First you ruin my chit chat thread then you make a piss poor thread about one of my favourite game series. man you really suck.
I do not see any constructive criticism here. Apparently you must be trying to agitate the thread creator for your own amusement. Har de har har.
That said, I have only ever given Devil May Cry 3 a test play. The difficulty level was not my cup of tea. Though if I had gotten a hold of the first Devil May Cry when it first came out I have a feeling I would be a fan (the trailer got me curious).
Watched the animé; incredibly boring yet I watched all the episodes.
In retrospect I could have spent my time with many much more awesome animés.
I've seen the cutscenes from Devil May Cry 4 and while they are very cool I don't find myself caring for the characters. Not sure why.