Any Rufus/Tifa fans out here?


[quote author=CelesChere link=topic=480.msg16184#msg16184 date=1234199242]
Crack pairings are fun... but sometimes they get TOO cracky. I think that even crack pairings should have a little basis, or at least an idea of how it could work out. Have Rufus and Tifa ever even really... interacted? ^^;

Shipping RufusxTifa is almost as bad as me shipping RikuxAerith. Except, I think even that makes more sense, :P. Rufus and Tifa have got nothing in common, and he's actually kind of the type of person she'd hate imo. I suppose they look nice together, though.

GolbezxRydia... ~o~ I bet that exists somewhere.

Crack pairings ARE fun. I'll admit that I'm guilty for shipping a couple (Vincent/Tifa, Axel/Kairi, PEACH/BOWER - which isn't really crack, IMO).

Now that I think about it, I guess I could see pre-redeemed Rufus having some sort of sadistic, sexy office relationship with some naive secretary, or something. Oh god, that actually sounds like a porno movie :-\


Double Growth
[quote author=Ravynne link=topic=480.msg16295#msg16295 date=1234209932]
EstherXChocoboSage OTP ftw.

hahahahaha, hurray minor characters! Chocobo Sage is freakin' weird looking too...


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I'm an EsterXChocoboSageXJoe person, myself. =D

I'm a sucker for a good, sexy love triangle. XD

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
For all you people know Rufus is homosexual.

I don't recall him ever showing any outstanding interest in a woman.


Double Growth
Hasn't shown any interest in a man either. His father's a little more suspect, having been at the Honey Bee Inn and all.

Either way, Rufus is far too in love with power to have time for anyone else.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=ForceStealer link=topic=480.msg16428#msg16428 date=1234233318]
Hasn't shown any interest in a man either.

Many homosexuals hide their sexual orientation, especially ones in positions of power. Doesn't disprove a thing.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I don't recall him ever showing any outstanding interest in a woman.

Wedge, Biggs, Heidegger, Palmer, Sephiroth, Angeal, Bugenhagen, all those dudes in Wutai's pagoda.

Are now all most likely gay. =D


I have no trouble imagining Reno as Rufus' slutbitch :-\ isn't that pairing popularish?

[quote author=Leanan Sidhe link=topic=480.msg16433#msg16433 date=1234233824]
I don't recall him ever showing any outstanding interest in a woman.

Wedge, Biggs, Heidegger, Palmer, Sephiroth, Angeal, Bugenhagen, all those dudes in Wutai's pagoda.

Are now all most likely gay. =D

Palmer always gave me gay vibes. Just sayin'.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Leanan Sidhe link=topic=480.msg16433#msg16433 date=1234233824]
I don't recall him ever showing any outstanding interest in a woman.

Wedge, Biggs, Heidegger, Palmer, Sephiroth, Angeal, Bugenhagen, all those dudes in Wutai's pagoda.

Are now all most likely gay. =D

My point was that it's a possibility, and makes it all the more absurd to shit out some stupid pairing to sate their ridiculous fangirl desires.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
You're such a cruel man.

My point was that it's a possibility, and makes it all the more absurd to shit out some stupid pairing to sate their ridiculous fangirl desires.

It's a possibility, not a likelihood. He's just as likely straight. So, imaginary romances are absurd because the fictional character might be gay?

I get your point, though, so I'll drop it. Plus, I'm scared of you. ^^

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You're such a cruel man.

No u.

It's a possibility, not a likelihood. He's just as likely straight.

No less likely than him liking women.

So, imaginary romances are absurd because the fictional character might be gay?

No, they're absurd when you know nothing about the character's personal, preferences, sexual orientation, and they're an incredibly greedy, selfish megalomaniac/murderous bastard.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
No less likely than him liking women.

So either's fair game. There are plenty Rufus yaoi pairings.

No, they're absurd when you know nothing about the character's personal, preferences, sexual orientation,

So, fans should ask Rufus if he's gay before they send him on incredible romantic adventures(Hee)? Maybe just "Blonde or brunette?"

and they're an incredibly greedy, selfish megalomaniac/murderous bastard.

I suppose you weren't touched by Rufus' AC speech...:(

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So either's fair game. There are plenty Rufus yaoi pairings.

No shit. Which is pretty funny.

So, fans should ask Rufus if he's gay before they send him on incredible romantic adventures(Hee)? Maybe just "Blonde or brunette?"

No, they should shut the fuck up and stop making stupid out of character shit up. I mean, do people really like the idea of a guy who sentenced Tifa to death, and tried to have her and avalanche killed multiple times, who had no problem raping the world for profits and terrorizing the public, ramming his dick inside her?

It's fucking repulsive.

I suppose you weren't touched by Rufus' AC speech...:(

Not after the seedy and suspicious way he behaved with Cloud.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
No, they should shut the fuck up and stop making stupid out of character shit up. I mean, do people really like the idea of a guy who sentenced Tifa to death, and tried to have her and avalanche killed multiple times ramming his dick inside her?

Heh. Well, that depends on whether they like "lemons" or not. =D

It's fucking repulsive.


Not after the seedy and suspicious way he behaved with Cloud.

So he's sneaky. And manipulative. That doesn't mean he hasn't reformed.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Leanan Sidhe link=topic=480.msg16467#msg16467 date=1234238034]

So he's sneaky. And manipulative. That doesn't mean he hasn't reformed.

Doesn't mean he has either. He's just doing what's in his best interests. Which happens to coincide with everyone else's for the moment.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Actually, I believe they discussed whether he truly has or hasn't somewhere. Lemme go see.

He's just doing what's in his best interests. Which happens to coincide with everyone else's for the moment.

Agreed here, too. I don't think he's become a good person or whatever. I think he does mean to correct some of his past mistakes, though.


Higher Further Faster
You all say that you can't see Rufus with anyone, but I always saw him having some nameless trophy wife that has no baring on the story but is just there. lol

Just because he's Rufus, and he's rich, and he'd want to show off. He'd probably ditch her the moment she got her first wrinkle, though. :P

Or do I not give the man enough credit?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Leanan Sidhe link=topic=480.msg16470#msg16470 date=1234238271]

Agreed here, too. I don't think he's become a good person or whatever. I think he does mean to correct some of his past mistakes, though.

He damn well better or risk being lynched. I don't think Rufus has changed at all, I think he's just realized how the world has changed, and how his past behavior just won't be tolerated, so he's trying to get by as best he can.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I prefer to be optimistic and think that maybe he's learned a lesson.

I couldn't find anything straight out saying he's reformed, but I think the RF says that it was his idea to build the monument in Edge.

But I suppose that could be just for public appearance. :/

He did seem concerned when Kadaj throws Tseng and Elena's bloody identification cards at him... But maybe he's just mad about the loss of two perfectly good pawns! Hrrm.

You all say that you can't see Rufus with anyone, but I always saw him having some nameless trophy wife that has no baring on the story but is just there. lol

Just because he's Rufus, and he's rich, and he'd want to show off. He'd probably ditch her the moment she got her first wrinkle, though.

I used to think there was something going on between him and Scarlet. That doity ho.


Fiat Lux
I don't think Rufus has reformed either, and it would be a terrible waste of a character. Like Dacon said, he's just adapting to his circumstances. He knows he's blown what little PR Shinra had, after they took the world to the brink of destruction, so he secretly backs a good-cause (the WRO). And in time, he'll disclose himself to the people again, who will at that point welcome him with open arms.

Most ideas start with a good cause, but when they become institutions they fall under the same ills as the next - money, greed, and power. Perhaps the WRO will do the same, or they might remain a one-dimensional plot device for the Compilation.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Leanen Sidhe said:
I used to think there was something going on between him and Scarlet. That doity ho.
That would at least make more sense than RufusXTifa.

Also, it might be worth mentioning that while it may seem remotely silly to pair Rufus with a woman because he "might" be gay, I find it far sillier to take characters that are already established heterosexuals and ship them in gay pairings. But no one seems to blink twice at that anymore. And really, pairings like CloudXSephiroth or VincentXCid STILL make an iota more sense than RufusXTifa.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
That would at least make more sense than RufusXTifa.

I know. The idea was funny to me. I wouldn't mind if it had been true.

I find it far sillier to take characters that are already established heterosexuals and ship them in gay pairings. But no one seems to blink twice at that anymore.

This kind of thing annoys me to no end. :/

And really, pairings like CloudXSephiroth or VincentXCid STILL make an iota more sense than RufusXTifa.

Can't agree here. Vincent/Cid is already a lot less likely than Rufus/Tifa(both men are straight, and have women they're are attached to), but Cloud/Sephiroth? They have a very defined relationship. They hate each other, and I don't think it's a love/hate thing.

Compared to these two, Rufus/Tifa kinda seems like a reasonable pairing.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
[quote author=Ravynne link=topic=480.msg16594#msg16594 date=1234289025]Also, it might be worth mentioning that while it may seem remotely silly to pair Rufus with a woman because he "might" be gay, I find it far sillier to take characters that are already established heterosexuals and ship them in gay pairings. But no one seems to blink twice at that anymore.[/quote]

See also: Gundam Wing and the 80 million crack pairings, to say nothing of more recent series.
"OMG these two guys met one for less than a minute and one has a dead wife he believes lives in his armor and the other's schtupping his MPD'd secretary, ZOMFG TRU LUV!"
Makes me want to drop a gorram colony on something.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I never thought Rufus was still 'evil' or anything. I think he's reformed to a degree. Sure, he may be the same person with the same personality, but he already saw firsthand what happens with his methods, and his speech in AC seems to reflect that. Even if he did change completely, it wouldn't be a waste of a character, people do change.

I find it far sillier to take characters that are already established heterosexuals and ship them in gay pairings. But no one seems to blink twice at that anymore.

Yeah, I hate this shit. I never saw Rufus as gay either.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
People never change that much. Everyone says they do, but I haven't seen it. They change their views on things when people prove them wrong sometimes, but the core of their person? Not likely. It's incredibly rare for an adult to change who they are drastically.

Rufus wasn't "evil" anyway. Just incredibly selfish.
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