Before Crisis random information

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
As I was going through some old files the other day, I stumbled upon a document of miscellaneous pieces of information about the world of FF7 that I had compiled from the Before Crisis scripts. I thought this might be of some interest and have thus decided to share it. Please feel free to discuss any of the points here. They are all genuine pieces of information from BC. Enjoy.

  • The standard traditional protocol for all new Turk recruits (including Reno, Rude and Tseng) is to patrol Sector8. Sector8 is known as the Turks’ turf. (Perhaps some of the most important employees of Shinra live there?)
  • Reno is known as the ‘Fastest of the Turks’.
  • The President is staying at a hotel in upper-Junon when the Turks arrive.
  • Normal AVALANCHE operatives wear a pale brown uniform. Specials wear red/orange. Ravens wear black.
  • President Shinra is in Junon for an inspection of the Air Force and Navy, and wants to make a speech to the public from the Junon Branch Offices’ conference room.
  • Buildings are powered by Mako Generators.
  • Fuhito’s weapon is a gun. He uses both a normal pistol and a Mako gun.
  • The highest security level in a Shinra facility is S-level. This is the emergency security failsafe where nobody is allowed in – not even company officials. Robots scan the area for movement and obliterate anything that does. All other times it is set at A-level.
  • Shinra’s most advanced security system is a Copy Materia that scans someone and creates an exact physical copy of them, forcing an intruder to fight themselves.
  • King has been the best fighter in Club Duel for a long time.
  • Reno and Rude have been on a mission to forcefully hunt for SOLDIER before.
  • According to the player Turk, Azul is stronger than Sears.
  • Rude is known as the ‘Strongest of the Turks’.
  • Azul agrees to join SOLDIER in order to become the strongest he can be – the strongest in the world.
  • Before his mission to help Professor Rayleigh, Cloud was stationed in Junon.
  • Shinra soldiers seem to view the Turks as a separate faction which they do not enjoy working with.
  • Cloud is not a good marksman with his rifle. He has much more natural ability with a sword.
  • Verdot orders that Rayleigh’s life is expendable at the expense of the SOLDIER disc.
  • When trying to catch the train, the player uses the service tunnels that run parallel to the railway lines inside the Central Support.
  • AVALANCHE use a powerful mounted machine gun called Wasp Shooter.
  • The Turks live in their own quarters inside the Shinra Building.
  • There are a number of thugs and hooligans in Sector8.
  • Rufus Shinra is sent on repeated business trips to get him out of the way.
  • There is an annual tree light spectacle in Midgar (like a Christmas tree) put on by the Shinra in Sector8.
  • There is a huge repair effort in Junon following the first of AVALANCHE’s attacks headed by Reeve.
  • Martial Arts(M) and Martial Arts(F) are hired in order to help find out information about AVALANCHE.
  • Reno and Rude are given the special task before Episode 7 of locating and eliminating the Ravens.
  • The Turks have a program on their PHS that allows them to map an area and have it immediately sent back to HQ. (The same program is presumably how the Shinra keeps track of its important employees and how Verdot and Tseng are able to know exactly where their Turks are at any time.)
  • Essai and Sebastian are on a monster extermination mission on the snow fields. (Much like those from Crisis Core)
  • All of the people at the Shinra base in the snow fields were abducted by AVALANCHE.
  • The AVALANCHE base is north of Icicle Lodge.
  • AVALANCHE use guard hounds as watchdogs.
  • The player Turk rescues only Essai and Sebastian from the AVALANCHE complex which suggests everyone else has been murdered, converted, or used for experimentation.
  • Tierce uses a short sword in Episode 7 whereas the Ravens use large swords in Episode 5.
  • By putting the Ravens in the capsules, they can regenerate.
  • Fuhito kills Tierce with his Mako gun and disintegrates him.
  • Martial Arts(F) is obsessed with money. That is why she is a mercenary and why she joined up a day early (bigger payday). Her hometown is Icicle Lodge.
  • Zack, Essai, and Sebastian worked together once before. It seems to have been one where they got to know each other pretty well and became friends because of it.
  • Tierce and Kanos kidnapped the SOLDIERs first time, but Kyneugh defeats them alone, showing he is the strongest of them all.
  • Verdot starts to have his first strong suspicions about a leak after the SOLDIERs are kidnapped a second time as only the Executive knew of the mission to destroy AVALANCHE’s base.
  • The Turks are accountable for the loss of any of the company’s secrets.
  • L-Junon B-District means second level from sea in area left of Mako Cannon.
  • The purpose of AVALANCHE’s invasion in Junon is to steal the Airships.
  • Heidegger is determined to use the army against AVALANCHE even if it means destroying the city.
  • Part of Verdot’s demotion as Chief of Turks was so that he could focus on finding the leak in the company. That was his secret directive by President Shinra.
  • Reno is sent by Verdot to gain control of the Airport Control Tower, with Rude fighting to clear a way through for him.
  • President Shinra and Verdot begin to get suspicious that Hojo is the leak because he is one of the Executive and AVALANCHE have shown an exponential increase in militants with the strength of SOLDIER.
  • Hojo agrees to go with AVALANCHE so that he may learn about the regenerative abilities of the Ravens.
  • The Turks have a special secret bunker (presumably at their HQ) where they hide important documents and files (or even themselves) when necessary.
  • AVALANCHE’s plan to break into the Headquarters was simple as they knew that a monster outbreak would mean only the Turks could deal with it as all other employees would have to be evacuated for the secret to remain intact, leaving AVALANCHE open to move freely inside the upper floors.
  • President Shinra always wants to bring Sephiroth in to clean up the mess, but many of the Executives are wary because his fame would attract more attention to any situation than they would care to have.
  • Hojo agrees to join AVALANCHE so that he may work on Fuhito’s ideas with new ‘test samples’ including Elfé. It seems that at this time Fuhito and Sears are all too aware of the Zirconiade Materia being inside her body. As is Hojo who put it there.
  • Rufus’ funding means AVALANCHE’s scientific facilities are of equal standard to that of Shinra.
  • Hojo decides to stay with Shinra because he believes experimentation on Sephiroth to be of greater interest than experimenting on Elfé.
  • The Turks drink in the Slums (in episode 11 the Turk is nearby Aerith’s house, which suggests the bar they used was in Sector5, but they also seem familiar with the one in Wall Market. The game shows it is the Wall Market diner)
  • The player Turk doesn’t know who Aerith is which suggests her identity is top-secret, known only to Tseng, Verdot and the Executive (and also Cissnei as is the case in CC).
  • Each sector has a residential district, much like the Plate. This is not really shown in FF7, but it seems that the towns are divided up like this.
  • AVALANCHE’s hunt for Aerith is called Operation Laura.
  • Aerith says she heard the Planet calling her, telling her to go on a journey that would let her see the world beyond Midgar.
  • Sears acknowledges that the Turks’ strength has increased each time he does battle with them.
  • Rufus does not see the point of Shinra trying to kidnap Aerith, and says that the time being wasted on taking precautions around her capture outweighs the possible results (Promised Land). (This also explains why he let her go after President Shinra was murdered)
  • Fuhito and Elfe explain that the reason AVALANCHE have been looking for her is because – as the last surviving Cetra - they want to protect her from the Shinra, and learn the location of the Promised Land so that they may protect that from the Shinra too.
  • Fuhito gets anxious when Aerith says she can hear a voice from inside Elfe (Zirconiade), and Elfe gets suspicious of this.
  • Elfe has no memory of her life before AVALANCHE.
  • Elfe collapses inside the church, which is the first sign of her deterioration.
  • Aerith decides not to go on her journey as it would mean AVALANCHE win (that she would be protected from the Shinra).
  • The player Turk doesn’t allow Tseng to go after Aerith because they are off duty.
  • Tseng hasn’t captured Aerith before because he believes that only with her full cooperation will she lead the Shinra to the Promised Land – the salvation for the people of the Planet.
  • President Shinra values the Nibel Reactor for its historical significance.
  • Verdot knows the secrets of the Nibel Reactor – that Jenova is stored there.
  • Tseng flies the helicopter over Nibelheim.
  • The Turks’ mission at Nibelheim is to determine the cause of the problem before the SOLDIER investigation team arrive. The player is unaware that the President has sent Sephiroth.
  • Tifa’s cat is white with a red collar.
  • It is the player Turk who discovers the dragons in the area, and cannot get inside the Reactor because of them. Tseng orders they leave it to SOLDIER.
  • Verdot is sent out on a secret mission sometime before the events at Nibelheim and is unreachable (sent to Wutai).
  • The townspeople didn’t know about the ropeway’s existence. It was only for the Shinra employees.
  • Tseng orders the Turk to keep watch over Sephiroth.
  • The player alerts Tseng to the Nibelheim situation and he says they (presumably he and the other Turks) will be there as quickly as possible.
  • Tifa’s cat led Zangan to her.
  • Tseng arrives by helicopter. (Hojo arrives first so it is to be presumed he was nearby and also got there by helicopter.)
  • President Shinra authorises Project Sephiroth Copy soon after the Nibelheim tragedy.
  • Hojo orders that certain documents be destroyed from the mansion’s archive room.
  • One of Hojo’s secret documents states that the victims of Kalm were disposed of at Nibelheim, while another explains his findings that Materia cannot be directly fused with flesh (without damaging the Materia) under normal circumstances, but with prosthetic limbs.
  • The scientists stopped using the labs at the Shinra Mansion after there was some strange activity due to the illusions caused by the Dorky Faces.
  • The Dorky Faces are trying to turn the two Turks insane by showing them things from their own past. The first is the player’s first day on the job, but the scene changes in order to break Verdot by showing him the burning image of Kalm. Verdot was in Kalm on the day it happened and was set on fire (possibly had his arm blown off, or simply later removed due to damage).
  • Target was 50km north of Kalm.
  • Verdot was the only survivor of the tragedy. The others were all killed in Nibelheim to cover up his mistake.
  • Verdot takes charge of the cover-up in Nibelheim. He is responsible for getting Shinra employees to rebuild the town and act out the lives of the people.
  • The player Turk refuses to carry the victims to the Shinra mansion to be experimented on.
  • Verdot takes full charge of the cover-up and encourages the others not to get involved so that they wont become like him.
  • Tifa’s cat is alive. The player takes her with them.
  • Rufus reckons that after the death of Sephiroth, the only ones strong enough to defeat him are the Turks. (Does this mean that SOLDIER is in a shambles?)
  • It is the player Turk who first introduces Yuffie to Materia.
  • AVALANCHE’s HQ are in a pagoda.
  • The mission is to get inside the HQ from the roof of the pagoda, by jumping onto it from the hands of Da-Chao.
  • Elfe considers AVALANCHE as her family as they helped raise her. (This suggests she was still a young girl when she was found.)
  • The player enters the pagoda on the fifth floor. They are to plant the bomb each of the four upper floors and escape through the first.
  • There are 4 elite Special Divisions in AVALANCHE, each of which specialises in a different style of combat. Sandy colour is Hand-to-Hand Squad (5th), light blue is Sniper Squad (4th), red is Magic Squad (3rd), and black is Ravens (2nd).
  • Many Ravens exist.
  • According to Fuhito, it was a special type of Copy Materia that allowed the Ravens to take the form of he, Sears and Elfé
  • Shinra want to use the rocket launch s a way to consolidate the support for the company that was lost because of AVALANCHE
  • Rufus wanted Shinra to think the leaders of AVALANCHE were dead because Verdot had come too close to discovering the truth and the surveillance on him was hindering their plans.
  • Cid Highwind is a legend amongst Shinra personnel.
  • Cid is a fan of President Shinra and his ‘dreams’, but not of the cynical Rufus.
  • AVALANCHE use disguised thugs to cause trouble at launch rather than uniformed operatives.
  • The AVALANCHE plan is to disrupt the air show by stealing the Tiny Bronco, sneak into the Shinra No.26 and steal one of the oxygen tanks to stop the launch (both to embarrass the company on live television), and to assassinate the President.
  • Rufus agrees to go to the rocket as he knows security will relax due to the Turk’s presence and will be easier for the intruders.
  • Cid is willing to risk his life to fly the rocket into space.
  • Rufus uses many arguments to why the launch should be abandoned, but President Shinra is determined to show the world the strength of Shinra.
  • The thugs break into the rocket again and damage the new oxygen tank. Cid chases them. Shera is still inside because she isn’t satisfied with the results after the AVALANCHE intrusion.
  • AVALANCHE can’t attack the President due to Verdot acting as his bodyguard.
  • The Executive gain more respect for Rufus after he verbally attacks his father in a meeting following the launch failure.
  • The Corel Reactor was near completion when there was an explosion there.
  • Barret was working in the mines when AVALANCHE took over, and wanted to help the player Turk stop them destroying the facility.
  • Barret helped dig some of the mine tunnels.
  • Shinra’s secret emergency plan is to place anyone who may be a threat under house arrest.
  • Rufus goes to Corel to stop AVALANCHE because they have acted beyond his command.
  • Fuhito organises a new division of AVALANCHE after the destruction of their base without Rufus’ knowledge.
  • Elfe regains her memories when she sees Verdot.
  • She was discarded from Hojo’s laboratory because they thought she was dead, but it left her in a lot of pain.
  • The key to Elfe’s strength was her memories. Once she regains them, Fuhito kidnaps her.
  • Verdot quits the Turks to go after Felecia (Elfé) and tells Rufus that the reason his father allowed him to continue his mischief was because every parent wants to see their child happy.
  • Rufus gave the blueprints to AVALANCHE for all the facilities they attacked.
  • The Ravens start to target Sears after he is betrayed by Fuhito.
  • There is a pyramid-shaped crystal in each of the support materias.
  • The Zirconiade Materia is embedded into the back of Elfe’s hand.
  • Sears parents were killed by the Shinra causing his hatred. He was raised by a group of bandits and eventually became their leader. He was recruited by Elfe for his strength and hatred for Shinra
  • After the Corel bombing, Tseng is ordered to link up with the secondary division (Junon branch) of the Turks to fill the gaps of injured members.
  • The player did not react to the Mako radiation they were exposed to at the Reactor bombing, but the doctors are unsure if it was the Turk or the Support Materia.
  • The Turks do not know of the secondary division's existence until after Corel.
  • There are other animals in the area that look like Nanaki. Pics sent by phone are confirmed by Tseng and Hojo not to be the target.
  • Nanaki’s tribe are known as Guardians.
  • Bugenhagen is well aware of the Turk’ existence and even their outfits.
  • Verdot visited Cosmo Canyon looking for Elfe.
  • Tseng sends Reno to see Bugenhagen to get some info on Verdot.
  • Bugenhagen learns from Verdot (who learned from Sears) what the materia in Elfe’s arm is and what Fuhito is planning.
  • The Ravens chase Dinne as a way to get Bugenhagen to tell Fuhito the secrets of the summon materia since they need 2 of the tribe to perform the rite.
  • Nanaki must know Fuhito (since Fuhito knows Nanaki and Dinne).
  • Nanaki protects Dinne, and lets her escape, but is defeated by the Turks.
  • Shinra Army radios have maps and different accessories built in.
  • Verdot is searching the basement archives for information as that is where the experiments to fuse Materia into Elfe’s hand took place.
  • Verdot has discovered that the Materia in Elfe’s body is absorbing her life as it is incomplete and compensating for it by using her energy. In order to save her, he must draw that Materia out using four special Support Materia.
  • There is a note left in the pages of a book in the archives saying that there is a valuable research specimen in the coffin room. (This means Hojo did consider Vincent valuable.)
  • In BC, the coffin room has a combination lock rather than a keyhole.
  • Verdot and Vincent were colleagues. Not subordinates or superiors, but of equal status.
  • To Verdot, Vincent had just disappeared and no reason was ever given. He does not wish to discuss with Verdot how he came to be there.
  • Vincent directs them to another part of the mansion where he as seen a Materia with a pyramid-shaped jewel inside it before.
  • Verdot incapacitates the Turk to throw off the watching Shinra soldiers, but leaves a memo requesting the Turks seek Reeve’s help to find the final two Support Materias.
  • Scarlet reports the Turks’ action to the President. He assigns her a new mission of capturing Verdot, but cannot punish the Turks for their insubordination as they have Rufus.
  • Shinra soldiers are sent to find the Turks HQ but are unable to locate it as it is hidden within the building.
  • The Executive must know where the Turks HQ is as Reeve gets inside with Cait Sith.
  • Tseng and Cait Sith have crossed paths before.
  • Reeve uses Cait sith’s ‘fortune telling’ abilities to locate the next Materia.
  • He says the Turks should steal a submarine from Junon and say they were acting under his orders and he’ll take responsibility.
  • Reeve and Verdot go back quite a bit.
  • Reeve knows of the Turks’ betrayal but promises not to tell President Shinra. The Turks cannot reveal Verdot’s location as its classified info.
  • Reeve/Cait Sith have been at the Reactor before.
  • There’s a backup controller inside Cait Sith’s back.
  • Reeve physically attends the Turks HQ while Cait Sith is in Gongaga, but does not know Rufus is in a cell there.
  • Reeve wishes to add fighting capabilities to Cait sith without compromising its agility. He considers separate hardware to be used solely for fighting (giant mog).
  • Rufus remembers Cait Sith and says he will use it in future.
  • Verdot rescued Sears from the Corel reactor and the two have been working together to save Elfe since.
  • Verdot is unwilling to risk the lives of all those on the Planet for that of his daughter, but the player Turk and Sears explain that they must do what they can to save her and stop Fuhito.
  • The President realises that the only reason he feared to punish the Turks was because they had the intelligence about Rufus’ whereabouts. Knowing that with them out of the way, he could not be blackmailed, and thus orders the assassination of the Turks.
  • The secret entrance to the Turks HQ opens onto a corridor on one side (east) of the level.
  • The Turks believe Zack and Cloud were killed. (Only during FF7 do they realise otherwise)
  • The highest grade of a Turks mission is Priority S.
  • All of the Turks were involved with the hunt for Zack
  • Rufus’ cell has up-to-date surveillance equipment so he can use the Shinra surveillance system to watch events in real time.
  • The Turks can use bio-signal trackers to keep track of enemy movements
  • Shalua recognises the Turk uniform immediately and is ungrateful to be helped by one.
  • Shalua says that the Turks are responsible for tearing her family apart when they kidnapped her sister as a SOLDIER candidate. She says that she searched the world and fought countless battles against Shinra to find her sister and joined AVALANCHE to find out more about SOLDIER.
  • Shalua has artificial parts before this time. The underground doctors (Sakaki?) are the ones who saved her.
  • Rosalind is very pushy towards Elena.
  • The Shinra mainframe is very powerful and not even Tseng can hack it.
  • Fuhito says that to summon the complete Zirconiade, he must use the four support materia to summon it then extract the materia from Elfé, thus killing her, and offer her body so that Zirconiade may use it as a vessel.
  • The secret Shinra weapons stolen in Costa del Sol are known as Proto Golems.
  • After the bombing of Kalm, Verdot was unable to run or use his gun.
  • Shinra archives are on Level 45.
  • The new Turk recruits are not aware of Cissnei’s existence as she is a top-secret agent.
  • During S-Level security, only the Turks and SOLDIER can use the emergency stairwell at Shinra HQ.
  • During S-Level security, all passwords and codes are temporarily reset.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
  • Reno is known as the ‘Fastest of the Turks’.
  • Rude is known as the ‘Strongest of the Turks’.
  • The Turks live in their own quarters inside the Shinra Building.
  • The Turks drink in the Slums (in episode 11 the Turk is nearby Aerith’s house, which suggests the bar they used was in Sector5, but they also seem familiar with the one in Wall Market. The game shows it is the Wall Market diner)
  • Tseng hasn’t captured Aerith before because he believes that only with her full cooperation will she lead the Shinra to the Promised Land – the salvation for the people of the Planet.
  • Tseng and Cait Sith have crossed paths before.
  • Reeve and Verdot go back quite a bit.

Yays for all of the above! Although there is one glaring omission: 'Tseng is known as the Sexiest of the Turks' :monster:
Christmas has come early!

That post was worth every minute I spent reading it. Though I'm proud to say that, while not the BC scholar you are, Moe, I did know about 90% of those facts. I didn't know about the service tunnels for the trains, and I didn't know it was player Turk who introduced Yuffie to materia; I thought that bit was my own invention.

Doesn't Rufus manage to hack the Shinra mainframe from his cell?
"One of Hojo’s secret documents states that the victims of Kalm were disposed of at Nibelheim, while another explains his findings that Materia cannot be directly fused with flesh (without damaging the Materia) under normal circumstances, but with prosthetic limbs."

I know this is Hojo, but ewww those must have been some nasty experiments.

Oh, if I was gay I'd be so gay for you right now 'S and G'. :wacky:
Very interesting list of facts, even the stuff that is infuriating about Before Crisis.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's like Compilation of FFVII Cliff Notes!!!

There will be a test on this, everyone. So notes are adviced as well. :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Wow! It's nice to have all this in one place. One of the things I liked the most about BC was how it elaborated on how Shin-Ra operated. It also made the company seem more realistic as there were some people in Shin-Ra who didn't want the company to go so far.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Christmas has come early!

That post was worth every minute I spent reading it. Though I'm proud to say that, while not the BC scholar you are, Moe, I did know about 90% of those facts. I didn't know about the service tunnels for the trains, and I didn't know it was player Turk who introduced Yuffie to materia; I thought that bit was my own invention.

Doesn't Rufus manage to hack the Shinra mainframe from his cell?

Rufus does indeed access the network from his cell. I can't remember off the top of my head if he hacks into it when Tseng couldn't (which would make sense to give him leverage) or whether he simply still has access to certain things. I'll have to double-check but I can't remember Rufus accessing anything other than the surveillance system to watch the Cait Sith mission and locate Verdot's prison.


Pro Adventurer
Aerith decides not to go on her journey as it would mean AVALANCHE win (that she would be protected from the Shinra).

This still makes no sense to me as a reason for Aerith to not go. She doesn't want to help Shinra anyway.


Cid is a fan of President Shinra and his ‘dreams’, but not of the cynical Rufus.
AVALANCHE use disguised thugs to cause trouble at launch rather than uniformed operatives.
The AVALANCHE plan is to disrupt the air show by stealing the Tiny Bronco, sneak into the Shinra No.26 and steal one of the oxygen tanks to stop the launch (both to embarrass the company on live television), and to assassinate the President.
Rufus agrees to go to the rocket as he knows security will relax due to the Turk’s presence and will be easier for the intruders.
Cid is willing to risk his life to fly the rocket into space.
Rufus uses many arguments to why the launch should be abandoned, but President Shinra is determined to show the world the strength of Shinra.

Cid adopted a new view on things pretty quickly when Rufus showed even a hint of interest in renewing the space program in FFVII though.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Sorry to bump this a year later, but is there any indication where Verdot and Elfé go after meteorfall? I've read that Verdot helps evacuate people in Midgar during Meteorfall, but I'm unclear on whether they were living "underground" ie in hiding somewhere random or actually dwelling underneath Midgar.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Hey, you're right that it's been a while since this was mentioned.

In answer to your question, however, Verdot/Veld and Elfé did not literally go underground in Midgar. Thanks to Tseng, official Shinra records show that they had both been assassinated and thus they were not pursued (and Rufus probably chose not to). It has been more than a year since I read the scripts but I'm sure there is an indication given in the OTWTAS: Case of Shinra as to the status of the two. You may find your answer there. And obviously Veld returns to Midgar during Meteorfall to help. Nothing about them is said after that.
Where they go after Meteorfall? They are not mentioned in Case of Shinra after Meteorfall itself. IIRC, I don't think Elfe is mentioned at all. Also, though it pains me to contradict Mo, I'm pretty sure that it was thanks to Rufus, rather than Tseng, that official Shinra records indicated that both father and daughter had been executed. Rufus is definitely the one who signed the records of their deaths, and who conspired with Tseng to fake those deaths. I can't think of any reason why Rufus would want to hunt them down. According to canon, the Turks' loyalty to him is predicated on his willingness to protect them and theirs; if he suddeny turned around and ordered them to hunt down and kill Veld and Elfe, I don't think he could count on tbeir obedience.

I'm sure we'll find out more about them in the new lateral biography.
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