Dirge remake soon? 👀


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it a year before part 3 is released. It would probably get the same treatment Crisis Core did, but I do wonder what they will do with the lore from the multi-player Dirge of Cerebus? The other 3 Tsviets especially besides the player Argento, Pummel, and Usher.


Pro Adventurer
I hope they release it again like Crisis Core. Maybe even touch up the gameplay as well.

I hate having to deal with an emulator to play it and would like easy access to it again. Felt the same for CC but that has been fixed now.


Pro Adventurer
Honestly, I wouldn't even mind as is. Dirge brings a lot more world building to the ff7 universe. New fans of the series should be able to experience it. If they did change the gameplay, having it be first person like Call of Duty, would be a cool idea

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Lemme ask, the DoC stage where Cait Sith dies Stealth Espionage Action and gets game covered instantly if he's caught... how does that square with him being able to fight competently without his moogle/summon his moogle at will in Rebirth? They'd have to fix that somehow, right?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Can he? I'll cop to throwing that game in a dumpster fire before I ever got that far, so I took most of my knowledge from here or The Dark ID's famous LP. Thus I thought Cait was useless without his moogle up till Rebirth.


Double Growth
Perhaps not in canon, but the Extra Missions in the Western release of Dirge included the missions "Cait vs the World" (100 soldiers), and each of "Cait vs the Crimson/Cerulean/Sable/Immaculate" in which you fight one of the Tsviets as him. I couldn't get past Rosso, but people do :P He has a melee attack, even in the main story mission, even though there's no use for it there.


Pro Adventurer
I think I never did the extra mission when I played it. I just did the main story and that’s about it. It’s been so long, I barely remember anything


Pro Adventurer
I started a replay of Dirge and yeah, the game really does need a major uplift if they do a Reunion-esque remaster.

They also need to do something about Yuffie. Now that she has seen Nero during Remake, she needs to have more of a recognition of him when she sees him in this game.
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