Final Fantasy Trivial Pursuit community collaboration


Pro Adventurer
Lucky 7's! Now you just gotta ask yourself: Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya? :awesome:

Hmm, but in all seriousness, what other info would go in a category like that?


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I guess we'd have to see if anything came up that wouldn't be able to go elsewhere.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
TheScrub96 (League of Legends)
Well, I think a lot of questions about glitches COULD be put in a "Lucky 7's" miscellaneous category, but many of the glitches revolve around particular characters, locations, materia, etc. However, many of these questions (and questions about various other topics from the game) could be written in such a way that the answer falls within one of the existing 6 categories. I think it all depends on how diverse the question pool is, and how far question writers are willing to stretch the question to fit into a particular category. If enough questions come up that just won't fit into the existing 6 categories, then we'd know a seventh is necessary. In my opinion, the 6 categories Ruby came up with seem pretty comprehensive already, though.


Pro Adventurer
^Yeah, I'm thinking for now we should just go with 6, and if we get a lot of questions that happen to not go in any of those categories, then we can make a 7th one. :) Also, this'll help to not complicate it too much... I think. :awesome:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Q: What is the name of the naughty magazine Zone is looking for? (VIII)

The Girl Next Door

Thats all I can come up with for now :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Some Black Mages trivia for the Behind the Scenes questions. I only use his full name because.. well, you have to. :monster:

1. How many members are in Nobuo Uematsu's band The Black Mages?
2. What instrument does Nobuo Uematsu play in The Black Mages?
3. What year did Nobuo Uematsu leave to start his band, The Black Mages?
4. What year did Nobuo Uematsu's band The Black Mages disband?
5. "Darkness and Starlight" is a rock rearrangement from The Black Mages of what famous Final Fantasy song?

1. 6 Members
2. The Organ/Keyboard
3. 2003
4. 2010
5. Draco and Maria from Final Fantasy VI

And random Characters and Plot questions because I was on that wiki page

1. Including main, optional and guest, how many characters can you play as in Final Fantasy VI?
2. Canonically, Terra Branford's hair is mint green. What colour was it in concept and Amano artwork?
3. Which three characters appeared in the first 3D Tech Demo originally for Final Fantasy VI?

1. 29
2. Blonde
3. Locke, Shadow and Terra


Pro Adventurer
Been busy so I haven't been able to get more questions yet, but I did compile all the questions so far on a nice list with all the categories. Here they are so far!

- Characters & Plot
- Equipment & Items
- Beasts & Bosses
- Magicks & Abilities
- World Lore
- Behind the Scenes

World Lore questions and answers:
1.What town's graveyard features a popular Nintendo character's tombstone? (I) Elfland
2. What town does Josef come from (II) Salamand
3.What is the name of the site where Ofelia's "execution" takes place? (T) Golgarond
4. How many Garden institutions are there? (VIII) Three
5. Which area of the world map features the Grangalan enemy? (VII) Corel Area (grass and beach) or Gold Saucer Area (beach)
6. What town is featured in the opening sequence of Final Fantasy VI? Narshe
7. The hidden Viera village of Eruyt is accessible via which location? (XII) Golmore Jungle
8. What is the quickest way to travel between the districts of Lindblum? (IX) Air taxi
9. Where do monsters come from? (VIII) The moon
10. Where does FuSoYa come from? (IV) The moon
11. What is the name of the naughty magazine Zone is looking for? (VIII) Answer: The Girl Next Door.
12. Including main, optional and guest, how many characters can you play as in Final Fantasy VI? Answer: 29

Characters & Plot:
1. (IX) What is it that Queen Stella collects in Treno? Answer: Stellazzio Coins
2. (XII) Why is Penelo kidnapped by Ba-Gamnan's group? Answer: Ba'Gamnan thinks she's close to Balthier.
3. (IX) What is Regent Cid already turned into initially? Answer: An Oglop.
4. (IV) What is Cecil the captain of? Answer: The Red Wings.
5. Canonically, Terra Branford's hair is mint green. What colour was it in concept and Amano artwork? Answer: Blonde
6. Which three characters appeared in the first 3D Tech Demo originally for Final Fantasy VI? Answer: Locke, Shadow and Terra

Equipment & Items:
1. What item can you use on party members to inflict the berserk status? Answer: Bacchus's Wine
2. (VII) What kind of greens do you need to feed to the white chocobo in Mideel to get a Contain Materia? Answer: Mimett Greens

Beasts & Bosses:
1. In what Final Fantasy game did the famous Behemoth enemy debut in? Answer: Final Fantasy II

Magicks & Abilities:
1. Which is the only main-series FF game in which Bahamut does not appear? Answer: Final Fantasy II

Behind the Scenes:
1. How many members are in Nobuo Uematsu's band The Black Mages? Answer: 6 Members
2. What instrument does Nobuo Uematsu play in The Black Mages? Answer: The Organ/Keyboard
3. What year did Nobuo Uematsu leave to start his band, The Black Mages? Answer: 2003
4. What year did Nobuo Uematsu's band The Black Mages disband? Answer: 2010
5. "Darkness and Starlight" is a rock rearrangement from The Black Mages of what famous Final Fantasy song? Answer: Draco and Maria from Final Fantasy VI
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