First things first, here are the Japanese names and their official English counterparts:
ガラスのティアラ - Glass Tiara
ルビーのティアラ - Ruby Tiara
ダイヤのティアラ - Diamond Tiara
コロン - Cologne
フラワーコロン - Flower Cologne
セクシーコロン - Sexy Cologne
サテンのドレス - Satin Dress
コットンのドレ - Cotton Dress
シルクのドレス - Silk Dress
クセゲのかつら - Wig
チャパツのかつら - Dyed Wig
ブロンドのかつら - Blonde Wig
You know what was a lost opportunity in the Kingdom Hearts games? Having the mice from Cinderella make a dress for Cloud. It's a thing that should have existed!
The best items are those on the bottom of these lists. So...
- Diamond Tiara
- Sexy Cologne
- Silk Dress
- Blonde Wig
Google "Attraction Values" in
Absolute Steve's guide in order to find the section about how many points each item represents and how many points you need for each of Don Corneo's selections.
For Cloud to be selected you need to have 19 attraction points or more. Each of the best items give +5 points, so that ensures you 20 points. However you also gain points by having makeup applied on Cloud, so there is a chance for Cloud to be selected even if you don't wear the best items so long as you gained enough points from getting the makeup.