
Cookie Monster

High Moon Studios seems to be developing a Deadpool game for Marvel.
We learned earlier this month that High Moon Studios is working with a Marvel franchise, and it looks like it's a Deadpool game.

High Moon Studios is best known for its work on Transformers: War for Cybertron and the upcoming Fall of Cybertron. IF you check out, you will see a countdown set to end in about five hours, and High Moon's logo at the bottom of the page. It looks like we will know more in a few hours, so make sure to check back.


Just about two hours left.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I hope the gameplay holds up and the story is as Metaaware of its own nonsense as it seems.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anybody played this yet? It just came out, so I wouldn't have if the youngin' in the house didn't have a future step-dad who is loaded with money and likes to look good for her mom.

Anywho, the gameplay is nothing too special. It's literally nothing you haven't seen a dozen times before. It's just made cooler than the other times you saw it because it's mired in Deadpool's absurdity. It does get a tad repetitive, though, but you tend to expect that with this type of game design.

Still, where it shines is in the writing and voice acting. It's Daniel Way writing Deadpool at damn near his best (Way does a good Deadpool even if "Wolverine: Origins" was an absolute disaster; and it was) and Nolan North bringing him to life. If you love Deadpool or even just the X-Men's corner of the Marvel Universe, you will love this game.

Oh, yes, and it is thick with Deadpool's trademark meta shenanigans.
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Thats basically what I've heard of it and about what I was expecting. I'm waiting to see if it'll show up on steams summer sale before buying it tho.
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