Ben Sommerfeld correspondence.


Beacause I am a puppet
LMAO, that "trailer" is so bad. Grats on discovering Windows Movie Maker, Mr. Sommerfeld, and grats to whoever trolled you into believing it's legit.

If I were living under a rock and had no idea what FFVII or Advent Children was, there is no way that would make me even slightly curious. But as a fan, I would find it offensive if I weren't already laughing at this dude. I highly doubt SE's marketing division would be foolish enough to put their stamp of approval on this garbage.

Epic fail whether it's even remotely legit or not.

Nice jorb on exposing this, Tennyo.


Higher Further Faster
So where's that Worldwide release the trailer promised? :awesome:

Have you heard anything new from him Tennyo?

Yeah he sent me another message a couple weeks ago but I knew the argument as about to turn into a lot of insults thrown back and forth so I didn't reply. He started going into the realm of, "Well I don't know if you know how this works but..." To which I replied with something along the lines of, "Why yes I do know how it works, and I still think your an idiot," and so of course his final response was something similar to, "Well since you think I'm an idiot you obvious have no clue how it works so here I'll explain the whole process to you," and in my head I thought, "Fuck you you're such a tool." And I just never replied. :)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You should so PM him and ask him what happened to that Worldwide release the trailer promised and say you noticed how his song wasn't in the movie :monster:


Higher Further Faster
No actually he admitted that the world wide released date was a mistake on behalf of Media Magik (yet it was going to be used anyway wut?) and that IF his song is used it will only be in the NA version. :/


Higher Further Faster
Why you think I never replied to his last message? Let him be smug, when his record company eventually screws him over he'll learn.


Higher Further Faster
Nah I got sick of how much of a little baby he was. Seriously if he wants to be a rock star he needs to learn to deal with stuff like this in a different manner.

Oh but also I guess the fact that people started saying that ACC was coming out in NA in June is the proof that his trailer was real. Because apparently people were trying to "clean up" after calling him out on bullshit. I told him that was dumb because nobody ever said that ACC would never come out outside of Japan, just that April 16th was the wrong day. He never did address that point.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Make sure you bug him when June comes along and his song is no where in the movie.


Kick him right in his e-balls. Fgj :hugemonster:


Higher Further Faster
lol I told him that I didn't believe that his song would be in there and he said said that his only claim was that it MIGHT be, not that it was set in stone to actually happen

So yeah this guy needs to stop trying to whore himself out so much on stuff that isn't confirmed. Like I'm supped to be impressed that it "might" happen when it actually doesn't? Yeah come to me with this stuff when you know for a fact that it's true.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fucking moron.

I hate that song too. Who ever thinks that song sounds good and fitting for ACC is out of their mind. They must be under mind control waves or something :awesome:

Why the fuck isn't SE laying down the hammer on this fuck too? They used to go apeshit over a site hosting their trailers, and now they let smegheads like him make fake ones and purport them as real?



Higher Further Faster
Ryu thinks that it might have been made for SE but rejected, what with the poor quality and massive error.

Maybe SE gave GT permission to do something like this for the sake of boosting their own attention and figured that it wouldn't really hurt. Nothing new was in there it was just a rehash of the Jump Festa 2009 trailer anyway.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Wouldn't be too unheard of Mako, considering they still keep contradicting themselves about the LTD. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Oh thanks for finding that, Slipstreamer! That song has a lot more Gerard Way than I originally thought it would!


Higher Further Faster
You mean the so-called "Official NA" trailer? I haven't checked. CBA to pay attention to stuff like that on YouTube.

In fact I wonder if people ever reply to my comments. I never check that, either. XD


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Did this guy ever realise what a gigantic douchebag he came out as looking like? :monster:
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