Better late than never...

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Pro Adventurer
Well, I've been here for quite some time but never got around to make an actual introduction. So I decided to finally DO EEET!

Hello, everyone. I'm Geo, but you can call me Emma if you like. I'm a die-hard FFVII fan, first played the game when my cousin went to make himself a sandwich and came back to find me trying to not get squashed by Diamond Weapon. I think he didn't save, 'cause he ran to me like a rabid fangirl would run to Cloud. :awesome:

I also like country music and Godiva chocolate. Fullmetal Alchemist is good too. I <3 Harry Potter. I want to burn Twi-books like Sephy burned Nibelheim.

Ya' that's about it.
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Celes Chere

GODIVA CHOCOLATE. I'm eating some right now, you rule.

I've seen you posting, cool for an intro I guess. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I'm a die-hard FFVII fan, first played the game when my cousin went to make himself a sandwich and came back to find me trying to not get squashed by Diamond Weapon. I think he didn't save, 'cause he ran to me like a rabid fangirl would run to Cloud. :awesome:

So did you pwn Diamond Weapon or what? :awesome:
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