I never played warhammer but my brother is getting into it recently, expensive hobby!
Films I like: Sci-fi, Horror, Sci-fi Horror but y'know good stuff of which there is very little, Alien, The Thing, Blade Runner, stuff like that. Old stuff really. Not a fan of slasher movies though, they're kinda predictable and annoying. I also like comedy but again I am pretty picky. Most of the Coen Brothers stuff is good, but then I also have a soft spot for sorta stupid films, like Ace Ventura or Something About Mary and even fucking Kingpin lol. I also like 80's stuff a lot, Ghostbusters, Labyrinth, Neverending Story, Goonies, you get the picture. Old school special effects!
Music wise I am all over the place. I basically like Rock music so I have a lot of Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins and Hole etc. I don't really like any modern bands though I am a bit of an old fart. I like Bowie, Queen, Beatles, Pink Floyd some of the Rolling Stones, Rush, Led Zep. Then I have other stuff like Kate Bush, Sparks, Devo, Talking Heads. I also have a soft spot for a lot of 80's stuff like Simple Minds and Duran Duran. We could be here all day! My favourite band is Manic Street Preachers though
Game wise I guess I like the older RPG's, I've gone right off Final Fantasy, since X I think its been crap. Love the Zelda series, love most of what Nintendo make, shit that is just pure fun to play like Mario. I don't really have the money to get newer games but I do watch lets plays and stuff. I quite like horror games, I was really looking forward to Silent Hills but it wasn't to be sadly.
Thats about all I can think of for now