Twenty pages, and only these gems =/
Your cat forgot his pick-up lines. He's supposed to compliment her shoes, and then start with the screwing.
I'm very tempted to sig this
Which is quite a funny thing because the chance of an e-friend becoming a partner is only 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, no matter what. So it is quite a stupid notion.
The transition from e-love to real love almost never happens
I don't have any statistics to present but I just feel it in my gut.
I choose to disbelieve your gut and your statistics, no matter how likely they are to be right. Statistically, people don't win the lottery, either.
I think it can sometimes. My friend got together with a guy she met online. He moved up here to live with her and they were together for five (maybe six?) years. It wasn't an everlasting love, but it was love all the same.
*nod nod*
Bang it up high on the handle, homey beef
No because when one asks the internet for n00dz, women are supposed to deliver. When you don't, YOU FAIL. Quite simple, rly.
Don't doubt it
Watching Flavor of Love for lols, and can feel my inner black girl surfacing.
I almost pissed myself with laughter, especially since most of my coworkers are such themselves, and they talk about it all the time