Cruise vs. Townsend: Battle of Lestats

Who played Lestat better?

  • Tom Cruise

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Stuart Townsend

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
is Stuart Townsend the asshat who played him in queen of the damned? if so then cruise by far. I havent even read any of the books but i can tell it's him


Fire and Blood
Actually, physically, I pictured Lestat like Townsend was. However, that dude... lacks charisma. Like, badly. It was lulzy to watch this movie. His acting was bad in more way than one too XD

Cruise definitely played a very good Lestat. But he didn't look like him in my opinion XD

Townsend looked like Lestat. But he played a very bad Lestat :monster:


Beacause I am a puppet
Sorry, but Interview with the Vampire was leaps and bounds better than Queen of the Damned, so perhaps I'm not being 100% fair in giving my vote to Cruise. However, I can remember his performance being pretty good throughout Interview, and the entirety of that scene you linked stuck with me for a long time. Given how batshit insane Cruise is, it's easy to forget that he can actually act.
There's no competition here. Tom Cruise IS Lestat. Not just his appearance, but the mix of wickedness and love he shows. The novel made us mostly despise and fear Lestat, and I think Cruise managed to strike some fear in the audience.

I especially love the scene at the very end, when he says "Awe Louis, Louis... Still HWINING Louis... That's pure gold.

There was a rumour going around at the end of 2007 that United Artists, a movie company affiliated with Tom Cruise, was trying to get the rights for making a movie of the "Tale of the body thief" novel. This would be awesome if Tom Cruise could return as Lestat, although I doubt they could make him look as young as in the above clip.

I also want to say how much I like the movie in overall. I like the tweaks; making Louis mourn a dead wife and a child, making Louis deny Armand's offer for them to wander the Earth together, and in overall Louis's attitude by the end of the book in contrast with the movie.
My memory may be a bit sluggish, but I don't recall Louis ever asking Lestat directly about the origin of vampires. I'm pretty sure he didn't get the response we see in the movie.
"Why?!! Why should I know these things?! Do you know them?!" It's just a WONDERFUL line considering what the readers should know about 'Those who must be kept' and all that. I think Cruise was aware of this and he gave that extra flare of emotion because of it.
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ACF Refugee
Tom Cruise was the original and FAR superior actor. Queen of the Damned sucked ass just for the fact that neither of the actors reprised their roles. This is not a competition. This is blasphemy.

EDIT: This is madness! THIS! IS! SPARTA!!!!!!!!
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The Doctor

The Definitive Article
cruise all the way.

townsend was originally cast as aragorn in lotr but they dropped him when it became clear he can't act for shit.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Cruise looks nothing like the character, acts nothing like the character and is a douche irl.

Towsend at least managed to get the character right although the film had fuck all to do with the book.


Yes...he sure managed to get the character right which is why Townsend is a dirty blond at best and Lestat is clearly defined as a blond in the books. Like, gaps, Cruise in IwtV.

Cruise also acts perfectly like Lestat in every way. He is both cold and cruel, irritated and furious with Louis' constant questions and in the end, vulnerable and desperate for companionship.
Just like in the book version of Interview.

But I'm sure Anne Rice is totally wrong about who is good at playing the character she created.
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Yes...he sure managed to get the character right which is why Townsend is a dirty blond at best and Lestat is clearly defined as a blond in the books. Like, gaps, Cruise in IwtV.

Cruise also acts perfectly like Lestat in every way. He is both cold and cruel, irritated and furious with Louis' constant questions and in the end, vulnerable and desperate for companionship.
Just like in the book version of Interview.

But I'm sure Anne Rice is totally wrong about who is good at playing the character she created.

Yeah im sure she knows exactly what she was doing when she allowed the film to be directed in a manner that plays Armand as a full grown man as opposed to the youth he was when Lestat met him.
Im even sure she properly thought out the difference between showing the interviewer being turned by Lestat at the end when in fact that never occured and he was only ever turned by Armand years later.

As far as Rice goes she hasn't done shit in terms of doing right by her literature.

Also Cruise played his version of Lestat.
At Least with Townsend you saw the cockyness that the character was supposed to leak everywhere he went.
Even the longing for humanity was perfect where as in Cruise's case he was far too pre-occupied focusing on being the anti-christ than being the character (albeit Louis did supposedly take the piss with his account of details)
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Yeah im sure she knows exactly what she was doing when she allowed the film to be directed in a manner that plays Armand as a full grown man as opposed to the youth he was when Lestat met him.

She had nothing to do with the film. She saw it when it came out like everybody else. And thought Cruise did a great job.

Im even sure she properly thought out the difference between showing the interviewer being turned by Lestat at the end when in fact that never occured and he was only ever turned by Armand years later.

No novel-based movie can follow everything perfectly. The novel's ending would not work for the film anymore than the ending in Jurassic Park (book) would work in the movie. So both writers/directors decided on something more interesting.

As far as Rice goes she hasn't done shit in terms of doing right by her literature.

It still is her literature and she knows how her characters are more than you or I. Simple as that.

Even the longing for humanity was perfect where as in Cruise's case he was far too pre-occupied focusing on being the anti-christ than being the character (albeit Louis did supposedly take the piss with his account of details)

He's only wrong according to Lestat. Lestat could very well just be making himself look better.

And there was no longing for humanity by Lestat in Interview (book). He was 95% of the time a sadistic asshole.. Even in kind acts like with his father he was unable to be truly human and it fell upon Louis.
The other 5% of humanity is only seen twice in the book:
a. in Paris.
B. when Louis finds him later in his story.

So Cruise played a demon because Lestat was a demon in the book. It's not his fault that Lestat was made more an anti-hero and not a villain in later installments.
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~The Other Side of Fear~
Considering how much I obsess over vampries in general, the fact that I couldn't even watch the movie from beginning to end speaks volumes of how much I hated it.

That said Cruise didn't do an entirely disasterous job and I have no idea bout Townsend.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
She had nothing to do with the film. She saw it when it came out like everybody else. And thought Cruise did a great job.

But I'm sure Anne Rice is totally wrong about who is good at playing the character she created.
Kinda sounded like you were pushing for that.

No novel-based movie can follow everything perfectly. The novel's ending would not work for the film anymore than the ending in Jurassic Park (book) would work in the movie. So both writers/directors decided on something more interesting.

It still is her literature and she knows how her characters are more than you or I. Simple as that.
That taken into theory can't i have an oppinion i feel is better instead of having to listen to you?

He's only wrong according to Lestat. Lestat could very well just be making himself look better.

And there was no longing for humanity by Lestat in Interview (book). He was 95% of the time a sadistic asshole.. Even in kind acts like with his father he was unable to be truly human and it fell upon Louis.
The other 5% of humanity is only seen twice in the book:
a. in Paris.
B. when Louis finds him later in his story.

So Cruise played a demon because Lestat was a demon in the book. It's not his fault that Lestat was made more an anti-hero and not a villain in later installments.

Other than the fact that after they are reunited Louis does nothing but lick Lestat's ass repeatedly up until they meet Merrick.
Even then he is still OMG ITS LESTAT!

Rice also denotes as Lestat about the crap Louis spewed when he read his version of the past.
Btw on a side note, you sure your not WOI?


Other than the fact that after they are reunited Louis does nothing but lick Lestat's ass repeatedly up until they meet Merrick.
Even then he is still OMG ITS LESTAT!

The word non sequitur comes to mind.
None of that has anythng to do with what I said.

Rice also denotes as Lestat about the crap Louis spewed when he read his version of the past.

I already answered this. Lestat saying Louis is wrong is not exactly worth much. You yourself say the character is extremely cocky and we all know of Lestat's arrogance. He could very well just be covering up his many flaws.

Btw on a side note, you sure your not WOI?


That taken into theory can't i have an oppinion i feel is better instead of having to listen to you?

You're perfectly entitled to your opinion. I just feel it's wrong and pointed out the creator of the character we're discussing also feels it's wrong.
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
The word non sequitur comes to mind.
None of that has anythng to do with what I said.

I already answered this. Lestat saying Louis is wrong is not exactly worth much. You yourselc say the character is extremely cocky and we all know of Lestat's arrogance. He could very well just be covering up his many flaws.


Yeah and imo Townsend did a much better interpretation of the cockyness Lestat is supposed to have as opposed to the role Louis created.
One shit book in the series written by a diff character does not denote the entire character themselves.
Plus at least QOTD had a good soundtrack XD

Oh yeah and woi is a dirty pedo who essentially had the ego the size of his date rape sheet and often frequented forums to hound his ex...some even with your name.
Hence the confusion.
Especially if your the same Nikkolas from acf and still like to touch up lil kids.
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