Sephiroth Was Almost A Clone Of Kefka


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I know that there have been many Kelfka vs Sephiroth comparisons but one of the fascinating things that I found when they were developing Sephiroth was that originally he was going to be a person who was driven insane by being exposed to mako and having his jenova element awakened artificially by the exposture.His basic personality would be the fact that he was already very cruel and brutal and he had a gruesome interest in death and slaughter but still held his composure.

P.S. The Jenova element is what Jenova was originally thought up as.Which is a gene that every human had which could be awakened through artificial means.The Cetra could use the gene naturally.

I don't know about you guys but him as a more calm and collected version of Kelfka sounds interesting in my opinion.What is your opinion do you think they should have kept this version of him or the personality in cannon is better for him and the story?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I prefer the canon. Do you have a source on this information?

It comes from one of the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania they mention some stuff about some concepts about what Sephiroth was going to be like.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I can see why some of you would prefer the canon one because it would seem redundant to have the same type of villain over again.Although I think it would be interesting and probably scary to see Sephiroth do the same stuff as Kelfka did in a much calmer and collected manner.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
The same stuff Kefka did, but calmer and more collected? That doesn't sound like "awesome Sephiroth" so much as "lame, boring Kefka." And there is nothing worse than taking away Kefka's entertaining qualities :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Sounds more like
to be honest.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
The same stuff Kefka did, but calmer and more collected? That doesn't sound like "awesome Sephiroth" so much as "lame, boring Kefka." And there is nothing worse than taking away Kefka's entertaining qualities :monster:

If you think about it since he would have Kefka's traits in that version that means he could have had his plans succeeded.:P

I mean Kefka is one of the few villains in the series to ever actually acomplish his goals.Plus the fact is he actually obtained godhood as well.


Pilot of the Sephiroth_Zero
That damn sephiroth woman
I'll just leave this here.



Save your valediction (she/her)
The word godhood is thrown around so much in FF that I've stopped knowing what that word means. What qualities do the villains possess that cannot be attained through a few hours of level grinding? Besides saying "Now I am a GOD! Uwa ha ha."

Immortality? Obviously no one (Ultimecia..?)
Ruler of Heaven/Hell? Palomecia check.
Mystical Powers? 96% of FF characters check.
Generally Accepted Place in an Established Pantheon of Other Gods? No one.
Detailed Mythology? No one.
Disciples/fanatics? Kefka/Sephiroth/Ultimecia check. But also Quistis, Yuna, and Lowell Bridges.

Ghost X

I think it is just a loose definition being used most of the time (eg: Super human). However, I think FFXII (and Ivalice overall) and FFXIII made a decent attempt at a detailed mythology. Heaven and hell aren't the only places of residence for ruler god types either.


Pro Adventurer
The word godhood is thrown around so much in FF that I've stopped knowing what that word means. What qualities do the villains possess that cannot be attained through a few hours of level grinding? Besides saying "Now I am a GOD! Uwa ha ha."

Immortality? Obviously no one (Ultimecia..?)
Ruler of Heaven/Hell? Palomecia check.
Mystical Powers? 96% of FF characters check.
Generally Accepted Place in an Established Pantheon of Other Gods? No one.
Detailed Mythology? No one.
Disciples/fanatics? Kefka/Sephiroth/Ultimecia check. But also Quistis, Yuna, and Lowell Bridges.

Add super buff: Vayne


Kermitu Kleric Katie

I've always seen Sephy as a less funny and less clownish Kefka. They have way too many similarities as is, and now you're telling me they were going to be even moar similar!?


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
The word godhood is thrown around so much in FF that I've stopped knowing what that word means. What qualities do the villains possess that cannot be attained through a few hours of level grinding? Besides saying "Now I am a GOD! Uwa ha ha."

Immortality? Caius
Ruler of Heaven/Hell? Palomecia check.
Mystical Powers? 96% of FF characters check.
Generally Accepted Place in an Established Pantheon of Other Gods? No one.
Detailed Mythology? No one.
Disciples/fanatics? Kefka/Sephiroth/Ultimecia check. But also Quistis, Yuna, and Lowell Bridges.


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think it is just a loose definition being used most of the time (eg: Super human). However, I think FFXII (and Ivalice overall) and FFXIII made a decent attempt at a detailed mythology. Heaven and hell aren't the only places of residence for ruler god types either.

Agreed across the board. The fal'Cie, along with Venat (and, therefore, Vayne), kind of do fit the role of a place within an established pantheon, so we do have that in FF. Just not an awful lot of it.

Also, Kefka took the power of three established goddesses. There seemingly weren't any others around to acknowledge him as an equal (or superior), but he as good as fits the bill. Ultimecia too. She should have been equal -- if not superior -- to Hyne.

Tsunami Shijo

Detective, Oni Exterminator
(was) Ruckasck, Jihl Nabaat, Tia Noto Yoko
His basic personality would be the fact that he was already very cruel and brutal and he had a gruesome interest in death and slaughter but still held his composure.

I'd have to say you're incorrect in your comparison here, as Kefka was in fact a well-respected General before he went insane because of the magicite experiments. This would still contrast with a story where the villain was unstable to begin with, and only went down the path of villainy later on.

I mean Kefka is one of the few villains in the series to ever actually acomplish his goals.Plus the fact is he actually obtained godhood as well.

This is actually pretty baseless fan rhetoric. Kefka just wanted power to destroy the world, and probably himself in the end. He gained power and did end up causing a lot of destruction, but he did not actually destroy the world and was still defeated and killed. Neither he nor Sephiroth fully achieved their goals - no FF villain ever really does. Sephiroth began absorbing the Lifestream and transformed into an incredibly powerful being, but he did not attain "godhood."


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Kefka may not have destroyed everything, but that wasn't his original goal. His original goal was just to wreak as much havoc as possible by rearranging the Statues, and he certainly accomplished that :monster:


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Kefka may not have destroyed everything, but that wasn't his original goal. His original goal was just to wreak as much havoc as possible by rearranging the Statues, and he certainly accomplished that :monster:

Hey,Kefka is the Joker if he was given magical powers and in a RPG game.I don't know which one is scarier Kefka or Sephiroth.They are both scary in their different ways.Sephiroth he has the ability to come back while Kefka achieved the status of being an all powerful being.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Sephiroth basically just wants to kill everyone so he can rule over a barren planet. Which never really made sense to me, but whatever. Kefka clearly actually wants them to suffer first, and to continue to suffer while dying. Kefka is worse.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Sephiroth basically just wants to kill everyone so he can rule over a barren planet. Which never really made sense to me, but whatever. Kefka clearly actually wants them to suffer first, and to continue to suffer while dying. Kefka is worse.

Then again Sephiroth did mention wanting to do what Jenova did in the past which is planet hop and find a new planet to create in his own image.I don't know his motives just keep on not making sense as time goes on.

With Kefka I do find he has a clear motive of complete destruction and making people suffer as they live under his tyranny.Kefka can't be reasoned with because he just wants to see the world burn.He is basically the Dark Night Joker who became divine and that isn't a pretty picture.


Average Jiro
Even if Sephiroth was as described in the OP, it has nothing to do with Kefka. Kefka wasn't driven mad by Jenova Cells or Mako exposure. Sephiroth's strongest argument over Kefka is that he has an actual justification for his actions. I love Kefka but he's just a psycho for no real reason.
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