Characters you hate.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Let share our hate. Doesn't matter if they are a party member, a boss, or an NPC, as long as you hate them. Tell us who they are, and why you hate them so.

I hate Edge from FF4. He is the replacement you get for Yang, and he does a piss poor job filling in. He takes up your 5th slot and becomes dead weight. Yang kills most random encounters in one move (kick). Edge does weak physical damage, and even weaker magic damage. Over all Edge is a burden to have in your party, but you have no choice.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Genesis.... Because he exists. Damn you lic you ninjad me! :lol: and Phantom Seph too!

Actually, Priscilla is pretty annoying and so is her irresponsible grandad.
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Chloe Frazer
Also Laura Bailey is one of my favorite VAs but: "Is that my hero?" I hate Serah too.


Consumed By Darkness
Snow and Hope are probably at the top Cid Raines as well (I'm butchering XIII here)

Also Rinoa, Really, how can you hate her? now Ellone she's irritating!


I'm finding it difficult to think of a character I hate actually. Maybe Seifer.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
This might sound harsh, but every single character in 8.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
It takes a lot for me to hate a character... especially as I like a lot of the villains because they are characterized really well. I guess you could say I like them because disliking them is really satisfying. It's more like I have characters I don't respect rather then hate. Sephiroth and Ultimacia are both on the list though, as is Hojo. None of them have good reasons to do what they did or they knew better.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I don't really hate any of the characters mentioned, except Hope. And Edge is my favorite FFIV character, so fuck you. There are charcters I used to hate though. I really couldn't stand Aerith the first time I played the game, mainly because of the really stupid decisions she makes, but she grew on me over time. I also couldn't stand Lightning at first, but she's grown on me as well. I still hate Hope though, the stupid whiny effeminate mama's boy.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
so fuck you

Right back at you, buddy.

Wakka. This is not so much about the character but his voice actor. I find it very off putting that his accent changes with almost every line of dialog.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
Lightning how appeared in Dissidia (i haven't played XIII) and Gilbert/Edward from IV becasue he's a spoony bard (no seriusly, in battle he's fucking useless. he's good only when using items. but what i'm expecting from a bard?). oh, and almost every new character from DC but because DC is a shitty game. (but especially Shelke).

is funny because i hate Hojo as a person, but i like him as character becasue he's a very well done character. he does exactly what he's expected to do and he makes you feel exactly what you should feel. he's a very well done character.
it's more funny if you think that is the opposite of Vincent, who i like but i found like a really useless character (his only role is basically let you hate more Hojo)
I don't hate her, but at times she severly pissed me off. Sorry Yuna.

Even without the uninteresting English voice performance and the odd pauses (
the latter which probably has more to do with technical difficulties and poor scene choreography than the voice actress
), Yuna is to me written as an annoying character. Also,
wtf was up with the plan to get Seymour to confess murdering his own father by accepting Seymour's marriage proposal? That plan is way too farfetched and dumb in my book. =/


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Definitely Lucrecia. I could understand her character in the OG when she's portrayed as a sort-of evil scientist who later feel remorse over her actions, but I just gag when I see her in DoC.

I'm also not a huge fan of Locke. I mean, I get that he loved Rachel and feels remorse about how she died, but trying to resurrect her after the end of the world? What was going to happen if Phoenix actually worked? 'Oh hey, welcome back, but your whole family is dead and world you knew is gone. Also there's a giant tower that kills people for fun.'
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