Destiny Failed and Interfandom tensions.

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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Thank you Mako. Thank you.

P.S. While I certainly don't mind discussion and debate (cough) on this popular (sadly) aspect of the fandom, please keep the hatery and the drama to a minimum. It's pathetic.


Not to mention it's in clear violation of the forum rules, which at least hint at the fact that we do not approve of pulling off-site conflicts to here, especially not if this site is used to continue said arguing. I can see why there's people that feel the need to discuss the goings of another forum on here, but it's not something we want to promote - really. I haven't read the whole thread, but I can already guess that shit was flung to both sides. I don't mind the flinging of said shit, but not when it doesn't concern this site directly, nor when it concerns members coming from this site. Only when this site is used as a 'base of operation' would it concern us, and then only the staff and organization of this site could be held responsible if things were done in public areas - which we don't allow, last time I checked.
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