Japs are insane, and that's all there is to it. No people with any sane mind could come up with the stuff they did, which includes, but is not limited to, pornography, appearance fads, pornography, TV shows, pornography, video games, pornography, pornographyous video games, pornographical TV shows, et cetera ad infinitum nota bene dramatis personæ actio personalis moritur cum persona nasciturus pro iam nato habetur, quotiens de commodis eius agitur nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali hibernaculum ex vivo contra principia negantem disputari non potest post hoc ergo propter hoc Q.E.D. reductio ad absurdum contra vim mortis non crescit herba in hortis, ergo, concordedly, vis-a-vis, and don't you dare deny it.