Before Crisis coming to 3DS?


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Source: The Escapist

Square Enix's Hajime Tabata, director of The 3rd Birthday and Final Fantasy Agito XIII, recently exposed his strong desire to see Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis come to Nintendo's 3D handheld set to launch in 2011.

The remake sounds like it'd be a totally new game, if Tabata gets a chance to create it. He wrote on Twitter: "If I were to make something for 3DS, I suppose it would be a remake of Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis. I'd redo the scenario structure and game design for the 3DS. I think I'd like to make an action RPG BCFF7 where a large number of Turks players play simultaneously."

Seeing as how nobody outside of Japan got their hands on Before Crisis, it'd be nice to see it come to North America and Europe as a 3DS title.

Good news? :huh:
I don't know much about the new 3D DS....


Joe, Arcana
I really wish games like this and Dissidia would be released for Consoles rather than handhelds. >_>


unsavory tart
Oh. 3DS...
I really wish games like this and Dissidia would be released for Consoles rather than handhelds. >_>
I have no problem with BC on a handheld because of the nature of the game, but I do agree with the general spirit of this.

Especially because, yeah. Not interested in buying the 3DS. Making all these games that are the same franchise, exclusives on different game consoles really kicks their fans with limited munnies in the ass.


*General question: Can you play 3DS games on a normal DS? Because I'm really not interested in buying another handheld/don't care about 3D.


unsavory tart
No, I'm pretty sure you can't. From what I heard the 3DS is supposedly just better hardware that the regular DS can't handle.
I like this idea of BC on the 3DS, but ONLY because that would give me an excuse to acquire the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time. =D

In all other worlds, I'd prefer BC on the PSP.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'd like to see them hammer out some of the plot holes, like having Red thinking his honey gets killed after the sealing because he hears a gunshot as he's being taken away, or other things BC did that just sort of don't work.

And go back to the original-ish Reactor sequence. I don't care about the new architecture, just make sure Cloud tosses his ass.


Harbinger O Great Justice
This came from the Twitter Posts we chatted about yesterday. I really doubt that BC would hit the 3DS before it hit a PSP, or even PS3 as one of the smaller titles, like the Minis. Specifically because Advent Children Complete launched with a Custom PS3, and Crisis Core with a Custom PSP (and it was a PSP Launch Title), so it would be incredibly awkward for Before Crisis to suddently jump platform from PlayStation to Nintendo for one title of the Compilation.

I still rather doubt it'll happen at all, but we can always hope that EU/NA eventually gets BC.

X :neo:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I actually think the origin of BC would suit a handheld better than a "home" console.

But any port to another system with English language text (if not voice-acting), would be welcome. And I agree with what X said about it being more likely on a Sony console, considering SE's history of close co-operation with them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Cooperation with them regarding FF7, you mean.
Square splits themselves between Sony and Nintendo fairly regularly.
KH:368/2, then BBS, then Recoded, etc.
Not even all the Major numbered titles are coming out for Sony. DQIX (Yes, I know, DQ) came out for DS exclusively.


unsavory tart
Remakes of FFIII-IV and I believe VI are coming out for the DS, plus FFXII's sequel. Crystal chronicles are exclusive to the wii as well.

BC could come out on the DS, but I wish FFVII would stay on Sony consoles. Not because I'm a console elitist but because I don't own a 3DS and I get annoyed that they would force us to buy new consoles just to see the rest of the story.


Double Growth
Before Crisis should absolutely come out on a handheld guys. If they're gonna spend resources on making a console game, I'd like it to be a better game than Before Crisis.

That said, putting it on a $300 handheld may make it as good as only out in Japan for me.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I hope you guys enjoy your eventual FF7 remake on your handhelds.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Wait guys, wait I got it.




alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
From discussion to spam almost immediately. Mog, who's making worthless posts?

Seriously, the last 6 posts are spam or little better than it. Knock it off.

Alex Strife

You know, when I first read about the prize of that handheld, I thought I would not want to buy it, but honestly, a new Kingdom Hearts there and maybe Before Crisis? S-E conspired against me, as those are the two franchises I like better.

The day I buy it, manly tears will be shed.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Don't get me wrong here, I'd probably get BC, or a remade BC if it came out on a Nintendo Console, and if they have an interest in doing it for the 3DS, rather than as a PlayStation title, I'd be all for it, just so long as we actually get a version of it. I just think that it's unlikely, and I'd prefer it on a Sony Console.

...mostly because I already have the Crisis Core PSP & ACC PS3, and I don't want to have to get a BC 3DS :P

X :neo:
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