Final Fantasy Trivial Pursuit community collaboration


Pro Adventurer
All right everyone, it's up! :monster:

Here's the official FF Trivial Pursuit collaboration thread, which means naturally that this is a project anyone can join in on and contribute to. I have a feeling we're going to need several people.

Being FF in general, that means all the numbered entries are included into this game. Now I don't know if anyone's played all the FF's on here, but I certainly haven't, so anyone with a lot of knowledge on any of the FF's can certainly step forward and help out, thinking of good questions to ask, some that are easy and some that are hard.

First off, apparently the original TP has 1,000 cards and 6,000 questions. :monster: Now, that's quite a lot, so perhaps we should just start off with half that number. So that's 500 cards and 3,000 questions we need to figure out.

Next, there's the categories. Mr. Ite has already figured them out for a VII-only Trivial Pursuit, and even made a sample card (thanks Mr. Ite!), so I tweaked one to fit an all-FF inclusion game. Here's Ite's sample card and category ideas (put together as one quote to save trouble :awesome:)

An FFVII trivial pursuit, with the board that looks like Midgar -- this idea is brilliant. Each category would be represented on the card by a coloured materia icon, and ask a question about different aspects of FFVII: Plot, Character, Locations, Weapons, Materia, and Behind the Scenes.

In conclusion, I have made fanart!


1. He laughs
2. Aeris
3. Seven
4. Hardedge
5. Chocobo Lure and Underwater
6. Yusuke Naora

Hnnngggg that got me really pumped. It's a shame I would be the only person in my city who would want to play.

So the categories could be Plot, Character, Locations, Weapons, Magic, and Behind the Scenes.

If anyone thinks some of these should be changed, please let us know your idea! And topics can be fairly broad, too; Magic doesn't only have to have spells and types of magic in it, it could also have questions about the workings of magic or magic-related lore of a FF game. Same with weapons; weapons can be more than the equipment, they can include other weapons from FF games besides ones you can equip (such as the Sister Ray).

Other topic ideas could be Monsters, Equipment, Lore, and so on. Actually, I'm really liking the Monsters and Lore ideas...

Once the categories are finalized, we can then figure out how the card icons would look for each category (something I can do, or if anyone else wants to jump in too they can!) After that we can start on the questions!

I'm hoping at least some of us find this project a ton of fun; once we finish it, we could even set up a game thread for it, like our Hang-Man thread. :awesome:

Okay guys, let's have at it! :D


Pro Adventurer
So looking at the categories more, I think Character should be a definite category, and same with Locations. Both can have an enormous amount of questions in them.

Plot, pertaining to the story of the games, can also have a ton of questions for it, so it could be a final one too.



Do they have to be game specific? For example I think a good question would be:

Which is the only main-series FF game in which Bahamut does not appear?


trash panda

So, can we go ahead and start dishing out questions & answers to be added to the game?

Also....I've never played Trivial Pursuit. I'll have to Google that today. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
SUMMONS! God I forgot about them; yeah, that's a good question too! But what category would that be? There could be a summons category, but that would limit it I think.
Maybe a category based on general trivia about the series as a whole? There's a lot of elements connecting each main numbered FF game. Cid, Moogles, Chocobos, Summons....


Pro Adventurer
So, can we go ahead and start dishing out questions & answers to be added to the game?

Also....I've never played Trivial Pursuit. I'll have to Google that today. :monster:

Go ahead, if you'd like, certainly!
We also need to figure out the 6 categories of questions we want.

Trivial Pursuit is a trivia game about trivial info, like the original had sports questions and geography questions. Not info that people really need to know in a lot of the questions, but just general trivia.
There's a cool Lord of the Rings one out, the only one I'll play. :monster: You should google that one too, it'd be the most relevant in some ways to a FF-based one.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I like where this is going Flare! I'll start thinking up some trivia questions and try to get them back to you ASAP! :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Setting trivia. (Doing this on my phone and without reference)

1. What town's graveyard features a popular Nintendo character's tombstone? (I)
2. What town does Josef come from (II)
3. What is the name of the site where Ofelia's "execution" takes place? (T)
4. How many Garden institutions are there? (VIII)
5. Which area of the world map features the Grangalan enemy? (VII)
6. What town is featured in the opening sequence of Final Fantasy VI?
7. The hidden Viera village of Euryt is accessible via which location? (XII)
8. What is the quickest way to travel between the districts of Lindblum? (IX)
9. Where do monsters come from? (VIII)
10. Where does FuSoYa come from? (IV)
1. Elfland
2. Salamand
3. Golgarond
4. Three
5. Corel Area (grass and beach) or Gold Saucer Area (beach)
6. Narshe
7. Golmore Jungle
8. Air taxi
9. The moon
10. The moon
Last edited:


Pro Adventurer
I can compile a list of all questions and answers on a word document on my pc to keep track of them all easily. :monster:

Still need to figure out the 6 categories though. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
We should have questions about magic and jobs as well. Just to be safe, we should probably word questions in a way that lets players know up to what game the question accounts for, in case later games become applicable as well.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
We could lump all questions related to summons / magic / skills / lbs etc into "Abilities" or "Magicks" perhaps ?


Pro Adventurer
We could lump all questions related to summons / magic / skills / lbs etc into "Abilities" or "Magicks" perhaps ?

I was trying to think of a good word for that grouping too; they are abilities, but does that really encompass summons? I mean, is it a good word for summons too? Summons are abilities, but in some FF games they have big roles (like IV, VI, X, ect). Then again, lore or general questions about them could go in another category.

Should we have trivia about glitches and exploits?

Hmm, I think so. Just as long as they're glitches on every game disc; I wouldn't really know any of them myself, but some people would. :awesome:

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Flare: In the strictest technical sense, summons are abilities. I'd say "Abilities & Magicks" would be a good general name. As far as trivia on glitches and exploits that could be lumped into "Behind the Scenes"


Pro Adventurer
How about we come up with the questions/answers and put them into catergories later? That way we'd have a better idea of how many we have. I really want a question or two about the Vincent glitches.


Pro Adventurer
^We could do that too. There's already some questions and answers here. I thought it might be easier to have the categories figured out first, but I think either way will work fine. If you have some questions you want in the game, go ahead and include them! :) I'll keep track of them all.
I think I heard mention before of a Vincent glitch... I didn't know there was more than one. :D


Pro Adventurer
Some trivia questions:

1. What item can you use on party members to inflict the berserk status?
2. In FFVII, what kind of greens do you need to feed to the white chocobo in Mideel to get a Contain Materia?
3. In what Final Fantasy game did the famous Behemoth enemy debut in?
4. In FFIX, what is it that Queen Stella collects in Treno?
5. In FFXII, why is Penelo kidnapped by Ba-Gamnan's group?
6. In FFIX, what does Regent Cid get turned into initially?
7. Cecil is the captain of what, in FFIV?

1. Bacchus's Wine
2. Mimett Greens
3. Final Fantasy II
4. Stellazzio Coins
5. Ba'Gamnan thinks she's close to Balthier after Baltheir gives her his handkerchief.
6. An Oglop.
7. The Red Wings.

Edit: Omg, that video is hilarious, Starling. :awesome: That had to have ruined the mood for those first-time player who had Vincent in the party.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
So the categories could be Plot, Character, Locations, Weapons, Magic, and Behind the Scenes.


Other topic ideas could be Monsters, Equipment, Lore, and so on. Actually, I'm really liking the Monsters and Lore ideas...

We could lump all questions related to summons / magic / skills / lbs etc into "Abilities" or "Magicks" perhaps ?

Flare: In the strictest technical sense, summons are abilities. I'd say "Abilities & Magicks" would be a good general name. As far as trivia on glitches and exploits that could be lumped into "Behind the Scenes"

Sweet start up thread Flare. :monster:

Here's my suggestion for lumping categories, take it with a grain of salt

Characters, Plot, Locations & Lore (I would think that these are easily lumpable, but that's just imo), Magicks & Abilities (which like Jas suggests, would lump in Summons), Equipment & Items (which lumps equipment, weapons and useable/story items), Behind the Scenes (which includes glitches, cheats, soundtrack, staff, etc factoids) we wanna do six or seven?


Pro Adventurer
Sweet start up thread Flare. :monster:

Here's my suggestion for lumping categories, take it with a grain of salt

Characters, Plot, Locations & Lore (I would think that these are easily lumpable, but that's just imo), Magicks & Abilities (which like Jas suggests, would lump in Summons), Equipment & Items (which lumps equipment, weapons and useable/story items), Behind the Scenes (which includes glitches, cheats, soundtrack, staff, etc factoids) we wanna do six or seven?

Thanks Channy~ :monster: Yay, another contributor! :awesome: I like the way you explained this too.

Sure, we can lump some stuff together. Like Jason mentioned, Magicks & Abilites is a good category. So how about we make it the first official category?

Behind the Scenes is also a good one, and could probably be a tough category for most people.

Equipment & Items can be the third official category.

I think Characters & Plot can be lumped together for sure since they are intrinsic to one another; putting locations and lore with them might be too much though.
What if locations and lore were in a World category, which would pertain to questions about both of those subjects and any other misc subjects about the world the FF game would take place on? Or is that too simple?

Also, I think a category for monsters would be awesome, like I mentioned before. Any animals could go here too, such as chocobos. Perhaps a Monsters, Beasts & Bosses category?

Another thing, there's some elements that always link the different FF universes together. Should there be a term for this and a category for this? Should it be lumped with another?

As far as how many, there's only 6 categories for the normal trivial pursuit game. We could make it 7 if we can think of 7 good categories, however; I don't think anyone would mind. :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I think Characters & Plot can be lumped together for sure since they are intrinsic to one another; putting locations and lore with them might be too much though.
What if locations and lore were in a World category, which would pertain to questions about both of those subjects and any other misc subjects about the world the FF game would take place on? Or is that too simple?

Oh, no, sorry, derp. /facepalm.

Character would be one, Plot would be another, and then Locations & Lore would be a third... I looked at how I phrased it, and you're right, those (separate) three categories looked like they were lumped as one. DX

But you're right, now that you mention it, plot would probably be mergable with Characters, since Characters drive plot forward.

Also, I think a category for monsters would be awesome, like I mentioned before. Any animals could go here too, such as chocobos. Perhaps a Monsters, Beasts & Bosses category?

That would be a definitely good combo-category.

Another thing, there's some elements that always link the different FF universes together. Should there be a term for this and a category for this? Should it be lumped with another?

I imagine that could be lumped with Locations & Lore.. or World & Lore.. or World Lore? Like someone upthread mentioned, which game does a Chocobo not appear in, would come across as Lore? Lore doesn't always have to be the mystical side of things.

As far as how many, there's only 6 categories for the normal trivial pursuit game. We could make it 7 if we can think of 7 good categories, however; I don't think anyone would mind. :monster:

I couldn't remember if it was 6 or 7 categories, but Jason's sample had 7 questions. We might get away with 6 depends on finalized categories..

- Characters & Plot
- Equipment & Items
- Beasts & Bosses
- Magicks & Abilities
- World Lore
- Behind the Scenes

...seems like that's it?


Pro Adventurer
I believe it was Lex, and he mentioned which game does Bahamut not appear in, but close enough, we could literally have a question like that for most of the shared elements. :awesome:

Those categories look great, I love 'em. I'm going to save them with the questions submitted so far and organize them on my computer. :) Unless we can all figure out a good 7th category, we just keep it at the normal 6~


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I believe it was Lex, and he mentioned which game does Bahamut not appear in, but close enough, we could literally have a question like that for most of the shared elements. :awesome:

"Close enough" is the basis of my operation. :monster:
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