

Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Been debating whether or not to come back for a while. I don't know if I'm fully back or not given that my interest in FF and indeed games in general has dropped off a cliff. I've no desire or energy to pick any scabs anyway so don't worry about that. Hope everyone is well.

For anyone who doesn't remember me - I'm Octo, I used to be a person. I used to be funny. Not sure what I am anymore. Some sort of clown/black hole experiment that got out of hand. 🙃

I guess I missed being involved in online communities. I dont have time for real life. Real life has been kicking my arse for a very long time now, too boring to go into but more or less everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Because I'm stupid. But also it turns out I have ADHD (i suspect ASC too), was doing ok but then the global medication shortage happened and its been pretty disastrous, not even able to work or do basic shit at the moment and theres no sign of improvement.

Hmm this is all a bit miserable 🤔 sorry about that. :monster: oh I missed that guy! Just reading through some of the old kupocon 2017 threads. Good times but made me so fucking sad. If only I had a time machine... anyway thats all I have to say for now.

Ghost X

To lightly sponge the scab with healing cream, as I think it is necessary, I think if you are over the shitty beliefs that got you banned, the community would be genuinely absolutely chuffed that you are back :mon:, though I can only speak for myself. We all make mistakes, I cringe over mine regularly. The important thing is the learning part. Not to beat around the bush, I'm sure an apology would be most appreciated by all forum members, especially those of the trans community, as a sign of growth on your part. Granted, this is just advice on my personal behalf, to be clear, not an "official TLS" requirement™ for your return :monster:.

With that said, I'm sure there is a funny clown/person in there somewhere, even if we have to get a team of palaeontologists to perform a careful extraction.

The forum is slightly quiet of late (although people still post here n' such), so if you want more activity and conversation with more familiar faces, I'd recommend joining the TLS Discord also, if you haven't done so already. If you have any issues, let us know :).

Anyhoo, welcome back, Octo :monster:.
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Pro Adventurer
Welcome back and possibly hello. Not sure if we had any interactions in the past.

No need to apologize for having different opinions/beliefs. People need to have thicker skin ans be ok with that.


Pro Adventurer
Good to hear from you Octo! I was actually just thinking about you the other day (hope that doesn't sound too weird) I genuinely hope you are doing well inspite of the difficulties you mentioned and I hope you feel welcomed to hang out here as much as you like, even if you dont feel like posting much, it's good to see you around :properhug:
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