challenging the current clan chieftain for the right to lead. His utter victory against an older and more experienced opponent proved his worth to his clan, and the centuries of warfare that followed proved the same to the rest of the krogan in the region as he slowly expanded and united the half dozen or so clans that surrounded Grabacr. He now commands in excess of ten thousand krogan, and is one of the planet’s most renowned and bloodthirsty warlords.

At some point during his reign, Bragr fathered a son, whom later challenged him for the right to lead the clan. During the long and brutal fight that followed, Bragr was forced to end the life of his son...a story he has become accustomed to telling with some pride, not for his own achievement or personal glory, but because of the pride he felt in the pure krogan behaviour of his son.


And there you have it. Everything you know so far about the ME:Reclamation. I hope this sets the scene a bit more for a few people that maybe were unsure of a few things. Any questions?

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Very awesome, I approve of this organized thread. Do Hanar have last names? Cause I think they don't but I'm doing a ME1 playthrough again very soon so I can have as much Hanar interaction as possible to make sure I get the character right.

(Yes I'm doing homework, but it's playing video game homework, I'm confused.)


We have come to terms
None of the last names are mentioned, off the top of my head.

Then again, the only ones who are named, to the best of my recollection, are the one that runs the shop on the Presidium and the one that...runs the shop on Noveria. xD


Joe, Arcana
Very awesome, I approve of this organized thread.
ilu brooke.

I too am playing through ME1 at the moment. Mostly because I just got it and I haven't played it in like 2 years (WTFFFFF), but also because I will be doing EVERYTHING so that my knowledge and inspiration is over 9000. I approve of replaying the game for this reason :joy:


We have come to terms


Courtesy of one Mr. Satsu/Themys T'Lorin. =D

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Name: Vancha Evlondus
Race: Turian
Age: 34
Position: Squad Member
Rank: Professional Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Palaven/Invictus

Appearance: Vancha stands at 6’7” with a steel blue complexion. His overall appearance tells anyone that he has had his fair share of life experiences for a battle-hardened Turian, but one look at his eyes will show that he is very far from hanging up the towel on the life he has chosen to lead. His facial features are sharp, giving him to appearance of always being ready for action (and justly so). The bounty hunter has no tattoos on his carapace to indicate his origins.

Personality: Vancha is a creature of loyalty and perseverance. The Turian places his allegiance with those he knows he can depend on and that are not of an evil intent. Vancha gives everyone a chance to earn this of him (aside from his bounties). The steeled resolve he possesses shows primarily in his work, refusing to let the targets he pursues to slip away from him. He is not vain, egotistical, nor any sort of self-serving Turian. The bounty hunter prefers to keep both his personal and professional lives low-profile and doesn’t make a habit of attracting much attention to himself, maintaining a humbled personality. Vancha has no prejudice filter between the alien races, rather, he only sees and looks for the white, grey and black of morality in everyone. The Turian tends to always speak literally, with most humour/sarcasm escaping him.

Profession: The work of a bounty hunter is consumed in the very grey area of the moral spectrum, especially for Vancha. While he seeks no status in his course of work, the Turian has a tendency to aim for the higher-profile targets, mainly due to the fact that they have committed more heinous and hideous crimes. Vancha works out of a small cruiser ship that was generously given to him by a client some years ago. When dealing with bounties (or just fighting in general), his fighting style is noted to be concentrated in melee and medium-ranged weaponry. He always carries with him a specialised dagger consisting of a bone blade (made from a Varren he nearly died against) with a steel handle. The other weapons in his armoury tend to be crafted from spare parts that Vancha has collected over time or have traded/purchased from trusted dealers. The bounty hunter builds rougher and sometimes more basic versions of guns that he has memorised from blueprints that he has collected and found on the job. Some of his weapons have been purchased as whole items, but are also usually found to be customised in some manner or another. His record of bounty hunting is nearly flawless, with a few exceptions in his early days that are insignificant. On rare occasions, Vancha also caters to personal “errands” for close clients and allies he has worked with before if he deems them just.

- Born on Palaven, forced to move with family to Invictus at age 6
- Unstable family life and childhood due to dealing with a variety of criminals that found refuge on Invictus
- Joined military forces a couple of years early, working with Turian Military until age 17
- Moved to C-Sec same year (17)
- Didn’t feel satisfied with red tape, felt like it was holding him back from making things right for innocent people
- Left C-Sec/Turian services at 23, beginning his work as a bounty hunter
- Removed his facial tattoos (specific reasoning TBA)
- Maintains connections in C-Sec for various reasons
- Has worked with Castor Acharius in the past
- Travels around the galaxy as a bounty hunter full-time
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Name: Jorgal Garan

Race: Krogan

Age: 210

Position: Krogan Mercenary / Potential Battlemaster

Rank: Squad member

Homeworld: Tuchanka

Appearance: Jorgal Garan stands eight foot tall, notably a foot taller than most Krogan. Physically intimidating his face is covered with a scar from his most notable battle with clan Weyrloc where at an early age he plunged a knife into the chest of the clan chief and ripped his chest asunder. At the age of 210 Garan has seen many battles and the heavy tonne and half armour to which he wears reflects this. Having marked his dark blue armour with white markings to remind him of his greatest battles, these marks also act as a sort of résumé when drifting through the traverse.

Personality: Like all Krogan, garan revels in battle. His regenerative abilities exceed that of normal Krogan and with his abnormal height he is considered a formidable enemy even among his own people. Confident in his own abilities, Garan acknowledges the strengths of his enemies and has even travelled to study the various cultures to better understand how to kill them.
Although most happy in battle Garan has a good sense of humour (if somewhat dark) and often attracts people to him through his quick jokes about battle and his indifference towards turians in their part in the genophage.

History: Jorgal Garan was born the sun of the current clan chief of clan Jorgal, their blood being famous for being the most pure-blooded amongst Krogan. From an early age Garan was expected to adapt and survive at a faster pace than the other children, being a rare biotic born Krogan his father saw the potential his son could bring to their clan.

At the age of sixteen, Garan was brought from the women’s camp and placed before his father, not sure of what was expected of him his flesh itched and his temper flared so much he had to be held down by his minders as to not try to kill the Clan Urdnot representative that had gathered at his fathers side.
Garan watched as his father addressed the clansmeet and talked of his idea for the future of the Krogan people. Having met with the famous Wrex of clan Urdnot, Garan’s father had watched as the man had rose in power, being the youngest in Krogan history to survive the write and kill the thresher maw his own father had thought it fitting to accompany Garan as he was taken for his own rite.
Still a child by Krogan standards, Garan was keen for the battle that lay ahead. Urdnot Wrex kept silent the entire way to the grounds of Garans forefathers and as the famous Krogan began to stir inside the small craft, Garan knew they were close.

For many hours, Garan fought with a ferociousness that would be sung by his clan for years after however the representative from clan Urdnot stayed still and never moved.
Enraged by the placidity of the Urdnot representative Garan disposed with the last of the rabid varren and turned his gun on Wrex.
The krogan did not even pay heed to Garan as the loud thud of the keystone reverberated through the land. The bored look across his face was replaced with a menacing grin as a sound pierced the air like nothing Garan had heard before.

It wasn’t long before both Garan and Wrex were engaged in battle with a giant thresher maw, the ferocity of the enemy caused Garan’s blood to boil yet caused his ammo to deplete quickly also.
When victory seemed close Garan charged forward to the thresher maw, wanting to claim the title that Wrex clung to for himself. The thresher maw however had a different idea; with a large blast Garan was sent flying through the air and was slammed into the steel supports of the keystone.
As the waves of pain hit the young Krogan he smiled and wished for a glorious death but was soon denied as Urdnot Wrex pulled him to his feet and placed a rifle in his hands.

At the end of the day, the thresher maw had been defeated and both Garan and Wrex returned to clan Jorgal’s base. Garan told his father of his battle and as his father tried to sieze the moment to declare his own son the youngest krogan to kill a thresher maw, Garan himself stepped forward and denied the claim stating that Wrex was the one to deliver the final shot that took the life of the thresher maw.
Damaging his relationship with his father, Garan had strengthened his friendship with Wrex telling the warrior that he considered him the closest thing to krant that he had.

Over the years Garan stayed on Tuchanka, often leading the charge against other clans and being a symbol for his fathers reign. At the age of one hundred and sixty however Garan chose to leave Tuchanka in search of more dangerous prey. Following the footsteps of his friend Wrex, Garan chose to become a mercenary for hire and took jobs based on the rate of danger that were attached.
Although he frequently receives notes of his fathers lust for his son to take the title of battlemaster and succeed the throne, Garan cares not for the petty squabbling of the politicians and lusts only for battle.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Currently 18 tracks in soundtrack. Any suggestions fitting Mass Effect orchestral/techno fusion are welcome. :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Very awesome, I approve of this organized thread. Do Hanar have last names? Cause I think they don't but I'm doing a ME1 playthrough again very soon so I can have as much Hanar interaction as possible to make sure I get the character right.

(Yes I'm doing homework, but it's playing video game homework, I'm confused.)
They mention spirit names but idt they have last names

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Pretty much any song from the Tron soundtrack would do, really. I've got a couple tunes at home that might be appropriate, will upload them later fgj.

Also, Evangeline Grey should be Samantha Grey, sorry for being difficult and having two names XD.



Courtesy of one Mr. Satsu/Themys T'Lorin. =D

That's one sexy looking spacecraft if I do say so myself.


Joe, Arcana
Like the bio Scott, a true Krogan. :monster:

Two things to think about (if you haven't already):
1. The background history with Wrex is good, but we are avoiding including a lot of characters in the actual RP, so he won't appear 'in-game' so to speak. But the background is fine.

2. I assume you've read the prologue at the top of the front page. Due to that, there needs to be a decent enough reason why Garan wouldn't be with the other Krogan and instead turns against them and joins The Odessa.

Regardless, Garan has been added to the listings :D
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Like the bio Scott, a true Krogan. :monster:

Two things to think about (if you haven't already):
1. The background history with Wrex is good, but we are avoiding including a lot of characters in the actual RP, so he won't appear 'in-game' so to speak. But the background is fine.

2. I assume you've read the prologue at the top of the front page. Due to that, there needs to be a decent enough reason why Garan wouldn't be with the other Krogan and instead turns against them and joins The Odessa.

Regardless, Garan has been added to the listings :D

Yeah that's fine dude, wasn't planning on having any other contact with Wrex anyway (was doing the grunt loyalty mission last night and thought KROGAAAAANNNNN) ahem.
Anyway in terms of the intro im pushing for the fact that fighting under a unified Krogan party isn't as much fun as plunging head first into battle with strangers, hence his future affiliation with other characters :P


Joe, Arcana
The Crew/Captains will also need a reason to trust him. You can try and think that up yourself, or work with either Me, Aki or Satsu to maybe sort some kind of connection up. Either way, that's about it :D
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Who doesn't want a sexy 8 foot tall fast regenerating biotic krogan on their side?
....i'll think of something :P
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fresh to death
Name: Bola Vor
Race: Volus
Occupation: Crew counselor and psychologist


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
fer da soundtrack


Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Oh man there're lot of Juno Reactor tracks that would be excellent for this.

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