Ben Sommerfeld correspondence.


Higher Further Faster
So... I wasn't sure where to put this, but Ryu said the AC section would be a good spot since this kinda/sorta has to do with ACC.

Anyway, I have had some brief correspondence with Ben Sommerfeld over YouTube. As you may or may not know he is the guy singing in the song, "Leave" by Fruheble (spelling?) in the supposedly fake NA ACC trailer.

I'm not posting this to be a mean bitch or to ridicule him, but I figured this might be good information to know, seeing as how he seems rather bothered by all the controversy.

First letter I received from him:


My reply:


Second letter I received from him:


My second reply:


So, as members of the FFVII fandom, what do you think of what he has to say?

I don't know myself. I still think it's fake yet for some reason now I feel bad for him and almost want to believe him because of it. :P But that would be out of pity which wouldn't be good. :P
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Great Old One
Well, it's quite obvious that this guy is a fake, and I'm pretty sure most people now know it's a fake. Isn't this illegal or somethin'?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Clearly the guy has no clue, so I can't help but laugh at him.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Shameless advertising is shameless.

But I lolled too. Keep in contact with this guy.


The Pixie King
lol mc hammer:monster:

The did a really shitty job with that trailer. Theres no way a professional media company would ever put that shit out there, nor would SE allow such a trailer to represent their product


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yeah. Comparing the Zelda trailer to that, really makes you wonder what they're capable of. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
OH! Yeah that makes sense. XD I thought you were implying that he was like MC Hammer. XD

Right over my head...


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
So, as members of the FFVII fandom, what do you think of what he has to say?

I don't think he's got the truth or is telling the truth. Either way, it's messed up; and, for his sake, I think he'd best not advertise anything. Here's the thing, wouldn't his group have signed a contract from SE regarding usage of his song if they were truly going to use it? At the very least they should know about the contract; which, here, he says he does know of the existance of one. Still I think he and his band would have to sign something, perhaps at the very least be present(?). And, wouldn't the NA ACC page be up and running, using this trailer on it, if it was truly something ordered by SE? I know nothing about the contract business between copywrite holders, musicians, etc. I am also blabbing now, as I'm tired and overwhelmed by other matters. Point is, I really think that something is amiss, but whether that's purposely or not is another thing... :(


I think you should just leave them alone. They are just the music guys, they have really no direct involvement in the trailer and they seem to believe it's "official". Don't let their bubble burst, don't take Santa Claus away from them! :o


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd just leave things be. All trailers for Advent Children use music featured in Advent Children as is said earlier. There's no need to harass someone over their music being used in a fake trailer who probably has no idea on how things work based on their response. They're just trying to sound legitimate, and I doubt that we'll get anything meaningful. The only thing to do would be approach SE about it (if possible), and get a response from them, as they're the only people who can give a truly official response of any kind.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Tennyo, you make me LOL :monster:

You will NOT forget. And you will NOT forgive.


Higher Further Faster
What do you mean, Mako?

And I wasn't harassing this guy. I just replied to people's comments on YouTube that the trailer is fake and that ACC wasn't coming out until June. And then I get these messages.

I guess I just wanted some constructive opinions in case I'm going to inadvertently end up having an all out debate with this guy.

I also figured that maybe it would be a nice opportunity for people to hear him explain his side as well.
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We have come to terms
lol mc hammer:monster:
JUST TO NAME A FEW :hugemonster:

This guy is either lying, or clueless. His attitude toward you changed a very great deal between messages, from "stfu you dun kno shit" to a much humbler and less aggressive "well, our label did it so it's far as we know".



Higher Further Faster
Hell if I know I'd rather it end myself. I see two more messages in my YouTube inbox but I haven't even gone to check to see who they are from because I'm really not in the mood right now...


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Simple matter- Ask S-E if Media Magick is involved in Post Prod for ACC. If they say no, this is all bollocks.


Higher Further Faster
Now how exactly would one go contacting SE in a way that would actually get a response?
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