Super Mario
- Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Baby: actually... 

That's no excuse. Lol Even if I were drunk i'd still not touch AK with a barge poll.I was drunk and it was in the karaoke player ffs.
That's no excuse. Lol Even if I were drunk i'd still not touch AK with a barge poll.
I have no idea who this Cali is, but Audrey told me that she apparently wrote some shit about you. And I saw the thing you gave me about how you had to be 'saved from Jesus.' Funny shet, lol.It wasn't really drama, it was just Cali being a fucking idiot like normal.Alex handled it well, and after needing only one more warning to be banned, she seemed to stop posting. XD
That's the only logical explanation, though of course they would deny that. And I totally agree Ali- if they have enough time to post tons of discussions on their Forums, what's so hard about taking as much time as you need to reply? Even if it is a month.
I mean, if you have all of your answers and sources ready, it's easy to reply as shown by the Cloti side. I think they're just SOL when Clotis smack the facts in teh face.
Wow, I think I'm bitter tonight. *lol*
Oh please. Everything you say is awkward.Awwwwkwaaaaard![]()
Methinks the actual problem is that the compilation has made canon blatantly obvious, which it wasn't necessarily when that forum was first started upIt wasn't really drama, it was just Cali being a fucking idiot like normal.Alex handled it well, and after needing only one more warning to be banned, she seemed to stop posting. XD
That's the only logical explanation, though of course they would deny that. And I totally agree Ali- if they have enough time to post tons of discussions on their Forums, what's so hard about taking as much time as you need to reply? Even if it is a month.
I mean, if you have all of your answers and sources ready, it's easy to reply as shown by the Cloti side. I think they're just SOL when Clotis smack the facts in teh face.
Wow, I think I'm bitter tonight. *lol*
Well, really. They shouldn't be complaining how we're jumping on them, when, like you said, they created the forum themselves. They only have themselves to blame.Methinks the actual problem is that the compilation has made canon blatantly obvious, which it wasn't necessarily when that forum was first started up However, they're too committed to their pairing to actually admit that in public, seeing as they've started an entire forum around it, so apparently the only way they can deal with it is to... stop discussing it?Or something like that.
;_;Oh please. Everything you say is awkward.
I have no idea who this Cali is, but Audrey told me that she apparently wrote some shit about you. And I saw the thing you gave me about how you had to be 'saved from Jesus.' Funny shet, lol.That's good. I'm glad there's a Clerith that's sensible to do that.
I know, SERIOUSLY. Debate only when you have the fucking time. Don't leave a reply and disappear and then claim we're jumping at you. It's your own fault for even leaving a reply in the first place. OBVIOUSLY we're going to want to see you debate, if you try to. And then all that screwy crap about how it's not a public forum...
It's hard just trying to be fair when you have so many trolls in the forum all the time. :-/ I didn't know there could be so many douchebags out there already.
However, they're too committed to their pairing to actually admit that in public, seeing as they've started an entire forum around it, so apparently the only way they can deal with it is to... stop discussing it? Or something like that.
EW, that's gross Mumble! Don't you know better than that? D :
LOL, I feel so bad for you. *pats* Yes, that's so true. All Clotis are evil morons doing the work for Satan, and happen to know quite a lot with black magic. 8D Oh and I recall seeing an article about someone posting how Clotis went against Christianity in Desfailed. 8DLmao, yeah she PMed me on FFF telling me that I was a parasitic Cloti that needed to find God. Apparently Cleriths are good Christian ladies, and Clotis are the work of the devil! xD Heathens, the lot of us! Other than that, she spammed my profile comments with "CLOUD LUVS AERITH 4 EVER" about 40 times, took away my rep, made a journal on deviantart dedicated to me, and moar. 8D Others have experienced her being a complete and absolute moron as well.
I bet he accused us of being too scared to do it... oh, the irony.Yeah, I know! Like omg, we're responding in a PUBLIC Forum. How does this not make sense? XD Shroudi kept trying to push everyone into a one on one debate, but no takers. And for good reason, it's a public flippin' Forum.
I don't know about me... lately I've seen to meet more dumb Cleriths than awesome ones. D :Well, it IS the internet.Fortunately, I've met enough awesome people to outweigh the douchecakes.
That's because they're desperate, that's what.I dunno, they've created some pretty wacked counters for the obviously canon statements. Going as far to say Aerith's ribbon isn't from Zack because she changed it since CC, and saying that Aerith knew the real Cloud... I feel bad for them.
I don't think many girls would take a liking to that.IT'S THE CIRCLE OF LIFE.
Awwww.....I love to listen to people talk about themselves (or anything mildly interesting/that they feel passionate about, rly). So I don't talk all that much IRL, 'specially about myself. Listening is what I do best. What few close friends I do have have told me countless times I would be a great psychiatrist...something about being able to put people at ease and look at things objectively while still taking their feelings into consideration. I never judge, and genuinely want to help.
Monies are just icing on the caek, nom
Psst. He's lying.Aw, that's so sweet. <3
What's your 'second-most-prized-posession?'Am not ;_;
I'd take a picture of my second most prized possession as pr00fs, but cba right now.
Also...that line about us being the work of the devil made me cry from laughing so hard xD
LOL, I feel so bad for you. *pats* Yes, that's so true. All Clotis are evil morons doing the work for Satan, and happen to know quite a lot with black magic. 8D Oh and I recall seeing an article about someone posting how Clotis went against Christianity in Desfailed. 8D
I bet he accused us of being too scared to do it... oh, the irony.
I don't know about me... lately I've seen to meet more dumb Cleriths than awesome ones. D :
Psst. He's lying.
Cleriths must really love abstinence. Or either way, they just can't get anyone. And seriously, what the fuck? So Cloud and Tifa's relationship isn't as 'pure' as Cloud and Aerith's, which is why they would have bad chemsitry? Uh, NO THANKS MARY SUE.Yeah, she really frosts my cookies. D< She popped up in every damn Forum I was in... she was like a goddamn cockroach or something. No matter how many times she got squished and smashed, she someone how managed to survive and spread her disgusting shit all over that place. I hate Christians that are hypocritical fools, too. You can't be "of God" and "pure" if you're flaming people, cursing, and trying to shove your religion down other peoples throats.
I saw that... it's very sad.Yeah, really. We told them countless times we were willing to wait. And it was FLH who claimed to have saved her response on word, but never posted it. How hard is copy paste? 8)
Most Cleriths I'm meeting are getting worse. It's very sad. Don't people realize that being anti- makes you look like a fucking idiot with no life?Oh, I meant people in general, not Cleriths. I've met some really nice ones though. Most of them believe in Clerith fanon and aren't in CxA Forums. GO FIGURE.
ASK HIM TO READ YOUR FEELINGS! He read mine, and it was accurate. :3He is? D=
Something my best friend of four years wrote me in a card.What's your 'second-most-prized-posession?'
What's your first?
And 'tis true. We have sinned... recite the prayer...
They also probably say that because some Clotis support the fact that Cloud and Tifa may have done it under the Highwind. EVIL!
No, I'm really not =/He is? D=
Cleriths must really love abstinence. Or either way, they just can't get anyone. And seriously, what the fuck? So Cloud and Tifa's relationship isn't as 'pure' as Cloud and Aerith's, which is why they would have bad chemsitry? Uh, NO THANKS MARY SUE.
Most Cleriths I'm meeting are getting worse. It's very sad. Don't people realize that being anti- makes you look like a fucking idiot with no life?
ASK HIM TO READ YOUR FEELINGS! He read mine, and it was accurate. :3
What does it say in the card?Something my best friend of four years wrote me in a card.
And a tiny wooden turtle given me by my first love :3
Sinning is canon
If we're obsessed with vanity, they're obsessed with us *lol* I mean, seriously. DEDICATING A HATE SITE TO US! THAT JUST SHOWS HOW MUCH THEY FEEL SELF-CONSCIOUS! It really is sad. Therapy?Yeah, that's why all of them are like 30 something with imaginary boyfriends. *FFGCOUGH* I really, really, dislike CxA Forums. And not because I got banned, because I asked to be banned from that hell-hole. *lmao* Haha, I was once reading through CxA and they were saying that Clotis were obsessed with vanity.
The other fuckers who do give a fuck, that's what."I HAET CLOUDXTIFA!!! D<<<DD<D<<"
Response: Who gives a fuck?![]()
NOOOOO, AUDREY IS <3! D :So far I'm getting a good deal of annoyance/frustration toward this Audrey person (or was it Cali?), and also particularly religious people in general. But that's more due to being able to read and pick up on obvious clues, rly =/
If we're obsessed with vanity,
they're obsessed with us *lol* I mean, seriously. DEDICATING A HATE SITE TO US! THAT JUST SHOWS HOW MUCH THEY FEEL SELF-CONSCIOUS! It really is sad. Therapy?
Oh, by the way Tiff, AA told me that she e-mailed the webmistress of the site. We're going to get the person's IP Address, woot! <3 I know who it is already though, so it won't be a surprise... xD