ALSO ALSO ALSO. Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever > The Earth is Not a Cold, Dead Place
You'd hate to see me drunk too. I'm like I am now, but more lovely.
Heylo thar all! hows it? I been gone far too long from dis here chat thread LOLz! Heylo BBM!
+ Angel-Winged Demon +
you're always drunk stoopid.
Fucking hell my internet's slow.
Don't worry, dear.
And I have broadband. :s
I'm stressed out as usual.
My cat's been missing for two days. If he doesn't come back by the end of the week, I'm going to staple his photo all over the city.
BBM, you live in California. If you ever see a bat-eared brown tabby walking around ... (really stretching it) : (
I wish I had better photos than this:
I don't know where I put all his other photos at.
And how are you?
Glasses by any chance?Mmrph...same old, same old. Freaking out because I need to change out my contacts but don't have any left at the moment D:
Sorry.I'm 24,
I don't get spring break. I just get more work.
Why are you stressed out though?