No, cheesy is usually used in a good way. This is a monstrosity. D=
She looks like she's got the start of a bushwomen neck in that one picture. There is a long neck, then there is quite something out of proper proportion as well.
As for pic 6, man looks irritated. As if to question "Who is responsible for these sparkles and why are they not yet strangled?"
I wouldn't call Zack giddy, but I sort of get what you're talking about, but Real!Cloud is dorky Cloud, not Stern or angry.
And yet, quite a lot of C/A art displays him with what can only be called angry expressions on his face.
Kingdom Hearts series shows us a Stern Cloud and so does AC... and the Novella's. Giddy wasn't the select vocab. Aren't you C/A?
He seemed pretty agro in those games, CoM, KH1 and KH2 it even says Cloud is an Enigma, and doesn't like letting people in.
I can't exactly picture that smiling with 'tickle me pink' on his cheeks.
I'm not C/A art, which was what I was talking about. And KH and AC show us a Sullen Cloud, though Cloud reverts to his dorky self later in AC and for his short appearance in DoC.
And the novellas show us a dorky Cloud who due to his own issues, becomes sullen and withdrawn, but not really stern.
Cloud looks fine there, as does Aerith. He doesn't look 'happy,' to me although as he looks stern and solemn. Anyways, I don't even see why we have to go over that, people always have different views on art.
Cloud is too surly for cotton candy, like I said.Cloud doesn't look exactly happy, more just like stern Cloud than anything.
I meant shipper, you talked about the art like it was well, third person. Not sure if thats the right words.
lets not get in to this, I see the enigmatic Cloud.
Me either, and true, who's to say whats what maybe other necks are too short.