Also, it's not just their place to 'not be harrased,' it is also their place to talk smack, insult other people, and create hate threads against Tifa, Cloti, people- I myself have a hate thread or two on there, it's where most of my title comes from, KTR.
So don't EVER pretend CxA is free of blame. It's not.
And that's not to say any other place is either. My point is, they ought to expect to get as good as they give.
And I DON'T check out their forum. But I must DEAL with the nonsense they front being brought to me, in youtube comments, other forums, and other places. If CxA was just their haven to be free from harassment, that'd be fine. But it's not. It's their haven to harass without being harassed back.
And pre AC, when everyone thought Cloud and Tifa ran an orphanage thanks to all the blurbs saying they were taking care of orphans, the big C/A theory was that Cloud ran a rival orphanage to Tifa's. There were also the Cloud dying in AC, Aerith rising from the dead in AC, and various other AC predictions that got quietly swept under the rug way back when.