Album anniversaries


Probably a sign of how old I'm getting, but it's the 20th anniversary of the Black album by Metallica (yes, yes, I know it's self-titled), and the tenth anniversary of Muse's Origin of Symmetry. I still listen to both albums regularly, I generally don't get bored of them.

So, what ten-year or older albums do you still listen to and why? What is it about them that keeps you dusting off the discs?


Mr. Thou
Damn, at least 50% of the albums I listen to are older than 10 years. Partly because I'm grey and wizened. Mostly because I buy songs and not albums so much anymore. Good music doesn't get old. :monster:

Gonna have to think about which ones I listen to most. I'd be here all day if I listed them all!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'd say about half my library is at least ten years old. Too lazy to go listing all of them at the moment, since I should be in bed due to having work tomorrow. I'll look into listing some highlights tomorrow though.


I still don't own any physical albums, cba and if I did have them, it'd just be for collection and showing off purposes.

Besides that, I'm not a big music collector, and haven't been able to find a steady source of new and good music. I know Aaron (for one) poasts about stuff all the time, but I can never find the stuff he mentions because torrent sites suck :monster:.

Oldest album in my iTunes is Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica, a respectable 41 years of age. Next up are some Tom Waits albums.

Then comes some random stuff like Mayhem (1984) and the odd Metallica stuff, but none of those are particularly to my liking.

First stuff I actually would say I like is Emperor's 1994 In the Nightside Eclipse album. But admittedly, I hardly listen to that these days, cba. Cynic's 1993 album Focus is also pretty good, but a bit quaint and not very awesome in terms of production quality (but then, I'm spoiled with new-millennium recording technology and production).

Leafing through all the other stuff, most of the stuff I listen to these days is post-2000, so :/. I probably should throw away liek half of my collection 'cause I skip through it all the time.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The two oldest albums that I listen to on a semi regular basis are Spark's Kimono My House (1974) and Talking Head's Stop Making Sense (1984) which is only two years younger than I am.

I'm not really an album kinda gal, I guess I don't have the paitence. I listen to loads of different shite that is older than those but generally just a few tracks here and there.

There was a documentary on the other day about the Foo Fighters and it turns out they formed 16 years ago.....fuck me. I REMEMBER THAT @_@


Haha, I forgot I started this thread.

^ I remember the day Kurt Cobain's death was announced. I was at school! Seems so weird thinking back to it now.
When Killing In The Name Of got to Xmas number one, people were asking me if I'd heard it 'cos it's a rock track and it's more my scene. I pointed out that I liked it first time round. :D
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