Characters you hate.

Most of the characters do, I think, fill their assigned roles very well. Tidus is extremely annoying, but he's supposed to be. Vaan is a bit of a blank slate, but he's supposed to be. Ashe is arrogant, vengeful and indulges her self-centredness under the guise of "helping her people" - but she's supposed to be like that. As characters, I like them, although I may not like them as people.

I hate Genesis because, as I said elsewhere, he's a missed opportunity and Crisis Core would have been better without him. I don't think FFXII would have been better without Vaan, nor do i think FFVII would have been better without Hojo.


unsavory tart
I have an entire tier system of rage, son. But out of all the characters I hate, I think the only one that I genuinely think take away from any experience is Genesis. I can't see him on screen without my eyes rolling to the back of my head and me foaming out the mouth.

Then there are characters like Rinoa, Shelke, and Amarant who I dislike and are ineffective at what the game is trying to do, but they aren't like Genesis. They don't ruin anything.

Then there's characters I fully admit serve their purposes and maybe even be good characters, they just get under my skin: Tidus, Squall, Irvine, Cyan, Vanille and Snow in the first game, Seymore.


Lightning how appeared in Dissidia (i haven't played XIII)

Same here. I disliked Lightning so much in Duodecim. Meh at her attitude and everything. But I want to play XIII just so I can see for myself why it's been getting mixed review from fans-- and if she's really unlikeable.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I can't think of anyone I actually hate, but Tidus really got on my nerves at times.


Pro Adventurer
Most of the characters do, I think, fill their assigned roles very well. Tidus is extremely annoying, but he's supposed to be. Vaan is a bit of a blank slate, but he's supposed to be. Ashe is arrogant, vengeful and indulges her self-centredness under the guise of "helping her people" - but she's supposed to be like that. As characters, I like them, although I may not like them as people.
I agree with this. Some of the characters that get the most hate or polarised response are not bad characters as such, and I think it's because people do not distinguish between a well-written character and an admirable character. To me, a character is a tool for the writer to present the story; different characters can give different perspectives to the reader (or in this case gamer) on the same event. The above examples of Tidus, Vaan and Ashe, none of whom I like for their personalities, are still well-written characters. Take for instance Vaan, whom I used to dislike for being a 'blank slate', as LicoriceAllsorts says: I could fault Vaan for not being necessary for the main events of the FFXII storyline, but he gives us a unique perspective that we wouldn't have if, say, Ashe were the main character. Vaan lets us see the world and events from a “commoner's” point of view, and his very blankness allows us therefore to follow the plot and setting as ourselves and project our own values (presumably also as "commoners") through him, like in an MMORPG (and isn't FFXII essentially modelled as an offline MMORPG?). I think Vaan is unique as a lead character in a Final Fantasy game in this respect, and I admire the writers for trying out this technique that breaks away from the tradition in the series of having strong characters whom we merely observe.

Having said that, I tend to prefer a roster of interesting characters to observe
and relate to than a bunch of blank slates. Even well-written "evil" characters like Sephiroth or Edea are still relatable: we can admire their strength and mystery on a basic level, but understanding their motives and weaknesses is more important. Although I do not see myself in Sephiroth, I can emotionally relate to his reactions to discovering the truth about his origins. Knowing what he knows and his background, I can understand the world through his eyes. Tidus, although thoroughly annoying as a personality at times, is hardly different. I can understand his motives because he is well developed and he gives a unique perspective to the player (actually he's not so unlike Vaan in this respect). I still don't really like him for his character too much, but that's not bad writing.

The characters I dislike are the ones whom I just cannot fathom. If the writers make no effort to explain why a character is a way she/he/it is in the game, then I think that's bad writing. We should not have to rely on in-game glossaries, the FF Wiki and Ultimanias to understand, except for minor details and extra points of intrigue. My main problem with some recent FF games is how they expect the player to leave the game itself to understand what is happening; instead of showing and immersing us into their fantastic worlds, they too often merely describe important events and expect us to follow along.
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Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
I agree with this. Some of the characters that get the most hate or polarised response are not bad characters as such, and I think it's because people do not distinguish between a well-written character and an admirable character. To me, a character is a tool for the writer to present the story; different characters can give different perspectives to the reader (or in this case gamer) on the same event. The above examples of Tidus, Vaan and Ashe, none of whom I like for their personalities, are still well-written characters. Take for instance Vaan, whom I used to dislike for being a 'blank slate', as LicoriceAllsorts says: I could fault Vaan for not being necessary for the main events of the FFXII storyline, but he gives us a unique perspective that we wouldn't have if, say, Ashe were the main character. Vaan lets us see the world and events from a “commoner's” point of view, and his very blankness allows us therefore to follow the plot and setting as ourselves and project our own values (presumably also as "commoners") through him, like in an MMORPG (and isn't FFXII essentially modelled as an offline MMORPG?). I think Vaan is unique as a lead character in a Final Fantasy game in this respect, and I admire the writers for trying out this technique that breaks away from the tradition in the series of having strong characters whom we merely observe.

Having said that, I tend to prefer a roster of interesting characters to observe
and relate to than a bunch of blank slates. Even well-written "evil" characters like Sephiroth or Edea are still relatable: we can admire their strength and mystery on a basic level, but understanding their motives and weaknesses is more important. Although I do not see myself in Sephiroth, I can emotionally relate to his reactions to discovering the truth about his origins. Knowing what he knows and his background, I can understand the world through his eyes. Tidus, although thoroughly annoying as a personality at times, is hardly different. I can understand his motives because he is well developed and he gives a unique perspective to the player (actually he's not so unlike Vaan in this respect). I still don't really like him for his character too much, but that's not bad writing.

The characters I dislike are the ones whom I just cannot fathom. If the writers make no effort to explain why a character is a way she/he/it is in the game, then I think that's bad writing. We should not have to rely on in-game glossaries, the FF Wiki and Ultimanias to understand, except for minor details and extra points of intrigue. My main problem with some recent FF games is how they expect the player to leave the game itself to understand what is happening; instead of showing and immersing us into their fantastic worlds, they too often merely describe important events and expect us to follow along.
honestly i expected a final 'and I hate Genesis too' XD


Not only this, there seems to be around 3 to 5 threads that for some reason turned into a "Genesis fucking sucks" thread. and I posted in every one of them


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Actually, I don't know who Genesis is. According to this thread, it seems that's a fine thing!

He is a character that appears in Crisis Core and the major complaints is that he very badly written,unsympathetic and unneeded.The major complaint is the fact that he was retconned into being in the Nibelheim Incident.


Pro Adventurer
He is a character that appears in Crisis Core and the major complaints is that he very badly written,unsympathetic and unneeded.The major complaint is the fact that he was retconned into being in the Nibelheim Incident.
That does sound dreadful. I hate retcon when it's done so carelessly. I don't understand why any writer would want to so imprudently revise their own, well-established and well-loved canon?


unsavory tart
Ever have that friend, even when he's not invited but he crashes not only the parties, but the important events you want to keep between people you are close, he quotes pretentious poems and movies more than he actually speaks, and tries constantly to one up people. And when people try to point out what a douchebag you are being they counter with "well I had a bad childhood, so lay off." And because of this, get off scot free in the end.

That's Genesis.

Alex Strife

Hate? That's a really strong word. I don't think I hate any character.

Even the villains, when written properly, are interesting.

There is one party character that I've never been fond of. Like, at all. And that's Amarant from FFIX. Probably my least favourite of all the party characters in FF.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Ever have that friend, even when he's not invited but he crashes not only the parties, but the important events you want to keep between people you are close, he quotes pretentious poems and movies more than he actually speaks, and tries constantly to one up people. And when people try to point out what a douchebag you are being they counter with "well I had a bad childhood, so lay off." And because of this, get off scot free in the end.

That's Genesis.

He doesn't even have the "had a bad childhood" excuse because it was shown his adoptive parents showed him nothing but love and he kills them in cold blood because of their connection to Shinra.Not to mention he burns down his home of Banora even though the citizens had nothing to do with Shinra.


Pro Adventurer
That sounds like appalling writing. It's incredible how such ideas can get into a game from a company with vast resources (including money) and an enormous creative fanbase to pool from. Did the makers of Crisis Core never even play the original game? I think almost anyone who knows the original game well at all would recognise a “this fucks too much with the canon” addition, and yet they added it. Some things should never leave the cutting room floor. What Square-Enix deperately needs is more and better editing.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Actually, many of the people who made Crisis Core are people who fucking made the original game.

Anyway, I notice some of you are hating on people purely for their use in battle, and I think that's one of the stupidest reasons to hate a character. If you're going to hate a character, hate them for their character(pun intended), and not for how useful they are in battle. If they suck in battle, just don't use them, don't ate them for it.

I mean, I for example, love Cait Sith. However, I almost never use him because he sucks in battle, except as a mage, but those are pretty useless in FFVII since magic's not all that useful in it. It's one of the reasons I almost never use Aerith(the other being she's a waste of experience since she dies).


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Anyway, I notice some of you are hating on people purely for their use in battle, and I think that's one of the stupidest reasons to hate a character. If you're going to hate a character, hate them for their character(pun intended), and not for how useful they are in battle. If they suck in battle, just don't use them, don't ate them for it.

So we shouldn't hate a character in a video game for there effect on gameplay? I can't think of a better reason to hate a character.

Just finally got around to finishing Crisis Core last night. I fail to see the point to any of the characters added to mythos. Wouldn't say I "hate" them. The game made Aeris (or Aerith, anyone know the reason for the change?) seem like a huge cocktease. No real hate for anyone here, none of the new characters are worth the effort to hate.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
@abortedJ: the original name is Aerith, but the japanese pronounciacion is 'Aerisu', which was mistraslated as Aeris.

@matt: we are a buch of munchkin :P all we care is how strong our character are :P
seriously, the fact that Edward/Gilbart is useless in battle is maybe the tip of the iceberg. he's before really meeting him they made my expect a ribel prince, who secretly left alone the castle etc but when i met him what i found? a whining bard who says he don't care anymore about nothing because his girlfriend died protecting him and get bitchslaped by rydia. almost twice.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I cannot stand anyone added in the FFVII Crapilation. They ruined cloud & sephiroth(hated those two before the crapilation), tried to ruin Lightning by giving her the ACC syndrome(sadness crap), Yuna, Tifa(she's nothing literally but boobs), Serah.


Pro Adventurer
I cannot stand anyone added in the FFVII Crapilation. They ruined cloud & sephiroth(hated those two before the crapilation), tried to ruin Lightning by giving her the ACC syndrome(sadness crap), Yuna, Tifa(she's nothing literally but boobs), Serah.


I'm working on my thesis so here's my essay: http://fyeahcontroversialcharacters...21/defense-of-tifa-lockhart-final-fantasy-vii

It's an essay that has 170 notes in tumblr btw


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^ I love that gif Danseru! I'm sat here giggling like an idiot. *saves*

Kermitu Kleric Katie

So we shouldn't hate a character in a video game for there effect on gameplay? I can't think of a better reason to hate a character.

Just finally got around to finishing Crisis Core last night. I fail to see the point to any of the characters added to mythos. Wouldn't say I "hate" them. The game made Aeris (or Aerith, anyone know the reason for the change?) seem like a huge cocktease. No real hate for anyone here, none of the new characters are worth the effort to hate.

The reason for the change is because Aeris is a mistranslation. Just like how they changed Gus to Guy in the advance version of FFII, because Gus was a mistranslation, or how they changed Chupon to Typhon in the advance version of FFV, because Chupon was a mistranslation, or how Pokey Minch(from EarthBound) was changed to Porky Minch in SSBB, because Pokey was a mistranslation, etc. If a character in a video game's name seems to have been changed between version, 99% of the time the original name was a mistranslation and the new name is the correct one.

And no, that's not really a valid reason for hating a character, it's only a valid reason for hating using that character.
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