Chit Chat Thread 2.0

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Great Old One
Cuz I'm going to Korea. :monster:

Okay, I should seriously be going - I'll talk to you again in the airport cause there's internet connection at the lounge.


Chloe Frazer
I wish I could stay but I'm really tired, I'm actually not sure if I'm dreaming right now
Now you have 1 silly boy to talk to and who knows maybe Meggy will come :wackymonster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I can give you one, the other promised me not to give out like candy. But you're gonna have to wait till I go home. It's on the CPU, not my laptop. : (
It wouldn't be like candy though, it would be to a very trusted friend. :angel:

also k :(

also Celes, strip for me too pl0x? :wacky:
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