A Scientific Look at Aerith's Death


Pro Adventurer

This video theorizes that Aerith might have died of drowning rather than being stabbed :geek:

Well it is an interesting look at things~


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Saw that video and kinda of dismissed it for a lot of reasons.Mainly because in my mind they would have checked to see if she was still living before putting her body in the water.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I think we've posted this is the parody thread already.

You know, this is what Sephiroth should have told Cloud to really mess with his head.


Pilot of the Sephiroth_Zero
That damn sephiroth woman
Not that crap again. The guy is questioning Final Fantasy logic, I mean really. I know dead bodies float, but not in a Final fantasy cutscene. Why? Because. She died from being stab through the spine and a few arteries. Get over it.

Ghost X

Alternate timeline: Aerith seeks vengeance for being drowned, becomes Sephiroth's wifey. Come on, aeriseph folks, this is like a dream come true for you :P.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Alternate timeline: Aerith seeks vengeance for being drowned, becomes Sephiroth's wifey. Come on, aeriseph folks, this is like a dream come true for you :P.

No it sounds like a disaster fiction to me.:P

Alex Strife

I know it's just a theory and I could simply say "no" and go to sleep. But I'll answer! First of all, blood. It's used inside the Shinra building but it's not on a corpse, and Sephiroth's blood is obviously on an enemy. Who is a male. And we never see the wounds. Aerith, meanwhile, would be a party character, a female (seriously, it's silly but lots of people prefer to be graphic in movies with males because some people get offended if it happens with females; what the f**k), and we would clearly see what's causing the blood.

However, legend has it the Masamune was a "calm" sword, one that would not cut the innocent needlessly, etc. Seriously, look it up. So it's quite contradicting, if we take the name as an explanation of the sword's skills (not likely to be intended by the creators). Sometimes it's been said no blood was caused by the Masamune. But in fact, the one sword that "drank" blood was, as far as I know, the Muramasa. :)

As for the sinking... technically Aerith does float before sinking. She does sink pretty quickly though. But then again, artistic reasons, etc.

In the end, it's just as simple as assuming no blood was a superficial decision. Meaning that we just don't see it, but we are to assume it is there. Just as in NES games our party characters can die without showing any blood.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
If people want to take all the fun out of FFVII with real-world physics, they could start in a lot of places other than Aerith's death scene. Maybe with her gravity defying bangs.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Or falling from a reactor, through the Plate, bashing a hole in the church ceiling, and being absolutely fine at the end, except for being knocked out (which is arguably for plot reasons).


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
"Cloud; not the brightest clone of the bunch" :rotfl:

funny :D

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
wanna talk about the fact that Sephiroth walks after being cut by Cloud in the nibelheim reactor?

Impaled by Cloud, from behind, with the Buster Sword held parallel to the ground. So really the top half or so of Sephy really shoulda just hit the floor and bled out rapidly if we wanna get technical.


Even just FFVII aside, how do any of the airships in the series fly? I can't think of very many that actually look like they might make sense :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Re: dead bodies floating. Why is that? Doesn't it depend on how long it's been dead or gases from decompsition or something?

Edit I found this on another forum

another forum said:
AM »

macdonda Guest

This quote is from the following website: http://www.aaronelkins.com/forensictidbits.htm

Question: Do dead bodies float?

Answer: A newly dead human being, or any other animal, will sink when placed in water. After the gases of decomposition build up in the chest and abdomen, however, the body will inflate, rise like a hydrogen-filled balloon, and pop to the surface, sometimes dragging with it surprisingly heavy weights that a murderer might have thought sufficient to keep it down. With the passage of time and further decomposition, however, the body cavities eventually rupture, the gas escapes, and the corpse goes down again, this time for good.

There is one notable exception: sometimes, due to air caught in the clothing, a body will stay on the surface for several hours before sinking.

.......umm :/
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
So yeah, let's hope Aerith didn't pop to the surface like a freaky rotting buoy while someone was dropping off flowers or anything :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I'd rather question how that talking dog learned to talk.

I mean seriously did he go to school with the other kids? Was there a special chair for him or was he just made to sit in the corner?

How would he go to the schools restroom? Were the doors push doors or would someone have to escort him and open all the doors with handles and knobs?

Was there separate lunch prepared for him? Or was he allowed to eat the human food and risk possibly getting him sick? Would he drink dairy milk? Most dogs and cats are lactose intolerant to cow milk..

Did he get picked on? Did he get special treatment for being so close to bugenhagen?

These questions must be answered :<

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So yeah, let's hope Aerith didn't pop to the surface like a freaky rotting buoy while someone was dropping off flowers or anything :monster:

Don't be silly. Sephiroth had kindly poked a large hole in her to let all the air escape -- so, I'm sure she stayed down the first time. :monster:

There's your scientific analysis of Aerith's death: a man put a sword through her spine and she died pretty much instantly. Oh, the miracles of science!


Chloe Frazer
Or falling from a reactor, through the Plate, bashing a hole in the church ceiling, and being absolutely fine at the end, except for being knocked out (which is arguably for plot reasons).

Haven't you played Assassins Creed? It doesn't matter from where you jump or fall as long as there's grass or hay on the bottom.


I'd rather question how that talking dog learned to talk.

I mean seriously did he go to school with the other kids? Was there a special chair for him or was he just made to sit in the corner?

How would he go to the schools restroom? Were the doors push doors or would someone have to escort him and open all the doors with handles and knobs?

Was there separate lunch prepared for him? Or was he allowed to eat the human food and risk possibly getting him sick? Would he drink dairy milk? Most dogs and cats are lactose intolerant to cow milk..

Did he get picked on? Did he get special treatment for being so close to bugenhagen?

These questions must be answered :<

I'm sure that all of these questions are probably answered somewhere in fanfic world :monster:
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