*Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!


Rookie Adventurer
Planet scholar
Impressive! No regrets whatsoever :properhug:

I would probably give the same reasoning for both, but I ultimately choose SOLDIER, because it seems to me they tend to have a lot more fun on a daily basis, you know, extracurricular activities in the military academy, all that fanclub thing going on, comradery, rumors, gossip, banter, local jokes, bisexuality, and uniforms. Yeah. I just love SOLDIERs and can't help it :D


Oh I can't believe I forgot about the fanclubs! The drama!

I can definitely see the Seconds and Firsts all go and grab some coffee together or get inebriated at a bar at the end of the week. Angeal being the only responsible and sober one of course. Weekly meetups and stuff. Sephiroth looking forward to it even if he won't admit it. It's just neat to think about!
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