How was Melodies of Life? That was one song that I would've REALLY liked to hear, its one of my favorites, and I'm hoping they would bring here. I know Susan Calloway did an AMAZING job on Distant Worlds (the song) so I'm curious to know how well she did on the other songs, eg Suteki da Ne and Melodies of Life.
My Uematsu story...Well basically I went to the concert Thurday night, but I didn't go to the meet and greet, mostly because of the cost and the fact I was with certain family members that...don't care much for video games at all but felt obligated to accompany me to the concert nonetheless. Since Seattle had 3 concerts I knew Uematsu would be hanging around downtown where I work, so I *skipped work* and wandered around the area the next day and went back to the concert hall to sneak extra flyers and whatever they had left over from the concert. I was just leaving the area when I saw him just STANDING on the sidewalk. And I was like O0O, and I saw him head into a convenience store. So I just kind of ran after him and followed him to one of the aisles, and asked him to autograph one of the Distant World flyers I conveniently stole
a few minutes ago. The director of his recording company Ogawa was also there and he kind of serves as a translator for Uematsu when he tours I guess, since he spoke English rather well. We chatted for a few seconds and I left because I didn't want to...stalk him on his time off. But hey, I'm happy to display a Uematsu-autographed Tidus flyer...and without paying $100 for it either. XD