And those aren't re-releases of the original (aside from Origins obvs, which was bundled with FFII).
Origins doesn't look the same as it did on NES if that's what you are implying. I can't tell you all the differences because I don't know much about the WSC and MSX versions, but other than the complete graphical overhaul, the soundtrack was improved, new FMVs, at very least Chaos had his HP increased, and there were other changes too. "Normal mode" represents the original version although Sprint and Memo capabilities are there (which are in both modes), and Easy Mode makes a number of tweaks which I believe means less EXP needed to level up and prices of items are cheaper.
So really the only thing we an expect/ hope for is that they don't use the PC's original MIDI music. The PC re-releases didn't even bother to update this[...]
They patched the 2012 release.
"Off course" being corrected was pointed out, but there are still plenty of errors. One of the more memorable ones from battle is "{char name} was caught by surprise" with Sneak Attack when in fact the enemy is caught by surprise. (In the PS version it said "c
ought by surprise"). There is the whole "Doesn't it feel like we're missing something?", something Cloud remarks when the cannon is no longer in Junon (I suspect it would be more accurately ("like something's missing"), "Lower Junon" and "Upper Junon" are still there when these terms refer to the left-side and right-side of Junon (if you remember the name "Aljunon", more accurately you might say it would be "Ar Junon", or "R-Junon").
And they added other ones like "Corel Valley" (which was also wrong in the PS version, just a different kind of wrong).
PC2012 made some translation corrections but nothing significant. Most notably the horrific naming of the Greens when purchasing them in the Chocobo Farm.
The PC version actually made graphical changes, adding mouths to the characters. Obviously this turned out terrible because everyone besides the player characters are always shocked.
For PC2012 they used a better shader for models, which definitely looks better in the field, but in the World Map it just makes everything look darker.
Anyway, I don't mind that they release the same game on PS4, and I don't really expect them to improve them much. At most I imagine they'll do some non-pixelated upscale of the field backgrounds. The only thing I find is odd is the scale of the announcement of releasing a game available on PS3 and PC already.