A Compilation of Complaints

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If he got in we'd be here complaining "why did they include Vayne instead of someone else, XII already has a villain"

Really? I find that hard to believe.

I would have been happy with another Judge, or better yet Doctor Cid.


yeah, XII's got some great characters to balance out the fact that the game focuses mostly on Ashe.

But I'd be happy with just

Cosmos: Cecil
Chaos: Kain, Golbez
Cosmos: Bartz
Chaos: ExDeath, Gilgamesh
Cosmos: Terra, Edgar
Chaos: Kefka
Cosmos: Cloud, Tifa
Chaos: Sephiroth
Cosmos: Squall, Laguna
Chaos: Ultimecia
Cosmos: Zidane
Chaos: Kuja, Beatrix
Cosmos: Tidus, Yuna
Chaos: Jecht
Cosmos: Shantotto, Prishe
Chaos: Gabranth, Vayne
Cosmos: Lightning

Get rid off pointless Feral Chaos and that has to be doable. Don't include the first Dissidia's story and 012's story could actually be long enough to do something with a few of these characters.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'd like the inclusion of Beatrix as well, though I'm always a little confused by why everyone wants to stick her on Chaos's team. Same with Celes. Beatrix is basically Celes with an eyepatch -- yeah, there's a thematic basis for putting either of them there, but short of rehasing their stories from their home games (true that Dissidia doesn't shy away from that) I don't see the need.

Of course, given what they did with Cloud and Golbez (why does anyone on Team Chaos ever think he was on their side?), it would make as much sense as anything else.


I'd like the inclusion of Beatrix as well, though I'm always a little confused by why everyone wants to stick her on Chaos's team. Same with Celes. Beatrix is basically Celes with an eyepatch -- yeah, there's a thematic basis for putting either of them there, but short of rehasing their stories from their home games (true that Dissidia doesn't shy away from that) I don't see the need.

Of course, given what they did with Cloud and Golbez (why does anyone on Team Chaos ever think he was on their side?), it would make as much sense as anything else.

I gotta go with the people that played the role of antagonist for a decent portion of the game. (How Cloud and Tidus made Chaos' team ahead of Kain I don't know. Given the story of 012, neither does Kain, apparantly).


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
This game needs Minwu. Like, really needs him.

Xande would be OK too, he's really underrated, I mean he's the main villain and nobody even knows him. In my opinion part of the charm of Dissidia is in rediscovering old and forgotten characters... Like Garland, Ultimecia, or Cloud of Darkness. I mean sure, it's nice to see some familiar faces but come on, we need more of the original stuff.

For the third game, I'm hoping to see some heavy NES love.


Double Growth
I gotta go with the people that played the role of antagonist for a decent portion of the game. (How Cloud and Tidus made Chaos' team ahead of Kain I don't know. Given the story of 012, neither does Kain, apparantly).

If Cloud was actively being mind controlled, I'd honestly have no problem with it, because there is a clear basis for that in the game. Tidus doesn't make sense in any light.

I'd be okay with Beatrix being with Chaos because she was the a villain for least half the game. Celes we NEVER see working for the enemy, we just hear that she did.


The Wanderer of Time
Really? I find that hard to believe.

People complained when Aerith got in as a fourth FF7 character, even if she's just an Assist. FF is a perfect example of an unpleasable fanbase in that. But yes, I promise if Vayne and Vaan had both been added, at least one person here would now be complaining about XII getting two villains when other games got no new characters at all.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Bleh. I doubt there'd be much vitriol over getting more villains when everyone has been clamoring for them.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Ok, I've only played up to Chapter 6 of the "Treachery of the Gods" storyline and had some time in Battle mode, but I already have afew complaints:

1. Well, this is more like me being a whining bitch, but the fact that Data Transfer doesn't transfer the characters' equipments, weapons and acessories annoys me as hell. I'm really not in the mood of doing the same shit all over again to get the characters' ultimate weapons and such. They could at least provide the option of some (3-5) characters retain their equipment/weapons/acessories.

2. Up until now, the main story is bland. Really bland. The only highlight I can think of is the foursome between
Yuna, Jecht, Tidus and Mateus
. The rest was unispiring, in my opinion. On the other hand, I've liked a lot of the Reports up until now, which are far better than the main storyline, imo.

3. Having a world map is fun et all, but the new dungeon boards are, well, lifeless. Apart from chaining the battles, there's not really much more to do other than going to point A to B. In the original Dissidia, we at least had the DP system and the possibility of getting some nifty prizes. And the World Map gets repetitive very quickly.

4. Well, this is another "whining bitch" moment, but the new Chase sequences annoy me. They are a lot faster than in the previous game and I didn't get used to the new rithym yet.

5. Another "whining bitch" moment - The AP chances are quite shitty compared to the original game. I don't know, the ones from Dissidia were more versatile and flowed better with the battles. The new ones are a bit too restrictive for my taste.

And that's all for now. :awesome:

On the other hand, Dissidia 012 kind of redeems itself with the fact that the new characters are a lot of fun to pay with and some of the new moves of the characters are quite good.

Force Symphony and Transcience ftw. :monster:

Wolf Kanno

Memento Mori
It may take me a while to collect all my thoughts on this. Most of the stuff about the line up and alignments have been addressed already by other members so it doesn't seem like I really need to add to it.

I agree the new AP system is silly since the game never tells you that one of the conditions for acquiring it in battle is that you can't let the enemy land a hit on you.

I'm also pissed how badly Terra got nerfed in this game (she's one of my mains), just about every character got a big upgrade or balanced better but she pretty much lost her fangs in this game cause they reduced her attack range but still kept the fact her spells can be deflected. Now she has to stay in closer where Cloud, WoL, Kain and pretty much half the damn cast simply need to mash O to smash their way through her spells and hit her with her own attacks as well as her own. At least I have Kain now...

The plot is still bad but what is really bad is that this game presents enough scenario's to make a really compelling story but its rushed through. The game could have easily built up more with the Tidus/Jecht/Yuna triangle instead of relegating it to one smurfing cutscene. Both Cloud and Tidus have no reason to be on Chaos side in the game, they could have at least played up Sephiroth mind smurfing Cloud, Terra's story is also very short but at least Kuja is a bit more respectable now than he was in the original game. I also wanted more Laguna and Squall interaction, I mean the only redeeming part of Dissidia's story was watching the cast bounce off each other and the main story basically just keeps to the new characters with only a few returning characters getting some time with the new cast. I would have loved to see Kain and Cecil talk more or Vaan hanging out with Zidane and Bartz. Am I the only one who thinks Lightning and Squall would have been good friends?

The villains themselves are also underplayed. While Dissidia will never be a good plot driven story, it really has potential to be a good character driven story, I mean most FF fans love these characters so its not like SE isn't halfway there to making a good story. They could easily turn this into a title about just the characters interacting with one another.


Pro Adventurer
Ex nerfing, I agree it was necessary, but not to this extent.

EX Assist opposition, Why the hell does the assist gauge drain over time. If I want to build Assist with accessories, why does it make exmode useless and vice versa.

Nerfed accessories, ok no more abusable break builds, but how come thing like damage, defense, and exmode duration made near useless, when added to the fact that multipliers have been reduced.

If the DLC is not region locked, how come where not getting it.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Just unlocked the 013 cycle.

Me said:
Cloud, Tidus, Terra? Pft, emo stuff. And I'm sure they'll go to Cosmos' side at, like, 5 minutes of gameplay after realizing "oh man, being evil is bad!".

It turned out to be even worse, not only their role on the cycle was pretty poor, but also, pretty small. Tidus was pwnd from behind by Mateus in his SECOND appearance and didn't even got to be a Boss Fight, Cloud died in the most risibly fail scene of the whole game and didn't appear at all on the main adventure, Terra was just meh, and we didn't even saw Jecht's interact with other warriors of Cosmos aside from Yuna, oh, and he dissappeared too soon.

I'm seriously hoping we see something else on the reports but I'm not holding my breath =/. Also, the participation of the "old" chars was kinda fail, I mean, I know they have their own cycle and all but seriously, the role of nearly everybody was being "put to sleep" by Kain AND NOTHING MORE. We're talking about a super powerful cast of heroes of light, the last hope of the Universe... Or is it Multiverse? Well, that. It's just kinda weird that they're systematically knocked out by Kain... Makes you wonder that Chaos better not put any spy on their team because they would be seriously screwed... Just as he is with Golbez (and Jecht) around :awesome:

Oh, and where are Gabranth and Shantotto? Their roles are still minimal? Well, that doesn't worry me too much, they still are awesome.

But hey, overall, the game is pretty sweet.


and we didn't even saw Jecht's interact with other warriors of Cosmos aside from Yuna, oh, and he dissappeared too soon.

Jecht is bromancing all over Kain in Prologue and that one report.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Jecht is bromancing all over Kain in Prologue and that one report.

Yeah, I supposed something like that... So I have to buy/find/etc the demo/prologue to see interactions and character development that should be on the game itself...


Wolf Kanno

Memento Mori
Not really, Prologus is horribly short and barely works like a story or anything. Its practically a commercial.
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