Jason Tandro
- Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So just a random idea for a thing that we can discuss here. For each Final Fantasy game you've played, do you think it's strongest and most memorable points are in the Beginning, Middle or End? Take your game of choice and basically break it up into three acts and use that to make your determination.
Here are my choices. Click on each game for a description:
Here are my choices. Click on each game for a description:
Definitely going with Beginning for the original. Choosing your starting party and seeing them go through the early phases of the game is really rewarding. The game kind of becomes standard RPG affair around the middle though.
Early on when you are still weak, exploring the new world it's actually quite interesting and exciting. But this has a sharp decline.
Pretty much up until you restore the world i fantastic but it starts to feel rushed and unfocused.
Final Fantasy IV has an amazing end-game. The Moon, the Lunar Whale, need I say more?
Same with FFV. The end game is one big rush of mini-quests to get your characters strong enough to tackle the amazing final dungeon. It's just great.
Oh yeah FF6 has an amazing beginning and ending, but the middle starting from around the Opera Scene we get some of the absolutely defining moments of this game. Opera, world of ruin, Cele's on Solitary Island. It's amazing.
This game is a gem all the way through but the early stages of the game are the most magical to me. Through the incredibly well thought out Midgar sequence to leaving the first continent in Junon there is a definite "early game feel" to this game that is hard to match.
This was kind of hard for me, since I had to choose between the school days aesthetic opening and the sorceress assassination attempt of Disk 1, the futuristic Esthar and Lunar Base (not to mention Endgame) of Disk 3 and 4, and what I ultimately settled on - the middle of Disk 2. Why? Floating Galbadia Garden and the Garden Battle. It was epic. My favorite scene from the game to this day.
After you hit Disk 2 the game really starts to pickup and come into its own in both story and gameplay. Cleyra, saving Dagger, the Outer Continent, the Iifa Tree. It's all gold.
The beginning is too linear and the endgame is too disjointed, but the Middle is just right. Offering you plenty of freedom while still keeping you on track through the incredible story.
Gran Pulse. That is all.
The ending of this game, especially as you reach the ends of the timeline are so goddamn creepy.
Due to the nature of this game, the Middle could be any number of places, but the opening is always the same, including that creepy ass first mission in Luxerion. That sticks with me.