Hello, Despicable Hearts! Shockingly, it's somehow been a whole nother week!
Who's done some writing?
I have not. Well, I have done
some writing, but not enough. I will try super much harder to have something to show for next week, though!
Here is a quote/kind of sort of piece of advice from a writer:
One of the things I think I’m proudest of in this decade is learning how different a manuscript can be while still being the same novel.
I’m ever so much faster at going through permutations now without worrying about whether or not I’ve broken the inherent concept. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
In this quote she's talking about editing books in order for them to be 'fit' for publishing. I'm not sure how encouraging this is, exactly? But I read it this week and I have been thinking about it a lot, so now you all can, too! I'm rewriting a story because I thought its second half was too weak and also because the actual
plot isn't important, in this case, because the plot is not the
story I set out to tell in it, you feel me? Which I kind of feel is what Maggie's talking about above, to do some degree, at least. However, I have another story that is too tightly wrapped up all in its plot and that is my baby and the mere thought of making
dramatic changes to it is like a physical pain. I always dreamed one day way in the future I'd be able to get it published, but now I don't think I can do that, and I've been thinking about that a lot this week. I don't wanna be a downer though! In some ways, this is a pretty freeing realisation! No worrying about making it conform to any particular thing! No worrying about various editors judging it and disapproving of it! It can take any shape it wants!
I also think that her quote above can be encouraging because, again, you don't have to get your words down right the first time, or even the second time, you just have to keep going until it takes the right shape and tells the story as well as possible!
Keep writing!