Beacause I am a puppet
LMAO, that "trailer" is so bad. Grats on discovering Windows Movie Maker, Mr. Sommerfeld, and grats to whoever trolled you into believing it's legit.
If I were living under a rock and had no idea what FFVII or Advent Children was, there is no way that would make me even slightly curious. But as a fan, I would find it offensive if I weren't already laughing at this dude. I highly doubt SE's marketing division would be foolish enough to put their stamp of approval on this garbage.
Epic fail whether it's even remotely legit or not.
Nice jorb on exposing this, Tennyo.
If I were living under a rock and had no idea what FFVII or Advent Children was, there is no way that would make me even slightly curious. But as a fan, I would find it offensive if I weren't already laughing at this dude. I highly doubt SE's marketing division would be foolish enough to put their stamp of approval on this garbage.
Epic fail whether it's even remotely legit or not.
Nice jorb on exposing this, Tennyo.