[CHAPTER 5] Let's ALL Play Final Fantasy VI!

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
This is it, guys, the topic begins in earnest! Fire up those copies of Final Fantasy VI and play along with us as we breeze through the classic Final Fantasies since a lot of us have missed out on them. This isn't just a regular playthrough, so if you need a refresher on what's going on, here's a recap;

Here's how it works; we vote on a classic FF to play through (although I'm probably gonna have to insist we start with VI first ), and we all start playing at the same time. Throughout the event/topic, we discuss and share our thoughts and opinions so far.

Every so often, I'll have a checkpoint, where everyone stops at a certain part of the game, and I pose a question or a topic of discussion about that particular part of the game, what's going on, or your thoughts on the game so far. Everyone chips in, and the playthrough continues on. This goes on until we all beat the game and we move on to the next title.

As of this topic we're starting with Final Fantasy VI. But we can't begin for real just yet; to make sure we're all on the same page; I want to ensure that everyone has their method of play ready, whether it's a ROM, their SNES, or their GBA. It's a hard thing to gauge, so this is what I'll do; I'll put up a vote, and when that vote gets enough people ready and willing to start playing, I'll take it down and we can begin for real. If you need help finding the games, PM me and I'll be able to help you out.

(edit: there's no way to setup polls so that people can change their vote? That's pretty dumb. I guess the best thing to do is just to not vote until you're ready to play...?)


(I know it says Final Fantasy III. But it is indeed FFVI. I'll explain that later.)

FIRST CHECKPOINT-Coal Mining City of Narshe
SECOND CHECKPOINT-Figaro, the Desert Kingdom

THIRD CHECKPOINT-Help, a bear escaped from the gym!
FOURTH CHECKPOINT-Uh, don't tell anyone, but Locke steals ladies undergarments. While they're still wearing them.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One

This checkpoint is early, I know, but its to get everyone acclimated to the game and how I'm going to be doing this topic. Also I figure it's an easy enough point in the game that everyone can work to. Remember, the idea is to get to this part of the game, slow down your progress (try not to beat the game in the middle of the topic, guys!), read the checkpoint, comment, and then we'll move on! We're all playing together here.

I'll try to keep the images non spoileriffic and general as possible. I'll give hints in bold as to when you should slow down your progress to prepare for the next checkpoint. First things first...


Final Fantasy VI's intro ranks as one of my favorite game intros of the entire series; it's just so...heavy. From the thunderstorm before the title card, the dark description of the War of the Magi, the Empire, and finally the Magitek Armors marching in the snow, it's just...epic. As a kid, when I saw this intro back in 1996, I was like "Damn. Shit's about to get real." I had no idea. This applies to newcomers and old FFVI players alike. What impressions did the game leave on you while watching the intro? What were your thoughts so far?


This checkpoint is up until you see this event and meet up with a few new faces. Once you get past that and you've started your journey, tell us, what are your impressions of the game so far? By this point you've got a taste of the gameplay and the atmosphere this game brings to the table. What are your impressions?
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I really like the intro here. The combination of the music and the thunderstorm at the title screen Really gives the sense that something epic is happening. It really gets your blood pumping for waht comes next. The opening sequence with the magitek and the like is one of the most interesting openings to any FF game, rivalled only by FFIV and FFVII respectively.

The battles up to this point are easy, serving to get you used to the gameplay, but not to easy. I also want to comment on the music in Narshe and the mines. It works so well to set the atmosphere of the place. All in all this is one of the strongest openings into an FF title in my opinion.

Also two things. first, how do I use spoiler tags? Second, is it alright to take time to grind while you wait for everyone to reach a checkpoint if you happen to get there first?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Also two things. first, how do I use spoiler tags?

I forgot. It's really embarrassing.

Second, is it alright to take time to grind while you wait for everyone to reach a checkpoint if you happen to get there first?

Sure, but I really wouldn't recommend it. Not only is it unnecessary in this game, but gaining too many levels too early negates bonuses you get later on.


Double Growth
Opening thoughts:

This game is another clear case of the technology and magic dichotomy. Why is it that one always comes at the expense of the other? The concept is every where from kids shows to Full Metal Alchemist. I suppose the idea is that technology exists to make our lives easier, and with magic we would not have that need. And with necessity being the mother of invention and all. But still...even that only really makes sense if EVERYONE possessed magic a la Golden Sun. FF6 does combine them (Magitek, duh), but a lot of that is merely using technology to substitute magic. But I suppose this is neither here nor there.

You have to wonder what the Esper did to Biggs and Wedge...and to Terra for that matter. And the first multi-team battle event is fun, clearly the inspiration behind VII's Fort Condor game. Unfortunately, that enemy commander killed Locke right before dying, robbing him of the EXP :( At least I got his Mythril Knife,

Lastly, if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, I %&#@ing love Terra's Theme. FFVI has the best main theme of the series, bar none. When I saw Distant Worlds in Baltimore, I was such a happy little fanboy when they performed it. And to this day the opening scene as well as just being on VI's world map stirs the same feelings it always has. Great, great piece. Games can't be art my ass.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
God this game is so nostalgic. The scene where you see the Magitek Armor running through the snowfields of Narshe is just epic in its 16 bit glory. FFVI has one of my favorite openings of an FF. It gets straight into the action and that's what I love. FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, and FFX have the type of openings that really just through you into the story and it just keeps you going because the current just carries you through it all.

The Ymir is a weird boss though. How did those Narshe folk tame that thing? And what's up with the random hunch back hobos that throw wrenches at you? :wacky:

Also, has anyone noticed that in almost every FF, the beginning boss is something that has a transformation where if you attack in one state, it brutally counterattacks you?

There's the Mist Dragon in FFIV, the Wing Raptor of FFV, the Ymir of FFVI, and the Guard Scorpion of FFVII.

That just amuses me for some reason.


Well that wasn't too hard. I eliminated Vicks and Wedge right away so Terra could level a little. I wish I had thought of fixing my config before Ymir though, lost a few seconds of my life because a Slimed Terra.
FFVI certainly has one of the best openings in the series. It establishes the game's overall atmosphere and tone so well (FFVII does this, too, I think, with the opening shot of Midgar). I think it's able to pull off the evil empire theme effectively because of the details you get about it early on - the slave crown and Narshe's guards indiscriminately going after Terra in particular.

Lastly, if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, I %&#@ing love Terra's Theme. FFVI has the best main theme of the series, bar none.

This. Terra's Theme is fantastic.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Terra's theme is fantastic: it has a feeling of melancholy and journey way more than most of the other Final Fantasy themes. I adore it. I remember how it mentions the War of the Magi, and then they sort of had the fusion of magic and technology in the armor. Like you didn't need cure cause they had the healing beam thing. That was nice.

Perhaps it's because I'm also playing Earthbound right now, but I feel like the SNES had some really fantastic graphics for its time. The magitek armors walking into Narshe feels surprisingly epic, especially when coupled with Terra's theme. Then you sort of realize just how ridiculously powerful the armor is, and realizing that most of the army has this, not just you, and if you think about it and are already questioning the Empire, it seems pretty dang scary.

But srsly, this game has like the best intro ever.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
The Ymir is a weird boss though. How did those Narshe folk tame that thing?

I actually remember reading translated information that Narshe breeds monsters to supplement its military. Its only sort of slightly alluded to in the game, but Narshe is a very powerful nation (yes, its a nation) in the world of FFVI, military, politically, and economically.

Also, has anyone noticed that in almost every FF, the beginning boss is something that has a transformation where if you attack in one state, it brutally counterattacks you?

There's the Mist Dragon in FFIV, the Wing Raptor of FFV, the Ymir of FFVI, and the Guard Scorpion of FFVII.

I figure it weeds out the retards too dumb to play the rest of the game.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
On a random note, Terra with the slave collar is hot.

Lighting people on fire, having to do whatever she's told, riding that huge ass Magitek Armor, and killing all those soldiers and animals.

I love it. :awesome:

Kefka has exquisite taste.

Fuck that Esper for ruining the fun.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I'm sure a slave collar is something completely different, and not really suitable for this topic, Mako xD

On an actual related note for this topic, I've unearthed my copy of FFVI and will begin playing it shortly!


I'm at the part just before you go to Figaro. Is that where we're supposed to stop?

The opening sequence is just jizz-worthy. I mean, the music is phenomenal as has been stated already. But just... the cinematic feel to it all. The way it's all laid out is masterful, with the Magitek armour in the snow, the dark horizon, the credits at the top. I cannot stress how beautiful it is.

Pheonix Wright said:
Perhaps it's because I'm also playing Earthbound right now, but I feel like the SNES had some really fantastic graphics for its time. The magitek armors walking into Narshe feels surprisingly epic, especially when coupled with Terra's theme. Then you sort of realize just how ridiculously powerful the armor is, and realizing that most of the army has this, not just you, and if you think about it and are already questioning the Empire, it seems pretty dang scary.

I agree. The game looks really amazing. Maybe it's nostalgia, or perhaps having recently seen Scott Pilgrim, but I'm totally loving the overall design of the game right now. Everything is just so detailed and nice. It has the cool steampunk/sci-fi quality of FF7 and the whimsical fantasy of the earlier FFs. It's a perfect middle ground.

Also IDGAF what people may say, Amano's desgins are WAY prettier than Nomura's. They just fit the feel to these games more.

Also, I've been playing the anthology version and I can confirm the load times are a little irritating. I guess I didn't notice the last time I played because this is the only version I've experienced.

Just wanted to comment a little bit about this version. On the start menu, you get a cool FMV montage of the different characters. You also get a bit of a prologue where Biggs and Wedge escourt Terra into her magitek armour. I just have to say that even though this is the only version of the game I've played, I could just imagine how fans of the SNES version must have felt seeing all these characters in 3D. It must have been like when those first few images of Advent Children were released. Whatever annoying things there maybe in the Anthology version, I think the added FMV makes up for it.

Celes Chere

also, I've been playing the anthology version and I can confirm the load times are a little irritating. I guess I didn't notice the last time I played because this is the only version I've experienced.

Just wanted to comment a little bit about this version. On the start menu, you get a cool FMV montage of the different characters. You also get a bit of a prologue where Biggs and Wedge escourt Terra into her magitek armour. I just have to say that even though this is the only version of the game I've played, I could just imagine how fans of the SNES version must have felt seeing all these characters in 3D. It must have been like when those first few images of Advent Children were released. Whatever annoying things there maybe in the Anthology version, I think the added FMV makes up for it.

YEE, that is the version I am also playing, and I agree with you about the load times. FUUUU. Other than that though, like no complaints, seriously. The opening amazes me as usual, Terra's theme always gives me a feeling like I'm flying, or some cheesy bs like that. :awesome: The FMV is really freaking epic too, and so are all of the other ones you see along the way. The scene with Celes letting the roses go off of the balcony? My God is that ever magical. I can't wait to get to that part of the game. >w<


AI Researcher
Slave collars are a device of Mako's own design.

Thoughts: My favourite part of the opening so far was the sequence with the credits. The music, the rolling horizon as the Magitech head towards Narshe, the city slowing coming into view. It's pretty calm overall but all adds up to still be pretty epic

I might restart it though, since this ROM seems to have been modified. From one single dog, the very first battle, I got 20000+ EXP and went to level 19 :monster: By the time I readed the mine I was already at level 50 and had over 1 million gil. Ymir went down in two hits.

I'm on the world map (where I assumed the first check point was, after the beginner's hall bit) now and Locke level 90 with 4 million gil. That'd definitely make the game easier to get through but there's no challenge when I'm probably going to be level 99 before I've even met half my team. So I might go and get another, non-modified version to play through instead since killing all these normal enemies in one hit when I'm not even an hour in doesn't make for very exciting battles.

It's just a matter of finding the bloody thing, though :awesome: I already went through Chinese ROMs just to get this one.

EDIT; also the PS version's FMV do look cool. I like the bits with Terra going through Gastora.

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Double Growth
Also IDGAF what people may say, Amano's desgins are WAY prettier than Nomura's.

Prettier perhaps, but I still think everyone looks the same in his drawings.

SI might restart it though, since this ROM seems to have been modified. From one single dog, the very first battle, I got 20000+ EXP and went to level 19 :monster: By the time I readed the mine I was already at level 50 and had over 1 million gil.

Lol. Honestly I'm surprised it still took two hits. Why would you want a permanently modded ROM like that...?
Also IDGAF what people may say, Amano's desgins are WAY prettier than Nomura's. They just fit the feel to these games more.

I agree; I much prefer Amano to Nomura (though I've gotta admit Nomura's designs do work better in 3D). Amano's work is gorgeous and I think the designs he did for FFVI are the best out of his work for the series. I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that Terra was one of his favorite characters to design.

The FMV's pretty cool, especially considering its age. Kefka looks a lot better in it than he did in Dissidia, IMO.


Prettier perhaps, but I still think everyone looks the same in his drawings.

I actually totally agree with this comment. I do think some of Nomura's best does match Amano's work. I really like alot of Nomura's character designs, especially a lot of the girls. Namely Rinoa, Edea, Yuna etc. His monster work is really cool as well, and tends to get ignored. It's just that when he does something bad... it's downright terrible. Overall I just prefer Amano, I get a more fantasy feel from his work. Nomura tends to be more modern/futuristic. Then there's this guy who simply does not get enough love at all :(

Hebdomeros said:
Kefka looks a lot better in it than he did in Dissidia, IMO.

THIS. He looks really freaky in FF:Anthology.
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