Do you leave Midgar too soon?


Fiat Lux
I remember waaaaaaaaay back when I introduced my cousin to FFVII. He wasn't an RPG lover, so it was a complete surprise when he squatted in my bedroom playing the game religiously. However, when it was time to leave Midgar, his interest fizzled out (plus he had to go home sooner or later).

I can see his point. Of course, you have to leave to progress the plot and everything, but I love the time spent roaming Midgar's grimy underworld, hatching terrorist plots and eluding Shinra's watchful eye. I only wish some of the other sectors had been opened up to us now.


Many people think you could have made a whole game there. And I agree. :awesome:

It's a missed moment of awesome that they still haven't given us the opportunity to at least see more of it. =/
Many people think you could have made a whole game there. And I agree. :awesome:

It's a missed moment of awesome that they still haven't given us the opportunity to at least see more of it. =/

They still could.

And yes, I often play through until we leave Midgar, and then start all over again. I love that city.


Pro Adventurer
I loved the atmosphere Midgar gave off. The sense of being trapped in a ruined, polluted, smashed up ghetto, where it’s one man for himself type of thing. The quests that you had to do in Midgar was also what made Midgar the best bit! Dressing up as a girl, entering The Don’s Mansion - Hilarious stuff.

Like Tetsujin said, I would happily play a game based just around Midgar. But having said that, when I was younger having recently left Midgar I honestly thought that the game was coming to an end. Finding out that the game was in fact ONLY just beginning was a complete shocker. Up until that point the game was fairly linear - finding that I had a whole world to explore, things to discover etc came to a HUGE surprise. It just shows how long the game really was.

Back to the subject, I would love to see more of Midgar from the beginning, because like I said; I absolutely love the atmosphere it gave.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I love Midgar, I've said this a million times before, but two of my favourite films are Blade Runner and Akira so it was right up my street.....

....always pretty dissapointed by Kalm. Junon was cool though.

I'll let you in on a little secret too, before I played the game, I read about it in a games mag, about this massive city where the poor live underneath and the rich live on top. When I saw the FFVII logo.....I thought that was an illustration of what the city looked like, that it was so massive it stretched right off the planet! :lol: So yeah I was a biiiiiig retard there, I was only 14!

I'm dissapointed that Crisis Core didnt fully exploit Midgars potential...especially when we get shit towns like Banora - which I would have bombed off the map regardless of Genesis and his bullshit :wacky:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I literally think the entire first disk could/should have taken place in Midgar with absolutely nothing to lose from the plot.


Midgar was alright but i liked the way the game progressed, i coulden't care less about if we stayed in Midgar to be honest.
Midgar is a nice section of the game but I honestly feel thrilled every time I get to leave it. The reward of being able to roam the World Map is great and I finally get to learn Enemy Skills.
Though honestly, my favorite sections of FFVII are disc 2 and 3. I like it when my list of Materia has grown significantly and when I have more accessories.

In my mind I can't leave Midgar too soon.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm dissapointed that Crisis Core didnt fully exploit Midgars potential...especially when we get shit towns like Banora - which I would have bombed off the map regardless of Genesis and his bullshit :wacky:

me too i'd kind of hoped crisis core would be more free roaming and just assumed you'd be able to run about midgar being cool


Double Growth
I love the Midgar segment (in fact I just played it), and I find the concept of having the whole game take place there very intriguing. The city does have an unparalleled atmosphere and the fact that they managed to give the three sectors that you see very different was truly an achievement.

That is all said in retrospect though. I also agree that the first time I played the game, the point at which you leave Midgar as the sun rises after the motorcycle chase, it was exhilarating. Shinra is oppressive and frightening in Midgar. Now you leave and discover the problem is so much more widespread. Also the first disc serves to analyze each of the characters' backstories by traveling the world. Could you have done that in Midgar? Yeah, but again nothing beat that first feeling when I left.

And I'm with Shademp that Disc 2 is the best part of FF7. :monster:


It actually felt like the game was at its end after leaving Midgar.

Then I came into a world map and was like 'Wtf' and 'O rite'. I played FFVIII first, where you get introduced to the world map a lot sooner (and realize there's a lot more gameplay out there).


Waiting for something
Love the Midgar section too and was really happy to find out you could go back albeit briefly in disc 2 and of course explore sector 5 and wallmarket as much as you wanted once you get the key to sector 5.

You know sometimes Midgar felt longer than parts of the rest of the game, everything seemed to move much quicker once you left Midgar, its weird because no other game in the series I think gives you that feeling probably also because its really the only one in the entire series where you spend so much time in one town/city area storywise at least, but you know what? Its a really nice feeling, I think it helps you connect with the characters you meet and those who join you in Midgar more than anything else.
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I just never can get through Midgar in one sitting. ;P I always get tired of it; though, I do try to do some leveling up and that always gets boring. (Leveling up with the soldiers at the one Reactor gate if you go the 'wrong way' down the tunnels after jumping off the train.)


unsavory tart
I loved Midgar and was always upset when I left it. Loved the atmosphere, and it always felt big and interesting enough to explore.

But coming back to in on disc three is kind of odd, because I left Midgar always feeling like it was so huge, but when I returned it almost felt too small.


Your Favorite Ninja
Yeah I loved roaming around Midgar, there was just something about it. But, the first time I played through, when it was time to leave Midgar I was good and ready and wanted to explore the rest of the world. That might be because I already knew some parts of the later story..including big spoilers when I played it...I played Dirge of Cerberus and saw the movie first lol (a few years ago) but after I got the whole world exploring out of my system I always wanted to explore more of Midgar, and then other sectors they never showed

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I too loved Midgar. The oppressive, polluted, all around nasty place was an excellent starting point for a story like this one. Always found it funny that some of the happiest, most cheerful people in the slums were the staff at the Honeybee Inn of all places. Also, I could never have too much of the music that played in Sector 6, Under the Rotting Pizza I believe it was called. I was good and ready to leave Midgar when the time came, but always wished the return trip had allowed me to see more of the city. Maybe spend some more time on top of the plate, seeing how the snooty upper crust lived in contrast to the downtrodden, every man for himself types in the slums. And robbing their houses blind, of course.
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