Final Fantasy VII Community Playthrough


Waiting for something
well what about during the day on Sunday, I'm free all day tomorrow so we could do it earlier if it suits you better, heck we've done more than enough of swapping the time around to suit me and my work schedule so I think it's only fair we do the same for you, or if you can think/suggest a better date then go for it :)


Pro Adventurer
I can't really suggest a better date, as after Sunday I won't be able to do it for pretty much a whole week. I will be back from work at around 17:00 my time (14:00 UTC) tomorrow though, so any time in the hours after that would be fine.


Waiting for something
Same here well how about 3pm here and then 6pmish?? your time does that work for you Flint?


Pro Adventurer
6 PM my time would be great :)

There are technically two chapters left - one for sidequests and preparation for the northern crater, and another for the crater itself. However, I know that the crater is a good place to level materia, which some people might want to do if they're going to take on the Weapons, so there will be some overlap. That's fine; the only thing that really needs to be in the last chapter is the gauntlet of final bosses.

It's definitely possible to beat Ruby with just one character, so I'll be trying to do that. Emerald will require a little more thought.


Waiting for something
So we're agreed tomorrow afternoon then :)

I've done that with Ruby, and it's really the best way to do, it's better to go in with two party members already down and then take it from there. Emerald I have yet to beat :)


Again, works for me ^_^

Emerald I have yet to beat :)

Like, EVER!? If so that's really weird! (because you've beaten ruby). Srsly though I've have plenty of playthroughs where I've killed emerald and not bothered with Ruby because it's evil and time consuming >_>


Great Old One
I might be able to do some catching up this week, Skyping may be off limits though. I'll update if I get stuff done.


Pro Adventurer
I should start writing up some of the earlier chapters, really, or I'll never get them done.

Apart from Hundred and Heli Gunner, Junon is the first time in the game that you have to fight without Cloud in your party. It can feel pretty tough if you haven't been levelling Barret, Cait Sith and Yuffie (if you got her in the first place). How did you manage? More generally, if VII was one of the Final Fantasies that lets you switch the party leader out of the battle party, would you still use Cloud a lot?
It was certainly more difficult without Cloud, because he is the only character with access to the Yoshiyuki. How many times have I mentioned that sword in this challenge now? It really is indispensable. Barret wasn't too underlevelled though, as he had been out of the party since I got Cid and therefore earning EXP, albeit at a lower rate. In this challenge, I would be forced to use Cloud even if I could choose not to (Party Leader Only), but otherwise, he's such a good all-rounder that I'd use him a lot anyway. It would be nice to switch him out on a normal playthrough for variety, though, and to level up all the characters evenly.

You get access to the Highwind in this chapter. Obtaining an airship is an important moment in all Final Fantasy games, for the freedom it gives you and the sidequests it opens up (though VII has comparatively few sidequests available at this stage). How do you think the Highwind compares to other airships from across the series, and what did you get up to with it at this stage? For example: there are some new items to pick up at various places around the world, and many shops have new items, while this is also your first opportunity to raise Chocobos. You can also get the fourth Enemy Skill materia now and, by utilising a glitch, you can get the Quadra Magic materia without having to breed a blue Chocobo.
I like the Highwind for two reasons. Firstly, it's so fast, compared to the airships in VIII and IX. It might not match up to the NES and SNES generation airships, but the 3D world map makes it feel faster. Secondly, a lot of important scenes take place on the ship, which can't be said of many other airships in the series. Nothing takes place on the Ragnarok, for example, once the ship has returned to Earth. The inside of the Strahl in FFXII can't even be accessed. I guess I just like having a "base" for the party to talk and decide on their course of action.

Mideel has a lot of new items to buy, but they come with hefty price tags. There are a couple of things you can get for free - the Contain materia and the Curse Ring accessory - but only if you know how. What did you get?
Just Contain and the Curse Ring. No need for anything else, really.

Were you surprised by Tifa's decision to leave the party, particularly so soon after Cloud left? And do you think Cid was the correct choice to be the stand-in party leader, or would you have given the role to someone else? How do you think all the different characters would have performed?
I think I was a little surprised, the first time I played it, but her decision is understandable. I wonder, though, if things hadn't transpired as they did, with Cloud and Tifa ending up in the Lifestream, whether she would eventually have returned to the party to fight for the planet, or to take revenge against Sephiroth on Cloud's behalf? Anyway, I think Cid was probably the logical choice of leader in Cloud and Tifa's absence. It could have been Barret, but I'd worry about his temperament causing him to make poor decisions. I think it would have been fun to let the player choose which of those two gets to be the leader, with the story playing out differently depending on the choice.


Pro Adventurer
How did you do with the compulsory train battles, and did you manage to stop it before it hit Corel? If not, you might want to try again, because you miss out on the extremely powerful Ultima materia.
The battles were pretty straightforward for the most part, but the latter ones went quite slowly with only one character. I remember finishing the battle against Wolfmeister with a tiny (double-digit) amount of HP, probably because I didn't want to waste time healing. I eventually stopped the train with a few minutes left on the clock.

What was your choice of strategy in Fort Condor? Did you fight it properly, use the quick (and cheap) way, or lose deliberately so you can fight the Cmd. Grand Horn and get the Imperial Guard?
I lost deliberately. Grand Horn went down easily and gave me the armour I would be using until I could get a Mystile in Midgar later on.

Did you manage to steal a Curse Ring from Ultima Weapon, and if so, how many tries did it take? I have a bit of a grudge, you see... Did the battle pose any problems for you?
I think it took be half a dozen tries once again. I just can't get any luck with him.

What are your thoughts on everything that was revealed in the Lifestream? Personally, I think the part where Cloud takes his helmet off is one of the greatest moments in the whole series. What's your number one?
The Lifestream sequence can feel a bit slow, but it's great. I'm not going to argue with myself about the no. 1 moment in the series :) The ending of IX would be my other choice, but I think that might be too long to be considered a "moment". The pre-fight Yunalesca scene in X is another favourite.

If you're a first time player, how well do you think you understand the story at this point? If you've played it before, how many playthroughs did it take you before you really "got" it?
I probably thought I understood it the first time I played it, when I was but a child, but looking back now, I can say that I didn't at all. In fact, I think it was only a few years ago that I really "got" it, and since then I've continued to discover small things about the game, some of which have connections to the story. In a way that's both a good and bad thing about VII. It could and probably should have been a lot clearer from the start, but because it isn't, it feels more rewarding to play the game multiple times :)


Pro Adventurer
The Underwater Reactor contains the interesting Ghost Ship enemy. If you visited the Kalm Traveller, you might have picked up on his tip and morphed the ship for a Guide Book, which you'll be able to trade for something else later. Did you do that, or will you do it in the Battle Square later? Or will you skip it altogether?
I morphed him. Took me two attempts because I accidentally killed him the first time. Don't know my own strength...

Carry Armour can pose a lot of problems, though the battle seems quite luck-based. How did you get on with him this time, and how have you fared in the past?
Some battles in this single-character challenge play out just as they would in a normal playthrough, while others are significantly different. Carry Armour fell into the latter category, because Arm Grab = instant game over. It took me at least three tries, if I remember correctly. I basically had to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible, and in the end my winning strategy was to equip as much magic-boosting equipment and materia as possible, then use Magic Breath a couple of times to disable the arms. After that I had a lot less to worry about, so I reverted to Deathblow-Added Cut.

Did you choose to fight or take prisoner the guards on the submarine? And how did you do with the submarine "game" itself? Don't worry if you fail, because you can still get another submarine. You won't be able to get one of the huge materias, but that doesn't really matter.
Took me about a minute to sink the red sub, an annoyingly long time. I felt like my missiles weren't hitting even when they were supposedly locked on.

Once you've got control of the submarine on the world map, you can do a few interesting things, including: retrieve the huge materia from the red sub; get the Key to the Ancients (even though you don't know what to do with it yet); visit the Gelnika (even though it hasn't taken off yet!); visit Lucrecia's cave so you can get Vincent's ultimate weapon and limit break a bit later on; and fight Emerald Weapon if you are somehow strong enough to do that. What did you do with it at this point?
I did everything mentioned there apart from fighting Emerald.

What are your characters' levels and set-ups like at this stage of the game, now you've got Cloud back in the party?
I don't remember -_- I can probably guess though. Cloud had the Yoshiyuki and Imperial Guard equipped, with the following materia: Deathblow-Added Cut, Counter Attack, Long Range, HP Plus, Enemy Skill, Restore and one other orb depending on the situation - often Steal, Magic Plus, Speed Plus or Ultima (to level it up). His level was probably somewhere in the forties, and he had learnt all his limit breaks.


Pro Adventurer
The return to Rocket Town features a lot of compulsory battles, but only one of them (against Rude and the attack squad) is really anything unique. Did you have any trouble?
None at all. I just made sure to steal the Ziedrich before taking him down.

How do you feel about the space scenes, specifically regarding Cid finally realising his dream and then Shera being proved right?
They're lovely. I have always liked the bit in the escape pod where Cid pretty much hugs the window as he admires the space outside. And it's nice to see Shera proved right, even if it was obvious from the first visit.

There has been a Cid in every Final Fantasy game starting from II (and a Cid has been retroactively added to the original game as well). Of the ones you know, who is your favourite and least favourite, and how does VII's Cid rank?
I can't say I'm a huge fan of any Cid. The Cid in VII is fine, but I dislike the Cids in IV and XII and am completely indifferent about the Cids in VIII and IX. I suppose X had a pretty good Cid. I haven't played the other games in the series far enough to encounter their Cids.

How many of the four huge materia did you manage to get? If you're not sure, you'll find out in Cosmo Canyon.
Four, off course.

Is the new world map music annoying you yet?
I'm not sure I would say that it annoys me, but I do really miss the Main Theme. After all, I voted for it as my favourite piece of music from the whole soundtrack. I get that meteor's appearance threatens the very existence of the planet, but I think it would be nice to get the original world map music back for disc three. After all, the party has found out at the Forgotten Capital that Aeris prayed for Holy, and so they know what they need to do. They've also taken care of Shinra, and they've all found their own reasons to fight. The Main Theme mixes hope and despair beautifully, so I think it would have been appropriate to bring it back then.


Pro Adventurer
Finally I get to answer someone else's questions :)
What was your first thought when Bugenhagen asked to go to the Ancient City, and then when you found the Key to the Ancients?
I have no idea. I was a bit lost on the whole story the first time I played the game and was probably happy just to see where it went without questioning it too much.

What did you think of the plot developments leading up to the return to Midgar, and of the pre-Midgar re-entry sequence itself?
The Keystone scene at the Forgotten Capital is one of my favourites in the whole game. It's beautiful, and it gives the player a renewed sense of "let's get Sephiroth", which was temporarily forgotten while chasing after Shinra and the Huge Materia. Of course, the next part of the story involves going after Shinra, but that's special in its own way. Going back to the place where the first hours of the game happened is good fun, and always makes me think about how much has changed since then. Imagine trying to take on the Sector 8 monsters with just Cloud and Barret at level 7, their initial equipment, Ice and Lightning materia, a handful of Potions and a single Phoenix Down. Good thing the enemies keep to their own sectors...

Since now almost all sidequests are open to you, are you planning on completing anything before returning to Midgar? (Chocobo breeding, materia caves, Key to Sector 5, Sneak Glove from weapon seller in Sector 6 (it's expensive!), various ultimate weapons and limit breaks).
I had already got the Quadra Magic materia using the Highwind trick, but I took the opportunity to get the Key to Sector 5 (and with it the Sneak Glove and the Premium Heart), Final Heaven (even though I'll never use it) and probably something else I've forgotten.

Did you collect all the items in Midgar? The underground section can be challenging to navigate for a first timer, and a lot of the items are missable (Barret and Cait's ultimate weapons for example). Did you return to Shinra HQ and collect the items available there?
I missed quite a lot on my first playthrough, including Barret's and Cait Sith's ultimate weapons, but I have made sure to pick them up in every subsequent playthrough. I took the stairs in Shinra HQ to get the Elixir and Behemoth Horn, having busted on in the first time I visited there.

The return to Midgar features a gauntlet of boss fights and more-difficult-than-normal average encounters within the Underground itself. How did you do against Diamond WEAPON, The Turks (if you fought them), Proud Clod, and Hojo's 3 creepy forms?
Diamond WEAPON - not being able to deal any damage with physical attacks hindered me greatly. I think I spammed Magic Breath and the occasional Magic Hammer while keeping Cloud's HP up, then finished him off with an Omnislash.

The Turks - this was another one of those battles that became a completely different challenge with only one character, because there are three Turks and they get a LOT of turns in. Rude's attacks were taking off about a fifth of Cloud's HP each turn, despite him being in the back row, so I had to keep my defences up with Big Guard and Regen. Even then, I had to cast the occasional Cure3 spell. That didn't leave a lot of time for dealing damage, and because I got too eager to finish them off, I got a Game Over the first time I tried fighting them. I then decided to pick up the W-Item materia and all the Sources from the southern tunnels in order to strengthen up a bit before taking them on again. It made a difference; I was able to survive more attacks, so I could deal more damage. It took me a long time to steal the three items, but after that, I used two Omnislashes, a few Double Cuts (more reliable then Deathblow-Added Cut) and finally a Quadra Ultima to try to finish all three of them off at the same time. It didn't quite kill Elena, but I got the EXP from the other two.

Proud Clod - pathetic. None of his attacks did more than 700 damage to me, and many of them were so weak that Regen healed Cloud to full HP immediately afterwards.

Hojo x3 - very easy as well. The Mystile meant that Deathblow became a better option than Double Cut again, so I used Deathblow-Added Cut and Counter Attack to pummel him into submission.

The hardest battle I fought in Midgar was not any of those bosses, however. It was actually a pair of SOLDIER:1sts who attacked me from both sides on the Mako Cannon gantry. They both had a turn before Cloud got his, and they both attacked/used Sword of Doom on his back to deal double damage, giving me a swift and completely unexpected Game Over against them. When I reloaded, I got into the exact same battle, but the second time, one of them attacked his front, which meant I could kill them off in consecutive turns and finish the battle with a few hundred HP.

What did you think about the revelation that Hojo is
Sephiroth's father?
I remember being completely unsurprised when I learnt it the first time. It made complete sense (unlike a lot of other things in the story). Funny how I had a completely opposite reaction to Lex.

That's me caught up, then. I'd like to post chapter 21 by the end of the week.


Pro Adventurer
Complete this chapter in your own time. When everyone has returned from their holidays we will convene to play chapter 22 - the last one - together :)

Chapter 21: Time's got a way of sneakin' up on ya
29th July - ????

This chapter is about two things: doing sidequests and getting ready for the final battle. Of course, the main reason to do sidequests is to acquire powerful items, so there's a lot of overlap between those two objectives. Most of you will know what you want to do, but here's a checklist for those of you who don't, or those of you who want a reminder.

Every character has a unique final weapon and limit break. They are as follows:
  • Cloud: Ultima Weapon - defeat Ultimate Weapon; Omnislash - exchange for 32,000 points at the battle arena.
  • Barret: Missing Score - if you haven't already got it, it's too late; Catastrophe - receive from a woman in North Corel.
  • Tifa: Premium Heart - visit the item shop in Wall Market after you dig up the Key to Sector 5 in Bone Village; Final Heaven - play the Main Theme on the piano in Nibelheim with Tifa in your party.
  • Red XIII: Limited Moon - visit Bugenhagen in Cosmo Canyon; Cosmo Memory - beat Lost Number in the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim.
  • Yuffie: Conformer - find in the Gelnika; All Creation - beat Godo in the Wutai Pagoda.
  • Cait Sith: HP Shout - if you haven't already got it, it's too late; no level 4 limit break.
  • Vincent: Death Penalty - if you took the opportunity on disc two to visit Lucretia's cave, return there now; Chaos - same as Death Penalty.
  • Cid: Venus Gospel - talk to the old man who used to look at the rocket in Rocket Town three times. Highwind - find in the Gelnika.

Through Chocobo breeding, you can acquire four unique materias. They are as follows:
  • Quadra Magic: take a blue, black or gold Chocobo to the cave to the east of Mideel - or just use the Highwind glitch.
  • Mime: take a green, black or gold Chocobo to the cave to the south-east of Wutai.
  • HP<>MP: take a black or gold Chocobo to the cave to the north of Costa del Sol.
  • Knights of the Round: breed a gold Chocobo and take it to the cave on Round Island, at the corners of the world map.
If you're not sure how to go about raising Chocobos, consult section b03 of this guide. Part of the process involves racing your Chocobos, which can yield further unique items and materia.

Each of the Weapons holds a unique item, which you can get by defeating them. They are as follows:
  • Ultima Weapon - defeat Ultimate Weapon. This will also give you access to the Ancient Forest (more goodies!) and open up the special battle at the Gold Saucer's battle arena, so long as you've got the W-Summon and Omnislash prizes from there already.
  • Desert Rose - defeat Ruby Weapon. This can be traded with the Kalm Traveller for a Gold Chocobo. That's not always a very useful prize, as most players breed their own gold Chocobo to get Knights of the Round before fighting Ruby.
  • Earth Harp - defeat Emerald Weapon. This can be traded with the Kalm Traveller for master materia, which is extremely versatile. Each piece of master materia gives you access to every spell/summon/command, depending on its type. For example, the master magic materia lets you cast every spell in the game. There is another way to get it, which is by mastering every one copy of every individual materia of a particular type (colour), but that takes a very long time and really isn't necessary, in my opinion.

Fight at the Battle Arena. Once you've got the aforementioned W-Summon and Omnislash, available for 64000 and 32000 BP respectively, and defeat Ultimate Weapon, you'll be able to fight in the "special battle". The enemies there are tougher and have much more HP, but still aren't too difficult to defeat. One victory there will get you the Final Attack materia, while ten will get you a Ribbon. The victories in between the first and the tenth give you unique but pointless mementoes, like Dio's autograph.

Visit the Ancient Forest. Among the most useful treasures there are the Slash-All materia, which allows you to physically attack all enemies at once, and the Apocalypse sword, which has triple materia growth.

Buy the Villa in Costa del Sol. Because, uh, what else are you going to spend all your money on?

Visit the Shinra Mansion basement in Nibelheim for a special scene.

There are other things that can be done, but many of them have been mentioned in previous chapters or are trivial. The things I've listed should be more than enough to keep you occupied until we can all get together to play the final chapter.

The target is anywhere on the world map, when you're ready to enter the Northern Crater. As I've said before, feel free to enter it in this chapter if you want to get the treasure inside and/or level up your materia. Just don't go past the point of no return!

Just one question this time: what did you do in this chapter, and how did it go?


Pro Adventurer
Sure. I've been waiting for you guys to tell me you're ready :) After tonight, though, I probably won't have time until Sunday night, except for possibly very late on Wednesday.


I have a wedding on Saturday, so I can't do then but other than that I'm pretty ready. Haven't done much in the way of sidequests but I don't care all that much, it's more fun when there's a bit of a challenge in the last fight.


Pro Adventurer
I'm available both tonight and tomorrow night if anyone wants to Skype & play. I'll probably do sidequests tonight and, if enough people join in, finish the game (!) tomorrow.


Great Old One
I'm sorry but I'm out. I can't find the time or the spirit to do and type up the 3 or 4 chapters I'm behind. I might pick it up later for a summary.
It's been great though, thanks for the ride :)


OK, does anyone actually want to finish this? It seems stupid to leave it when there's only one chapter left to go. For the sake of consistency, I'd like to Skype and stream it if anyone else is up for it, preferably before next Wednesday since that's when I return to uni.

If not, I'll just stream it myself later this week.


Pro Adventurer
I've been trying to get this finished for ages, so I'm in. Tuesday is my only definitely free night, though. Sunday is a possibility.


Holy crapola, that's cutting it fine. Well I'm good for either day, but let's not let it slip away this time. And hopefully Sprites will pop on later and give us her verdict on the idea too.


Waiting for something
I really want to finish this too, but skyping might not be an option for me as I'm not free until Thursday, I'm working right through until Tuesday, then travelling down to Dublin Tuesday night and then in Glasgow on Wednesday and not back until probs midnight. I can do Sunday evening after 7pm, Monday evening after 7pm and then Thursday I'm off all day.

What I will do however is catch up and post my last couple of chapters up over the next few days as I'm well aware that I haven't posted anything since before visiting the Forgotten City the second time around. I am off for a full week from Sunday week though I know that's not really helpful but I think that's when I'll be finishing my chapters off completely.

I'm really sorry guys, just been struggling for free time at the moment, it's just been crazy since I came back from my break off work.


Sunday night is looking like the best option IMO. TBH that probably suits me better than Tuesday, since I'll want to prepare for going back to uni on Wednesday morning. Flint, I'd be forever grateful if you could do Sunday. I mean, if it doesn't work out we can always arrange another night in future but it's getting a bit stupid that we haven't finished this one last chapter yet.

Although I respect that it's quite a time consuming one and at the moment I have more time than most :monster:
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