Day 1 - Destrillians get into Villnore, Lokka meets Mileina, Destrillians meet Telran and the group splits into those who want to stay with Fiona (Thetis,) and those who want to go meet Mileina (pretty much everyone else.) Trap happens. They go back to Telran's place in Crawsus to rest/ plan how to get Terra back.
Day 2 - Resting up time in Crawsus. Telran + Idris go shopping for supplies, people wash up, blah blah blah. They learn of the ball being held in two days' time and form their plan.
Day 3 - Another rest day, ish. People are going over plans and such and such. (Also Idris is taking people dress shopping, if anybody wants to come along~)
Day 4 - PHARM + BALL.
But if you go with the former, remember it requires blending in a large crowd of high class people, cause if anyone blows the cover then the mission fails.
Seeing as Fiotis + Telran is a much smaller number than... everybody else, I'd say to have Cas' go with them. The more even the groups are the easier they are to manage~
Being a selfish RPer all I can think of atm is stuffing a big black dude into a monstrous purple suit
with coat-tails
-Castiel has no idea where Telran lives; what are you talking about? O.o
Satsu, we do a lot of Dessies discussion and decision-making on MSN. You're on MSN, but you kind of tend to veer of Destrillians, if that's what we're discussing. <- this is not a dig, just an observation
And tbh, almost everyone manages to get on MSN regularly - it's just a question of how able we are, as a group, to stay focused on the subject.