Cloud Strife would beat his children

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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
So Cloti can't be canon, Tifa would never commit to such a dangerous and unstable individual. Lets look at the facts, she comes from a dysfunctional family herself, having lost her mother and being raised by an overbearing and overprotective father it is very likely that she wouldn't let a similarly harsh individual raise her own children because of the clear emotional scarring she suffered by her father's cruel and restrictive upbringing.

Throughout FFVII we are shown repeatedly that Cloud is a very cruel person, participating in the mass murder of thousands of people alongside the rest of AVALANCHE. This cavalier disregard for human life would make him highly unsuited to being a father. Also throughout the game we are shown that Cloud resorts to violence at any possible oppurtunity, wasting no time to boastfully trounce the Turks at any and every oppurtunity and never once trying to talk things out. Who are we to say that he wouldn't respond to every crisis in the home in the same way? Showing his fists to his children for every glass of spilt milk or bad report card.

Even his last name shows hints at his violent temprament and thus unsuitability for fatherhood. Just look at Advent Children for example, after years he is finally reunited with his self proclaimed 'war buddy' Sephiroth and his first response is to whip out his sword and proceed to disembowel him. Heaven only knows what would do if a screaming child were to be thrust into his arms.

And this isn't even going into his clear disposition as a pathological liar and a clear lunatic.


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
he would be so abusive to the children, I can see scars and bruises on marlene's body in AC and Denzel's blatant cover up for abuse (geostigma my ass) .


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide

Avalanche better step up to him soon and take charge. :no:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Open, but I will lock once the dramaz begin to outweight the lulz. In other words, wen someone starts taking it too seriously.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I wish you guys would stop giving me such awesome sig quotes, I can only fit so many :(


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Please cut down on the spam in here. I want this topic to be taken seriously.

I know its not quite a discussion of Cid's religious practices or Sephiroth's sexuality but I'd like it to be treated with the same level of respect as importance as these two clearly important factors.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Please cut down on the spam in here. I want this topic to be taken seriously.

I know its not quite a discussion of Cid's religious practices or Sephiroth's sexuality but I'd like it to be treated with the same level of respect as importance as these two clearly important factors.

I'm taking it about as seriously as 'what hair gel does cloud use?' So pretty fucking seriously.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
You should make a topic about that tbh. Every facet of final fantasy 7 must be discussed and answered.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
I think I might actually it's a very important part of the story.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
But I think the real question would be whether or not Cloud's hair gel isbi, gay or straight.

presumably it was some very fucked up standards woven into its warped little mind, so I'm leaning towards the latter.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
But I think the real question would be whether or not Cloud's hair gel isbi, gay or straight.

presumably it was some very fucked up standards woven into its warped little mind, so I'm leaning towards the latter.

I think it's gay. Just look at all the CouldXSephy fanfiction on the nets. It must be tr00 luv.

Mitch Connor

Its All Good Enough
well i cant say your wrong about anything, but hey, Tifa's got as much blood on her hands as Cloud. Who the hell is that bitch to judge?? Im sure Tifa took part in the slaughtering of poor Christopher and his pet goat...


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Well said! Personally I don't think either of them should be shown near children in any FF related media because its showing the fans the wrong kind of message about what type of people make acceptable parents.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
well i cant say your wrong about anything, but hey, Tifa's got as much blood on her hands as Cloud. Who the hell is that bitch to judge?? Im sure Tifa took part in the slaughtering of poor Christopher and his pet goat...

So the topic should be about both Cloud and Tifa beating the shit out of their children you think?


SacredViolator, Supersix4
I've never liked that shot of Cloud. He looks weird. :/

I thought the same.

He looks like either he just woke up, he's stoned, his face wasn't rendered right, something else I can't put my finger on, or all.
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So Cloti can't be canon, Tifa would never commit to such a dangerous and unstable individual. Lets look at the facts, she comes from a dysfunctional family herself, having lost her mother and being raised by an overbearing and overprotective father it is very likely that she wouldn't let a similarly harsh individual raise her own children because of the clear emotional scarring she suffered by her father's cruel and restrictive upbringing.

Throughout FFVII we are shown repeatedly that Cloud is a very cruel person, participating in the mass murder of thousands of people alongside the rest of AVALANCHE. This cavalier disregard for human life would make him highly unsuited to being a father. Also throughout the game we are shown that Cloud resorts to violence at any possible oppurtunity, wasting no time to boastfully trounce the Turks at any and every oppurtunity and never once trying to talk things out. Who are we to say that he wouldn't respond to every crisis in the home in the same way? Showing his fists to his children for every glass of spilt milk or bad report card.

Even his last name shows hints at his violent temprament and thus unsuitability for fatherhood. Just look at Advent Children for example, after years he is finally reunited with his self proclaimed 'war buddy' Sephiroth and his first response is to whip out his sword and proceed to disembowel him. Heaven only knows what would do if a screaming child were to be thrust into his arms.

And this isn't even going into his clear disposition as a pathological liar and a clear lunatic.


.......And what do we get out of this? Cloud and Aerith's relationship is true love. Love passes beyond death. It's unstoppable. And as you have demonstrated here, there reason why Cloud beat "his" children is.... the temptation of spirit!smex is too much. He knows that Aerith is waiting. You could see that from the look on his face in the end of AC. And if you listened carefully, you could hear Cloud say: "Aerith.... I'll meet you in the flowerfeild. tifa st00pid bethz hoe!!!123"


And this picture should be proof enough that Cloud and Tifa isn't happy living with eachother. I putted a spoiler tag there for those who might me offended by the true canon, Clerith.



Pro Adventurer
I thought the same.

He looks like either he just woke up, he's stoned, his face wasn't rendered right, something else I can't put my finger on, or all.

Probably didn't get much sleep before he came back from the Forgotten City. I mean think about it, you don't think Cloud and Marlene camped til morning then go back.
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