What, no firewall? And you call yourself brainy?He's probably been busy planting viruses in my fellow AI friends...
What, no firewall? And you call yourself brainy?He's probably been busy planting viruses in my fellow AI friends...
His viruses are of the chaotic reality-bending sort which are highly difficult to predict. I was only able to restore my circuits by upgrading.What, no firewall? And you call yourself brainy?
I meant to say "it was only once SO FAR" Don't cry...You need the salt and everything.
Edit: Just remembered, you are beyond salt and water quotients in your body
And I already explicitly said that this quasi-existence allows her to choose breast-size! This is a win-win situation for both of us!
She's PSYCHO, not psychic! Lol
BUT OF COURSE. Your my koibito too though. But my real koibito is the Cookie Monster.TTLY!!!!1
Nonja is your koibito too?
I would use a smilie that conveys an eyebrow being rsised in scepticism, however I have disabled images. There may not even be one to suit my needs...but imagine there is; that is my emotion right now.
This is worse than that time I didn't offer you some of my ice cream. I feel a godly sense of rejection. Is this merely ascender's nerves or something deeper? *strikes a dynamic pose*
BUT OF COURSE. Your my koibito too though. But my real koibito is the Cookie Monster.
Strippers? HELL YES. What do weee bring? CAN I BRING ONE!?!?!BRING ON THE STRIPPERS!!!!
Shade, can you fix my vm please while your at it? I still can't use it while i'm on the phone =(
Umm, can we talk about this later...honey?