Case of Denzel

Lol, well, if that's the only reason why, you may be a bit disappointed.

Naw. There's this awesome button. Lets me pause the screen.
Tifa for eternity.
Now thats what im talkin' bout ._. <3


Great Old One
Like... ten seconds. It's just short cameos, really - but I still recommend it to anyone, because it's good.


Gas Mask Enthusiast
Lachlan, Ana, Aniline, Natoli
Good enough for me!

I'm really behind. Every one on your forum has already watched it cept Mega and I.

It sounds great~


Great Old One
Good enough for me!

I'm really behind. Every one on your forum has already watched it cept Mega and I.

It sounds great~
Wow, well aren't all we breaking the law. :awesomonster:

It's good. ^_^ You should definitely watch it! And plus, there are Chocobos! :O


Rookie Adventurer
i like the beginning of this ova- how it gives you a different perspective on the stuff happening in FFVII

- you never really got the idea of the effect Meteor had on the people of Midgar in the game, and in Advent Children they had built Edge, so you never really saw the decimated city...

just thought that was interesting...^_^


Gas Mask Enthusiast
Lachlan, Ana, Aniline, Natoli
Enough to pause your screen and have your way with it.

Not much.

I <3 you.

Pfft A, of course. You're the one who warped our fragile innocent minds. D:

I want to see Chocobos. But mostly Tifa.


Mage-Like Girl
:D:D just saw it, I love it and would love it more if chocobos were in it more, sorry I just love chocobos :D ::mudkip::


I'm really behind. Every one on your forum has already watched it cept Mega and I.

Haha, no :monster:. I haven't seen it, and I (pretty much) run / own the place, lolz.

Japs don't know how to properly rip a blu-ray disc, I guess. If it was a Hollywood movie, it would've been on the various channels weeks ago, :monster:.

Speaking of, didn't AC leak a week before the official release?


Great Old One
Cthulhu, she's talking about my forum. :monster:

And also, AC leaked on the internet fairly quickly... this is taking a lot longer. ;_;


Pro Adventurer
Tiff, Tifa,Or Tiffany
Cthulhu, she's talking about my forum. :monster:

And also, AC leaked on the internet fairly quickly... this is taking a lot longer. ;_;

It got copyrighted on youtube. He tried =/ it takes away the audio so im gonna ask him if we can just see it quickly XD but i want the sound T_T


Cthulhu, she's talking about my forum. :monster:

And also, AC leaked on the internet fairly quickly... this is taking a lot longer. ;_;

har, opps :monster:.

And I guess that Blu-rays are a lot more tricky to get a proper rip off of.

I should take the train over to Tetsujin's and watch it over there. At least, I think he's the nearest person that is going to get the movie, :monster:.


Likes The Bartender
har, opps :monster:.

And I guess that Blu-rays are a lot more tricky to get a proper rip off of.

It is actually... it takes a long time to dump the contents alone. But I still expected it to be ripped by now. :(

Edit: Why does Reeve look like a douche? D:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
How the fuck does Reeve look like a douche? What are you talking about?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Keisha, Kei
Just saw it... i don't like very much the design of the OVA ( I prefer the Last Order than this one)... and...aww poor Denzel...damn the geostigma it's seems really bad...

Know the principal: So if the OVA was released, where is the movie? i wanna see TT__TT


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
LO definitely has a more awesome art style. FFS, its Madhouse. That's a given.

But this OVA is totally different. For what it is, the style is nice and it tells a much more meaningful and poignant story. That's what I think is more important than how 1337 the action and shit looks.
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