Destiny Failed and Interfandom tensions.

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reality is a prison
Celes Chere said:
They are just plain rude and don't deserve to be treated with the respect they expect to have after insulting and offending so many people with their nonsense and insults, just because they can't hold their own in a Kiradamn debate thread.
Well if all fair respect to the members, it is a forum where they are discussing things on Clerith, by venting/stating there beliefs and such and it was made for the purpose of them not being harrased for saying it. /: If they go to a neutral forum like this and begin being starting shit by all means you should call them out on it, but the purpose of that forum was to create a enviorment where Cleriths could believe what they want without being bothered. But invading the CxA forum just to belittle them is rude, imo. Making fun of Clerith is completely fine..making fun of Cleriths and making personal attacks based on peoples view on a LT is uncalled for, but hey it's the web do what you like. -_-


Great Old One
I think they give the harsh TRUTH, and I can understand exactly why people are so bitter towards some of the idiots on that(pink) Forum.

And I'm not calling them idiots because they like Clerith, or even for some of their ideas that are just plain far-fetched to me.

They are just plain rude and don't deserve to be treated with the respect they expect to have after insulting and offending so many people with their nonsense and insults, just because they can't hold their own in a Kiradamn debate thread.

I'm not saying every person in that Forum is rude, mean, or an idiot. I think Desfailed makes fun of all the right ones.
Some of them are rude. But why stoop to their level by doing the same thing (calling them names, etc.), just to make themselves look like hypocritical? Although I will say that the ideas that some of the members hold are far fetched, rude, and incredibly stupid, it's equally as rude to target certain members at that forum by calling them names. And plus, not all of the posts that Destiny Failed target are rude or mean. Some of them are just... a bit out there, yet they're still called out for it because they think one thing is another, not because they're trying to be spiteful. For example, that post with Tifa and her clothes was just plain idiotic. Yet, there are some posts that don't even elaborate on Tifa hate, yet Destiny Failed teases them for posting such beliefs.

Well if all fair respect to the members, it is a forum where they are discussing things on Clerith, by venting/stating there beliefs and such and it was made for the purpose of them not being harrased for saying it. /: If they go to a neutral forum like this and begin being starting shit by all means you should call them out on it, but the purpose of that forum was to create a enviorment where Cleriths could believe what they want without being bothered. But invading the CxA forum just to belittle them is rude, imo. Making fun of Clerith is completely fine..making fun of Cleriths and making personal attacks based on peoples view on a LT is uncalled for, but hey it's the web do what you like.
Although I agree that it's crossing the line once you make personal attacks on people, it's incredibly sad that the Cloud / Aerith forum would have such a negative environment about fictional pairings in the first place. I don't see the problem with posting a harmless Cloud/Tifa graphic on that forum, yet they consider it to be a virus if you do happen to post one there. Is it really so much harm to post an avatar? I adore Cloud/Aerith, but that doesn't change my views on Cloud/Tifa. I think Cloud/Aerith is a cute couple - but I don't consider it to be canon. And they can say some pretty harsh stuff as well. I think both Destiny Failed and the CA Forums are at fault here.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well if all fair respect to the members, it is a forum where they are discussing things on Clerith, by venting/stating there beliefs and such and it was made for the purpose of them not being harrased for saying it. /: If they go to a neutral forum like this and begin being starting shit by all means you should call them out on it, but the purpose of that forum was to create a enviorment where Cleriths could believe what they want without being bothered. But invading the CxA forum just to belittle them is rude, imo. Making fun of Clerith is completely fine..making fun of Cleriths and making personal attacks based on peoples view on a LT is uncalled for, but hey it's the web do what you like. -_-

But it's about views or preferences or anything like that. It's the dirty tactics and double standards and all that shit that's the focus.
It's not about belittling. It's about unveiling. Too much shit goes on that either gets brushed under the rug or never sees the light of day, like the fucking rival orphanages shit.
Seriously, KTR, Ask Anastar or FFG about rival orphanages. See if they still admit to advocating such pre FF7:AC.

Go find their old 'Koibito means nice person' comments. See how they have switched, with no sign of looking back, to the exact opposite stance.

I'm sick of them not getting called on this, and that's why I think what DesFail does is good, swearing and insults and all. Because sometimes, you gotta call a spade a fucking spade.

Celes Chere

Well if all fair respect to the members, it is a forum where they are discussing things on Clerith, by venting/stating there beliefs and such and it was made for the purpose of them not being harrased for saying it. /: If they go to a neutral forum like this and begin being starting shit by all means you should call them out on it, but the purpose of that forum was to create a enviorment where Cleriths could believe what they want without being bothered. But invading the CxA forum just to belittle them is rude, imo. Making fun of Clerith is completely fine..making fun of Cleriths and making personal attacks based on peoples view on a LT is uncalled for, but hey it's the web do what you like.

It's a Clerith Forum that's fair, but I don't believe making hate banners and hate threads dedicated to Clotis that 'piss them off', is justifiable in any way. I also don't think that making a Club joking about Clerith Nazi's and Cloti genocide is all that amusing. It's their Forum yeah, but I see very little Clerith talk going on, and more 'this Cloti dumbass said this, and this Cloti bitch said that' taking place. It sure was a fun place when I signed up. <-sarcasm<- Who invaded their Forum? It's public, is it not? And what if certain Cleriths there alerted their Cloti friends that they were being made fun of? I'm sure it's happened before.

It's the web, do what you like? Are you serious hun? Why would you want to demean yourself by acting like a fool online, or irl? That's like saying,
"Hey, it's my life. I can just walk up to an innocent person and call them a worthless pile of shit. I mean, who cares what people think of me. =D"
Anyone who thinks that way, obviously doesn't have any morals, or respect for other human beings around them.

. But why stoop to their level by doing the same thing (calling them names, etc.), just to make themselves look like hypocritical? Although I will say that the ideas that some of the members hold are far fetched, rude, and incredibly stupid, it's equally as rude to target certain members at that forum by calling them names.

Because my dear, it's human nature. If someone insults me, I can tell you right now that I'm not just going to sit there and take it. I'm not going to be all peachy-keen about someone being a jackass. <=/


reality is a prison
A said:
don't see the problem with posting a harmless Cloud/Tifa graphic on that forum, yet they consider it to be a virus if you do happen to post one there. Is it really so much harm to post an avatar?
I don't think so. I like Cloud/Tifa, but hey it's the rules and the rules gotta be obeyed. I understand the rule though. I'd say more than half the forum is anti Cloti so it might offend them seeing graphics of Cloti in a romantic way. /: It was created for a haven away from LTD and if there is Cloti in there probably some members want to comment on how they are not in love which would be LTD and drama which is not wanted there.

Ryushikaze said:
But it's about views or preferences or anything like that. It's the dirty tactics and double standards and all that shit that's the focus.
It's not about belittling. It's about unveiling. Too much shit goes on that either gets brushed under the rug or never sees the light of day, like the fucking rival orphanages shit.
Hey it's a forum made for CxA fans to express themselves and not be questioned on there beliefs. If they change there mind or lack evidence w/e it's their forum let them do what they want. You act like it's some drug dealing murder joint that needs to be busted by the feds. No, it's just some random people who have apparently crappy ideas on the view of a video game to you, so why not let them believe what they want as long as they don't take it up with you.

Seriously, KTR, Ask Anastar or FFG about rival orphanages. See if they still admit to advocating such pre FF7:AC.
Please tell me about it Ryu you've got me quite curious now.

I'm sick of them not getting called on this, and that's why I think what DesFail does is good, swearing and insults and all. Because sometimes, you gotta call a spade a fucking spade.
Heh, if you don't like what they say don't check out the forum. XD Yes, if it is in a forum you visit such as this one and someone is acting like a tard and you don't like it feel free to get upset and even retaliate, but on a forum not for drama why does DesFail have to bring it?

Celes Chere said:
Because my dear, it's human nature. If someone insults me, I can tell you right now that I'm not just going to sit there and take it. I'm not going to be all peachy-keen about someone being a jackass.
Now this I have some understanding of making the personal attacks for. If someone is going to talk about you I think you should always have the right to defend yourself and if it has to be through a blog because they won't hear you out, let it be.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Also, it's not just their place to 'not be harrased,' it is also their place to talk smack, insult other people, and create hate threads against Tifa, Cloti, people- I myself have a hate thread or two on there, it's where most of my title comes from, KTR.

So don't EVER pretend CxA is free of blame. It's not.
And that's not to say any other place is either. My point is, they ought to expect to get as good as they give.

And I DON'T check out their forum. But I must DEAL with the nonsense they front being brought to me, in youtube comments, other forums, and other places. If CxA was just their haven to be free from harassment, that'd be fine. But it's not. It's their haven to harass without being harassed back.

And pre AC, when everyone thought Cloud and Tifa ran an orphanage thanks to all the blurbs saying they were taking care of orphans, the big C/A theory was that Cloud ran a rival orphanage to Tifa's. There were also the Cloud dying in AC, Aerith rising from the dead in AC, and various other AC predictions that got quietly swept under the rug way back when.
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reality is a prison
Ryushikaze said:
So don't EVER pretend CxA is free of blame. It's not.
And that's not to say any other place is either. My point is, they ought to expect to get as good as they give.
I don't think it is entirely free of blame, i'm not stupid I know it's not. I've seen rabid members there that make me smash my head through a wall. But my problem with DF is some of the attacks they make aren't even dealing with them insulting Clotis/Tifa also the fact that some of the blogs I have checked on there have the dates changed for god knows what reason. /:
Celes Chere said:
It's their Forum yeah, but I see very little Clerith talk going on, and more 'this Cloti dumbass said this, and this Cloti bitch said that' taking place.
I'm sorry, m'dear but this has been said by many Clotis and I would have to disagree. There is tons of threads of CxA's marriage and their children, videos they like of them and so forth. Yes there is anti Cloti on it, but as a CxA forum a lot of it is in fact Clerithy.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I don't think it is entirely free of blame, i'm not stupid I know it's not. I've seen rabid members there that make me smash my head through a wall. But my problem with DF is some of the attacks they make aren't even dealing with them insulting Clotis/Tifa also the fact that some of the blogs I have checked on there have the dates changed for god knows what reason. /:

Which ones?

I'm sorry, m'dear but this has been said by many Clotis and I would have to disagree. There is tons of threads of CxA's marriage and their children, videos they like of them and so forth. Yes there is anti Cloti on it, but as a CxA forum a lot of it is in fact Clerithy.

Isn't there at least one dedicated anti-cloti subforum?
That strikes me as unnecessary.


Hahaha. Dudes, Destiny Failed is fuckin hilarious.
Talk smack about the way these peoplez writeall you want, but no one can say what they "report" is in in any way a lie. :awesome:

We are talking about a group of people who make up japanese people and translations, shit like wacDonald's, and come up with all kinds of nonsense like rival orphanages if it means C & T stay far away from each other. Come on. That shit's hilarious.

Isn't there at least one dedicated anti-cloti subforum?
Hey, they're hating and insulting behind closed doors. It's totally better/more mature that way
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Celes Chere

Well, disagree all you wish but it's the majority that I've seen there when I was a member, and after I quit and was shown different threads by others. Like Ryu said, there are hate threads there against actual members that aren't even on that site, and have done nothing wrong to their Forums or to them.

I recall people on TNC saying they hated Ryu because he was 'too smart'. Now, that's not a fair reason to hate someone imo. I know there is plenty of Clerith talk, but I see that the hate for Cloti FANS actually outweighs it. It's not a friendly community AT ALL.


reality is a prison
Ryu said:
Which ones?
Not gonna say. I hold my tongue when I don't like people not talk about them.

Isn't there at least one dedicated anti-cloti subforum?
That strikes me as unnecessary.
Yeah there is, but hey lots of members are anti Cloti. But as a whole the forum isn't a total anti Cloti forum.

Celes said:
I recall people on TNC saying they hated Ryu because he was 'too smart'. Now, that's not a fair reason to hate someone imo.
Well that's TNC which is a whole other story. Lol, i'd take that as a compliment not a insult if members got mad at me for kicking there asses in a debate. :lol: But as it goes for TNC i've heard from people I was talked about on it too along with some of my friends so as far as it goes from what i've heard/seen nobody is innocent.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not gonna say. I hold my tongue when I don't like people not talk about them.

But you already HAVE. You might as well SUBSTANTIATE those statements, then.

Yeah there is, but hey lots of members are anti Cloti. But as a whole the forum isn't a total anti Cloti forum.

Except the bigwigs do have a major anti Cloti and anti Tifa bias, so the taint is definitely there with them.

Well that's TNC which is a whole other story. Lol, i'd take that as a compliment not a insult if members got mad at me for kicking there asses in a debate. :lol:

I took it as funny. 'That's the best they could do?'

But as it goes for TNC i've heard from people I was talked about on it too along with some of my friends so as far as it goes from what i've heard/seen nobody is innocent.

You might have been- I don't recall, but generally, I recall comments being more directed at the folks who were blatantly caught in lies and double standards, such as a certain paired set who shall remain pointedly nameless but decidedly not blameless.

In a related note: when does the latest Admin intend to open the site? It'd be nice to have a 'neutral sparring ground' even if it's not actually neutral.
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Celes Chere

I found it hilarious too, but the members on TNC were also on the Clerith Forums. I remember actually thinking Anastar was being nice on TNC in our one on one, and then she talked about me on CxA rudely.

That kind of stuff is just plain... being a douche.


reality is a prison
Ryushikaze said:
But you already HAVE. You might as well SUBSTANTIATE those statements, then.
Well yuh, I said some tards piss me off, but I'm not gonna say names and get myself a hatebase. XD

Except the bigwigs do have a major anti Cloti and anti Tifa bias, so the taint is definitely there with them.
Not all of them. For example, CG is neutral and likes Tifa more than Aerith so she helps ease down some seeing she is an admin. O:

I took it as funny. 'That's the best they could do?'

Damn you Ryu for having intelligent post with thought and proof, and being good looking, and having a life other than the LTD...ya douche.

You might have been- I don't recall, but generally, I recall comments being more directed at the folks who were blatantly caught in lies and double standards, such as a certain paired set who shall remain pointedly nameless but decidedly not blameless.
Nah, I was accused of being a "fake neutral", but w/e I think I am so I'm happy with that. :)

@Celes Chere-That's not exactly "nice" not even close, but douchey? Yes indeed.


unsavory tart
Except the bigwigs do have a major anti Cloti and anti Tifa bias, so the taint is definitely there with them.
It's a Clerith website. Of course there's going to be major anti Cloti. And a lot of them are going resent Tifa. It's their own opinion. It's their forum, let them have their biases, the point is for them to share their beliefs and sometimes vent about the other side.

They're not there for debate. It's their speshul clubhouse, I don't see whats the point of shitting in their cornflakes. The only real tangible thing that's coming from this is bring other forum related baggage across to other sites and creating bad blood between forums.

and after I quit and was shown different threads by others. Like Ryu said, there are hate threads there against actual members that aren't even on that site, and have done nothing wrong to their Forums or to them.
Yeah, that's bad stuff. And I may have only skimmed the site but I really saw nothing there that showed hate threads. It was mostly commentary about what fandom leaders said. The only thing that truly needed a callout was the whole rape thing, but I have a feeling that someone on that forum went, "...Hey..."

I've got no problem with cuntiness on the internet, ED is holyland of the eworlds to me. But hey, you can't take the self righteous banner when you are being as irrational as they are. DestinyFailed can do what they like, and probably will continue. Doesn't mean we can't call out their call outs. Yo Dawg.


reality is a prison
Ryu said:
1. It's too pointy to have sex on, but not too pointy to sleep on? I'd be willing to have sex a lot of places I'd never, ever sleep. It just makes no sense.
Yus, it's not smart sleeping in hot tubs.

Splintered said:
The only thing that truly needed a callout was the whole rape thing,
What rape thing? O:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Splintered, you need an account to see the anti forums.

And no, Splintered, PRO one pairing does NOT mean there must automatically be hate for other pairings or its advocates or 'the other woman.' ESPECIALLY not with them wanting to claim the highground.
If a monestary is saying and doing horrible things inside its walls, but keeps them inside its walls and not all the clergy know about it, that doesn't mean it's 'not okay' to tell people about what's happening.
Yes, that's a bit of an overblown example, but it's the same basic logic.



CG is neutral and likes Tifa more than Aerith
That the same CG? :awesome:
I think I remember her from ACF. Maybe. It was ages ago, but if I do remember correctly, she's never been neutral, bb.

While we're on the subject of neutrals though...

A neutral is not someone who just says "everything is up to interpretation and Cloud loves everyone." That's just someone who is too chickenshit to voice their opinion in fear of being bannedz and/or wants to make intrawebz friends.

Otherwise, a neutral is just someone whose brain is not governed by shipping preferences

Off topic PS:: Can we please have a rule against fuckin ginormous sigs? Wasta space & hella annoying
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i really see no need to create tension among fans. Just let them be, and let it all be at peace. let them believe what they want (even if its a fantasy world), and we can believe what we want. and im pretty sure if i went to a clerith site with my profile picture, id get banned.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Were any 'Cloti Cetra' ever uncovered, BTW? Aside from the spy who they've totally assuredly purged from the private forums for the third time?

@Reith- And that you'd get banned for THAT avatar pic doesn't strike you as in the LEAST bit questionable? Or worth pointing out?


im simply stating if i were to go to a clerith site. thats how bad things really are? its kinda sad IMO that things are that bad.

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
DF is funny, period. Seriously, if the Cleriths have no problems writing what they do on their pink forum, and condemning every woman who wears a short skirt as deserving it when she gets raped, then surely, there's nothing wrong with DF.

And seriously, everyone knows you can't have sex on pointy rocks. All outdoorsy-type sexual activity must be conducted in a field of flowers. Open field, mind you, so that rules out any possible sexual/romantic imagery of a guy and a girl lying face-to-face in a bed of flowers in a church.

Edit: I'm tempted to join the CA forum, just for laughs. Though I'll probably be banned before I can say Highwind.


unsavory tart
I know that it doesn't necessarily mean anti-Cloud/Tifa. But I'm not even going to bother pretending to be SHOCKED AND SURPRISED that the pairing forums has a section where they can gripe about the rival pairing.

A bunch of like minded member whining and griping about "them others with those opinions" happens all the time in other fandoms.

And nobody actually believes that the Cloud/Aerith fans have the moral highground except the CloudAerith fans. Most gen fans perfectly understand that both sides are equally insane.
What rape thing? O:
A timewarp openend on the internets and someone from the 1910s posted that wearing short skirts totally means your a slut. And if sluts get raped, who cares.

Was FFGoddess on ACF? I think I remember her from before, from the old LTDs.


Great Old One
Because my dear, it's human nature. If someone insults me, I can tell you right now that I'm not just going to sit there and take it. I'm not going to be all peachy-keen about someone being a jackass. <=/
Unless they've directly insulted you, I would have no problem with Destiny Failed acknowledging that. And yes, there are ridiculous posts in the CA Forum, that are just plain rude. We shouldn't be mocking and teasing people for such petty views that they won't get over. Destiny Failed has already proven to us that they're contradictory, anti-Cloti, etc.

The parts where they call certain members there in that forum anal and people who don't have lives is just plain rude.

And regarding all the anti-Cloti crap; the hell, they have to get over themselves. It's a fucking FICTIONAL PAIRING.

I don't think so. I like Cloud/Tifa, but hey it's the rules and the rules gotta be obeyed. I understand the rule though. I'd say more than half the forum is anti Cloti so it might offend them seeing graphics of Cloti in a romantic way. /: It was created for a haven away from LTD and if there is Cloti in there probably some members want to comment on how they are not in love which would be LTD and drama which is not wanted there.
I don't see why such rules should be 'obeyed' when they're completely unreasonable. You're telling me that it's a Cloud/Aerith forum solely. So would they be offended if there was a Cloud/Zack graphic as well? Let me guess - it's just Tifa that they don't allow, right? It just proves that the forum itself is wary of Cloud/Tifa in fear that they might lose more Cloud/Aerith fans into it.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I have no idea who this Analstar is, but from the blog I thought less that this is person was stupid and more that the bloggers were assholes. Albeit funny ones.
First off, it's Anastar. Some jerk stayed up all night trying to figure out a cruel nickname and that was the best they could do.
I don't give a shit what pre FFVII AC stuff she did. Everything was speculation at that point. I saw people saying the person in the wheelchair was Sephiroth's mentor. Go make fun of them! PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES! PEOPLE MAKE BAD DECISIONS! GET OVER IT! Not only that but I've seen her admit when she's wrong. Nobody's bloody perfect but at least she can admit it sometimes.

Seriously, someone was rude to you online? Stop giving a shit! Your family still loves you. You still have a roof over your head. You didn't lose your job over it, did you?

I had people make fun of my suicide attempt and hospitalization. I've had people slander my name and post pictures that I did NOT want online. I've had my reputation tarnished by a bunch of trolls who decided that I didn't deserve to live. They told me to kill myself. They exposed my secrets. They hacked and trolled my website that I poured my blood sweat and tears into. AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? DO YOU?

WE'RE FRIENDS NOW! I FORGAVE THEM! We made peace! I've tasted both revenge and making peace with my foes. Guess which one was sweeter? I'll give you a hint... it was NOT revenge.

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