I always feel as though there should be a sense of age inflation in Japanese anime/game characters. They constantly claim that characters are much younger than they behave/act.
I wholeheartedly agree. That's actually something that I always really appreciated about FF7, the hero was 21. He had an actual backstory, SOLDIER or not, he had combat experience. One of the very few Final Fantasies to have such a main hero. (Cecil might be the only one that comes close) They've regressed a bit as the Compilation goes on. But as I said, I suppose we're lucky Rufus is even 21.
But still, Rufus secretly funding AVALANCHE and plotting his fathers' death at 14? Come on.
One of the most egregious offenders of the Japanese's apparent blindness to how people of certain ages act to me is Gundam Wing. First of all, the Gundam pilots are 15. Really? 15? You're not even allowed to drive a CAR at 15.
But even worse than that, Zechs is supposedly 19.
19!!! First of all, he doesn't even sorta act that young. Furthermore, he's a COLONEL! Even at the extremely brisk pace of 2 years per rank you could not make Colonel by 19 unless you joined at like 8.
If the Gundam pilots were 19, and Zechs were like 28 (which is still obscenely young to be a colonel) I could live with that.
Why are the Japanese obsessed with such young heroes?