Resident Evil 2
I dont get why so many people love FFVIII's opening. The song's not that great imo, and I dont like how they showed clips from stuff that was going to happen, and the text was stupid. "I'll be waiting here. So if you come here. You'll find me." well no shit.
I did like the fight between Seifer and Squall tho.
For my choice? I honestly dont know. I'm sure there's at least one that just blew my mind, but my memories shit right now. I can only think of Infamous cause it's the most recent game I played, and the sudden explosion from the start sceen blew me back
That shit was beyond epic, rly.Onimusha 3
And of course the intro to MGS3...
Damn you, you beat me to it. Ima just add Killzone 2 to the list
Meh...I didn't much care for the O2 opening. I liked the art style for the backgrounds when the side characters are introduced, but the rest isn't so great, imo. Though that sort of explains my feelings for the entire second game, barring Gogandantess, who is one bad motherfucker.Onimusha 2 -
Onimusha 3 -