Lv. 25 Adventurer
- JustinC721
Stamp Breeder Book:
This translation is from Reddit by an actual person.
This interests me for many reasons. It's location in Aerith's room is just the tip of the iceberg. The translation, ""Stamp Breeder" Book" right as Hojo made several indications of his desire and plan to breed Aerith in Chapter 16. Which is incidentally named "Belly of the Beast" and is followed by "Deliverance from Chaos". The inter interesting aspect is who Hojo intends to breed Aerith as he wants to experiment with a Cetra/SOLDIER hybrid using Sephiroth's DNA from clone #49.
The book also makes reference to a fan club. Might not mean anything special, but Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal all had fan clubs in Crisis core. And they are the only fan clubs in all of FFVII from a canonical standpoint.
Most interesting of all about this book is that it is the last appearance of 'Beagle Stamp'. The next Stamp sighting occurs after the singularity where Stamp appears as a different breed of dog. So we went from "Stamp Breeder" to Stamp as a different breed of dog. And that is why I say this can't be a coincidence. We also can't forget that our escape from the Drum was entirely on Hojo's terms. He lets Cloud and Co go after 'he has all the data he needs' from them. I will come back to this comment. But in the meantime. I will explore some possibilities leading up to 'Rebrith'.
The Butterfly Effect:
Most people consider Stamp to be a representation of the Butterfly effect. That said, it doesn't mean that clues pertaining to him are insignificant. However, their significance is dependant on context. In broad sense, Stamp represents the world (or timeline) that formed him. More specifically, Stamp is a product and hence a reflection of Shinra's armed forces as Stamp is basically a mascot for war propaganda. Another product of Shinra's armed forces is the SOLDIER program and the Jenova project. Their war hero is Sephiroth who is also used for propaganda and a recruitment tool as Sephiroth is the one who inspired Cloud to enlist in SOLDIER.
Thus, Stamp's closest connection to Remake's timeline is Sephiroth and the SOLDIER program as a whole. This is where we also get the subsequent connections to Cloud and Zack as their characters are closely associated with Sephiroth and are products of the SOLDIER program even though Cloud is technically not a SOLDIER. Thus Terrier Stamp and the butterfly effect could very well represent a different breed of a particular SOLDIER, or SOLDIER(s). That doesn't mean there aren't other things connected to stamp. It is just hat SOLDEIR is the strongest and most obvious connection to be made.
Crisis Core Reunion:
The devs hav said that no changes will be made to this game's story. And I believe them... For now. That said, it is clear that they are showing us this for a reason. Which they said is to get players familiarized with the backstory because it connects to both FF7 and FF7R. That much is obvious. The reason I bring it up is because Crisis Core is basically a story about the SOLDIER program and the tragic results of it. Fan clubs aside, I also think this is where our most likely candidates for a Cetra/SOLIDER hybrid in Rebirth's timeline.
Cetra/SOLDIER Hyrbid Possibilities - Sephiroth:
This one is the most obvious and for obvious reasons. The only thing is that we kinda have enough Sephiroths running around. Granted, the main differences are between Ore and Watashi, but you also have 'Future Sephiroth", the Sephiroth Clones, The Sephiroth Illusions, etc, etc. One more incarnation of Sephiroth is stands to make things even messier. They probably have enough Sephiroth's to occupy an entire village already. You'd probably have to assign numbers to them just to keep track of them all. Especially in Remake.
Marco (Sephiroth Clone# 49):
Though not from Crisis Core (as far as we know), I have him categorized different from Sephiroth because I don't think he is an ordinary Sephiroth clone. Some of this comes from researching the book "Sepher Sephiroth" and the number 49, and from the events in Chapters 16 and 17. My theory is that this Sephiroth is connected to the entity that is 'Future Sephiroth' of whom I don't believe to actually be Sephiroth. He may be a Sephiroth from a different timeline, or 'Jenova' taking Sephiroth's form, or a different entity entirely. It is hard to say, but I think the clues this entity being the 'true villain' are in Aerith's first vision in "Picturing the Past" and "Gilligan" from Nanaki's story in "On the Way to a Smile" as Vincent describes him as an entity from the distant future. My theory is that this is the same entity referred to as 'Future Sephiroth" and Marco is connected to this entity and this entity is in part (or wholly) responsible for disruptions to the timeline in Remake.
All of that said, my theory on what Jenova actually is in relation to Sephiroth is too complex for the purposes of this post. Let's move on.
Maro Cont'd - A few key observations:
The most obvious is how the Whispers react to Marco versus Sephiroth Clone#2. More specifically when Marco kills Barrett and Transforms into Jenova Dreamweaver. Both times, the Whispers attempt to stop him. On the other hand, the whispers allow Clone #2 to carry on business as usual as they stop Cloud from interfering with his progress. The reasons for this is simply because the former is attempting to change history while the latter is not. This should tell you who is part of the original timeline. Which brings me to the final observations.
Hints About Macro in the Music:
After Jenova Dreamweaver was defeated, Marco's body disappears into dust as Jenova's corpse reappears. When Sephiroth Clone #2 picks up Jenova, we hear One Winged Angel played in a minor third, then a major third. This same arrangement (different key) as OWA transitions to Midgar: City of Mako theme as Aerith becomes frightened in the alleyway. It is interesing how they used that exact part of the song.
- Sephiroth Clone #2 arrives after Marco's Death as Jenova Dreamweaver.
-Midgar City of Mako Transitions From OWA - The key is different, but the intervals are the same.
- FFVII Remake Intergrade Intro - The other variation of "One Winged Angel"?
- FFVII Remake Intro for reference.
Fan theories aside. I have to say that the strongest indicator of all that something will change with Sephiroth is the change to the Lyrics of his song. That is a very central tenet to his character, so there is some implied meaning in this. As to how Sephiroth may change is what this is about. While there are other possibilities regarding that, I happen to feel that this is the strongest one. I am aware that many will disagree with me and that is fine. This is just what I see when I step back and look at the big picture of everything that happened in Chapter 16. 17 and 18. That said, I have entertained possibilities that Sephiroth may not be our Cetra/SOLDIER Hybrid. Which actually would be the case depending on how you look at the last and most mysterious possibility.
Genesis Returns as a Cetra/SOLDIER hybrid:
Love him or hate him, I think we have more than enough hints that our dumb-apple gobbling, LOVELESS reading villain will make a return in Rebirth. Returing as a different form is also not impossible due to being in Deepground among other things. Such as the need to cure his cell degradation which requires S type cells. Perhaps then he would become the S-G SOLDIER/Hybrid that Hojo also mentioned. That said, I Think that a Cetra/SOLDIER Hybrid of any variety will either produce a lovecraftian abomination or an ultra powerful main villain. That said, I don't see Genesis becoming either of these in Rebirth.
Ifalna's cells used with Jenova Cells to Produce Sephiroth/SOLDIER.
I'm not sure where to place this one as this one is as is messy. These points are necessary though as we get closer to the final theory. I am bringing this one up is that the book in Aerith's room would have been there for at least 17 years as Aerith said that it was just as she had left it. Which seems to be the case when judging by appearances. That said, Ifalna cells are a possibility. The only thing is that why didn't Hojo when Iflana was alive? Which is a good question. But keep in mind that the Jenova was beleived to be the Cetra and that Shinra started the SOLDIER program under the impression that they would have Cetran DNA.
The other thing here is that we know there are changes in Remake's timeline during Iflana and Aerith's time at Shinra HQ as detailed in "PIcturing the Past". Which leads me to my next question. Why did he start producing Sephrioth Clones 10 years prior to Sephiroth's death in Remake's timeline? My best guess is that it has something to do the little girl whose touch provides people with 'clairvoyance' of sorts. The story "Picturing the Past" ties Aerith's vison to the drawings and the Sephiroth Clones in Remake. Which in essence makes this the earliest known deviation to the timeline. While changes likely go back further, these events mark the first known changes to the timeline from a canonical standpoint. While we don't know to what extent these changes affected the flow of events in Remake. One thing I can think of is that the casualties sustained by the Special Survey Units would have resulted in a reduced number of infantrymen. Which is something we see in Remake's version of Zack's last stand along with Terrier Stamp.
In regards to why Hojo didn't use Ifalna's cells to make a hybrid. I don't know. All I am saying is that "Picturing the Past" has a significant connection to Sephiroth through the Sephiroth Clones. Though I have doubts on this one simply because Hojo only mentions Aerith beung used for his Hybrid Expirment. What makes me wonder if further changes to this timeline could result in Ifalna's cells being used the the SOLDIER program in conjunction with Jenova. Which brings me to my next point.
SOLDIER, Sephiroth and Aerith
Earlier drafts of FF7 cast Sephiroth and Aerith as siblings, hence the similar bangs in OG. And the precursor to SOLDIER was known as the Thaumaturge. The Thaumaturgy is basically sorcery (this is when Edea was still a FFVII character) and it was described as those who had their 'Jenova element' awakened within them. Some people had this ability naturally while others needed to be 'enhanced'. This relates to the earlier idea that Jenova was a part of the brain which I take to mean that everyone had "Jenova" in them and I think the part of the brain is a reference to the 'pineal gland'. Some occults believe the pineal gland to be the 'third eye' and a the source of 'magickal power'. Some illustrations of the pineal gland depict is as a red spheroidal object which is similar to the red object seen embedded inside Jenova Dreamweaver's skull. The actual pineal gland doesn't look like that, but what is interesting is that the Jenova Dreamweaver boss fight apparently takes place inside a brain. Make of that what you will.
That said, this post is going to go into some tangents which are necessary to understand where I am coming from in the final theory.
Early FFVII Drafts:
Regarding the Thaumaturge, Aerith was considered one who had her abilities naturally and the original purpose of the Turks was to seek the Thaumaturge. This is most likely where Aerith's joke about being a SOLDIER candidate comes from as Cloud explains the purpose of the Turks is to seek SOLDIER candidates. That comment could be homage to earlier versions of the script that won't have an effect on future events such as Barrett being killed. Or maybe not. It's hard to say as some changes are just little tributes to early versions of FFVII while others seem to be reversions of the story back to an original draft. The point here is that changing SOLDIER to have both Jenova and Ifalna's cells would effectively be like having different 'breeds' of SOLDIER if you will. It would also bring Remake a little close to the original drafts in an adaptive sense.
Another important thing to consider here is that many of these elements are tied to Edea origins as a FFVII Character. When she was written out of the story, so did many of the elements associated with her character. These elements would eventually become FFVIII. Which just so happens to involve a future deity changing the past and time compression into a singularity. The purpose of that was to become god in the form of a new universe.
Like I said, make of that what you will. For that matter, I don't think they're merging FF8 with FF7. I beleive the reason for these similarities is because these ideas were part of FF7 before they became part of FF8. Aside from Neo Midgar and time barriers protecting large cities, there just so happens to be another game involving time travel, sorcery and planet consuming aliens that shared development with FF7 during it's early days as an SNES title. Development on SNES FF7 was halted so they could help with Chrono Trigger. When the devs returned to FF7, they came back with a set of entirely new ideas that were most likely inspired from their work on Chrono Trigger. Thus, SNES FF7 evolved into what would become Xenogears (IIRC) as FF7 was mostly revamped as development as a PS1 title began.
One thing regarding similarities between FF7 and FF8 is that Remake is what makes the similarities most apparent. Remove FF7R from the equation, those similarities exist only beneath the surface. And considering that there is no precedence for time travel in FF7 lore in regards to how that works. Once could say that FF8 serves as the next best thing despite only being canon to FF8.
Going back to Sephiroth and How this could be possible:
I am aware this theory will be deemed far fetched by some, but looking at the big picture, I am seeing too many indications to write these off. Hybrid theories aside, there is just alot of strong evidence that something is going to change with him. As to what that change could be, I think Hojo's various mentions of a hybrid and wanting to breed Aerith along with the Stamp Breeder Book being in her room which marks the final appearance of stamp as that breed hold are by far the strongest clues we have.
All of that said, we're NOT gonna see a pregnant Aerith. For that matter, the main thing is that in order for this to work is that would need to have already happened in the new timeline (hence Iflana) unless this creation is done through a Sephiroth clone is some way using genetic samples collected by Hojo. Which all things considered is the most likely way for it to be implemented.
Enter The Drum:
First thing to point out is that Cloud and Co are only allowed to leave the drum on Hojo's terms. The party is released when Hojo "has all the data he needs" which is most likely battle data which in part is how Hojo creates his monsters. This apparently is also how Chadley creates Materia. No clue how that works, but that's how it works as nonsensical as it sounds. Side note, one thing that is sus in regard to Chadley is how Hojo's battle simulator is very close in terms of shape and proximity to the entrance to the drum. As in a little too close for comfort considering that Cloud hallucinates Jenova being inside the elevator shaft that we walk inside of to enter the drum. Speaking of hallucinations, its funny that Hojo mentions that and we end up fighting a boss that is known to cause them according to their description. Funnier yet is that Jenova Dreamweaver turned out to be Marco. So I guess that is their 'face to face' per Hojo's desire.
That said, there is ALOT strange things that begin happening after the drum which is a huge topic in of itself. Jenova Dreamweaver also marks the major turning point for the remake. Most changes prior to this are insignificant in terms of the entire story. Nearly all changes after this are VERY significant in terms of the story.
Just the fact that it is taking inside a brain should be enough to tell us something is off.
While I won't claim to know everything that happened in Chapter 17, I can say with confidence that these are the events which kicked off Rebirth and whatever is to change regarding Sephiroth and Hojo's hybrid has something to do with what went on in that chapter. Maybe I'll cover all of those details in another post.
We're getting closer.....
There are also a ton of esoteric references here. The most obvious one being the gold melting down the columns and Shinra's giant gold statue which is a reference to the golden calf as a false god which is what ShinRa is. The "Ra" is a reference to the Egyptian Sun god. In the museum, a young Shinra is shown working on a sun lamp. In Chapter 5 Tifa recites his speech about the sun lamps as they are shutting them off to proceed to Reactor 5. In that chapter Barrett says "You gotta put out a sun just to open a gate". Interesting line considering Rufus's dog's name was changed from darknation to darkstar. Darkstar is another term for "Solar Eclipse" which often represents death of an old god and the coming of a new one. Makes sense considering why Rufus is there. But maybe there is something deeper.
My Final Theory on this topic:
Going back to the FF8 References with Time Comression and Singularities. The more detailed description of that is to compress time so that the entire universe can exist within Ultimecia's coniousness which would allow her to become a god by becoming literally everything. Being inside a brain, and then seeing the silhouette in the red nebula is certainly something to think about. That said, the devs haven't confirmed this to be Jenova, but I'm really not seeing what else it could be. I can't imagine something looking like Jenova by coincidence. That is unless it is something with strong ties to Jenova like Heretic Hojo (hmmm 'heretic'....interesting)
If we're to take this as the planet (or 'this' planet) being reborn through Jenova in some way, then that would mean the inhabitants are all 'hybrids' through the planet which effectively makes nobody hybrid because they are born of 'this' planet. I say 'this' planet in reference to one of the translations of Rebirth's trailer as I'm not sure what to make of that yet. I've been wondering what to make of Jenova as the Universe of Creation for a very long time. As I am writing this post, thinking about Stamp, the butterfly effect, the reference to 'this' planet in Rebirth's trailer, and then looking at this picture.....
Aerith pretty much represents the planet. She is literally the Sephiroth of the planet as the word Sephiroth comes from the word Sephira which is the Hebrew word for expression. Aerith being the last Cetra is an expression of the Planet's will as just Sephiroth is an expression of Jenova's will. Another way to interpret the events of Chapter 17 is that the planet was reborn as a hybrid and Jenova is just as much a part of it as the Cetra. This single move would bring things closer to those original drafts in so many ways it's ridiculous. One of the key tenets of these earier drafts is that Jenova was an element that existed within everyone. How people reacted to having that awakened within them varied just as we see with the Jenova cells.
The compilation has even pushed us close to this through geostigma. And on that topic, why is all of the water black in Chapter 2? Fun fact on this. In Chapter 3, there is an NPC in sector 7 commenting on the black water as she washes clothes in it. She says the black water takes all the stains out 'like magic' as she stands over a cauldron shaped tub. Maybe that is why they need water filters so they don't ingest too much Jenova Juice and become like Marco.
That said, all I've seen are bits and pieces of FFVII earlier drafts as I doubt it exists in complete form anywhere outside of Square Enix HQ. My take on that as a whole is thatyou can look at FFVII is a classic Final Fantasy game underneath a cyberpunk aesthetic. This is even reflected in the lore itself as humanity has very recently discovered technology. Take away Mako reactors and it suddenly starts to look like that. Seeing it like that, you can see how the devs would 'change' the story without changing the crux of the story. The same elements are still present at their core, they are just presented differently and perhaps something closer to what the original vision of the story in the sense that the original vision will have to be 'adapted' to existing FFVII lore.
Final Thoughts:
I'm really torn on the "Jenovaverse" idea as I am still processing it. The thing is we can't ignore what the Universe of Creation looks like. And the fact that FF7R used the time travel elements from FF8 (which is sorta like a spinoff of FF7). Then and the purpose of the singularity in its story in conjunction with what we're seeing right here. I have to say this may be the most plausible one. But as grandiose as it may sound, it would actually be the opposite as changes in a Jenova-Gaia would mostly exist in the background. Superficially everything would look the same, but with slightly different back stories. The biggest change would of course be with SOLDIER and Sephiroth which is already being indicated to us.
But even then, this technically means no Hybrids due to everyone being of the planet now. Going back to the games intro theme. How it seamlessly transtions from Sephiroth's theme going from minor 3rd to major 3rd into the City of Mako theme really makes me wonder. Especially seeing as they reprised that right after we kill Jenova Dreaweaver.
Speaking of that......
Since we're talking about the "Edge of Creation", "Rebirth", "Singularities", and "Supernovas", then why not talk about the "Big Bang" that Jenova Dreamweaver greets us with.
Referring back to FF8, it's description of becoming a god using the singularity so that it can fit within one's consciousness. Otherwise known as 'pantheism'. This is the belief that everyone and everything is god and that we all exist within it's consciousness. And that consciousness reveals itself to us as light. As in "Let there be light". I don't know if FF7 has pantheism. Judging by the final entry of LOVELESS, I would say that it does, although I suspect this to be more in a planetary sense. Not just due to the game's lore, but due to the hermetic philosophy associated with it. Hermeticism has it's origins in the Greek Hellenistic era and thus borrows heavily on Greek Mythology and Religion and possibly "Planetology".
Planetology is a lesser used term for Astrology. Hermeticism to this day references the Greek model of the Solar system which what Safer Sephiroth shows us when he casts Supernova. Those zig zaggy lines you see on on the menu screen resemble natal charts which are drawn according to this model. Hermetic philosophy also beleives in the concept of 'Aeons'. If you've ever heard say we're in the "Age of Aquarius", they are referencing an Aeon. General astrology refers to the Zodiac gods for the Aeons while Hermeticm references a mix between Greek and Egyptian Gods.
An Aeon is part of a great cycle that lasts about 2,000 years. And with each new Aeon comes a new god to rule over through it's influence. For example, the age of Aquarius is said to have influenced the age of technology (way back in the 60s). In FFVII lore, they have a calendar system that repeats every 2000 years and uses a greek letter to indicate the era. (FWIW, the calendar system in FFVII is not a retcon. It is shown in the 4th disc of the international edition released in November of 1997).
The year 2000 was the 'Mu' era, and the year 0001 is the 'Nu' era. The name Jenova is combination of "Jehovah" (God), and the latin word for "New" which is "Nova". Therefore, Jenova literally means "New God" as the events of FFVII begin on the first day of the 49th week of year 0007 in the "Nu" Era.
Make of that what you will...
This translation is from Reddit by an actual person.
This interests me for many reasons. It's location in Aerith's room is just the tip of the iceberg. The translation, ""Stamp Breeder" Book" right as Hojo made several indications of his desire and plan to breed Aerith in Chapter 16. Which is incidentally named "Belly of the Beast" and is followed by "Deliverance from Chaos". The inter interesting aspect is who Hojo intends to breed Aerith as he wants to experiment with a Cetra/SOLDIER hybrid using Sephiroth's DNA from clone #49.
The book also makes reference to a fan club. Might not mean anything special, but Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal all had fan clubs in Crisis core. And they are the only fan clubs in all of FFVII from a canonical standpoint.
Most interesting of all about this book is that it is the last appearance of 'Beagle Stamp'. The next Stamp sighting occurs after the singularity where Stamp appears as a different breed of dog. So we went from "Stamp Breeder" to Stamp as a different breed of dog. And that is why I say this can't be a coincidence. We also can't forget that our escape from the Drum was entirely on Hojo's terms. He lets Cloud and Co go after 'he has all the data he needs' from them. I will come back to this comment. But in the meantime. I will explore some possibilities leading up to 'Rebrith'.
The Butterfly Effect:
Most people consider Stamp to be a representation of the Butterfly effect. That said, it doesn't mean that clues pertaining to him are insignificant. However, their significance is dependant on context. In broad sense, Stamp represents the world (or timeline) that formed him. More specifically, Stamp is a product and hence a reflection of Shinra's armed forces as Stamp is basically a mascot for war propaganda. Another product of Shinra's armed forces is the SOLDIER program and the Jenova project. Their war hero is Sephiroth who is also used for propaganda and a recruitment tool as Sephiroth is the one who inspired Cloud to enlist in SOLDIER.
Thus, Stamp's closest connection to Remake's timeline is Sephiroth and the SOLDIER program as a whole. This is where we also get the subsequent connections to Cloud and Zack as their characters are closely associated with Sephiroth and are products of the SOLDIER program even though Cloud is technically not a SOLDIER. Thus Terrier Stamp and the butterfly effect could very well represent a different breed of a particular SOLDIER, or SOLDIER(s). That doesn't mean there aren't other things connected to stamp. It is just hat SOLDEIR is the strongest and most obvious connection to be made.
Crisis Core Reunion:
The devs hav said that no changes will be made to this game's story. And I believe them... For now. That said, it is clear that they are showing us this for a reason. Which they said is to get players familiarized with the backstory because it connects to both FF7 and FF7R. That much is obvious. The reason I bring it up is because Crisis Core is basically a story about the SOLDIER program and the tragic results of it. Fan clubs aside, I also think this is where our most likely candidates for a Cetra/SOLIDER hybrid in Rebirth's timeline.
Cetra/SOLDIER Hyrbid Possibilities - Sephiroth:
This one is the most obvious and for obvious reasons. The only thing is that we kinda have enough Sephiroths running around. Granted, the main differences are between Ore and Watashi, but you also have 'Future Sephiroth", the Sephiroth Clones, The Sephiroth Illusions, etc, etc. One more incarnation of Sephiroth is stands to make things even messier. They probably have enough Sephiroth's to occupy an entire village already. You'd probably have to assign numbers to them just to keep track of them all. Especially in Remake.
Marco (Sephiroth Clone# 49):
Though not from Crisis Core (as far as we know), I have him categorized different from Sephiroth because I don't think he is an ordinary Sephiroth clone. Some of this comes from researching the book "Sepher Sephiroth" and the number 49, and from the events in Chapters 16 and 17. My theory is that this Sephiroth is connected to the entity that is 'Future Sephiroth' of whom I don't believe to actually be Sephiroth. He may be a Sephiroth from a different timeline, or 'Jenova' taking Sephiroth's form, or a different entity entirely. It is hard to say, but I think the clues this entity being the 'true villain' are in Aerith's first vision in "Picturing the Past" and "Gilligan" from Nanaki's story in "On the Way to a Smile" as Vincent describes him as an entity from the distant future. My theory is that this is the same entity referred to as 'Future Sephiroth" and Marco is connected to this entity and this entity is in part (or wholly) responsible for disruptions to the timeline in Remake.
All of that said, my theory on what Jenova actually is in relation to Sephiroth is too complex for the purposes of this post. Let's move on.
Maro Cont'd - A few key observations:
The most obvious is how the Whispers react to Marco versus Sephiroth Clone#2. More specifically when Marco kills Barrett and Transforms into Jenova Dreamweaver. Both times, the Whispers attempt to stop him. On the other hand, the whispers allow Clone #2 to carry on business as usual as they stop Cloud from interfering with his progress. The reasons for this is simply because the former is attempting to change history while the latter is not. This should tell you who is part of the original timeline. Which brings me to the final observations.
Hints About Macro in the Music:
After Jenova Dreamweaver was defeated, Marco's body disappears into dust as Jenova's corpse reappears. When Sephiroth Clone #2 picks up Jenova, we hear One Winged Angel played in a minor third, then a major third. This same arrangement (different key) as OWA transitions to Midgar: City of Mako theme as Aerith becomes frightened in the alleyway. It is interesing how they used that exact part of the song.
- Sephiroth Clone #2 arrives after Marco's Death as Jenova Dreamweaver.
-Midgar City of Mako Transitions From OWA - The key is different, but the intervals are the same.
- FFVII Remake Intergrade Intro - The other variation of "One Winged Angel"?
- FFVII Remake Intro for reference.
Fan theories aside. I have to say that the strongest indicator of all that something will change with Sephiroth is the change to the Lyrics of his song. That is a very central tenet to his character, so there is some implied meaning in this. As to how Sephiroth may change is what this is about. While there are other possibilities regarding that, I happen to feel that this is the strongest one. I am aware that many will disagree with me and that is fine. This is just what I see when I step back and look at the big picture of everything that happened in Chapter 16. 17 and 18. That said, I have entertained possibilities that Sephiroth may not be our Cetra/SOLDIER Hybrid. Which actually would be the case depending on how you look at the last and most mysterious possibility.
Genesis Returns as a Cetra/SOLDIER hybrid:
Love him or hate him, I think we have more than enough hints that our dumb-apple gobbling, LOVELESS reading villain will make a return in Rebirth. Returing as a different form is also not impossible due to being in Deepground among other things. Such as the need to cure his cell degradation which requires S type cells. Perhaps then he would become the S-G SOLDIER/Hybrid that Hojo also mentioned. That said, I Think that a Cetra/SOLDIER Hybrid of any variety will either produce a lovecraftian abomination or an ultra powerful main villain. That said, I don't see Genesis becoming either of these in Rebirth.
Ifalna's cells used with Jenova Cells to Produce Sephiroth/SOLDIER.
I'm not sure where to place this one as this one is as is messy. These points are necessary though as we get closer to the final theory. I am bringing this one up is that the book in Aerith's room would have been there for at least 17 years as Aerith said that it was just as she had left it. Which seems to be the case when judging by appearances. That said, Ifalna cells are a possibility. The only thing is that why didn't Hojo when Iflana was alive? Which is a good question. But keep in mind that the Jenova was beleived to be the Cetra and that Shinra started the SOLDIER program under the impression that they would have Cetran DNA.
The other thing here is that we know there are changes in Remake's timeline during Iflana and Aerith's time at Shinra HQ as detailed in "PIcturing the Past". Which leads me to my next question. Why did he start producing Sephrioth Clones 10 years prior to Sephiroth's death in Remake's timeline? My best guess is that it has something to do the little girl whose touch provides people with 'clairvoyance' of sorts. The story "Picturing the Past" ties Aerith's vison to the drawings and the Sephiroth Clones in Remake. Which in essence makes this the earliest known deviation to the timeline. While changes likely go back further, these events mark the first known changes to the timeline from a canonical standpoint. While we don't know to what extent these changes affected the flow of events in Remake. One thing I can think of is that the casualties sustained by the Special Survey Units would have resulted in a reduced number of infantrymen. Which is something we see in Remake's version of Zack's last stand along with Terrier Stamp.
In regards to why Hojo didn't use Ifalna's cells to make a hybrid. I don't know. All I am saying is that "Picturing the Past" has a significant connection to Sephiroth through the Sephiroth Clones. Though I have doubts on this one simply because Hojo only mentions Aerith beung used for his Hybrid Expirment. What makes me wonder if further changes to this timeline could result in Ifalna's cells being used the the SOLDIER program in conjunction with Jenova. Which brings me to my next point.
SOLDIER, Sephiroth and Aerith
Earlier drafts of FF7 cast Sephiroth and Aerith as siblings, hence the similar bangs in OG. And the precursor to SOLDIER was known as the Thaumaturge. The Thaumaturgy is basically sorcery (this is when Edea was still a FFVII character) and it was described as those who had their 'Jenova element' awakened within them. Some people had this ability naturally while others needed to be 'enhanced'. This relates to the earlier idea that Jenova was a part of the brain which I take to mean that everyone had "Jenova" in them and I think the part of the brain is a reference to the 'pineal gland'. Some occults believe the pineal gland to be the 'third eye' and a the source of 'magickal power'. Some illustrations of the pineal gland depict is as a red spheroidal object which is similar to the red object seen embedded inside Jenova Dreamweaver's skull. The actual pineal gland doesn't look like that, but what is interesting is that the Jenova Dreamweaver boss fight apparently takes place inside a brain. Make of that what you will.
That said, this post is going to go into some tangents which are necessary to understand where I am coming from in the final theory.
Early FFVII Drafts:
Regarding the Thaumaturge, Aerith was considered one who had her abilities naturally and the original purpose of the Turks was to seek the Thaumaturge. This is most likely where Aerith's joke about being a SOLDIER candidate comes from as Cloud explains the purpose of the Turks is to seek SOLDIER candidates. That comment could be homage to earlier versions of the script that won't have an effect on future events such as Barrett being killed. Or maybe not. It's hard to say as some changes are just little tributes to early versions of FFVII while others seem to be reversions of the story back to an original draft. The point here is that changing SOLDIER to have both Jenova and Ifalna's cells would effectively be like having different 'breeds' of SOLDIER if you will. It would also bring Remake a little close to the original drafts in an adaptive sense.
Another important thing to consider here is that many of these elements are tied to Edea origins as a FFVII Character. When she was written out of the story, so did many of the elements associated with her character. These elements would eventually become FFVIII. Which just so happens to involve a future deity changing the past and time compression into a singularity. The purpose of that was to become god in the form of a new universe.
Like I said, make of that what you will. For that matter, I don't think they're merging FF8 with FF7. I beleive the reason for these similarities is because these ideas were part of FF7 before they became part of FF8. Aside from Neo Midgar and time barriers protecting large cities, there just so happens to be another game involving time travel, sorcery and planet consuming aliens that shared development with FF7 during it's early days as an SNES title. Development on SNES FF7 was halted so they could help with Chrono Trigger. When the devs returned to FF7, they came back with a set of entirely new ideas that were most likely inspired from their work on Chrono Trigger. Thus, SNES FF7 evolved into what would become Xenogears (IIRC) as FF7 was mostly revamped as development as a PS1 title began.
One thing regarding similarities between FF7 and FF8 is that Remake is what makes the similarities most apparent. Remove FF7R from the equation, those similarities exist only beneath the surface. And considering that there is no precedence for time travel in FF7 lore in regards to how that works. Once could say that FF8 serves as the next best thing despite only being canon to FF8.
Going back to Sephiroth and How this could be possible:
I am aware this theory will be deemed far fetched by some, but looking at the big picture, I am seeing too many indications to write these off. Hybrid theories aside, there is just alot of strong evidence that something is going to change with him. As to what that change could be, I think Hojo's various mentions of a hybrid and wanting to breed Aerith along with the Stamp Breeder Book being in her room which marks the final appearance of stamp as that breed hold are by far the strongest clues we have.
All of that said, we're NOT gonna see a pregnant Aerith. For that matter, the main thing is that in order for this to work is that would need to have already happened in the new timeline (hence Iflana) unless this creation is done through a Sephiroth clone is some way using genetic samples collected by Hojo. Which all things considered is the most likely way for it to be implemented.
Enter The Drum:
First thing to point out is that Cloud and Co are only allowed to leave the drum on Hojo's terms. The party is released when Hojo "has all the data he needs" which is most likely battle data which in part is how Hojo creates his monsters. This apparently is also how Chadley creates Materia. No clue how that works, but that's how it works as nonsensical as it sounds. Side note, one thing that is sus in regard to Chadley is how Hojo's battle simulator is very close in terms of shape and proximity to the entrance to the drum. As in a little too close for comfort considering that Cloud hallucinates Jenova being inside the elevator shaft that we walk inside of to enter the drum. Speaking of hallucinations, its funny that Hojo mentions that and we end up fighting a boss that is known to cause them according to their description. Funnier yet is that Jenova Dreamweaver turned out to be Marco. So I guess that is their 'face to face' per Hojo's desire.
That said, there is ALOT strange things that begin happening after the drum which is a huge topic in of itself. Jenova Dreamweaver also marks the major turning point for the remake. Most changes prior to this are insignificant in terms of the entire story. Nearly all changes after this are VERY significant in terms of the story.
Just the fact that it is taking inside a brain should be enough to tell us something is off.
While I won't claim to know everything that happened in Chapter 17, I can say with confidence that these are the events which kicked off Rebirth and whatever is to change regarding Sephiroth and Hojo's hybrid has something to do with what went on in that chapter. Maybe I'll cover all of those details in another post.
We're getting closer.....
There are also a ton of esoteric references here. The most obvious one being the gold melting down the columns and Shinra's giant gold statue which is a reference to the golden calf as a false god which is what ShinRa is. The "Ra" is a reference to the Egyptian Sun god. In the museum, a young Shinra is shown working on a sun lamp. In Chapter 5 Tifa recites his speech about the sun lamps as they are shutting them off to proceed to Reactor 5. In that chapter Barrett says "You gotta put out a sun just to open a gate". Interesting line considering Rufus's dog's name was changed from darknation to darkstar. Darkstar is another term for "Solar Eclipse" which often represents death of an old god and the coming of a new one. Makes sense considering why Rufus is there. But maybe there is something deeper.
My Final Theory on this topic:
Going back to the FF8 References with Time Comression and Singularities. The more detailed description of that is to compress time so that the entire universe can exist within Ultimecia's coniousness which would allow her to become a god by becoming literally everything. Being inside a brain, and then seeing the silhouette in the red nebula is certainly something to think about. That said, the devs haven't confirmed this to be Jenova, but I'm really not seeing what else it could be. I can't imagine something looking like Jenova by coincidence. That is unless it is something with strong ties to Jenova like Heretic Hojo (hmmm 'heretic'....interesting)
If we're to take this as the planet (or 'this' planet) being reborn through Jenova in some way, then that would mean the inhabitants are all 'hybrids' through the planet which effectively makes nobody hybrid because they are born of 'this' planet. I say 'this' planet in reference to one of the translations of Rebirth's trailer as I'm not sure what to make of that yet. I've been wondering what to make of Jenova as the Universe of Creation for a very long time. As I am writing this post, thinking about Stamp, the butterfly effect, the reference to 'this' planet in Rebirth's trailer, and then looking at this picture.....
Aerith pretty much represents the planet. She is literally the Sephiroth of the planet as the word Sephiroth comes from the word Sephira which is the Hebrew word for expression. Aerith being the last Cetra is an expression of the Planet's will as just Sephiroth is an expression of Jenova's will. Another way to interpret the events of Chapter 17 is that the planet was reborn as a hybrid and Jenova is just as much a part of it as the Cetra. This single move would bring things closer to those original drafts in so many ways it's ridiculous. One of the key tenets of these earier drafts is that Jenova was an element that existed within everyone. How people reacted to having that awakened within them varied just as we see with the Jenova cells.
The compilation has even pushed us close to this through geostigma. And on that topic, why is all of the water black in Chapter 2? Fun fact on this. In Chapter 3, there is an NPC in sector 7 commenting on the black water as she washes clothes in it. She says the black water takes all the stains out 'like magic' as she stands over a cauldron shaped tub. Maybe that is why they need water filters so they don't ingest too much Jenova Juice and become like Marco.
That said, all I've seen are bits and pieces of FFVII earlier drafts as I doubt it exists in complete form anywhere outside of Square Enix HQ. My take on that as a whole is thatyou can look at FFVII is a classic Final Fantasy game underneath a cyberpunk aesthetic. This is even reflected in the lore itself as humanity has very recently discovered technology. Take away Mako reactors and it suddenly starts to look like that. Seeing it like that, you can see how the devs would 'change' the story without changing the crux of the story. The same elements are still present at their core, they are just presented differently and perhaps something closer to what the original vision of the story in the sense that the original vision will have to be 'adapted' to existing FFVII lore.
Final Thoughts:
I'm really torn on the "Jenovaverse" idea as I am still processing it. The thing is we can't ignore what the Universe of Creation looks like. And the fact that FF7R used the time travel elements from FF8 (which is sorta like a spinoff of FF7). Then and the purpose of the singularity in its story in conjunction with what we're seeing right here. I have to say this may be the most plausible one. But as grandiose as it may sound, it would actually be the opposite as changes in a Jenova-Gaia would mostly exist in the background. Superficially everything would look the same, but with slightly different back stories. The biggest change would of course be with SOLDIER and Sephiroth which is already being indicated to us.
But even then, this technically means no Hybrids due to everyone being of the planet now. Going back to the games intro theme. How it seamlessly transtions from Sephiroth's theme going from minor 3rd to major 3rd into the City of Mako theme really makes me wonder. Especially seeing as they reprised that right after we kill Jenova Dreaweaver.
Speaking of that......
Since we're talking about the "Edge of Creation", "Rebirth", "Singularities", and "Supernovas", then why not talk about the "Big Bang" that Jenova Dreamweaver greets us with.
Referring back to FF8, it's description of becoming a god using the singularity so that it can fit within one's consciousness. Otherwise known as 'pantheism'. This is the belief that everyone and everything is god and that we all exist within it's consciousness. And that consciousness reveals itself to us as light. As in "Let there be light". I don't know if FF7 has pantheism. Judging by the final entry of LOVELESS, I would say that it does, although I suspect this to be more in a planetary sense. Not just due to the game's lore, but due to the hermetic philosophy associated with it. Hermeticism has it's origins in the Greek Hellenistic era and thus borrows heavily on Greek Mythology and Religion and possibly "Planetology".
Planetology is a lesser used term for Astrology. Hermeticism to this day references the Greek model of the Solar system which what Safer Sephiroth shows us when he casts Supernova. Those zig zaggy lines you see on on the menu screen resemble natal charts which are drawn according to this model. Hermetic philosophy also beleives in the concept of 'Aeons'. If you've ever heard say we're in the "Age of Aquarius", they are referencing an Aeon. General astrology refers to the Zodiac gods for the Aeons while Hermeticm references a mix between Greek and Egyptian Gods.
An Aeon is part of a great cycle that lasts about 2,000 years. And with each new Aeon comes a new god to rule over through it's influence. For example, the age of Aquarius is said to have influenced the age of technology (way back in the 60s). In FFVII lore, they have a calendar system that repeats every 2000 years and uses a greek letter to indicate the era. (FWIW, the calendar system in FFVII is not a retcon. It is shown in the 4th disc of the international edition released in November of 1997).
The year 2000 was the 'Mu' era, and the year 0001 is the 'Nu' era. The name Jenova is combination of "Jehovah" (God), and the latin word for "New" which is "Nova". Therefore, Jenova literally means "New God" as the events of FFVII begin on the first day of the 49th week of year 0007 in the "Nu" Era.
Make of that what you will...